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BOOST YOUR © VOCABULARY 3 Chris Barker PENGUIN ENGLISH GUIDES Contents Unit Pages Introduction 4-5 1 People 6-11 Feelings and emotions; Character 2 Thesenses 12-17 The senses; Sight; Hearing; Touch; Smell; Taste 3 The body and actions 18-23 Common verbs of movement; Speed of movement; Verbs associated with parts of the body; Verb phrases; Prepositions of motion 4 Health 24-29 Common ailments and illnesses; Skin conditions; Common injuries; Going to the doctor; Patient; Doctor 4 Test yourself 1 30-31 Test exercises 1 ~ 6 (60 morks) 5 Sport 32-37 Sport; Equipment; Location; Verbs / nouns; Parts of the game; Scoring 6 — Education and jobs 38-43 Teachers at school; Studying at school; Exams; Studying at college / university; Careers; Applying for a job; Requirements for a job 7 Computers 44-49 Computers; Verb phrases associated with computers; The internet and e-mail; Computer knowledge 8 = Musicand drama 50-55 Types of performance; Places; Music (Performing; People in music; People in dance}; Drama (Parts of a theatre; The stage; Plays; People; Parts of o drama; Performing); Describing a drama / a performance Unit Pages 5 - 8 Test yourself 2 56-57 Test exercises 1 — 6 (60 marks) 9 Describing objects: shapes and materials 58-63 Two-dimensional shapes; Three-dimensional shapes; Edges, corners ‘and points; Metals and other materials; Parts of an object; Surfaces and textures; Openings; Measuring; Describing objects 10 Inthe countryside 64-69 Features of the countryside; Parts of a plant; Parts of a tree; The earth; Describing landscope features; Groups of animals; Cereal crops; Growing and harvesting; Countryside activities 11 Inthe town 70-75 The built environment; The town centre; Street features; Roads in and around town; Describing town and country living 12. Holidays, celebrations and festivals 76-81 Public holidays in the UK; Birthdays; Parties; Decorations; Special clothes and make-up; Christmas; Easter; Special days celebrated in the UK 9-12 Test yourself 3 82-83 Test exercises 1 — 7 (60 marks) Reference 84-87 Adjectives followed by prepositions, Transitive and intransitive verbs; Units of measurement; Dates of festivals and special days celebrated in the UK; Spelling rules; British ond American English Selfassessmentand progress check 88 Answer key A-H (Central pull-out section) People Translate the words and phrases. Feelings and emotions Adjectives to feel / to be . afraid (of) angry (about, with) ashamed (of) disappointed (about, in, with) disgusted (at, by, with) embarrassed (about, by) envious (of) excited (about, by, al) exhausted (by, from) frightened (of) frustrated (by, with) guilty (of, about) happy (about, for, with) hurt (by) jealous (of) proud (of) sad (about, for) shocked (at, by) sorry (about, for) surprised (at, by) tense (about) tired (of) upset (about, at, over, with) See page 84 in the reference section for example See page 85 for making the comparatives of two- syllable adjectives. sentences using the adjectives and prepositions above. Nouns fear anger shame disappointment disgust embarrassment envy excitement exhaustion fright frustration guilt happiness hurt jealousy pride sadness shock sorrow surprise tension tiredness hate, hatred love to be in a bad mood Boost Your Vocabulary 3 Unit 1 Character Opposites ambitious unambitious cautious impulsi cheerful miserable confident insecure, shy decisive indecisive easy-going difficult, fussy even-tempered bad-tempered, moody friendly unfriendly funny serious generous se eo mean, selfish hard-working lazy honest dishonest introvert extrovert kind unkind, cruel loyal disloyal mature childish, immature modest arrogant, big-headed* nice nasty, horrible open secretive, reserved optimistic pessimistic organized disorganized patient impatient polite rude, cheeky practical impractical relaxed, laid-back* .. strict, uptight reliable unreliable ly sensitive insensitive, thick-skinned* sincere . insincere strong weak Adjectives marked * are used in conversational, informal language. ng EE sce poge 86 for the British / American word list is always there for you. keeps promises ... and secrets. sticks up for you A friend is someone (whom) you can trust. I can’t stand | people who are (lazy) bullies. | were (calmer / more patient) I wasn't so (impatient) A friend is someone who | wish, Boost Your Vocabulary 3 Unit 1 [7 1 Match the emoticons to the meanings. (Turn the page 90° clockwise to see the emoticons more clearly.) - f) surprised Emoticons Meanings a) exhausted b) indecisive ¢) really happy : d) upset -@ |e) shocked I-( f) surprised anRwena auUaRwN— 16 2 2. Find 14 adjectives to match to the statements below. Then write the opposites. 1 He always keeps his promises. 2 She can't stond waiting in bus queves. FEFNE OL R{ UD} E18 IF LE 3 Her room's a mess. She can never TIM|PLAITI II EINIT IS find anything tim] Pl{ule]s| rive |x 4 She tells really good jokes. lw tol 5 He stays in bed till 12 ond L|t Fw ole ely doesn’t help in the house. TIM] T] STERIL ABIL IE 6 She never offers to buy a drink ufa{ Re} R{ol{e] a[n|t ]s 7 He's never happy about anything. TI@tettitare toe 8 He thinks he knows everything. 9 He always thinks things are H]U]F/UININ| y[MI{s [N going to work out well. olel tl] rlml rl sltizric Iw ns what h 19 Heer meen vhatteson, Tver folnfe lz] tle [e fe tell her. Bly[r{[cfale|sfwic [Rr 12 If she feels like doing something, LlalzlvINio RP ly le she just does it. 13. He didn’t apologize, he just ignored her 14 That was such a stupid thing to do. Adjective Opposite Adjective Opposite } reliable. unreliable 8 2 9. 3 10 4 n. 5 12. 6 13. 7 Boost Your Vocabulary 3 Unit 1 > 3a Put the words in exercise 2 into groups, to help you remember them. a) ® O8 reliable impatient impulsive 2, 3b Complete these compound character-words and add them to the word . groups in exercise 3a 1 bad stempered 3 vrecessseeseeeecheaded 5. sees -skinned 2 CSY- eesti — 4 even= 6 back 4 How would you describe yourself? Use the adjectives in exercises 2 and 3, or any others that are appropriate. Good qualities Not-so-good qualities | Things I'd like to change Im But I'm sometimes I wish I wasn't so ‘How would you describe yourself? Warm, fanny, hard-working. generous .. Boost Your Vocabulary 3 Unit 1 [9 5a Complete the questions with the correct preposition. Then answer them. ete ra ZINN PINS. I When were you last angry ..with someone? you ever been jealous anyone? Why? are you afraid w 4 What are you most proud 5 What sort of things do you get excited ? you ever been embarrassed anything? Do you want to tell us about it?! eae 5b All the adjectives in exercise 5a have nouns associated with them. What are the nouns? eee 3 vececeesteseeenes 5 QD eeceeeeeeeeeteee Aes ee 6 Z 6 Read about the qualities some British teenagers look for in a friend. Then write your own description of an ideal friend. George Kinet honest and loyal icks ap for you A good tivend is never in 0) Boost Your Vocabulary 3 Unit 1 'Z 7 What can you tell from a face? Read the magazine article. Then use it to write a description of your best friend. Is the description accurate? T | Martin Ricca Katie Holmes | Christina Aguilera | Enrique Iglesias His hair falls over | She wears her hair | She's gota small | His wide forehead Forehead | his forehead. This | off her forehead, so | forehead and a shows that he’s shows he’s quite | she’s strong and parting. This strong and honest. secretive. confident signifies an open personality, He's got thick She's got large Her large, almond- | He's got deep-set Eyes eyebrows and small | eyes. This shows shaped eyes show | eyes, so he’s eyes. This means he| that she’s loyal and | that she is friendly. | decisive. (If they're won't tell you much | completely honest small, it means that about his private the person is also li He's got a perfect | Her nose is small, | Her long, straight | His broad nose Nose nose, which means | which shows that | nose shows that she | shows that he’s that he’s modest. | she’s very fussy is sensible and strong and sporty . chee decisive. - He's got thin lips. | Look at that cheeky | She’s got a wide A thin upper lip This usually shows | smile! She’s a very | mouth, which shows that someone Mouth that someone is | reloxed and open | means thot she’s is fussy; a thin lower careful and person. patient and hard. lip shows that they cautious, working. ore ambitious. 