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This script features two new custom mechanics:

“Bloodied” “The Clockhand”

‘Bloodied’ is a condition, like being dead. It Ides of Blood features an invisible ‘clockhand’
does not go away if the origin of the bloodied the Good team is trying to track down in
effect is killed, transformed, or made drunk order to find the Demon.
or poisoned.
At the start of the game, the clockhand
Bloodied players are not told they are marker is placed on the Demon’s character
bloodied by the Storyteller publicly or token. At the end of each day of gameplay,
privately. Bloodied players still have their after dusk, this clockhand marker moves one
vote and character abilities like normal. player clockwise, regardless of whoever is
living or dead. The only characters that can
If an effect would make a player bloodied influence the clockhand’s movement are the
when they are already bloodied, that player Eclipse and Urchin. This new ‘clockhand’ is
dies instead, unless they are otherwise not told they are the clockhand.
prevented from dying.
If the in-play Demon is the Retrogradus, the
Dead players can be bloodied, and players clockhand is replaced by an anti-clockhand
who were bloodied when they die stay during setup. The anti-clockhand is a
bloodied, even if they are later resurrected. clockhand marker that moves
counterclockwise at dusk instead of
Additionally, ‘triaged’ is a protected status clockwise.
the Warrior and Medicine Man can access. If
a triaged player would be bloodied, they are The anti-clockhand otherwise acts just like
not. If a non-bloodied triaged player would the regular clockhand. Even if the
die, they are instead bloodied. If a bloodied Retrogradus is poisoned, made drunk,
triaged player would die, they die. transformed, or killed, the anti-clockhand
keeps orbiting counterclockwise.
“Whoo-hoo-hoo, look who knows so much.
It just so happens that your friend here is The Storyteller is encouraged to help the
only MOSTLY dead. There's a big difference town keep track of how many days have
between mostly dead and all dead. Mostly passed in the game, as losing track of that
dead is slightly alive. With all dead, well, count can spoil a lot of Good info in an unfun
with all dead there's usually only one thing way. However, this is not required.
you can do.”
-Miracle Max “I'm not afraid of death. I'm an old physicist
- I'm afraid of time.”
-Dr. Brand

Fan Work, 1
The skies are irregularly clear over the plains of Ravenswood Bluff, the countless
stars of the heavens complementing the illumination of the campfires. Hearty
stews and charred roasts are being indulged in along with raucous song and

However, the tribe's elders gather in their tents with unease. The soothsayers
read the entrails of today's hunt, and they foretold ill omens. Moreover, the
scouts have returned with more reports of disturbing sights and sounds from
within the woods. One or two drunken frights are to be expected, but over the
past few moons, such reports are becoming more common. And more similar to
each other.

One elder suggests that the spirits are angry, and that the medicine men and
warriors should prepare in haste for battle with manifestations of their
vengeance. Nervously, the suggestion accrues approval. A time of crisis is at

Soon, we shall all face a reckoning of the...

Fan Work, 2
Ides of Blood is a homebrew set that is equal parts cerebral
puzzle solving and murderous mayhem. The introduction of two "Do not let their words hurt you
brand new mechanics, ‘bloodied’ and the ‘clockhand’ each take kinsman. You are one of us.
Demon hunting and life-and-death in new directions. Both Never let another trick you into
Good and Evil have unique tools with which to drastically swing believing that you do not have
the game in their favor, even if their defeat seems otherwise a place at our fire. I will speak
to them so that they don't
forget this as well."
Expert. While not significantly more complicated than Bad
Moon Rising or Sects and Violets mechanically, Ides of Blood’s
nature as homebrew content lends itself better to players who
want something new, even if such novelty is unrefined. The Chieftain works with the Outsiders of the town to find the
When playing Ides of Blood... • During the first night, the Chieftain is woken and learns
an Outsider character in play.
Good Players will need to quickly become proficient at • The Chieftain does not learn the player playing that
remembering how many days the game has lasted, and who Outsider, just that the Outsider is in play.
died when, much like in Bad Moon Rising. Because knowing • Each night, except the first, the Chieftain learns either a
where the clockhand started is knowing where the Demon is,
“yes” or a “no”, regarding whether the clockhand is an
every piece of information the good team can gather on the
clockhand’s location eliminates demon suspects.
• The Chieftain does not learn which player is the
However, this unrivaled capacity to gather information on the clockhand, just whether or not the clockhand is an
Demon’s location is challenged by the evil team's unique tools Outsider.
to create disinformation on that axis, such as sending the • There is an extra Outsider in play.
clockhand backwards in a Retrogradus game or skipping it over
the Urchin. Therefore, the good team will need to buy all the Examples
time they can to solve the puzzle, but perhaps gamble on It is the first night. The Chieftain is woken and shown the Right
unsavory executions to avoid evil poaching the game with more Hand Man, as that is an Outsider in play.
than 3 players remaining.
It is the third night, and the Apiarist is the clockhand. Because
Evil Players are their most deadly and most fragile in this set.
the clockhand is an Outsider, the Chieftain is woken and learns
Minions such as the Secondhand and Effigy can kill two or more
a “yes”.
players a game, but not without leaving very compromising
clues in the process. Meanwhile, characters such as the Viceroy
and Wicked can leave the good team completely in the dark It is the second night and the clockhand skips over the Urchin
under ideal circumstances, but their disruption can be much and Eclipse onto the Trapper. Because the clockhand isn’t an
more easily traced backwards than in other sets. Outsider, the Chieftain is woken and learns a “no”.

