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30/01/2022, 01:56 donjon; Fantasy Town Generator




Approximately 900; mostly dwarf, some human.


Boywood is governed by a mayor, a female dwarf named Kunarv.

Notable Places:

The Buzzing Tower:

An abandoned tower of timber and brick walls, which has become infested by
a colony of giant hornets.
Kari's Anvil: The workshop of a male dwarf blacksmith named Kari, who has been purchasing much more raw iron than usual.

A few NPCs: 1/2
30/01/2022, 01:56 donjon; Fantasy Town Generator
Vidi: Male Dwarf Cleric, Evil. Vidi is fair in appearance, with black hair and hazel eyes. He wears chain mail and wields a flail. Vidi is craven and protective.
Narvi: Female Dwarf Paladin, Good. Narvi has messy brown hair and large amber eyes. She wears banded mail and wields a halberd. Narvi is energetic but
Joane: Female Human Craftsman, Good. Joane has uneven red hair and green eyes, and a distinctive mark on her face. She wears sturdy clothing and riding
boots. Joane is nervous and analytical.

Fantasy Town Generator

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