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30/01/2022, 01:59 donjon; Fantasy Town Generator




Approximately 1700; primarily human, some dwarf and gnome.


Skalfiklif is governed by a mayor, a male human named Eardbelm.

Notable Places:

Okes' Foundry:
A single storey stone-walled building, the workshop of a female human founder named Ridget Okes.
She has been cursed by a fiend, and every
torc she casts
makes its wearer more susceptible to possession.
Wulfa's Pewter: A cluttered pewtersmith's workshop, decorated with a collection of brass lamps from many kingdoms. 1/2
30/01/2022, 01:59 donjon; Fantasy Town Generator
The Archer's Cellar: A fanciful elven tavern, built atop an outcrop of quartz crystal.

A few NPCs:

Ethehrt: Male Human Priest, Good. Ethehrt has an angular face, with red hair and sharp blue eyes. He wears modest garments and a dragonscale cloak.
Ethehrt has an animal companion, a hawk named Luhburghw.
Celathil: Male Elf Soldier, Good. Celathil has silver hair and sharp hazel eyes. He wears studded leather and wields a bastard sword and shield. Celathil seeks to
atone for past sins.

Fantasy Town Generator

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