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30/01/2022, 01:55 donjon; Fantasy Town Generator




Approximately 1300; mixed human and dwarf and gnome.


Wiwic is governed by a consortium of wealthy merchants, known as the House of Eleven.

Notable Places:

The Bloody Thorn: An elegant adventurer's inn, decorated with monstrous skulls.
The Moon Gate:
A large hemisphere of pearlescent white stone. The stone sometimes
becomes ghostly and translucent under the light of a full moon, and
person can walk through it. If you know the right words, it is
said that you will be transported to the dusk city of the wererats. 1/2
30/01/2022, 01:55 donjon; Fantasy Town Generator
The Stormspire:
An ancient column of obsidian, engraved with columns of arcane runes.
Each time the spire is struck by lightning, it vanishes for exactly
hours. Each time it returns, some of the
runes have changed.

A few NPCs:

Suse: Female Human Entertainer, Evil. Suse has a narrow face, with red hair and green eyes. She wears modest garments and a mink fur cape. Suse is reserved
and depressed.
Warda: Male Human Fighter, Good. Warda has a round face, with straight blonde hair and amber eyes. He wears chain mail and wields a glaive-guisarme.
Warda has an animal companion, a green firedrake named Saewe.
Elrophel: Male Elf Mercenary, Good. Elrophel has long auburn hair and large hazel eyes, and a sharp nose. He wears leather armor and wields a ranseur.
Elrophel seeks to find his true love.
Athas: Male Human Fighter, Neutral. Athas is common in appearance, with red hair and grey eyes. He wears splint mail and wields a flail and javelins. Athas has
an animal companion, a green firedrake named Burga.

Fantasy Town Generator

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