8 Write ten words and five expressions you are going to memorize. Words Expressions momvuauawns Boost Your Vocabulary 3 Unit 1 The senses Translate the words and phrases. The senses sight hearing touch taste smell Sight (verbs and phrases) see check notice watch, look (1) (at) have / take a look (1) (at) stare (I) (at) glance (1) (at) gaze (1) (at) glare (1) (at) search (I) (for) browse (I) (through) . ‘examine (T) inspect (T) spot (T) Look at that bird! Where? | can't see it. We watched the sun go down: You look tired. You look as if you need a rest. (12) Boost Your Vocabulary 3 Unit 2 Verbs marked (T) are usually transitive; verbs marked (I) are usually intransitive. All other verbs are both transitive and intransitive, For the use of transitive and intransitive verbs, see page 85 Hearing (verbs and phrases) hear sound listen (I) (to) overhear (T) Sorry, | can’t hear you. Listen to this new CD. V've never heard of the Corrs. Who are they? Your cough sounds terrible. You sound as if you need a good holiday. silent quiet noisy Touch (verbs and phrases) touch feel push pull drag rub kiss hit top itch scratch This jumper feels really soft. eel as if | could cry. I'm tired. | feel like having an early night. Smell (verbs and phrases) smell sniff stink (I) Ht smells | nice. delicious. horrible. strange. revolting. wo... Take the rubbish bag out. It stinks! It smells of cats in here. What are you cooking? It smells like curry. Get rid of that cheese. It smells horrible! Stop sniffing and blow your nose! Taste (verbs and phrases) taste It tastes | bitter. sour. disgusting. bland. Yuk! This ice cream tastes of garlic. This wine tastes like vinegar. It’s too tickle clap pinch punch (T) slap (T) smack (T) stroke (T) squeeze (T) hug shake hands ‘A pinch and a panch for the First day of the month. ‘A punch and a kiok for being so qick sweet. salty. spicy. See Boost Your Vocabulary 2, page 19, for adjectives describing food. Boost Your Vocabulary 3 Unit 2 (13) 1 Which senses do you associate with these body parts? Perigo ceases BNOSCreeeessersere . Shand QeYE vests 4 fongue ... 1 ear 2 Use the verbs and the adjectives to complete the captions. verbs feel smell sound look (x2) taste (x2) adjectives beautiful delicious revolting soft disgusting very clear _ tired 2b But you 14] Boost Your Vocabulary 3 Unit 2 \} 3a. Find 20 words to do with the senses and write them in the correct group. Qlo ly] soy u] N]>|c |] sight touch ufe[u[nivi nf oft [s [y tin] s|ellel cl t[z|[n [x E}G| LIAR E}] IT} UsI ju tla} al eH el clsl|r le s[z| rl rlfel wl elw]r [> | hearing taste tle] s[ tale] ele [m fu tle| s| tile) ol «le [s [s N[s|me{e{e} ttle ]H Kk} s|c{r}a|t] clH|w] ep] smen 3b Tick the four adjectives in exercise 3a. 3c Use the words in exercise 3a in the sentences below. Remember to put them in the correct tense. momnauawn— VW 12 13 14 15 16 7 18 19 He knew she was angry by the way she g/a1 | was so surprised fo see him | just stood there and ......cceeeeeeee They're obviously in love. They just at each other for hours. This is a library. Please be «2... I can’t work. It’s too ..... Did the customs officials vis. your luggage? Did you oss... anything unusual in his behaviour that day? | was in the next room, so of course I ....... .. what they were saying the dog. He won't bite . that mosquito bite. You'll make it worse.’ V . in here. B: ‘But it .. They were so pleased to meet again ~ they just .. .. each other for ages. This coffee’s very Put some sugar in it VOM veeeeseeeteeeteseee something burning. Your voice .....-. sucess Strange. What's the matter? How much sugar did you put in this coke? It’s far 00 «os. The dogs . ... each other, but they didn’t fight. Ben, don’t just . ve: past people! Say ‘Excuse me’ He must have been very rude, because she his face! Throw that cheese away, It .svsssetessssesenes f Boost Your Vocabulary 3 Unit 2 [15] 2 4 Underline the correct alternative. 1 I didn’t read the newspaper article in detail. | just glanced / stared at it. 2. | like hearing / listening to the radio first thing in the morning 3. She asked us to see / look at the blackboard. 4 | think you've got Joanne’s phone number in your address book. Can | have a look / examine? 5 Guess who smacked / tapped me on the shoulder as | was walking to college? 6 Do you laugh if someone itches / tickles the sole of your fool? 7. Ifyou can’t carry the suitcase, just drag / rub it along the ground. 8 Now, children, stand in line and don't push / pull 9 Simon says, ‘Clap / Smack your hands.’ 10 Can you spot / notice the difference between these two pictures? 5 Complete the speech bubbles. 2 Ican't M any more toothpaste 1 This curry is . out of this tube. too SPICY. is % Tf only she'd rather than squeeze the life out of me 5 That cigar revolting ia Boost Your Vocabulary 3 Unit 2 6 What are the missing words? 1 You sound. as if you don't want to go to Cheryl's party. 2 You ... good in bright colours. 3 This new shampoo makes your hair ... : as soft as silk 4 Have you . sa. of ‘scratch cards’? 5 You .. : as if you've seen a ghost. What's the matter? 61 css like going out tonight. What about you? 7 That after-shave lotion Bl. 7 Try this quiz. Circle A, B or C. Re ELT Which do you prefer to touch? Asilk Bwood © sand Which do you prefer to eat? A sweet things B savoury things € spicy things Do you squeeze the tube of toothpaste A from the top? B from the middle? © from the bottom? When you're buying a new T-shirt, do you A try on lots of them? B examine lots carefully, then try one on? © have @ quick look at one and take it straight to the cash desk? like old socks! . as if | could run a marathon. 5 When you meet a friend of a friend for the first time, do you A shake hands? B kiss them? C just say ‘hello’? 6 Ifyou nave a magazine, do you A. browse through it before deciding what you want to read? B start at the beginning and go through to the end? © start at the end and work backwards? coa'1vg 1o'ea eg so'1a ey 1o'za'eve. veonrerdus pve] 60 ‘19 2vg euonown ge seeyiod nq sooo pue wiem ro4] 49a ‘ewp swiod - nod 8t-+!] SISKEUY ‘anueéio 00 dewad ing je>qae pul ue P05 sured 8-9) oyanp pue aguas uado a, 004, sud e1-6 (E. 8 Write ten words and five expressions you are going to memorize. Words Expressions momydAanrons Boost Your Vocabulary 3 Unit 2 {1 3] The body and actions Translate the words and phrases. Common verbs of movement walk (I) run (I) fall (I) iog (I) hop (I) skip (I) dance (I) jump (I) slide (I) climb chase (T) Speed of movement rush hurry (up) slow down Verbs associated with parts of the body bite blink kick knock suck swallow wave whisper whistle wink cough (I) grin (I) hiccup (1) sneeze (I) snore (I) brush (1) comb (1) lick (T) pat (T) For verbs associated with sports, see page 33. Verbs marked (T) are usually {ransitive; verbs marked (I) are usually intransitive. All other verbs are both transitive and intransitive. For the use of transitive and intransitive verbs, see page 85, Verb phrases O stond (up) O it (down) @ lie (down) @ shoke hands @ shoke your head Q nod your head @ bump your head @ bend your knees Q fold your arms D cross your legs 8) Boost Your Vocabulary 3 Unit 3 The verbs above all have an identical noun with the same meaning. breathe (noun: breath) chew point press (T) “tl SA omy ° : "3 es 8x ay 8 "S @ bite your nails @ bite your tongue ®B blow your nose ® clear your throat B kneel down B bump [into something) G@ lean (on / against something) B trip over (something) ® fall over (something) K ?) Prepositions of motion XS NN SSB & BE sce page 86 for the British / American wordlist Boost Your Vocabulary 3 Unit 3 [19 & 1 Write the names of a part of the body associated with each verb. | hair eye nose mouth finger | tongue lips teeth hand foot 1 breathe nose - . 