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1. What did the team look like and how long was the team at each
stage, Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing?
- Forming: This stage started right after coach Boone took charge of
the team. It was quick and didn't take long.
-Storming: This stage was during the Gettysburg preparation camp.
The team was still in shambles as division was the main theme
amongst the team members.
-Norming: This stage started towards the end of the Gettysburg
camp and lasted for a short period of time as the team made a quick
jump into the next phase.
-Performing: Team started showing remarkable results making
winning streaks as a result of all the work done in the previous
1. What was this team’s vision or mission statement?
Play like a champion.
2. Give me examples of how these team members were
interdependent of each other.
I can think of a couple of examples,
Julius and Gerry.
Petey and Ronnie (Sunshine)
Jerry (The rev) and Lewis

1. Who was the high school student formal leader? What did they
do to prove their leadership?
The formal leader is Gerry Bertier. he proved his leadership through
showing tremendous care and support to his team.
2. Who was the high school student informal leader? What did they
do to prove their leadership?
In informal leader in my mind is Julius. He proved his leadership by
stepping up and co-lead this team along with Gerry. His support
gave a huge credibility to the leadership team (Gerry and Julius)
especially with the African American side of the team.
3. What type of leadership style did the leaders have and give an
They showed a style of leadership by example and peer leadership.
They have been always acting as part of the team at the same level
as everyone not above them.
4. Did the follower’s personality match with the leadership style and
give examples?
Yes, the team was extremely motivated and they stuck together and
performed incredibly well. This showed specially in the final game
where they lost the team leader and captain but that did not affect
the team's goal if anything it made them more determined to win.
5. How was this team organized?
Team organization had a clear structure where you had your top
leaders in the form of the head coaches who coached the team and
oversaw the team's overall progress and then you had peer leaders
in the form of 2 team members Gerry and Julius who gave support
and coaching on the ground.
6. How adaptable was this team and give examples of the team’s
Teams adaptability showed very clear in several occasions,
-When team captain Gerry was injured and couldn't make the final
game, the team pulled together and came up with an alternative and
got the job done.
-When coach Yoast trusted coach Boone to step in and make
changes in his defensive formation out of pure trust in Boone's
ability to make the right decision.
-When Gerry felt that one of his team members didn't share the best
interest and goals of the team anymore he kicked him out of the
1. How did individual group members’ behavior influence the team’s
process and task?
When Gerry and Julius started getting along together as leaders,
that tolerance and acceptance spirit seeped into all the team
members and that was absolutely pivotal for this teams harmony
and success.
2. What was the team’s synergy level and give an example that
supports your answer.
This team had and amazing level of synergy. It showed really
clearly when Alan gave his position to Petey when he felt that Petey
could do a better job covering the opponent team's offense. This
level of selflessness shows that very high level of synergy and
keenness for success by the team members.

3. How cohesive was this team and give an example.

This team showed a great level of cohesion as they always made
sure that their goal was lined up, and supported each other to make
sure it was always the case. Was really clear when players called a
meeting amongst themselves to assert the idea of being one team
and one unit with the exact same goal. Winning.
4. List the team’s group-norms.
Group norms for this team were,
-Tolerance and acceptance.
-The sense of camaraderie.
5. How did the size of this team affect this group?
Not only the size of the team that affected the group, but that went
hand in hand with the diversity or better yet the demographic of the
team as well. That made the storming stage a very rough one until
all members straightened out all the kinks, both leaders butted
heads and hashed out their differences and got along very well and
acted as one unit eventually.
6. Who had status and give examples?
I believe Gerry had status as the historic team captain and he was
respected by all his team members.
I also think The Rev was very relatable and influential and had a
following by his peers.


1. Did this team waste time? Give examples.
My answer is no. I believe the team went through a rough storming
phase but that was really normal given the circumstances and the
historical context. In fact a team like that could be expected to take
a couple of seasons to achieve this level of uniformity and harmony
and show this kind of success.
2. Did this team demonstrate “Group Think”? If yes, give example
In the early stages of the team forming there was a pattern of
racism and prejudice that dissipated as the team matured down the
road. that was clear during the season preparation camp when they
ate on separate tables.
3. Who had what roles on the team?
Gerry was the formal team leader
Julius was the informal team leader
Lewis was the harmonizer

1. What changes occurred during this team’s season?
This team was born out of the womb of a big change when coach
Boone was appointed to replace coach Yoast, but during the
season the biggest change was Gerry's injury.
2. How did these changes affect the team's outcome?
As a result of that injury, Gerry couldn't participate in the final game,
but this didn't affect the team's ability to pull together and achieve
their goal and win the championship. In fact it gave them even a
bigger motivation to gift that victory to their captain who couldn't be
with the team due to injury.
3. Why did the movie keep showing the relation between the two
little girls?
I think it was an important value to show that even with these two
girls being different as day and night in their interests, yet they got
along together and became good friends.

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