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30/01/2022, 01:57 donjon; Fantasy Town Generator




Approximately 1700; primarily dwarf, some halfling.


Gunula is governed by an arcane sorcerer, a female dwarf named Dwari.

Notable Places:

The Guildhall:
A grand timber and brick building, decorated with finely carved gargoyles.
It contains a large meeting hall and several smaller rooms, and is
shared amongst several local trade guilds.

A few NPCs: 1/2
30/01/2022, 01:57 donjon; Fantasy Town Generator
Geoffry: Male Halfling Craftsman, Evil. Geoffry is fey in appearance, with curly red hair and brown eyes. He wears simple clothing and a red cloak. Geoffry seeks
wealth and power at any cost.
Bori: Female Dwarf Fighter, Neutral. Bori is exceptionally beautiful, with tangled silver hair and blue eyes. She wears chain mail and wields a long sword and
long bow. Bori is cautious and paranoid.
Zuri: Male Dwarf Fighter, Evil. Zuri is short and overweight, with brown hair and amber eyes. He wears plate mail and wields a short sword and shield. Zuri is
fascinated by riddles and word games.
Narvi: Female Dwarf Ranger, Good. Narvi is short and heavyset, with blonde hair and blue eyes. She wears chain mail and wields a mace and light crossbow.
Narvi has a silver dog named Gili.

Fantasy Town Generator

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