With an immovable and constantly pursued Demon, evil must How to Run
pool their efforts more than ever into protecting them, no While setting up the game, add one extra Outsider character
matter the personal cost. token and remove one Townsfolk character token.

Special Thanks to… During the first night, wake the Chieftain and show them the
Emptyset, for their fantastic tokens, modding, and editing
character token of an Outsider in play. Then, put the Chieftain
to sleep.
Sionar, for porting Ides of Blood to Tabletop Simulator.
The Lunatic Server Community, for their playtesting and
support. Each night except the first, wake the Chieftain. If the clockhand
The Pandemonium Institute, for making the best board game of is an Outsider, nod your head yes. If the clockhand isn’t an
all time. Outsider, shake your head no. Then, put the Chieftain to sleep.

Thank you so much for trying out my fan set! I hope your group
has fun and I would love to hear any feedback you may have!
~Lucas Ballard

Fan Work, 3
“I do not regret the truths I have “Listen here and listen well
told, nor the company I have youngling. You can tell the
kept. Should the world wish to presence of evil by the temper
be rid of me, so be it. But it of the beasts. Look into the
shall be on my own terms.” bird's eyes. Closely. They will
tell you what they’ve seen.”

The Blasphemer starts knowing a Townsfolk in play and can The Diviner knows which Demon the town is fighting as well as
thereafter risk their life to learn the whereabouts of the a player the Demon isn't.
clockhand. • During the first night, the Diviner is woken and shown
• During the first night, the Blasphemer is woken and the Demon's character.
shown a Townsfolk character in the game. • Additionally, the Diviner learns a player the clockhand
• On subsequent nights, the Blasphemer may invite death isn't on their first night.
by nodding yes. If they nod yes and aren't the
clockhand, nothing happens. Examples
• If they nod yes and are, the Blasphemer dies. If they It is the first night, and the Diviner is shown the Wendigo token
shake no, nothing happens either way. and Jeremy, as Jeremy isn't the clockhand and the Demon is a
• The Blasphemer does not learn from the Storyteller Wendigo.
whether or not they are the clockhand.
It is the third night, and the Philosopher transforms into the
Examples Diviner. That night, they are shown the Leviathan token and the
It is the first night, and the Blasphemer is shown the Medicine Demon player, as the Demon is both a Leviathan and not the
Man, as they are another Townsfolk in play. clockhand.

It is the second night, and the Blasphemer is the clockhand. How to Run
They nod their head yes and die. That morning, town learns the During setup, place the "Not Clockhand" reminder token on a
Blasphemer, as well as the player the Demon killed that night, player
died but doesn't learn what killed who.
During the first night, wake the Diviner. Show them an in-play
It is the fourth night, and the Blasphemer is the clockhand. They Demon's character token and point to a player that isn't the
shake their head no, so nothing happens. clockhand. Then, put the Diviner to sleep.

How to Run
During setup, place the "Townsfolk" reminder token on a
Townsfolk player of your choosing.

During the first night, wake the Blasphemer. Show them the
character token of the player with the "Townsfolk" reminder.
Then, put the Blasphemer to sleep.