11 chew 2 comb seccseeeesneetensseteent 12. wove 3° grin . . A 13. point 4 press 14 bite 5 kick 15 blink 6 snore 16 whistle 7 swallow 17 wink 8 pat 18 whisper 9 suck sevceeeeeneeeeees 19. sneeze 10. knock 20 cough throat | 2a Complete these sentences by using verbs 1 to 10 in exercise 1. Put them in the correct tense. 1 Chew your chewing gum, but don’t swallow... cee it 2 He ee. so loudly that | had to go and sleep in the spare room 3 We usually just .... a ball around when we get home from school 4 Grandad always : «me on the head, but I don’t like it. 5 .... the green button to get your ticket. He wasn’t sorry for what he’s done. He just sat there and There was so much smoke, | couldn't 6 7 8 Don't cough during the concert. .......... 9 Iwas so late, I didn't even have time tO .....ssesessssseeseeeeees my hair 1 0 You should have «..........++ . before you opened the door. a sweet if you have to 2b Complete these sentences by choosing the correct verb. Put them in the correct tense. 20] Boost Your Vocabulary 3 Unit 3 1 blink / winkHe ..........Winked........ at me, so | knew he was joking 2 whistle / whisper Don't tell the whole world! Just .........:seese 3 cough / sneeze —_‘Atchoo!!’ is the noise you make when you 4 bite / chew .. your food properly before you swallow it. 5 wave / point VD ecesesssssesssssseee . but you didn’t see me 3. What are they doing? Write sentences using the prepositions and the verbs in the box. eA Co as : ARCS Chavet gers TRS | chase dance fall hurry look | jump run slide climb walk s hurrying, past. the, lon, .. The Yellow Brick Road. Boost Your Vocabulary 3 Unit 3 3 4 Complete the captions and match them to the pictures. c. Lie 1 down, Spot. 2 vases Stop sniffing and sees your nose. 3. uu. When you meet someone for the first fime, you usually hands 4 up, please 5 Would you like to down? é Don't your nails! 7 your knees. 8. down on the floor. Fosse WYOU cessssssssnseene your head, it means ‘yes" 10.2... IFyou your head, it means ‘no’ 22) Boost Your Vocabulary 3 Unit 3 5a Look at the quiz. Match the idioms with their meanings. 1A Bove 5 vee Fcc ee Qoseees Bescon 6... Bowe VO vee OMS QUIZ idioms : meanings @& 1 You've fallen head over heels for a You've agreed to do more than you are him. : able to do. 2 Stand your ground 2 b When you have been hurt or tricked, 3 Don't bite the hand that feeds it makes you more cautious you 3 ¢ You won't see that again 4 Don't run before you can walk. d_ You only need to give a small hint. 5 Anod is os good asa wink. > e Don't be ungrateful & It's better than a kick in the: f Take your time, do things properly. teeth. 2g. There’s no chance of your getting what 7 Once bitten, twice shy. 2” you asked for. 8 You can whislle for it. fh You're in love with him. 9 You can kiss that goodbye. i Don't let people try to change your mind. 1 You've bitien off more than you j You're not getting what you wanted, but can chew. 5 it's better than nothing, 5b Which of the idioms might these people use to illustrate what they are saying? 1 ‘You left your computer on the train? 4 ‘You've only got three hours to do two You.can kiss. that goodbye... days’ work! 2 ‘You can't stop talking about him, ‘ can you? 5 ‘Well, | think you're right. Don't listen to what other people are saying, 3. ‘Look, you've won on the lottery. OK, sesseessennnseseeteess — it’s only £10, but ... 6 ‘Iknow you don't like your employer, but don't be so rude to him (F & Write ten words and five expressions you are going to memorize. Words Expressions mom sHRwN= —___] Boost Your Vocabulary 3 Unit 3 |23} 4} Health Translate the words and phrases. Common ailments and illnesses I"ve got .. a headache a sore throat a temperature a nosebleed a cold @ runny nose @ cough a splinter a pain in my a virus swollen glands (a) migraine (a) stomach ache toothache backache earache flu food poisoning indigestion cramp diarthoea ao hayfever cesses Vm... allergic (to) constipated sunburnt Heel... well ill sick dizzy faint depressed 24) Boost Your Vocabulary 3 Unit 4 Skin conditions I've got .. a rash @ bruise o blister a wart clump a scar a spot «cold sore @ mouth ulcer Common i juries be stung (by a wasp) be bitten (by a dog) be injured (in an accident) twist (your ankle) sprain (your wrist) break (your arm) burn yourself scald yourself cut (your finger) graze (your knee) Going to the doctor go to your doctor see a specialist have an injection have sympioms have an X-ray have a blood test get a prescription (for) What's wrong my you. Wayne? Co Vad 9. | ected wi GE AN a ed a taal SM ZaCad __——— ~~ that's a pity You won't be able fo cone fo the party & EEE sec page 86 for the British / Americen werd lish Te got a headache, Miss, and I feel sick. Patient Can I have an appointment to see the doctor, please? It isn’t urgent, I've got pains in my chest ache all over. | keep being sick My foot hurts. V've hurt my arm. My ankle’s swollen up. How long will it take to heal? I've lost my appetite Doctor I'll need to examine you Is it painful? You may have broken a bone. Take this medicine. Take one tablet three times a ad Put some ointment / cream on it It’s a deep cut. You'll need stitches. Boost Your Vocabulary 3 Unit 4 [25] oe Flu > What are the symptoms of flu? You feelde press You have at | You a all over. You may have ar You may also have as t Food poisoning p> What are the symptoms of food poisoning? You have s aL You feel s ‘ee ay e &, ty OVA (26) Boost Your Vocabulary 3 Unit 4 <2 3a Complete the conversation. (Wayne's got a cough. He phones the doctor's surgery to ask for an appointment.) Receptionist: Hello, surgery. Wayne: Hello. €an.Z. sesssssssecssesesseeessseeeeeseeeee Receptionist: Yes, of course. When would you like to come in? (He'd like to see the doctor today.) Wayne: secesetnsnees Receptionist: Is it urgent? (Give your opinion!) Woy .sscsessssseseestsstrstnstnsississiseteesuisiusiiiiiinsesesenete Receptionist: Would Friday afternoon be OK? Wayne: Yes, that’s fine. 3b Answer the questions. What did the doctor say to Wayne? Choose from column A What did the doctor say next? Choose from column B. A B 1 You've only grazed your knee. a Do you sleep well? 2° It's a deep cut. b I need to examine your chest. 3 I'll give you a prescription for some tablets. | ¢ I'll send you for an X-ray. 4 Your foot is very swollen. You may have d Take one three times a day. broken a bone. e I'llsend you to see a specialist 5 So you're going to travel around the world?| f You may need some iniections. 6 Depression can be linked to tiredness g The nurse will clean it and put 7 \ don't know what's causing the rash. some antiseptic cream on it. 8 Take your shirt off, please. h You'll need stitches. 3¢ For statements 1 to 7 in column A, choose a statement from column B to show what the doctor said next. 1 4. Q ree 3 cee 4. Ses 6 ree 7 Jump, Boost Your Vocabulary 3 Unit 4 [27] 4 | A . . ab 5 Follow the instructions. Then answer the questions. We'd like you to take part in our health survey. Please answer the questions in our ‘Check up’ and send it to us. We'll publish the results in next month’s issue. Remember: stay healthy, behappy! 