Meal Planning For Adolescents

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Meal Planning For Adolescents

Group 2
Miranda Flemming
Breanna Gayle
Justine Gabbidon
Who are adolescents?
Adolescents are children that are aged 10 to 19.
Early adolescence, middle adolescence, and late
adolescence or young adulthood are the three
primary stages of adolescents. Early adolescence
are those who are aged 11-14, middle
adolescence are aged 14-17, and Late
adolescence are aged 17-19.
Eating habits of an adolescent
A healthy diet can have a significant effect on many adolescent’s main concern by contributing
to maintaining a healthy weight,improving physical and intellectual performance, optimizing
growth and improving healthy skin. Some diet-related behaviours are particularly important
during adolescence. Regularly eating breakfast, for example, is thought to reduce snacking and
consumption of energy-rich foods. It also increases intake of essential micronutrients,
including iron, calcium and vitamins C, B and D, and fibre. Soft drink intake is higher among
adolescents than in any other age group and is a matter of concern. Soft drinks with added
sugar are associated with a greater risk of weight gain, obesity and chronic diseases such as
metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes.
Bad Eating Habits of Adolescents
● Overeating- Many adolescents tend to overeat. This
can be from bad habits at a young age that were not
corrected, to poor mental health related reasons. Such
as: depression. However it be, many adolescents
overeat. This overeating will only cause more strain
on their as it can get them: obesity, diseases, high
blood pressure, ect.
● Fasting which can lead to the child being
● Skipping Meals
Good eating Habits of Adolescents
● Drink plenty of water. Drinks with a lot of sugar
should be avoided. Juice is high in calories, so
restrict your adolescent's consumption. It is always
preferable to eat whole fruit.
● Eat a balanced meals.
● Instead of frying, consider baking or broiling your
adolescent's food.
● Establish if your teenager monitors (and, if
required, reduces) his or her sugar consumption.
● Reduce the amount of salt in your diet and increase
the amount of fiber you consume.
The Most Important Micronutrients needed For Adolescents
The most critical micronutrients for teenagers are:

Calcium found in: Milk, cheese, dark leafy greens, seeds etc...

Vitamin D found in: The sun, Vitamin d supplements and fatty fish etc...

Vitamin A found in : Carrots, dark leafy greens, pumkin, mango etc...

Vitamin B found in: meat, wholegrains, and fruits

Fibre found in: indigestible parts of cereals, fruits and vegetables. Eg (skin of fruits and vegetables and cereals)

Iron found in: Poultry, leafy greens, legumes, nuts etc...

Bone mass can only be built with enough calcium and vitamin D. For both boys and girls, 1,300 mg of calcium is
Why is it important to be health conscious at this age
Good eating habits for adolescents are essential because bodily changes impact an
individual's nutritional and dietary requirements. Many teenagers have a growth spurt and an
increase in hunger, demanding the consumption of nutritious meals to satisfy their
nutritional requirements. It eating healthy helps to prevent health problems such as obesity,
undernutrition, anaemia, diabetes, hypertension, hycolestoral and so many other.
Example Menu for Adolescents
The end

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