Each night except the first, wake the Blasphemer. They nod or
shake their head. Then put the Blasphemer to sleep. If the
Blasphemer is the clockhand and they nodded their head, they
die. Otherwise, nothing happens.

Fan Work, 4
“Great, now just tie the rope in “In all my years of watching the
a double knot- A double knot stones, I have only heard them
you fool! And hurry up, the sing like this once before.”
beast could show up anytime!”

The Trapper lays a tripwire which they use to detect the The Shaman learns if the clockhand is one of the dead.
movements of the clockhand. • Each night, the Shaman learns either a “yes” or a “no”,
• During the first night, the Trapper is woken and chooses regarding whether the clockhand is dead.
a player. • Because the Shaman acts after all killing characters each
• On subsequent nights, the Trapper learns either a “yes” night, the Shaman's information refers to the players
or a “no”, regarding whether the clockhand is either that are dead when dawn breaks and all players open
that chosen player or themself. They do not learn which their eyes.
player is the clockhand, just if either of them is. • The Shaman does not learn which player is the
• The Trapper cannot change their tripwire after their clockhand, just whether or not the clockhand is dead.
first night.
Examples During the first day, Devin is executed. That night, the Demon
During setup, the Trapper is woken and chooses David. kills Keith. Since neither is the clockhand, the Shaman wakes
and learns a "no”.
During the same game, on the second night, the Trapper is the
clockhand. Because either David or the Trapper is the Midway through the game, at night, five players are dead, one
clockhand, the Trapper is woken and learns a “yes”. of whom is the clockhand. The Shaman wakes and learns a
During the same game, on the third night, Andrew is the
clockhand. Because neither David nor the Trapper is the How to Run
clockhand, the Trapper is woken and learns a “no”. Each night except the first, wake the Shaman. If the clockhand is
alive, shake your head no. If the clockhand is dead, nod your
How to Run head yes. Then, put the Shaman to sleep.
During the first night, wake the Trapper. They point to a player
that isn’t themself. (If the Trapper points at themself, shake
your head no and prompt them to point at another player.) Put
the “tripwire” reminder on the chosen player, then put the
Trapper to sleep.

Each night except the first, wake the Trapper. If the clockhand is
either the player with the “tripwire” reminder or the Trapper,
nod your head yes. If not, shake your head no. Then, put the
Trapper to sleep.

Fan Work, 5
“Look there. Just a few degrees “A grim fortune befalls you. I can
eastward. You see it? That offer you no council but this:
constellation is most always Carry a sprig of sage in your
invisible except for on such a pocket and don't ever lose it.
clear night as this.” You will need it in time.”

The Stargazer slowly builds a star chart of alignments which The Soothsayer learns the characters of anyone they wish, but
they can use to map the Demon's location. their information can be corrupted by the ill will of the heavens.
• Each night except the first, the Stargazer is shown the • Each night except the first, the Soothsayer chooses a
clockhand's alignment. player and learns their character.
• The Stargazer is not shown the clockhand player when • While the clockhand is Evil or themself, the Soothsayer
they learn their alignment, they are just told what that is drunk, and can therefore be shown incorrect
alignment is. characters.

Examples Examples
During the second night, the clockhand marker moves from the It is the third night, and the clockhand is Good. The Soothsayer
Sasquatch to the Shaman. The Stargazer is woken and learns chooses Randy, and correctly learns he is the Wendigo.
It is the fourth night, and the clockhand is Evil. The Soothsayer
During the third night, the clockhand moves from the Shaman chooses the dead Shaman and is incorrectly told they are the
to the Wicked. The Stargazer is woken and, because the Wicked Secondhand.
is now Evil, they learn “Evil”.
It is the second night, and the Soothsayer is the clockhand. The
During the fifth night, the clockhand moves from the Apiarist, Soothsayer chooses themself, and is correctly told they are the
skips the Urchin, and lands on the Viceroy. The Stargazer is Soothsayer, even though they are drunk.
woken and learns “Evil”.
How to Run
How to Run Each night except the first, check the clockhand to see if it is the
Each night except the first, wake the Stargazer. If the clockhand Soothsayer or an Evil player, then wake the Soothsayer. They
is Good, give them a thumbs up. If the clockhand is evil, give point at a player. Show them the chosen player’s character, or
them a thumbs down. Then, put the Stargazer to sleep. perhaps a false character if they are drunk. Then, put the
Soothsayer to sleep.