1 which of the following have you had in the past six months? backache headache Write in cold indigestion aoran where cough nosebleed neceseary: cramp .. sore throat .... diarrhoea ... Stomach ache earache swollen glands flu temperature .. food poisoning toothache Complete 24 In the last month, have you felt the words. 2b areyoual____ _ cto anything? If so, give details Do youget h__ mgr condition? If so, give details. 8] Boost Your Vocabulary 3 Unit 4 Unjumble Have you ever (tifaned) fainted, the verbs in (raspined) nnn your wrist? brackets. (stwited) your ankle? (KOrDEN) ese @ DONE? (AUPE) nnnnnennee YOURSCH? (dalsced) «nnn yourself? Give details. see Have you ever had. food poisoning? Complete your appetite? the .. depressed? questions. by a dog or other animal? an X-ray? by a bee or other insect? Give details. Which of these have you taken or used in the last month? Write in the words. Cc 6 Write ten words and five expressions you are going to memorize. Words Expressions mH oMVUdsHRON= Boost Your Vocabulary 3 Unit 4 [29 Test yourself 1 (Units 1 to 4) How much can you remember? My mark: 60 la Complete the sentences using adjectives derived from the nouns in the box. guilt surprise fear disappointment jealousy anger 0 | didn’t expect Emma to come to the party. I'm really Surprised, 1 You're not .......ce-. of your best friend, are you? You can’t be serious! 2 You're so bad-tempered at times. Why do you get $0 ...........0.00.., about little things? 3. Jordan’s exam results weren't very good. He's very .. 4 She did nothing wrong, so she doesn’t fee! 5. Were Ou veessssssssnuesses of the dark when you were a child? (5 marks) 1b Use six more adjectives to describe Eddie’s character. \'ll say and do things that other people are afraid to say and do. I’m not at all shy. 1 sometimes get into trouble because | act too quickly. V'll help anyone who needs help. | always stick up for my friends. If | say I'll do something, I'll do it Eddie’s extrovert, ., and He's also “ cestetseveesese and ose (5 marks) 2. Replace the words in italics with a single verb. They looked into each other's eyes for a long time. gazed, She looked out of the window for a long time. | looked at the newspaper very quickly. The doctor looked at the patient carefully. They looked angrily at each other. Let's see if we got the answers right. i ecseeceeenenee | suddenly saw an eagle in the distance. Hooked carefully for my keys, aaeeeeeeeeeee | took my time to read through the magazine. ONOURWN=O (8 marks) 30] Boost Your Vocabulary 3 Test yourself I 3 Match the two halves of the sentences. 0 This milk tastes 1 Clap 2 Push 3 You can stroke 4 Hit 5 You sound won Action 6 Touch | 7 Myskin feels | 8 That cheese | | | a upset. |b your hands f the button. g soft. c the cat: h like old socks. smells || d your jacket i like having a party. | Don't drag | | along the ground. j the ball. | 10 | feel | | e your toes. k sour. I _ 4 6 8 10... 5 7 9 (10 marks) ere rs iter} a) Seer Lira irl) ac bo] Ailments / Illnesses I've got a headache, We got t..... : I've gota s.. throat. My ankle's sw I've sp my wrist. Ve gr. my knee. (10 marks) 5 Make commands by matching a word / phrase from column A with a word / phrase from column B. 0 Sit 7 Kneel | a up (x2) 9 1 Hurry 8 Lie kb down (x4) oh 2 Slow 9 Shake | hands i 3° Stand 10 Cross |} d_ your legs 4 Fold 11 Don’t lean || e your arms 5 Blow 12 Don't bite | f your nails 6 Clear 6 What's the problem? lve eaten too much and I’ve got a stomach ache. | ate some strawberries, and now I’ve got a rash I didn’t realize the oven was hot when I touched the shelf "ve been out in the sun all day and my skin's very red. I've spilt very hot water on my foot. Ouch! That knife’s sharp! | was sliding on the ice and | tripped over. I've been very sick. | ate some fish that wasn’t fresh I haven't eaten much for a couple of days. 0 I can't keep my balance. 0 1 2 3 4 5. eel unhappy all the time and | don't know why. 6 7 8 9 1 your nose your throat on the gate oHRwYN=0 (12 marks) He's got indigestion, . She's .. He She's . He's She's He'S veces She's He's got food She's lost her He feels to strawberries himself. himself ~ his finger. her ankle. ‘(10 marks) Boost Your Vocabulary 3 Test yourself 1 [31 5] Sport Translate the words and phrases. Sport archery badminton baseball basketball boxing canoeing fishing football golf field hockey ice hockey ice skating riding running skiing surfing swimming tennis: singles doubles scuba diving volleyball windsurfing weightlifting (motor) racing... Equipment bow arrow racket shuttlecock bat ball ball | gloves canoe paddle rod line (foot}ball ball clubs stick ball stick puck skates racing car saddle bridle skis sticks surfboard goggles racket ball mask air cylinder ball windsurfer weights We took part in (a game, a match). We won. / We drew. / We lost. 32) Boost Your Vocabulary 3 Unit 5 Location pitch course pitch rink rink circuit track run piste pool court pitch We beat our opponents 2-1 We were in the lead at half time. Verbs / nouns dribble tackle intercept"! foul shoot*? miss score head (T)** save (a goal) (T) be sent off . be shown a lw 7red card Parts of the game first half half time second half “T noun: interception *2 noun: shot *3 noun: header B aA L LG shoot** throw bounce (I,T**) “noun: shot. “The ball bounced. () He bounced the ball. (7) serve" return volley smash lob “noun: serve / service. Other useful nouns are forehand and backhand. pitch catch (T) halves (amateur) quarters (professional) nine innings ‘See also Unit 8, Sports, in Boost Your Vocabulary 1. 15-0 (‘fifteen-love’) 15-15 ("fifteen ol!) 40-40 (‘deuce’) 40-40A (‘advantage’) See page 86 for the British / American word lis. All the verbs in the left hand column have identical nouns apart from those marked * ~ see red boxes. Verbs marked (T) are usually transitive; verbs marked (I) are usually intransitive. All other verbs are both transitive and intransitive. For the use of transitive and intransitive verbs, see page 85. Boost Your Vocabulary 3 Unit 5 [3 {Gta Label the equipment. 1b For each item or pair of items write in the name of the sport. lc For 1 to 7, write the name of the location where the sport takes place. a) Equipment b) Sport ¢) Location 1 ® MOCKED, eeeeeeee = *! > © 3 oe) cosnenteenentes ‘oF \ 4) Boost Your Vocabulary 3 Unit 5 v 2a Complete the words. Then guess the sport. There are nine im in i nm g s ina game. Teams take it in turns to bat. There are nine players in each team. The pitcher th _____ the ball to the batter. Tos _ __ artun, the batter must run round the bases to reach home. If the batter h__ _ __ the ball and a ‘fielder’ (that is, a player from the opposing team) c out if h the ball, he is out. A runner is also Sport Each team has ten players, but only five can be on ¢_ at one time. Players try to score p opposition’s b oe by throwing the ball into the _ _ _ _ _. Players move the ball around by p___ing,dr___ _ing,andsh_ _ __ing, using only their hands to play the ball. Theycanth_ ___ it, b it or roll it, but they can’t punch it. Running while holding the Sport eee. ‘A game of one player against another player is called singles; a game of two against two is calledd . At the start of each point, a players the ball to his / her opponent. Players hit the ball over the net until one of them m _ it or does not bo , or you can v it. A match is roo it over the net. You can hit the ball after it has \N, \ divided into three or fives Sport 'F 2b Explain how your favourite sport is played. ES Boost Your Vocabulary 3 a ) ¥ 5 3 Complete the report of a football match at Wayne and Tracy’s school and number the pictures in the correct order. rc ST = ae c¢ @ A Back Forward Refresh Home ~ Smaller Print Mail Preferences Ue a) Beaumont House _2 De Montfort House _0 | | | | Beaumont 2] |) \ De Montfort 0 | | | | | | | | | | ?