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county to, the injectror; ana

ENDAUM circulatio!,!pf as much as

4,00~ gallons per minute of

seeks halt "lixiviant" associated with

the process of in-situ leach
mining of uranium.
touranium Lixiviant, which typical-
ly contains an oxidant such
rnlnlnq as oxygen and/or hydrogen
peroxide mixed with sodi-
um carbonate or carbon
By Kathy Helms dioxi~e, is injected through
Dine Bureau wells into the ore body in a
confined aquifer to dissolve
WINDOW ROCK- the uranium. This solution
The New Mexico Environ- is then pumped via other
mental Law Center and its wel1~ to the surface for pro-
client, Eastern Navajo Dine cessmg, according to the
Against Uranium Mining, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
or ENDAUM, filed a peti- Commission.
tion Friday with the Inter- HRl plans to use injection
American Commission on and extraction wells to recov-
Human Rights seeking to er uranium from the Westwa-

halt a uranium mining oper-

, ation in Churchrock and
ter Canyon aquifer at depths
from 600 to 1,200 feet. ."
Crownpoint. Potential contaminants
A news conference is include chloride, radium-226
scheduled for Monday
morning at the National
Press Club in Washington.
selenium, sulfate, total dis- '
solved solids and uranium.
The NMED posting kicks off
After 16 years oflegal a 30-day period for the public
fighting, the New Mexico to request a hearing. HRI has ~
Environmental Law Center s~t~d i~ objective is to begin
has exhausted all avenues ~g in Churchrock by ~
offered by the U.S. legal sys- InId-2013, and the communi- ~
tem to overturn the mining
license granted by the
ty has few options left.
The petition seeks reme-
Nuclear Regulatory Commis- dies for the violation of Nava,
sion to Hydro Resources Inc. jo human rights and asks that
Should HRl be allowed to the Commission recommend
mine, the drinking water for to the United States to sus-
approximately 15,000 people pend HRI's materials license
will be contaminated, accord-
ing to the law center.
until such time as HRI has
cleaned up the radioactive
"The HRllicense marks surface contamination on
the first time that any min- Churchrock's Section 17.
ing company in the U.S. has Information:
been federally authorized to http://www.nmenv,state,nm,
mine uranium in a commu- us/gwbINMED-GWQB-Pub_ ~
nity drinking water aquifer," lieN otice. htm
Eric Jantz, attorney for the
law center stated in a news ~
release. "This aquifer pro-
vides the sole source of
drinking water for the most-
ly Navajo community mem-
bers represented by
ENDAUM. By granting this
license, the NRC has failed
to uphold its mandate to May 14-15,2011
protect the health and safety
of all Americans.", Number 144 Volume 123
On Friday, New Mexico
Environment Department's '
Ground Water Quality
Bureau posted a notice that
HRl plans to renew the dis-
charge permit for its Section
8 propef!Y ~ ~c~n~ey
--~-=- '~~~-=~--~

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