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29/01/2022, 20:21 donjon; Fantasy Town Generator




Approximately 1700; primarily dwarf, some other civilized races.


Sestone is governed by a council of elders, known as the Circle of Coins.

Notable Places:

The House of Silence:

A grand theatre of timber and brick walls, which has one door here and another in Orunskali, City of the Midnight Court.
The Old Wall:
A section of an old town wall divides several blocks.
The ghosts of a town guard can sometimes be seen walking upon it.
The ruins of Kunan Keep. 1/2
29/01/2022, 20:21 donjon; Fantasy Town Generator
A few NPCs:

Forni: Male Dwarf Artist, Neutral. Forni has matted brown hair and hazel eyes. He wears well-made clothing and silk gloves. Forni is searching for his lost sister.
Kodre Orirson: Male Dwarf Fighter, Good. Kodre has a narrow face, with long white hair and brown eyes. He wears splint mail and wields a long sword and
shield. Kodre is optimistic but complacent.
Ulid Hroareson: Male Dwarf Priest, Good. Ulid is fey in appearance, with grey hair and bright amber eyes. He wears tailored clothing and a dragonscale cloak.
Ulid is energetic but sadistic.
Cume: Female Human Soldier, Evil. Cume is fey in appearance, with short black hair and green eyes. She wears studded leather and wields a fauchard-fork.
Cume has an animal companion, a green firedrake named Roguy.

Fantasy Town Generator

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