As with all drunkenness or poisoning, you are free to give

true information to the Soothsayer even if the clockhand is
evil or themself. However, this can easily tilt the game far
into the Good team’s favor, so use your best judgement.

Also, don’t forget that you can confuse a player's character

even if you disclose their alignment, such as showing the
Soothsayer the Effigy when their target is really the Viceroy,
or showing the Wicked when their target is really the Stalker.

Fan Work, 6
“Oh, don’t worry madam. Should “Why weren’t you at the river
be only a liter to balance out today? You go there every
the humors. Do look away three days. At noon. Except for
though, it may pinch a bit.” Mondays of course. Did your
sister hound you over chores for
hours again?"

The Bloodletter learns who can and can't be trusted each night, The Stalker stakes out a nearby player to see if they are a
but their methods are rapidly draining the town's life pool. Minion.
• Each night except the first, the Bloodletter may choose • The Stalker does not learn what type of Minion their
a player and learn their alignment. clockwise living neighbor is, just if they are a Minion.
• If they do this, the Storyteller is permitted to bloody a • The Stalker does not detect dead players. So, if the
player, possibly resulting in their death. The Storyteller Stalker’s clockwise neighbor is dead, the information
does not have to do this. refers not to the dead player, but to the closest alive
• The Storyteller also bloodies a townsfolk player at the player in that direction.
start of the game. • The Stalker acts after all killing characters, so if the
• The Bloodletter cannot bloody anyone if they don’t Demon kills the Stalker’s alive clockwise neighbor, the
actually have their ability, such as if they are drunk. Stalker does not learn about the now-dead player.
• Each night, the Stalker learns either a “yes” or a “no”.
It is the first night, and the Bloodletter is woken and chooses Examples
Andrew, learning they are Good. Andrew is bloodied. It is the first night, and the Stalker’s clockwise living neighbor is
the Retrogradus. The Stalker is woken and learns “no”.
It is the third night, and the Bloodletter is woken and chooses
David, who is dead. They learn David is Evil. Sky, who is alive It is the third night, and the Stalker’s clockwise living neighbor is
and already bloodied, is bloodied again, dying. the Eclipse. The Stalker is woken and learns “yes”.

It is the fourth night, and the Bloodletter is woken, but they How to Run
shake their head. Nothing happens. Each night, wake the Stalker. If the Stalker’s clockwise living
neighbor is a Minion, nod your head yes. If not, shake your head
How to Run no. Then, put the Stalker to sleep.
During setup, bloody a Townsfolk of your choosing.

Each night except the first, wake the Bloodletter. They point at a
player or shake their head no. If they chose a good player, give
them a thumbs up. If they chose an evil player, give them a
thumbs down. Put the Bloodletter to sleep. If the Bloodletter
chose a player, you may then bloody a player if you wish.

The Bloodletter offers a great deal of flexibility to the

Storyteller on a game balance front, but in general, you
should be bloodying to kill Townsfolk and as fast as possible.
Avoid killing the Bloodletter with their own ability without
good reason, as doing so gives a lot of information.

The bleeding is meant to be a drawback, and even ending the

game if the Bloodletter foolishly bleeds is not out of the
question. It’s up to you.

Fan Work, 7
“The clues can only lead here I
tell you! They’ll have to return “Oh. Now you’ve done it.”
at some point. And I’ll be here
to catch them in the act!”

The Ambusher starts with a lead on a Minion and can lure the The Warrior can survive a deadly attack and learn from the
evil team into an ambush if they are attacked. experience.
• During the first night, the Ambusher is woken and • Each night except the first, the Warrior learns either a
shown a Minion character in the game. “yes” or a “no”, regarding whether or not they are
• The Ambusher is woken on the night that they die and
• The Warrior is triaged at night, but not during the day.
shown a Minion player.
• The Minion player the Ambusher is shown doesn't need Examples
to be the same as the character they were shown It is the second night, and the Warrior isn’t bloodied. The Warrior
earlier, but it can be. is woken and learns a “no”.

It is the third night, and the Warrior is bloodied by the Wendigo

and attacked by the Effigy. The Warrior ignores the Wendigo’s
It is the first night, and the Ambusher is shown the Secondhand, bloodying and is bloodied by the Effigy’s attack. The Warrior is
as they are a Minion in play. woken and learns a “yes”.

