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Chandkheda, Ahmadabad



A Report On


Under the subject of

B.E. III, Semester 3


Sr. No. Name of student Enrollment No.

1. PRAJAPATI HARDIK K. 200220119562
2. SHRAVAN HITESH C. 200220119514
3. PRAJAPATI RAVI R. 200220119561
4. RANA DHRUV K. 200220119522

Prof. K.V. Patel

(Faculty Guide)
Prof D.K. Patel
(Head of department)
Academic year



This is to certify that

Hardik Prajapati, Hitesh Shravan,
Ravi Prajapati, Dhruv Rana,
Mohammadakram Pathan
Students Of 3rdsemester Mechanical Engineering department has
satisfactory completed the practical work in the subject of design
Engineering within four walls of the institute during academic year

Date of Submission:

Faculty In charge External Examiner Head of department


We are heartily thankful to Government Engineering College, Patan for providing

the Help and support for making our project work successfully. We take this
opportunitytothankallourProfessors,TeachingorNon-teachingstaffofthecollege who
have directly or indirectly helped our project and acknowledge the guidance,
cooperation, goodwill, support, both technical and nontechnical.
We are thankful to our guide Prof K.V. Patel, Government Engineering College
Patan, for coordinating with the idea of the project and providing general assistance
in the project.
We are thankful to the Reviewers of our project for appropriate comments to
improve our project. Also, we are giving our Special Thanks to the HOD of the
mechanical department Dr.D.K. PATEL for providing the necessary support and
references for the working of our project.
We are grateful to our family members and friends for providing unconditional
support and motivating us throughout the duration of the project.



Sr. No. Topic

1. Introduction
2. AEIOU Canvas
3. Empathy canvas
4. Mind Mapping
5. Ideation Canvas
6. Product Development canvas
7. Summary
8. Gallery


Direct numerical control (DNC), also known as distributed

numerical control (also DNC), is a common manufacturing term for
networking CNC machine tools. On some CNC machine controllers, the
available memory is too small to contain the machining program (for example
machining complex surfaces), so in this case the program is stored in a
separate computer and sent directly to the machine, one block at a time. If
the computer is connected to a number of machines it
can distribute programs to different machines as required.

Keywords: DNC Machine, Industrial DNC Machine, Multi CNC Machine, Modern DNC
CNC Machine, latest CNC Technologies.

I. Introduction

1. Introduction of Design Engineering.

Design engineering is the process of developing a product that can eliminate
the problems of the world. In this process, the teams are required to select a domain
and on that selected domain they have to conduct fieldwork during which they have
to observe the things around them and complete the respective canvases.

This process is designed in such a way that a group can completely understand
the domain and the problems related to it and take the necessary decisions to
eliminate those problems.

2. Introduction of Team
Our team is designed in such a way that each team members have a specific
quality so that they can contribute to the team when any difficult problem comes
across during the process. Following are the names and Enrollment numbers of the

Sr. No. Name of student Enrollment No.

1. PRAJAPATI HARDIK K. 200220119514
2. SHRAVAN HITESH C. 200220119514
3. PRAJAPATI RAVI R. 200220119561
4. RANA DHRUV K. 200220119522

3. Introduction of Project
DNC is a Manufacturing system in which a no. of m/c are controlled by a computer
Through direct connection and in real time.
Direct numerical control can be described as a various type of manufacturing
System in which that multiple NC M/C Or CNC M/C are remotely controlled from
A host computer or DNC Control of multiple M/C tools by a single computer
Through a direct connection. It shown in diagram below.

Direct numerical control is defined “as a system that integrates multiple m/c
By direct connection through a central computer.”
A central computer is designed to provide instruction on demand to each m/c tools.
The central computer also retrieves data from m/c. Therefore ,there is two-way
Information is exchanged between the central computer and each of the m/c tools.


A DNC is particularly described as “A System connecting a group of numerically
Controlled m/c to memory for part program storage with provision for on-demand
Delivery of data to m/c

IN DNC, many NC m/c are directly controlled by computers, removing enough

Hardware from a separate controlled of each m/c tools. The part-programs are
Downloaded to m/c directly from a computer memory.

