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30/01/2022, 02:01 donjon; Fantasy Town Generator




Approximately 1500; mixed human and halfling.


Cawold is governed by a court of aristocrats, led by a male human named Lafa.

Notable Places:

The Shrine of Inum:

A bronze statue of Inum, Goddess of Winter, said to be sometimes visited by the goddess herself.
The Shrine of Dailach:
A stone niche enshrining the holy symbol of Dailach, Lady of Animals, said to be sometimes visited by the goddess herself.
Hell's Close :
A narrow alley which ends at the broken ruins of a warlock's tower.
Anyone walking towards the ruins becomes enveloped by phantasmal flames. 1/2
30/01/2022, 02:01 donjon; Fantasy Town Generator
A few NPCs:

Harry: Male Human Craftsman, Neutral. Harry is willowy, with red hair and blue eyes. He wears modest garments and a bronze amulet. Harry has an animal
companion, a red fox named Cyna.
Mira: Female Halfling Illusionist, Good. Mira has silver hair and narrow brown eyes. She wears modest garments and wields a quarterstaff and darts. Mira is
haunted by the ghost of someone she killed.
Rowan: Female Halfling Fighter, Good. Rowan is elegant in appearance, with grey hair and light green eyes. She wears banded mail and wields a military pick.
Rowan is fascinated by art and architecture.
Ryany: Male Human Scholar, Good. Ryany has a round face, with grey hair and dark blue eyes. He wears well-made clothing and several pouches hang from his
belt. Ryany is hunting the demon who murdered his family.

Fantasy Town Generator

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