It is the third night, and the Ambusher is killed by the Effigy, the It is the fifth night, the Warrior is already bloodied and is chosen
Ambusher is woken that night and shown the dead Viceroy by the Retrogradus. The Retrogradus’ attack bloodies the
Warrior again, killing them, and therefore the Warrior doesn't
wake tonight.

How to Run How to Run

During setup, place the "Minion" reminder token on a Minion During the night, if the Warrior would be bloodied, they are not.
player of your choosing. If the Warrior would die, they are instead bloodied, and if this
bloodies them while they are bloodied, they die.
During the first night, wake the Ambusher. Show them the
character token of the player with the "Minion" reminder. Then, Each night except the first, wake the Warrior. If the Warrior is
put the Ambusher to sleep. bloodied, nod your head yes. If not, shake your head no. Then,
put the Warrior to sleep.
If the Ambusher died tonight, wake them. Point to a Minion
player. Then, put the Ambusher to sleep.

Fan Work, 8
“It’s an old remedy, but a good “Come! Everyone! Let us join
one. Just a pinch of nirnroot in together in merriment and
the salve. I can’t promise it’ll glee! Spirits willing, we’ll all be
be painless, but I can promise drunk till morn!”
you’ll feel better by morning.”

The Medicine Man can triage two players at night, mitigating The Reveler can sing a lovely tune that inspires the Demon to
the harms of whatever may happen to them. dance and drink… as well as another player.
• Each night except the first, the Medicine Man chooses • The Reveler can choose to use their ability at any time
any two players that are not themself. during the day and must declare to everyone when
they’re using it. They do not actually have to sing a
Examples song, but they are welcome to :D
It is the third night, and the Medicine Man chooses Jake and • After the song is concluded, the Demon and another
Patrick. Patrick isn’t the clockhand and is chosen by the townsfolk are instantly made drunk until tomorrow
Secondhand, therefore he is protected from being bloodied. morning.
• A Reveler that uses their ability while poisoned or drunk
It is the second night, and the Medicine Man chooses the Effigy may not use it again.
and a bloodied Soothsayer. The Effigy attacks the Soothsayer
and chooses suicide. The Soothsayer still dies to the Effigy’s Examples
ability (as they were already bloodied), but the Effigy survives It is the first day and the Reveler sings. While the Warrior is
but is bloodied. falsely told they are bloodied tonight, the player the
Retrogradus chooses doesn’t die, and the Townsfolk clockhand
How to Run isn’t poisoned.
Each night except the first, wake the Medicine Man. The
Medicine Man points at any two players except themself. (If the It is the third day and the Reveler sings but is then executed.
Medicine Man points at themself, shake your head no and The two players the Reveler was making drunk are no longer
prompt them to point at another player.) Put the Medicine Man drunk.
to sleep. Then, put the Medicine Man's "Triaged" reminders by
chosen player’s character tokens. The Eclipse is bluffing as the Reveler. They declare publicly
during the day that they use their Reveler ability and sing a
If a player with a “Triaged” reminder would be bloodied, don’t beautiful song. The Storyteller plays along, but nothing
bloody them. If they would die, bloody them instead. If they happens.
would die while already bloodied, they die.
How to Run
During the day, the Reveler can declare that they wish to use
their ability. Put the Reveler's "used" reminder by the Reveler
token. Then place a “drunk” reminder by the Demon’s character
token and another player of your choosing until tomorrow day.

The Reveler’s second drunk player is meant to be a drawback

and should, under normal circumstances, make a valuable
Townsfolk drunk for the song’s duration.

Fan Work, 9
“I cannot count how many
sacrifices I have made to get "Please, madam, spare a coin?
where I am now. In the name A coin. A coin is all I ask sir. A
of everything I have paid to coin for supper?"
preserve, what's one more?”