The basic DNC System needs following the basic components are the main frame
Computers, memory, communication, networks, NC M/C Tools.
The communication network can be arranged either through connecting the remotely
Located computer, with long cables to the individuals m/c control directly or
connecting the mainframe computer with a small computer at individual operator's
Station called as satellite computer.

DNC Systems are costly and preferably used in large organization. The combination
Of DNC/CNC Makes possible to eliminate the use of the program as the input
Media for CNC M/C.

DNC downloads computer programs directly into CNC Computer memory. This
Decreases the amount of communication required between the central computer and
Each m/c tools.

DNC is a system that uses a central computer to control several m/c at the same time.
It's a 1960s technology, which uses two way communication system. DNC Involved
The control of a no. of m/c tools by a single mainframe computer through direct
Connection and in real time.

 Central management and revision control of NC programs and related can data.
 Direct connection from the data repository to CNC M/C On the shop floor.

1. NC without punched tape.
2. NC part program storage.
3. Data collection, processing, and reporting.
4. Communication.


1.Central computer.
2.Bulk memory for storing programs.
3.Communication network.
4.Nc machine.


Following are the main two types of DNC System:
1. Behind the tape reader (BTR) System.
2. Specialized MCU.


In this type of system,the computer is connected directly to the regular NC Controller
unit. The operation of the system is similar to conventional NC,except for the source
Of command instructions.

The controller unit employs two temporary storage buffers to get the blocks of
Instruction from the DNC Computer and turn them into machine operation. The
One buffer is getting a block of data,the other is providing control instruction to
The specific m/c tool.This system cost is very low.


In specialized CU System ,replace the normal controller unit with the special
M/c control unit. The special control unit is created to help communication between
M/c tools and the specialized MCU Configuration achieves a better balance
Between the accuracy of interpolation and the faster removal rate of the metal than
Is usually possible with the BTR System.

1.The DNC Rejects the use of tape readers, which are absolutely the weakest component
Of the NC System.
2.Timesharing by central control make it possible to keep close control over the entire
M/c shop.
3.The huge memory of DNC Allows it to store a large no. of part program for subsequent
use. It also receives the memory of NC Control unit.
4.Convenient editing and diagnostic features.

1.DNC is expensive and it use is practical in areas where high automatic is required.
2.DNC uses a central control and in event of computer failure, the complete activities
Of the m/c would come to standstill.


 Central Computer :

o The computer calls the part program instructions from bulk storage and sends it to the
individual machines and when required.
o It also receives data back from the machines.
o This two-way information flow occurs in real-time.
 Bulk Memory :

o Bulk memory stores the NC Part programming data.

o Groups of part program instructions are received from the Central Computer and stored
in bulk memory.
 Communication Lines :

o A communication network is required to accomplish functions of DNC.

o The essential communication links in a DNC system are between three components of
the system: (i) central computer and machine tools, (ii) central computer and NC part
programmer terminals, and (iii) central computer and peripherals like plotters, printers,
paper tape reader/puncher, coordinate measuring machine and any other optional
graphic station.
 Machine tools :

o Machine tools like Lathe, shaper, planner, milling m/c, drilling m/c, grinders etc.
receives instructions from central computer of DNC system, for machining process.
And also sends instructions back during machining.

After the completion of the fieldwork we were finally able to convert all our
field experience into the form of various canvas whose format has been given by the

1. Activities

We have observed various activities and noted some of them and prepared the
sheet. The activities are done by people who use DNC MACHINE when we were
observing it’s given below.

Figure 3: Activities in AEIOU canvas

2. Environment

Figure 4: Environment in AEIOU canvas

When we visited the field, we noted the situation. Also, we noted the weather of the
place and we note down. The environment in which the DNC work.

3. Interaction:

Figure 5: Interaction in AEIOU canvas

We interacted with some people about their problems and we interacted with
the INDUSTRY in the GIDC visit. Also, we interacted with our industrial friends
about the situation, Problems, and much more. We Note down the people we
interacted with and prepared data for the sheet.

4. Objects:

Figure 6: Objects in AEIOU canvas

5. Users:

Figure 7: Users in AEIOU canvas

After the Completion of the AEIOU excluding the User, We assumed the
possible users of our Project.