— 4 Boost Your Vocabulary 3 Unit 5 Continue this commentary using the verbs in the box in order. kick dribble tackle pass intercept head shoot save }1 "Fowler kicks the ball high to Owen. You can use the present simple tense fo report on a game that is happening as you speak. Try this sports quiz. © Which sports do you associate with these words? shuttlecock puck 7 smash sonnei oe (8 points) © Mhich sports take place ina court? rink? sens smn ring? . (6 points) O Mtennis how do you say 15-0"? how do you say ‘40-40"? what is the point after 40-40 called? ses (3 points) isn't % 2 8 g 3g & 2 8 $ z 2 & 2 & i heck your answers on page D of the Answer key. Analysis eg Bs #2 ae ig Write ten words and five expressions you are going to memorize. | Words ha HoMVNanawon Boost Your Vocabulary 3 Unit 5 [37] 6} Education and jobs Translate the words and phrases. Teachers at school U = a noun which is uncountable in this context teacher levies — head of department .... staff (U) . deputy head member of staff headteacher Studying at school lesson Ido my homework between 6p.m. and class 8p.m marks ‘assignment coursework (U) continuous assessment (U) homework (U) nn revision (U) nce, RRP See also Unit 7 in Boost Your Vocabulary 1 I'm revising for my exams at the moment. My father left school at 16. Exams exam | failed. test seseettennnneeeenesee sesscssenneeenesnnsneeees mark (2.9. 17 / 20) cesssssssssssssee . | did well (in History) grade (e.g. B+) I did badly in (Maths) look / sat / did an exam. sesstesetsstsssseissee I retook Maths. | passed Studying at college / university go to university / college do (Music) get a place at (Oxford) undergraduate read (= study) (Geography) graduate go to lectures / seminars / tutorials —=—=—postgraduate get a degree do research do a course in (hotel management) 38] Boost Your Vocabulary 3 Unit 6 Careers I'd like to work in information technology banking marketing the film industry the fashion industry... the leisure industry the media I'd like to .. set up my own business open a shop Applying for a job application form CV (curriculum vitee) references experience (U) qualifications interests Requirements for a job You need to have qualifications in (Maths and English). You need fo be good at (English). You need to be good with people. I'd like to be an architect a doctor a vet a journalist a policeman / policewoman a firefighter a lawyer a nurse aDJ Td like to work in the leisure industry ‘Students at British state schools do work experience for one or two weeks when they are in Year 10 or Year 11 {aged 14-16). Boost Your Vocabulary 3 Unit 6 [39] 1 Complete the questions using the words in the box. Then answer them. assessment class. course coursework deparlment grade homework lessons. marks —_ revising staff 1 How many students are there in your €/4SS....... 2 2 How many members of ... are there at your school? 3 What is the name of the head of the English ...... 4 How many do you have each day? 5a How many did you get in your last English test? OR 5b What was your... in your last English test? 6 How long does it take you to do your .. each night? 7 Which do you prefer: exams, continuous ... or a mixture of the two? 8 Do you like to have music in the background when you OPE eeseeeteseeeteseeees for an exam? Sesteeeneenenerensneae 9 Which are you better at: exams Or ........+ ? 10 When you leave school, what would you like to 5 do O veeveseeteeeseeneeneee in? 2a Are exams fair or not? Tick the statements you agree with. YES NO The alternative to sit-down exams is to do |) You might have hay fever or coursework over the whole school year. This gives feel sick on the day of an students the opportunity to cheat. They can copy exam, and so you do badly. other people's work, for example. ‘That's unfair, ) Continuous assessment isn’t fair. Children who have |_| Exams are a test of memory. their own room to study in and access to books and They don’t test how much you computers at home have a much better chance of really know. success than children who don’t have those things. 2b Write your own reason for being in favour of or against exams. (| Boost Your Vocabulary 3 Unit 6 3a Read about Yasmin’s education and plans. Complete the chart. There are so many exams at | Age English schools! Id todo | 7, | Sato in SATs in English, Maths and | : Science when I was 7, and 14,1 did fen GCSEs last yar. | | passed nine of them with | 16 | quite good grades, but I failed | Failed . Physies. | hated Physi. | didn't reteke it; | was really glad to give it up! I'm 17 now and I've just | oessce | cscssssee Jat English, French, done my AS levels in English, French, History, History, Art, Music Music, and Art, I'm waiting for my results. I hope ve done well. Then | want to do A levels in | Plans English, French and History. I'd like tobe a lawyer, | 1g 'm hopi an . : English, French, so I'm hoping to get a place at university to read History Law, And to take more exams. Lovely! University course L What the letters stand for SATs ~ Standard Assessment Tasks: pronounced ‘sots’ GCSE - General Certificate of Secondary Education: letters pronounced separately AS ~ Advanced Subsidiary: letters pronounced separately A ~ Advanced Z 3b Write an account of your education and plans, similar to Yasmin’s. 4 Fill in the careers advice form. Cee Ce aeane 1 What are your career plans? What sort of job interests you? Id like to 2 What interests do you have which make you suitable for this kind of work? eae — 3 What experience do you have which makes you suitable for this kind of work? 4 Do you want to go to college or university when you leave school? What do you want to study? Boost Your Vocabulary 3 Unit 6 6 5 The questions are missing from this interview with a disc jockey. Write the number of each paragraph next to the correct question. ‘Age isn’t really important, but most DJs are at least 16. Anyone with the right attitude can be a DJ, but knowledge of all types of music and mixing is essential. You need to be up-to-date with the latest music trends. DJing at a nightlub or on an evening radio show will mean late nights Presenting a breakfast show could mean getting up at 4.30 a.m. Getting free records, meeting famous people and becoming famous yourself. Having to play records you hate, having to be cheerful when you're not feeling well and working long hours. It's badly paid to start with, but you can earn loads of money if you're good Start off with work experience at your local radio station or hospital radio. Learn how to mix by going on a DJ course. Keep an eye on the charts ‘You must love music and be outgoing, funny and organized. You have to interview lots of people, so it’s no use being shy. headings paragraph What qualifications do you need? How old do you need to be? What sort of a person do you need to be? ‘What about training? What are the hours? What's the money like? ‘What's the best bit about the job? What's the worst bit? 2 43 Boost Your Vocabulary 3 Unit 6 6 Imagine you have worked in your chosen job for a year. You're talking to some students who are 5 7 7 thinking of doing the same job as you. Answer it you chose to bea alae their questions. jockey, choose something else for this exercise! What qualifications do you need? How old do you need to be? What sort of a person do you need to be? ve What about training? What are the hours? What's the money like? What's the best bit about the job? What's the worst bit? wna ONAawa 7 Write ten words and five expressions you are going to memorize. | Words Expressi Boost Your Vocabulary 3 U 7| Computers Translate the words and phrases. Computers desktop computer. lente — laptop PC ee se palmtop monitor cursor screen icon menu window toolbar trash hard disk keyboord gee cable cog ae printer mouse pad floppy disk zip disk ee back delete caps lock forward delete caps (cap scroll up return scroll down numeric keypad & See page 87 for the British / American word lis. (4) Boost Your Vocabulary 3 Unit 7 Answer key 1 People Exercise 5a Exercise 5b . 