The Wicked may turn evil in time but doesn’t know when or if The Urchin starts injured and may be skipped by the clockhand,
that time will come. making counting its paces more difficult for the town.
• If the clockhand moves onto the Wicked, they turn Evil • If the clockhand marker moves onto the Urchin, the
that night. Demon is woken and may nod their head “yes” to make
• The Wicked learns when their alignment changes, like the clockhand move again, even if the Urchin is dead.
all characters. • The Urchin starts bloodied.
• The Wicked doesn’t learn their evil teammates in the
event of their turning. Examples
• The Wicked keeps their alignment even if they die, but It is the second night. The Urchin becomes the clockhand and
doesn’t keep their power, like all characters. the Demon is woken. The Demon nods their head “yes”, so the
clockhand moves again onto the Urchin’s clockwise neighbor:
Examples the Chieftain.
It is the third night. After dusk, when the clockhand marker
moves, it lands on the Wicked, turning them Evil. It is the third night and the Urchin is dead. The Urchin becomes
the clockhand and the Demon is woken. The Demon shakes
It is the second night. After dusk, when the clockhand marker their head “no”, so the clockhand stays on the Urchin.
moves, it lands on the Wicked, but the Wicked is drunkened by
the Reveler, so nothing happens. How to Run
During setup, bloody the Urchin.
It is the fourth day. The Wicked was earlier turned Evil and is
executed. The Wicked keeps their Evil alignment. If, after moving the clockhand marker, the Urchin is the
clockhand, immediately wake the Demon. Show them the
How to Run “Urchin” character token. They nod or shake their head. If they
If, after moving the clockhand marker, the Wicked is the nodded their head, move the clockhand marker again. If they
clockhand, place the “Evil” reminder token on the Wicked’s shook their head, do nothing. Then, put the Demon to sleep.
character token.

Then, wake the Wicked and show them the “You are” token.
Give them a thumbs down (This shows they are now Evil). Then,
put the Wicked to sleep.

Fan Work, 10
“You betcha. Absolutely. You hit “AAAAAAAAAAAAA NOT THE
it right on the head there. You BEES! NOT THE BEES
hearing this guy everyone? AAAAAAARGGGGGGH MY
He’s really seemed to put this EYES! MY EYES!
whole mess together! Yes sir- AAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!”

The Right Hand Man tries to keep their clockwise neighbor The Apiarist stewards a hive of bees that ravage the town in the
alive, and if they fail a player is drunkened. event of their caretaker’s death.
• While the Right Hand Man's clockwise neighbor is dead, • After the Apiarist dies, the Storyteller either bloodies
they make a player drunk. three players or kill one at the time marked in the night
• If the Right Hand Man dies themself, they cannot order.
drunken anyone, as they do not have an ability.
Examples It is the second night and the Retrogradus kills the Apiarist. That
It is the first day, the Right Hand Man tries to keep their same night, bees kill the Wicked. In the morning, the town
clockwise neighbor, the Eclipse, from being executed, but fails. learns those two players are dead.
From thereon out, the Soothsayer is drunk.
It is the fourth night and the Apiarist is the clockhand while the
It the second day of the same game, and the Right Hand Man is Secondhand and the Bloodletter are both bloodied. The
executed, the Soothsayer is no longer being drunkened by the Secondhand kills the Apiarist. That same night, the Secondhand,
Right Hand Man. Bloodletter and a dead player are all bloodied by bees and
therefore killed.
How to Run
During setup, place the "Neighbor" reminder on the Right Hand How to Run
Man's clockwise neighbor. After the Apiarist dies, put the “died” reminder on the Apiarist
character token. When the Apiarist night order arrives, either
If the player with the "Neighbor" reminder ever dies, place the kill a player or bloody three players, then remove the “died”
"Drunk" reminder on a player of your choosing. reminder.

If the Right Hand Man ever dies, remove all reminders. In general, you shouldn’t kill evil players with bees, but this is
not absolute. However, never kill the Demon with bees, as
The Right Hand Man’s drunkenness is meant to be a the power is meant as a drawback for the good team.
drawback and should, under normal circumstances, make a
valuable Townsfolk drunk. If the Apiarist is relying on their bees to prove their role, you
can always choose to bloody three players to keep the power
ambiguous, even if there are no other bloodying effects in
the game.

Feel free to end the game with bees if you think such an evil
victory is deserved. However, killing three bloodied players in
one night is probably overkill.

