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30/01/2022, 01:57 donjon; Fantasy Town Generator




Approximately 1800; mostly human, some dwarf.


Brolfithorp is governed by a court of aristocrats, whose bizarre laws and decrees are commonly ignored.

Notable Places:

The Beggar's Ring:

A ring of hewn stone monoliths stands beside the street, usually attended by beggars and waifs. Anyone who stands within
the ring and
tosses aside a gold coin can teleport to any street
location within town. 1/2
30/01/2022, 01:57 donjon; Fantasy Town Generator
The Guildhall:
An impressive building of half-timbered walls, once an aristocrat's manor.
It contains a large meeting hall and several smaller rooms, and is
shared amongst several local trade guilds.
The Hungry Harlequin: A shabby commoner's inn, which serves only whisky.

A few NPCs:

Arryn: Male Human Servant, Neutral. Arryn is rugged in appearance, with copper hair and light amber eyes. He wears worn clothing and several small tools
hang from his belt. Arryn compulsively plays with a platinum ring.
Thilda Karidotr: Female Dwarf Ranger, Evil. Thilda is tall, with grey hair and hazel eyes. She chain mail and wields Foebiter, a legendary longbow which was
created by the elves of the ancient realm of Indegron. Thilda has a grey wolf named Vidi.
Rix: Female Human Thief, Neutral. Rix has a round face, with matted golden hair and soft brown eyes. She wears leather armor and wields a short sword and
dagger. Rix is hard-hearted and insensitive.
Aenhild: Female Human Priest, Evil. Aenhild is tall, with long auburn hair and grey eyes. She wears modest garments and several pouches hang from her belt.
Aenhild seeks to become a vampire.

Fantasy Town Generator

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