1 with 1 anger Exercise 1 2 of 2 jealousy 1 surprised 4b indecisive 3 of 3 fear 2 creally hoppy 5 e shocked 4 of 4 pride 3 dupsel & aexhausied 5 about 5 excitement 6 by 6 embarrassment Exercise 2 PINT oka Ty Bl FTe 2 The senses crm PL Artic EL, . Voll Exercise 1 ti ttul [whol vit clu) 1 hearing 4 taste TMCS ele Aree ee i U|@Tere A A) sme Ti@fef trial etc feylr| Exercise 2 HLUIEPUTN! mM Jo. It smells revolting Oe Ib But it feels sof yf tol ntellzi 1] elulllel 2a. You look beautiful BryTetcialtel st witch 2b But you look tired. ae spat elute 3a This tastes delicious. 3b But this tastes disgusting 4 You sound very clear. Possible answers Adjective Opposite Exercise 3a and 3b 1 reliable unreliable 2 impatient patient AnnGomlADmrE 3. disorganized orgonized ul elu nivintotrie 4 funny serious 5 lazy hard-working TEN (syle lelic [az I Nil 7 Morable cheeriul EM Tate P ed cy yy city 8 orrogant modest : Tall allel e [cls] elle ee fee AeA ef hofwtoltn 1 shy confident We aye fof el m]fu eee ore z] eke [rfl of fey ss 14 silly sensible NiGTa fel: [ol@ic Exercise 3 Possible answers A\wAST cheat rt] c]H) w] P © 8 06 sight hearing smell touch —_ taste inspect overhear smell stroke bitter ¥ reliable impatient impulsive pect Trearlel omogont ecient glare sound sniff scratch sweet ¥ confident disorganized serious gaze noisy ¥ stink hug funny insincere store quiel ¥ itch jenerous lazy notice pus ‘ard-working | mean slop modest miserable optimistic pessimistic Exercise 3c organized rude polient shy 1 glared 8 overheard 15 sweet polite silly 2 stored 9 stroke 16 sniffed sensible unreliable 3 gore 10 scratch, ches 17 push sincere quiet 11 hugged 18 slapped 2 going bad tempered 5 noisy ‘12 bitter 19 stinks ecsy-going | | big headec 6 inspect 13 smell re 7 notice 14 sounds Boost Your Vocabulary 3 Answer key (4) Exercise 4 1 glanced 5 tapped 9 Clap 2 listening to 6 tickles. 10 spot 3 look ot 7 drog 4 hove a look 8 push Exercise 5 1 spicy 4 check 2 squeeze 5 smells 3 hug 6 sour Exercise 6 1 sound 5 look 2 look 6 feel 3. feel 7 smells 4 heard 8 feel 3 The body and actions Exercise 1 1 nose 11 mouth / teeth 2 hair 12 hond 3 mouth /lips/teeth 13. finger 4 finger /hand / foot 14 teeth 5 foot 15 eye & nose / mouth / throat 16 mouth / lips 7 mouth / throat / tongue 17 eye 8 hand 18 mouth / lips 9 mouth / lips 19 nose 10 finger / hand 20 throat / mouth Exercise 2a Exercise 2b 1 swallow 6 grinned 1 winked 2 snored 7 breathe 2 whisper 3 kick 8 Suck 3 sneeze 4 pats 9 comb 4 Chew 5 Press 10 knocked 5 waved Exercise 3 1 He's hurrying past the lion. 2° He's running towards the castle. 3. They're sliding down the water chute. 4 They're jumping over the stream 5 They're walking along The Yellow Brick Road. 6 He's falling into the water. 7 The dog's chasing the cat up the tree. 8 He's looking through the wall 9 She's climbing over the wall 10 They're dancing under the tree. Exercise 4 1c Lie 6 b bite 2 {blow 7 a Bend 3 f shake 8 —g__Kneel 4i Stand 9d nod 5h sit 10 @ shake Boost Your Vocabulary 3 Answer key Exercise 5a lA 6 i 23 7b Ze 8 9g af 9 5d 104 Exercise 5b 1 You can kiss that goodbye. 2 ‘You've fallen head over heels for him.’ 3 it’s better than a kick in the teeth.” 4. "You've bitten off more than you can chew.” 5. 'Stand your ground.’ & ‘Don't bite the hand that feeds you.’ 4 Health Exercise 1 Flu Food poisoning depressed stomach ache temperature sick ache diarrhoea runny nose headache sore throa! Exercise 2 1 He's got earache. 5 He's got hay fever. 2 He's got a cough. 6 He's cut his finger. 3. He's been stung. 7 He's sunburnt. 4 He's got toothache. 8 He's grazed his knee. Exercise 3a Possible answers Can Thave an appointment (to see the doctor), please? Today, if possible. No, it isn’t Exercise 3b Bb Exercise 3c lig 4c 7 e 24h 5 f 3d 60 Exercise 4 Ly 2 brase 3 spot 4 cold sore 5. mouth ulcers 6 scar 7 blister 8 rash 9 wart Exercise 5 1 acold 20 sick cough dizzy a headache faint ‘a nosebleed sore throat 2b allergic (a) stomach ache hay fever a temperature migraine 3. fainted 4 had sprained lost twisted felt broken been bitten burnt hod scalded been stung 5. medicine, tablets, ointment / cream Test yourself 1 (Units 1 to 4) Exercise 1a 0 surprised 3. disappointed 1 jealous 4 quilly 2 angry 5 afraid Exercise 1b extrovert, confident, impulsive, kind, loyal, reliable Exercise 2 0 gazed 3 exomined 6 spotted / noticed 1 stared 4 glored 7 searched 2 glanced 5 check 8 browsed Exercise 3 Ok 4i ah 1b 50 9d 2F be Wise Be 79 Exercise 4 Action Part of the body Ailments / Illnesses nod head We got a headache. bite teeth I"ve got toothache. swallow throat I’ve got a sore throat. kick foot My ankle’s swollen: wave hand I've sprained my wrist bend knee I've grazed my knee. Exercise 5 0 b (Sit down) 7b (Kneel down.) 1 a (Hurry up!) 8 b (Lie down.) 2 b [Slow down.) 9. ¢ (Shake hands.) 3 a (Stand up.) 10 d (Cross your legs.) 4.e [Fold your arms.) 11 i (Don't lean on the gate.) 5g (Blow your nose.) 12 ¥ (Don't bite your nails.) 6 h (Clear your throat.) Exercise 6 0 indigestion 6 cut 1 allergic 7 broken / twisted / sprained 2 burned 8 poisoning 3. sunburnt 9 appetite 4 scalded 10 dizzy 5 depressed 5 Sport Exercise 1 Equipment Sport —_Location 1 racket, ball tennis court 2 {foot)ball football pitch 3 goggles swimming pool 4 stick, puck ice hockey rink 5 club, ball golf course 6 skis, sticks skiing piste 7 bot, boll baseball pitch 8 canoe, paddle canoeing 9 saddle, bridle riding 10 bow, arrow: archery 11 mask, scuba diving air cylinder 12. rod, line fishing Exercise 2a ‘innings court doubles throws points ‘serves score basket misses hits passing return catches dribbling bounced Sport: baseball shooting volley throw sets bounce Sport: tennis Sport: baskelbell Exercise 3 i passed 7 b headed 2k dribbled 8 g scored 3c tackle 9 _j, fouled / tackled 4 passed 10 h sent off 5 d shot 11 f beat 6 e save Exercise 4 Possible answers 1 Fowler kicks the ball high to Owen. 2 Owen dribbles past two players 3 and is tackled by Adams. 4 Adams passes the ball to Cole 5 but Gerrard intercepts it 6 and heads it to Owen. 7 Owen shoots 8 and Seaman saves it! Boost Your Vocabulary 3 Answer key | C Exercise 5 Frequently Asked Questions 1. (shuttlecock) badminton 1 on/off (puck) ice hockey 2 open, program, mouse, click, select (smash) tennis 3 cursor, Click, highlight, drag 2. {cour} tennis, badminton, basketball 4 printer, toolbar, print {rink) ice skating, ice hockey 5. close, windows, quit, menu (ring) boxing | 3. (15-0) fifteen — love Exercise 2 (40-40) deuce 1 You close a document. 2 You close a window. 1 {40A) advantage 2 You find and replace a word. 3 You load a program. . . 4 1 You open a document. 2 You open a window. 6 Education and jobs 5 1 You print out a document. Exercise 1 2 You print out work. 1 class 6 homework 4 ; a ade San 2 a rye work. 2° staff 7 assessment 8 YX fe aoe Sh You switch of 3 department 8 revising ou forward a document 4 lessons 9 coursework 9 You surf the net. 5a marks 10 course 10 You lose work a Exercise 3 Exercise 3a 1 She pressed ‘scroll up 2. She pressed ‘back delete’ 3. She pressed ‘return’. 