Fan Work, 11
Your so-called friends are plotting
"They know not the danger of to betray you. You know it in
the second twilight. Keep to it your heart as well as I. I would
that they do not learn until it is not risk telling you all this if I
too late." didn’t care for your safety! Our
only hope lies in a pre-emptive
strike before it’s too late…”

The Eclipse changes the number of Outsiders in play and may The Viceroy knows who everyone is and may poison their
skip the clockhand past themselves or a Townsfolk. clockwise living Townsfolk neighbor each night.
• During the first night, the Eclipse is woken and shown a • Each night, the Viceroy is shown the Grimoire and may
Townsfolk player that is their target for the rest of the poison their clockwise living townsfolk neighbor for the
game. night and the next day.
• If the clockhand marker moves onto the Eclipse or their • Remember to keep your Grimoire tidy and show it to
target, the Eclipse is woken and may nod their head the Viceroy in the correct orientation, so the Viceroy
“yes” to make the clockhand move again, even if they can easily see who is who.
are dead. • The Viceroy does not poison dead players. So, if the
• The Eclipse is not told whether it is they or their target Viceroy’s clockwise Townsfolk neighbor is dead, the
that is the clockhand when they are woken up. poison does not apply to the dead Townsfolk, but to the
• There is an extra Outsider in play. closest alive Townsfolk in that direction.

Examples Examples
It is the second night. The Eclipse becomes the anti-clockhand At the start of the game, the Viceroy’s clockwise living
and they are woken. The Eclipse nods their head “yes”, so the Townsfolk neighbor is the Warrior, and they can poison them
anti-clockhand marker moves again counterclockwise onto the accordingly. After the Warrior dies, the Viceroy’s clockwise
Right Hand Man. living Townsfolk neighbor becomes the Reveler, so then the
Reveler can be poisoned.
It is the third night and the Eclipse is dead. After dusk, when the
clockhand marker would move onto the Eclipse’s target, the It is the third night, and the Viceroy is poisoning the Ambusher.
Eclipse is woken. The Eclipse shakes their head “no”, so the The Ambusher was shown the Viceroy at the start of the game.
target keeps the clockhand. The Ambusher dies and so is woken and shown Harry, who is
not the Viceroy, instead of Earl, who is, because he is being
How to Run poisoned by the Viceroy.
While setting up the game, add one extra Outsider character
token and remove one Townsfolk character token. Additionally, How to Run
place the "Target" reminder on a Townsfolk player of your Each night, wake the Viceroy and show them the Grimoire.
choosing. Then, they nod or shake their head. If they nodded their head,
put the “poisoned” reminder token on the Viceroy’s clockwise
During the first night, wake the Eclipse. Point to the player with living Townsfolk neighbor and leave it there until tomorrow
the "Target" reminder. Then put the Eclipse to sleep. night. If they shook their head, do nothing. Then put the Viceroy
to sleep.
If, after moving the clockhand marker, the Eclipse is the
clockhand, immediately wake the Eclipse. They nod or shake
their head. If they nodded their head, move the clockhand
marker again. If they shook their head, do nothing. Then, put
the Eclipse to sleep.

Fan Work, 12
“Do not fear the lick of flame my
child, for it is only through “Come my pet! We have havoc
sacrifice that we may witness to wreak, and I will need you at
our bright future.” my side!"

The Effigy can kill another player and may even sacrifice The Secondhand acts like a minor Demon, slowly but surely
themselves in the process. chipping away at the lifepool of the Town.
• Once per game at night, but not the first, the Effigy can • Each night except the first, the Secondhand chooses a
kill a player. player to attack.
• If, after attacking that player, there are 5 or more • If the chosen player is the clockhand, they die.
players alive total the Effigy may choose to die • If the chosen player isn’t the clockhand, they are
themselves as well if they wish. bloodied.

Examples Examples
For the first three nights the Effigy wakes but chooses not to It is the third night. The Bogman chooses to kill Todd, while the
act. During the fourth night, they choose to kill the Wicked but Secondhand chooses the clockhand, killing them as well.
not themself, resulting in the Wicked’s death.
It is the second night. The Wendigo chooses to bloody the
It is the fifth night, and there are 5 living players. The Bogman Bloodletter, Reveler and Eclipse. The Secondhand chooses the
kills one player. The Effigy kills another, but because there are Reveler, who isn’t the clockhand, but the Reveler still dies as
now only 3 living players, they cannot die themself. they were bloodied while bloodied.

How to Run How to Run

Each night except the first, wake the Effigy. They either shake Each night except the first, wake the Secondhand. The
their head no or point at any player. If the Effigy pointed at a Secondhand points at any player. If that player is the clockhand,
player, the chosen player dies and the Effigy nods or shakes they die. If not, they are bloodied. If a bloodied player is
their head. If they nodded their head, they die as well if 5 or bloodied again, they die. Then put the Secondhand to sleep.
more players are alive. Put the Effigy’s “used” reminder by the
Effigy token after they choose. Then put the Effigy to sleep.