III. Empathy Canvas

To Find the exact problem we put our self in place of the users. And we
prepared the Empathy canvas.

Empathy is the ability to sense other people’s emotions, coupled with the
ability to imagine what someone else might be thinking or feeling. So in Empathy
mapping canvas we feel the topic and describe how people feel when they use the

Empathy Mapping Canvas is made up of Users (Who use the product),

Stakeholder (Who have ownership of the product).

1. Users

Figure 7: Users in Empathy Canvas

2. Stakeholders

Figure 8: Stakeholders in Empathy Mapping

We thought about our selected problem and also we thought about the persons or
company or any other industries which were related to our problem. The DNC
domain is a domain which has a wide scope for research so the researchers are also
connected with our project.

3. Activities

Figure 9: Activities in Empathy Mapping

4. Story Boarding

Figure 10: Stories in Empathy Mapping

Happy Story: Our programs were so large that we couldn’t download them
onto our CNC machines. The NC programs were too large for memory on
the machine and we had operator data input errors, so we started using a
DNC system from you guys…Ways the software has made our jobs easier?
Eliminating the Operator data input helped eliminate human error/scrap,
which allowed us to start our automation process.

Sad Story: DNC machine uses central control and in a event of computer failure,
the complete activities of the machine shop would come to standstill.

IV. Mind Mapping
It is to present all the topics or points in the form of diagrams, drawings, or
any other form. Through this mind mapping canvas, our intention will be clear about
our topic and what we have to do. Mind mapping canvas is for easy understanding
of the domain.

Figure 11: Mind Mapping

V. Ideation Canvas

An ideation canvas is a rough white board where ideas can be stretched into
any limit or dimensions. The ideation session is not aimed at finding solutions to the
defined problem. But to define the best possible problem and stretch out it’s possible.
Ideation canvas is made up of PEOPLE (Who can use),ACTIVITIES,
SITUATION/CONTEXT/LOCATION (On which place this technology can be

1. People

Looking forward a set of different people involved was peeped into .We came out
with following idea on involvement of people. People are the users associated with
this project.

Figure 12: People in Ideation Canvas

2. Activities

With the thought on people involved in different activities, an attempt was to think
up in possibilities of various activities. Elaboration at maximization is essential here
at stage while identifying activities.

Figure 13: Activities in Ideation Canvas

3. Situation

With the number of people identified doing many activities, we attempted to

identify different locations that are involved in performing such activities, situations
that are applied to activities, and context of importance that was relevant to activities.
Different types of ideas we came up with the following.

Figure 14: Situation in Ideation Canvas

VI. Product Development Canvas

A product development canvas is a ground wherein the best possible ideas

after the ideation session is pitched is nurtured to develop.

Product development canvas made up of PURPOSE (Why this technology needs),

PEOPLE (Who can use), PRODUCT EXPERIENCE (How is an experience by
using this product), PRODUCT FUNCTIONS (Main functionality of this product),
PRODUCT FEATURE (Features of this product), COMPONENTS (What kind of
hardware/software has been used), REJECT/REDESIGN/RETAIN (Decision or
advice of customer), Revalidation.

1. Purpose

In the least sheet, we will be precise about the purpose of our topic. In our canvas,
we are full comfort of people and the requirement of them.

Figure 15: Purpose in PDC

2. Product Functions:

Figure16: Function in PDC

3. Product Features

Figure 17: Features in PDC

4. Product Components

Figure 18: Components in PDC

5. Customer Revalidation

Figure 19: Customer Revalidation in PDC

VII. Summary

DNC concepts represents a first step in the development of production plants

which will be managed by computer systems. This establishes the framework
for the evolution of computer automated factories. The purpose of a Direct
Numerical Control(DNC) system is to provide a central digital repository for all
manufacturing and NC data, and to make this data available to the shop floor.
Smaller facilities will typically use a portable PC or laptop to avoid the expense
of a fully networked DNC system.

VIII. Gallery

Figure 22: Prototype Model

Figure 23: AEIOU Canvas

Figure24: Mind mapping

Figure 25: Empathy Mapping

Figure 26: Ideation Canvas

Figure 27: PDC Canvas


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