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30/01/2022, 01:58 donjon; Fantasy Town Generator




Approximately 1900; mixed dwarf and human.


Haleah is governed by an order of knights and warriors, known as the Jade Council.

Notable Places:

Kamil's Masonry: A neglected stonemason's workshop, said to be guarded by living gargoyles.

Thorgidotr's Arsenal: A modest weaponsmith's workshop, built within the walls of an embattled stone tower.

A few NPCs: 1/2
30/01/2022, 01:58 donjon; Fantasy Town Generator
Theli: Male Dwarf Alchemist, Evil. Theli is tall and overweight, with copper hair and bright blue eyes. He wears fine clothing and a silver holy symbol. Theli is
searching for an ancient artifact of evil.
Madra: Female Dwarf Fighter, Good. Madra is tall and stout, with blonde hair and grey eyes. She wears plate mail and wields a short sword. Madra is quick-
witted but merciless.
Wynna: Female Human Entertainer, Good. Wynna has cropped red hair and brown eyes, and numerous unusual scars. She wears modest garments and silk
gloves. Wynna holds a grudge against trolls.
Gralphye: Male Human Artist, Neutral. Gralphye has white hair and amber eyes. He wears fine clothing and a gold amulet. Gralphye has an animal companion,
a sable ferret named Aenhild.

Fantasy Town Generator

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