Fan Work, 13
"You fools, to think you have “Drink. Little one. Let the water
domesticated time. I have pour. Fill your stomach. Your
watched the sun unset. I have eyes. Your lungs. Return to the
felt the sand of the hourglass womb of the earth and breathe
rise to my fingers. And so I shall your first true breath.”
be the agent of your unmaking."

The Retrogradus turns the rules of the clockhand on their head, The Bogman poisons a Townsfolk throughout the game and
as well as poisons any Townsfolk clockhands. knows who that Townsfolk is.
• If the anti-clockhand is a Townsfolk, they are poisoned • During the first night, the Bogman is woken and shown
by the Retrogradus as long as they are the clockhand. the Townsfolk they are poisoning.
• The clockhand is replaced by the anti-clockhand during
setup. Whether the Retrogradus is dead, drunk, or Examples
poisoned does not change the anti-clockhand into the It is the first night and the Bogman is shown Francis, the
clockhand. Townsfolk player they are poisoning.
• However, if the Retrogradus is drunk or poisoned,
Townsfolk clockhands are no longer poisoned. It is later that same game, and the Reveler has sung their song.
Francis is no longer poisoned during the duration of the song,
Examples but resumes being poisoned when the Bogman’s drunkenness
The clockhand moves onto the Blasphemer, however since the ends.
Retrogradus is poisoning the Blasphemer, they do not die to
their ability. How to Run
During setup, choose a Townsfolk for the Bogman to poison.
The clockhand moves onto the Wicked, however since the
Retrogradus only poisons Townsfolk, the Wicked’s ability still On the first night, wake the Bogman. Point to the player they
activates. are poisoning. Then, put the Bogman to sleep.

How to Run Each night except the first, wake the Bogman. They point at a
During setup, use the “anti-clockhand” token instead of the player. That player dies. Then, put the Bogman to sleep.
“clockhand” token.

When you would move the anti-clockhand marker, instead of

moving it one player clockwise like normal, move the anti-
clockhand one player counterclockwise.

Place the Retrogradus’ “Poisoned Townsfolk” reminder with the

anti-clockhand to remember who/if the Retrogradus is
poisoning each day.

Each night except the first, wake the Retrogradus. They point at
any player. That player dies. Then, put the Retrogradus to sleep.

Fan Work, 14
"There is nothing more divine then
the supple tension of tendons
“RWWWWAAAAA pulled against your teeth. Of
AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHA bursting an eyeball with your
AAAAAAHHHHHH!” jaw. Of sucking the last drop of
marrow out of the bones. It is
unrivaled ecstasy."

The Sasquatch can go on a rampage once per game, killing The Wendigo brings their Minions to the game already bloodied
twice in one night. and can choose to bloody three people instead of killing one.
• Once per game, the Sasquatch can choose a player to • The Wendigo kills 1 player per night, like other Demons,
die twice instead of once. however, the Wendigo may also choose to bloody three
• A Sasquatch that uses their rampage while poisoned or different players instead.
drunk may not use it again. • Every Minion starts the game bloodied.
• The Sasquatch can choose the same player twice in one
night with their rampage, such as to overcome a triage. Examples
On the second night, the Wendigo kills one player. On the third
Examples night, the Wendigo chooses to bloody three players. On the
It is the third night. The Sasquatch rampages and chooses the fourth night, the Wendigo bloodies those three players again,
Right Hand Man and the Apiarist to die. killing them.

It is the second night. The Sasquatch rampages and chooses the How to Run
Warrior twice to die. They die even though they are triaged. During setup, bloody all Minions.

It is the fourth night. The Sasquatch rampages but is drunk due Each night except the first, wake the Wendigo. They point to
to the Reveler’s song. The Sasquatch doesn’t kill anyone, but one or three players. If they pointed to one, that player dies. If
they still cannot rampage again this game. they pointed to three, those three players are bloodied. Then,
put the Wendigo to sleep.
How to Run
Each night except the first, wake the Sasquatch. They point to
any player. If the Sasquatch doesn’t have a “used” reminder
token, they can choose twice. All chosen players die. If the
Sasquatch chose twice, place the “used” reminder token on the
Sasquatch’s character token. Then, put the Sasquatch to sleep.

Fan Work, 15

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