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30/01/2022, 01:57 donjon; Fantasy Town Generator




Approximately 1100; mixed elf and half-elf.


Licot is governed by a consortium of guildmasters, whose weekly meetings often turn into drunken brawls.

Notable Places:

The Cracked Tankard: A modest adventurer's inn, built within what was once an aristocrat's manor.
The Fox's Tavern: A modest adventurer's inn, built within what was once an aristocrat's manor.

A few NPCs: 1/2
30/01/2022, 01:57 donjon; Fantasy Town Generator
Cirdore: Male Elf Aristocrat, Evil. Cirdore has a square face, with golden hair and sharp green eyes. He wears fine raiment and jewelry. Cirdore is hunting those
who knew him in a previous life of crime.
Lindire: Male Half-elf Ranger, Evil. Lindire has an angular face, with uneven red hair and hazel eyes. He wears chain mail and wields a long sword and heavy
crossbow. Lindire dislikes anyone smarter than him.
Tatie: Female Half-elf Scholar, Good. Tatie has a long face, with brown hair and light hazel eyes. She wears modest garments and a feathered hat. Tatie has an
animal companion, a silver cat named Celegon.
Ingon: Male Elf Scholar, Good. Ingon has thin blonde hair and amber eyes. He wears well-made clothing and a dragonscale cloak. Ingon is calm and fearless,
ready to step into any situation.

Fantasy Town Generator

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