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January 24, 2022


1 thing that went well- students did really well working hard during math by myself, math with
a friend, and math with technology

1 thing that I would change- only do one activity for guided math when introducing something
new even if you only have one opening activity to do as a whole group

January 25, 2022


1 thing that went well- I think the students really enjoyed the formative assessment activity
that we did at the end of the day. I wrote the three different types of rules on the board that
connected back to the indicator which was the focus of the lesson. The three different types of
rules were: classroom, school and family. I asked students to write one rule on a sticky note and
they got to choose which type of rule it fell under by putting their sticky note under which type
of rule they thought it fell under. One student told me that the rule she put (no running) could
go under both classroom and school rules so she put it in the middle of the two categories.

1 thing that I would change- if students finished early, first I told them to add more detail and
don’t scribble then I told them that they could write another rule. Next time, I would just tell
them that they can find something quietly to do at their desks (coloring, playdoh, etc.) or read a
book. They didn’t really have time to put a lot of detail into their second rule before recess.

January 26, 2022

1 thing that went well- I think the students really enjoyed the stations activity (play-doh,
drawing, printing practice, and reading a book) and we used these stations to demonstrate the
different types of decision making. Autocratic- I chose the station that students were going to
do and I chose printing practice, consensus- an agreement that was made as a group, majority
vote and individual choice. Stations are a great way to change up instruction because we
usually do whole or small group instruction.

1 thing that I would change- students stayed in their desks for this activity except when they
chose the read a book station they moved to the carpet. Students had trouble when I told them
everyone had to agree as a group which activity they were doing as a group. The students were
very confused how they were going to accomplish this. At first, I wanted them to just have a
conversation as a group, but no one wanted to speak up. Then they raised their hands and told
me what they station they each wanted to do all of the students wanted to do the draw a
picture station except two. One student wanted to read a book and the other wanted to play
with play doh. I then asked is everyone happy in this type of decision making and the two
students who wanted to do something other than drawing said yes (I was hoping that they
would say no) so then I said in this type of decision making called consensus it may be hard to
make everyone happy. Students also had trouble answering the question “when would this
type of decision making be the best option”. I gave them examples, but they couldn’t come up
with ideas on their own. I would say “Would deciding on what movie to watch as a group be a
good idea?”. I think these question prompts were helpful. I would also get students up and
moving around talking to each other with consensus decision making and next time I would just
make sure that everyone got to share their opinion about which activity they should choose as
a group and make sure they weren’t talking over each other.

January 27, 2022


1 thing that went well- Some of the students are already really good at making 10 which is
meeting expectations for grade 1 and some of them will move on to making 10 to add!

1 thing that I would change- During guided math with students at the teacher station I spent
the whole time introducing a new individual math game. Next time I introduce a new game for
the math by myself or math with a friend station I will only spend about 5 minutes doing it
whether they understand it or not and continue with my plans for the rest of the time that each
group has at the teacher guided math station. I felt as if they did not understand the game so
that is why I spent so much time on it, but now I know that not all students will choose to play
that game during the math by myself station anyways. Instead of telling students who
understand and are ready to play that game that they can choose the game during the math by
myself station, students choose if they will play that game or if they will choose a different
activity to do.

January 28, 2022

1 thing that went well- I challenged one of the math groups to do the adding to make 10
strategy this went very well. I only had one student in this group today because the other
students were absent, but she caught on very quickly and didn’t need my support.

1 thing I would change- Today we focused on classroom management during guided math. The
first week I found it challenging to watch what was going on during guided math while I was
focusing on teaching content to the small group at the math with the teacher station. Before I
start the content with the group at my table I wait and make sure that everyone has started
their jobs or at least knows what to do. One student was struggling to stay focused when he
was doing math by himself. I asked him are you doing your job, what should you be doing right
now, etc. Next time I could ask him to come and sit beside me and show me how to play his
game. If I am asking a student more than three times what they should be doing right now, I
could tell them if I have to ask you again you will get a yellow card. This usually corrects the
behaviour because students want to get back to a green card and not risk getting a red card. A
red card means that the teacher will contact their parents. This card system is used as a
classroom management strategy.

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