Itmar Massacre

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Terror Data and Trends



2010 Annual Summary – Data

and Trends in Terrorism

Israeli Negev Residents Trade

in Weapons with Judea and
Samaria Elements

Hamas Ongoing Islamic


Hizballa Activity involving Israeli


Islamization Processes in the The Itamar Massacre (11 March 2011) Investigation
Gaza Strip since Hamas
Takeover On Friday, March 11, 2011, at about 22:00 hours, five
Hamas Use of Gaza Strip- members of the Fogel family had been murdered in Itamar:
based Subterranean Route the parents – Ehud and Ruth, and three of their little children
– Yoav (11), Elad (4) and Hadas (3 months old).
The Union of Good – Analysis
and Mapping of Terror Funds

The Involvement of Illegal

Aliens in Terror
Judea and Samaria Palestinian
Students' Involvement in z Two other children – Roi (8) and Yishai (2 and a half) who slept in the house, were not harmed.
Terrorism z The elder sister, Tamar (12) arrived at home around 00:30 and found the door locked, contrary to her
agreement with her parents to leave it unlocked.
Hamas Strengthening and z ISA, Israeli police and IDF launched a joint investigation to uncover the perpetrators.
Force Buildup z Throughout the investigation dozens of suspects were detained for interrogation from the village of Awarta, 2
km south-west of Itamar.
Hamas Police "Dual Function"
z The intelligence, operational and investigative efforts have led to the detention of two youths of the Awarta
in the Gaza Strip
village, who have admitted to premeditating and committing the murders; they have also reconstructed the
The Jaljalat Phenomenon in the events.
Gaza Strip

Sentences to US-based Holy

Land Foundation

"Dawa" – Hamas' Civilian

Infrastructure and its Role in
Terror Financing

Hamas Exploitation of Medical


Exploitation of Israel’s
humanitarian policies to carry
out terrorist activity

Involvement of East Jerusalem

Residents in Terrorist Activity

Characteristics of High-
Trajectory Fire from the Gaza
Strip into Israel

Spotlight on Hamas – Ideology

and Involvement in Terror

Distribution of Fatalities from

Palestinian-based terrorism in
the second Intifadah

Use of Falsified Medical

Certificates for Entering Israel

A Review of Al Qaeda and the

Diffusion of its Ideas in Israel
and the Palestinian Authority The Perpetrators
Hakim Mazen Niaz Awad
A Year since Cast Lead

z Born on June 1, 1993; he is a minor according to Israeli law. A resident of Awarta; had been detained on 4/17/2011
The Itamar Massacre (11 March 2011) Investigation Page 2 of 3

2009 Annual Summary – Data April 5, 2011.

and Trends in Palestinian z A high-school student, affiliated with PFLP.
Terrorism z In October 2010 he was involved in a stabbing of two youths from his village on grounds of personal dispute.

Hamas Terror Policy from the z Hakim's father, Mazen, had been a PFLP activist in the late 90's and served a 5 year sentence in a PA
Disengagement until Cast Lead prison due to the murder of his cousin and the cremating of her body.
z Hakim's uncle, Jibril Awad, a military PFLP activist who was killed in December 2003 after clashing with IDF
Two East Jerusalem Residents troops, had been involved in the Itamar terror attack in June 2002, killing four members of the Shabo family:
Arrested over Involvement in a mother and three children (aged 15, 12 and 5), as well as the local security guard.
Military Hamas Activity

The Itamar Massacre (11 March

2011) Investigation Amjad Mohammad Fawzi Awad

Archive z Born on July 12, 1992; a resident of Awarta; had been detained on April 10, 2011.
z A student affiliated with PFLP.
Analysis of Attacks in the Last
z Formerly worked as a laborer in Israel.

Organization Glossary

Glossary The two perpetrators admitted to the following:

z The two assailants premeditated the murders in Itamar several days prior to its execution. As part of their
preparations they tried to acquire firearms. They turned to a PFLP activist in their village, Mohammad Said
Awad (detained) asking him to purchase weapons for them, yet he failed to deliver.
z On the night of the attack, Friday, March 11, 2011, the two set for Itamar, equipped with knives, shears for
cutting the perimeter fence and hoods for veiling their faces.
z The two walked from Awarta to Itamar's perimeter fence (about one km), climbed and skipped over it.
z Once inside the village, they climbed up the hill through the bushes about 400m, reaching the first row of
z They first broke into the house next door to the Fogel family home, which was empty at the time, and stole
an M-16 rifle, magazines and a bullet-proof vest.
z Armed with the stolen weapons, they penetrated into the Fogel house.
z Prior to their entrance into the house, the two killers noticed through the window that children are in the
house. Immediately after entering the house, the two terrorists killed 14 year old Yoav and 4 year old Elad.
z After killing the children, the murderers turned to the room where the parents slept with the baby-girl Hadas,
3 months old.
z The parents were murdered while trying to struggle with the two murderers who used weapons
stolen from the first house and knives.
z After murdering the parents and prior to escaping to their village, the two terrorists stole an M-16 found in the
Fogel house. At this stage they also murdered with knife stabs the baby-girl Hadas (3 month old) who had
slept in her parents' bed.
z After completing the attack, the two murderers returned by foot to their village. They went to the house of
Hakim's uncle, Salah Aldin Awad, PFLP activist, former detainee and recounted the details of the attack they
have just committed.
z Salah assisted the two murderers to hide the stolen weapons and the knives used to commit the murder. In
addition, Salah helped the two burn their clothes which were stained with the victims' blood, members of the
Fogel family.
z Following the attack, the murderers resumed their daily routine until their arrest.
z Hakim's uncle, Salah, transferred the weapons stolen in Itamar to Jad Abid, resident of Ramallah who hid
them in his house.
z On April 14 Jad Abid was arrested and the two weapons were found in his house.

Additional interrogees
The investigation revealed extensive involvement of the murderers' family relatives and close friends who were
aware of the murder and assisted the perpetrators following the attack.

Suspected facilitators and individuals suspected of awareness:

• Salah Aldin Salim Awad – born in 1979, PFLP activist, Hakim's uncle.
• Hasan Salim Awad – born in 1972, PFLP activist, Hakim's uncle.
• Mazen Niaz Awad – born in 1967, PFLP activist, Hakim's father.
• George Mazen Awad – born in 1990, PFLP activist, a student, Hakim's brother.
• Jad Jawad Abid – born in 1979, Salah Awad's friend who hid the weapons for Salah.
• Mohammad Said Awad, born in 1984, PFLP activist who was asked to provide the perpetrators with weapons. 4/17/2011
The Itamar Massacre (11 March 2011) Investigation Page 3 of 3

• The murder of the Fogel family was a premeditated attack.
• The murderers, Hakim and Amjad, are identified with PFLP; they received assistance and support from their close
• The attack was solved following intensive joint efforts of ISA, Israeli Police and IDF.
• The investigation is on-going aiming to reveal all relevant details pertaining to this case.

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