4 ‘She pressed ‘forward delete’ Exams SATs in English, Maths and Science Exercise 4 10 GCSEs 1 She's highlighted the text. 2. She's inserted a symbol. Possed 9 Failed 1 3. She's replaced ‘I'd’ with ‘My friend Tracy would’ 4. She's copied and pasted the word really’ AS levels: English, French, History, 5. She's deleted ‘really’ Art, Music Exercise 5 Plans Alevels: English, French, History University course: Law 2 oR Le Exercise 5 ‘la (What qualifications do you need?) ae (How old do you need fo be?) u {What sort of a person do you need to be?) lw ws (What about training?) (What ore the hours?) (What's the money like?) (What's the best bit about the job?) (What's the worst bit?) 8 Music and drama wROwNO=N Exercise 1 1 box 7 Computers 2 spotlight 9, Prep 17 orchestra . ‘Sh 10 circle 18 aisle Brercse 1 3 gle IP escort Z ory 12 wings 20 ouditorium / CEE lor beginners 8 curtain 13 dry ice oudience 1 monitor 5 trash 7 costume 14 orchestra pit 21 row 2 sacen” 6 keyboard a wi 15 stoge 22 seat sol ——- a 16 footlights 3 toolbar 7 mouse 4 speaker 8 mouse pad D] Boost Your Vocabulary 3 Answer key Exercise 2 1 the prompter 2. the understudy 3. the set designer 4 the director 5 the stage hand & the ploywright 7 acomedy 8 a tragedy 9 the dress rehearsal Exercise 3 1 pop festival in England, an opera house, an orchestra 2 amusical, an opera, a ballet 3° gig, concert, recital (ballet, musical, opera) 4 4 pianist, a drummer, a guitarist, « songwriter, o conductor, choreographer Exercise 4a Romeo and Juliet Exercise 5a Possible answers: 1 Have you ever acted in a play? 2. Which part / role did you play? 3. What sort of play is it? 4 What's it aboul? 5. Who directed it? 6 How many performances were there? Exercise 6 PRO) O] Ul c| T/T O(N e | ir ¢ tk El HE el [| Fi s sta fon! is olL Ri ‘ola "rlo L | le alls y Test yourself 2 (Units 5 to 8) Exercise 1 FOOTBALL BASKETBALL TENNIS 0 save 1 bounce 1 racket 1 dribble 2 court 2 court 2. goal 3. dribble 3 set 3 kick 4 basket 4 smash. 4 pitch 5. shoot 5 seve 5. shoot Exercise 2 Exercise 3 0 took ow 1 marks 1 application 2 welll 2 qualifications 3. foiled 3. grades / markes 4 retake 4 interview 5. revision 5. experience 6 poss 7 place 8 study / read / do 9 course 10 degree Exercise 4 Od If 2b 3a 4c Se Exercise 5 0 avirus 6 the speakers 1 the space bar 7 the helpline 2 return 8 the trash 3 delete 9 the CD-ROM drive 4 the keyboard 10 the hard disk 5 the mouse Exercise 6 Possible answers ‘Two only 1 musical, ballet, concer, recital, gig 2. theatre, concert hall, opera house 3. balcony, circle, gallery, box, auditorium 4 curtain, set, scenery, lighting, footlights, props, orchestra pit, trapdoor, dry ice band, orchestra, choir, pop group actor, actress, director, assistant director, prompter, stage hand, understudy, stage manager, playwright 7 composer, performer, soloist, singer, lead singer, guitarist, drummer, keyboard player, pianist 9 Describing objects: shapes and materials Exercise 1 Noun Adjective 1 rectangle rectangular 2 oblong oblong 3. circle circular, round 4 hexagon hexagonal 5. octagon ‘octagonal & squore square 7 cone conical 8 triangle triangulor 9. sphere spherical 10 cylinder cylindrical Boost Your Vocabulary 3 Answer key | E Exercise 2a Exercise 2b Possible answers Possible answers 1 awoollen jumper 1 _ stainless steel sink 2. a leather jacket 2 a copper bracelet 3 asilk scart 3. aniron bar 4 a gloss case 5. a plostic pencil case 6 @ PVC raincoat 7 @ perspex picture frame 8 a cardboard model 9 a ceramic jug 1 }0 a brick wall Exercise 3a T's. ceramic mug with a pattern on it it's a straight glass with © crack in it. IV's @ plastic lunchbox with rounded comers. It’s a metal first-aid kit with a lid and a handle. I's a semi-circular glass lamp. IVs a heart-shaped mirror with @ wooden frame. Exercise 4 height wid 20 cm 25cm depth = 18 cm volume = 9,000 cm? area = 450 cm? Exercise 5 1 gop 4 crack 2 hole 5 space 3 slit Exercise 6 1 (a road) bumpy, flat, level, slippery, rough, smooth 2. (a pillow) firm, soft, smooth 3. (a piece of paper) flat, shiny, rough 4 [someone's hair) coarse, soft, shiny, fine Exercise 7 1 Its. plastic storage box with a lid. 2. It's a oylindrical plastic torch, 3. I's a cube-shaped clock radio with a digital display. 4. It's 0 Swiss watch with a stainless steel bracelet. 10 In the countryside Exercise 1 Possible answers 1 birds, bushes / 7 rocks butterflies 8 trees 2 cows 9 wall 3 deer 10 valley 4 field / form / fence / footpath 5 hedge / hill 6 lane / lamb(s) Boost Your Vocabulary 3 Answer key Exercise 2 Cl R[TPelK IE T [(F R R FUlP olwl ju Ni [wl lel Prin Pelrlaisis| | [k r L °T "Ble s|'s| ohm E T U relelelrie le Ss rm E Exercises 3a and 3b the earth | man-made animals | crops features of the countrysi mud wall cricket oats ab: - | 3b: beetle 3b: stones | bridge bee | corn soil fence 3b: wheat pebbles | gate birds te other | parts of tree | parts ofa flower plants grass blossom stem fungi trunk 3b: 3b 3b stalk weeds | branch petal bushes | bark flower Exercise 4a Walk along the track by the fence. Then go up the steps and turn right at the top. Go over the footbridge Don't go through the gate but turn right ond walk along the footpath. Look for a signpost with ‘Box Hill” on it Walk down the path / hill to the valley at the bottom, Go across the river by the stepping stones Exercise 5 ] wheat 6 «) rice «) leaves ¢) beans b) cattle grid __— blossom leat bud a herd; a flock camping / walking / af mountain biking on 11 In the town Exercise 7a The good things about living in Bradford | ae Ae the National Museum of Photography | 2 office block hate = the Hockney Gallery at Salt Mills, i pecans — attractive buildings 3 enemy 8 outer Aajgn Superstore | — ethnic shops and restaurants (i's famous for | 5. building site leu?) | The bad things about living in Bradford Exercise 3 the centre is quite polluted 1 pedestrian precinct 10 one-way system > grimy buildings 2 advertisement hoarding 11 litter bin ~ the nightlife 3. petrol station 12 traffic lights lisa 13 oj lore 12 Holidays and festivals us sto} pavemeni 6 multi-storey car pork 15 bench Exercise 1 7 lamp post 16 recycling bins Possible answer 8 public toilets 17 parking meter Thanks for your invitation to Gemmo’s party. I'd be 9 zebra crossing 18 parking bay delighted to come. Exercise 4 Exercise 2 V aring road / a bypass 20n ee ve 1 wig 6 barbecue 3. a dead end / a cul-de-sac 2 mosk 7 Dracula make-up 3. costume 8 candles 4 the kerb ae an 5 a roundabout Aa hecho eta 6 a crossroads ee Ou 7 a Tjunction Pood Exercise 5a Possible answer Tye just been to the mast fantastic party. it was 0 foncy- u Ww dress party. | dressed up in a witch's costume and | wore very scary make-up. We played party games, there was a x NY music and dancing and there was @ barbecue R. D Everybody had a good time. o S Tr H z R Exercise 5 GS U rT 1a hot cross buns Good Friday b chocolate eggs Easter fe uv Ye ¢ lanterns made out R x R of pumpkins Hallowe'en Ww. C P d pancakes Shrove Tuesday T c Vv © a decorated tree Christmas a fF ¥ fireworks Guy Fawkes Exercise 5b erro Ca Possible answers bb the day when Independence Day Americans celebrate the creation of the USA ving in the town Living in the country multi-cultural atiracive ¢ the famous carnival in Mardi Gras crowded * boring Rio de Janeiro dongerous clean d the last day of the year New Year's Eve dicty : peaceful @ the first day of the year New Year's Day exciting Quiet ¥ the day when people gay Penne who work have a holidey Bank Holiday £ magnificent 3 a Guy Fawkes Night 5th November E noisy b Hallowe’en 318 October q polluted ¢ Christmas Day 23h December persian d New Year's Day 13 January ca e Independence Day ath July Boost Your Vocabulary 3 Answer key |G Exercise 60 11 witches 2 trick 3 treat Hallowe'en 21 card 2 heart 3. anonymously Valentine's Day presents 2 turkey 3. Christmas pudding 4 tree 5 decorations 6 lights 7. crackers Christmas Day 4 1 flowers 2 trick April Fool's Day Exercise 7a Possible answer Mardi Gras takes place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in February. It lasts for five nights and four days and it attracts hundreds of thousands of people. They dress up in fantastic costumes, they dance the samba and they have sireet parties. It’s the biggest street carnival of them alll Test yourself 3 (Units 9 to 12) Exercise 1 «@ rectangular. photo frame 1 a cylindrical poster tube 2 attriangular road sign 3 a square clock 4 a semi-circular window 5 aheart-shaped chocolate & around / circular tray 7 awatch with an octagonal face 8 aconical hat 9. a pyramid-shaped bottle 10 a spherical top Exercise 2 0 glass vase 3. crack 1 pattern 4 handles 2 rounded 5 measures Exercise 3 Countryside Town 0 acattle grid 6 a one-way system 1 a field 7 a pedestrian precinct 2 a track 8 a tower block 3. avolley 9 aitraffic jam 4 corn 10 air pollution 5 mud Boost Your Vocabulary 3 Answer key Exercise 4 0 recycling bins 1 fitter bin 2 bus stop 3. zebra crossing 4° parking meter 5 traffic lights Exercise 5 0 noisy / quiet 1 ugly / beautiful 2 polluted / clean 3 stressful / relaxing 4 dangerous / safe 5. lively / boring Exercise 6 branch trunk roots 3 leaf MN 4 bud 5 blossom flower 7 petal 8 stem 9 stalk 10 leaf Exercise 7 0 decorate a card with love hearts 1 send a card to someone anonymously 2 have a party 3. play a trick on someone 4. dress up as a witch or a ghost 5 make a Hallowe'en lantern out of a pumpkin & play ‘trick or treat’ 7 moke a guy 8 have a bonfire party 9 _ set off fireworks 10 send a card to your mother Verb phrases associated with computers switch on switch off load a program quit a program open a window close a window type a document select text highlight text copy text | haven't got enough memory. My computer's crashed I've lost work. The screen's frozen. My computer's got a virus. | called the helpline. The internet and e-mail internet / net service provider (ISP) search engine I like surfing the net. | go online between 8p.m. and 8.30p.m. 1 e-mail my cousin regularly. I sometimes forward jokes to my friends. Computer knowledge He's a computer genius. He's a cor mputer nerd. cut text paste text find and replace insert a symbol save your work print out use shortcuts use the mouse click and drag home page website password See also Boost Your Vocabulary 2, Unit 9, Phone, e-mail and letters. I'm computer-literate. I'm a technophobe. Boost Your Vocabulary 3 Unit 7 |45| 7 abd, 1a Complete the labels for the picture. 1b Complete the text. @ monitor, 8; 6: @:; Pu. Frequently Asked Questions 1 How do ! switch the computer on? You press the 0.1 / 0 f f button 2 How do | get a new document onto the screen? You o_ _ _ your word-processingp__ ____ - Youusethem____ to ¢___ _on file’, Then yous __ _ _ _ ‘New document’. It’s easy! 3 Let's say I’ve typed a letter with three paragraphs. | decide | want to put paragraph 3 before paragraph 2. What do | do? First, make sure the c___ _ _ _ is positioned at the start of paragraph 3. C_______ the mouse, hold it down andh_ paragraph 3. Then use the mouse tod _____ paragraph 3 before paragraph 2. And don't panic! 4 How do | print out my document? You just click the p___ _ _ _ icon on the t Click on the options you want and then click on ‘p__ 5 When I’ve finished working, do | just pull the plug out of the socket? NOI!! You should ¢ _ call _ _ _ _ _ you have opened and q the program. Then go to the ‘Special’ m _ _ _ and choose ‘Shut down’ 46] Boost Your Vocabulary 3 Unit 7 2 How many expressions can you make by matching the words and phrases in column A with those in column B? A B 1 close a document 2. find and replace 3 load a program 4 open a window 5 print out a word 6 save 7 switch the net 8 forward work 9 surf off 10 lose on 1 1 You close a document. 2 You close a window. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3 Which key did Tracy press? ( | shows the position of the cursor.) ‘return’ ‘scroll up’ ‘back delete’ ‘forward delete’ | e-mail: Dear Brad] Dear Brad| 1 She. pressed ‘scroll up’. Dear Braga Dear Brad] Dear Brad I'm ad ting]to ask Boost Your Vocabulary 3 Unit 7 [47] 7 4 > What has Tracy done now? Use the words in the box to describe what has happened. delete copy and paste highlight _ insert / symbol replace ... with ... Td really like to meet you. 1 She's highlighted the text, I'd really like ©) to meet you. 2 My friend Tracy would really like ©) to meet you 3 My friend Tracy would really really really really like ©) to meet you. My friend Tracy would like to meet you. 5 ie 5 Tracy couldn't send her message i because something went wrong. / x Solve the puzzle to find out what it was. Her computer .. 1 Assmall picture like this «4 or this [yal - (4) - 2 Itshows you where you are about to type. (6) Wr 3 Electricity travels along it. (5) 2} | 4 You use it to move 2 around the screen. (5) 3) 5 ig computer stores information on this disk. 4 [- | rn 6 You find it in a restaurant and at the top of 5 | your screen. (4) 7 They're on a computer and in a house - and + | you can open ond close them. (7) 7[ | L] fe) Boost Your Vocabulary 3 Unit 7 Circle A, B or C. How long do you spend online each week? A More than 10 hours B Between 5 and 10 hours G Less than 5 hours How many e-mails do you send each week? ‘A More than 20. B Between 5 and 20 Fewer than 5 How many programs do you know how to use? AMore than 5 B Between 1 and 5 © 0-1 How many search engines do you use on a regular basis? AMore than 5 B Between 1 and 5 C 0-1 Have you got your own website? ‘AYes, of course B Not yet What's a website? 6. Try this questionnaire to find out how much you know about computers. Do you know how much memory your computer has got? AOf course B No, but | know how to find out C | can't remember Do you ever forward e-mails? AYes, | forward lots of jokes B Yes, sometimes No Do you know how to attach a document to an e-mail? AYes, for both PCs and Macs B Yes G Sorry? 9 Has your computer got a DVD-ROM drive? AOf course B No, butI’dlike one CA what? 10 How often have you phoned the helpline in the past six months? ‘A Never B Occasionally C They know me by name 11 Do you use shorteuts? AYes, lots BAfew G''m bored now 12 Do you save your work onto floppy disks or zip disks? AA Zips. Who uses floppies nowadays? B Floppy disks ¢ Zzzzzzz ANALYSIS Mostly As Mostly Bs Mostly Cs ‘Are you a genius or a nerd? You know enough to get by, and perhaps even more. Well done! You're either a technophobe or you're so creative that you think computers are a waste of time ce 7 Write ten words and five expressions you are going to memorize. Expressions | | Boost Your Vocabulary 3 Unit 7 8] Music and drama Translate the words and phrases. Types of performance play show pantomime musical opera Places theatre concert hall opera house Music Performing practise (verb) practice (noun) give a concert People in music composer peccseeeeees songwriter conductor performer musician band orchestra soloist singer lead singer backing group guitarist drummer keyboard player pianist choir ballet concert recital gig (pop, rock music) festival venue stadium. open-air concert People in dance choreographer dancer ballet dancer ballerina I think you've done enough practice now, dean 50) Boost Your Vocabulary 3 Unit 8 Drama Parts of a theatre foyer auditorium box stalls (always plural) circle balcony gallery aisle row seat The stage stage curtain set scenery lighting lights footlights prop orchestra pit wings trapdoor dry ice Plays comedy tragedy production performance People playwright actor / actress director assistant director set designer prompter stage hand understudy stage manager cast Parts of a drama first act interval second act scene Performing rehearse act / be / appear in a play be on stage play the part of / take the role of character costume. wig cesses dress rehearsal first night audience applause encore Describing a drama /a performance The plot is simple / complicated The play is set in Venice / in the 1960s It was written by .. It’s about ... It ends with See Boost Your Vocabulary 2, Unit 6, Cinema, television and radio: Talking

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