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1 Network GET CONNECTED Tom Hutchinson Kristin Sherman with Mike Boyle OXFORD UNIT 1 What happened to you? See etait inline Practice 4" Online Practice 4") CONVERSATION: | hurt my knee. 1 Look at ture. What de you think happened? MM) 4 Stone and ask your clas ry to ask more q) What did you do last weekend? Realty? Was it fun? Well, I went last weekend, Yes, itwas./Mo, it wasn’t, ‘alk about past events, co © vocasurary: parts of the body Write the missing parts of the body, Use the words in the box — mah ke. nee ost te teh eed Onli @ Listen and repeat, )3 Read the sentence, Write the body part. L, You speak with this, |e';our mouth, 4 This is between your lex and your Foo 2, ‘These are at the end of your feet. 5, You see with this part of your body: 3, ‘Thisis between youreyes and yourmauth, ‘This is between your head and your chest. 1. Circle the sitent tetters (the letters you don’t hea). (Bree answer stomach who walk write know when 60 2. Listen and repeat, Were your answers to Past 1 correct? *> >> >>> Now! Cal... name partsorme body. Cl mecatan Cl wet Ol very wet UNIT 11. | What happened to your ® © Grammar: Past simple—questions id you go skiing? ‘Yes, did, Did ttey enjoy itt Mo, they didn't. NOT Dh you went shling? Old they enjoyed it? Where did you stay? How did she hart er le 2 Complete the seraences: ‘Online Practice 6 1 Look at the conversation Circle the questions in the past simple tense, burn = burned = break = broke «= gown’ fall «fell LA: How did you burn your ban? RAT my Jeg whee I was a child Be 1_____ ton the stave. Be Oh, how did you. in? RAD tothe hospital yesterday. 4 A: Did Nel olf his bile! Be Ob, why did you there Be No, be didn’t. He off a chaie 3 Complete the questions and short answers, Use the words in parentheses Duloe have fy / have} god weekend? Yea.tdd _ {Yes thanks. Wha : (you / do went mountain biking. Where ; (you / gor Carlos: ‘The White Mountains in New Hampshire {you / go) with Lenu? (No) yeen with sone guys from work. {you / enjay) itt can @ > Biewe weekered, Mabe questions wit the words below + What © Who /go with? (Yes), thanks. Practice the conversation with your partner. Where / go? oH / w good time? >» > > Now I cam... am questune about past vents OC merece 0 wen 0 verwee cry 8 READING AND SPEAKING © Res a i ete Glaus ae a elu le om uel iel | n. What happened to Nin loots He you injured your flag. Yes dd. What happened? Wel it was prety stupid. Iasi a hurry, ‘aed | chaved my cae door on my fing. ‘uch ‘Yeah it really hurt. stil hurts! Maye ride a bicyete from mow ont Good ideat So, what happened to you! ‘Wel | broke my ankle, (Oh, that’s too bad. How oh that happen? twa. my yard at right, ant ripped ‘over my som’ bik Ll on ayant and Awisted it ‘ra sounds pfu, Dad you call an ambulance? No, my wife was home, She drove me ta the bop 7 8 2 Anewer the questions \ What happened? How much did it hurt? Whe helped you? Where did ithappen? = When did It happen? Did you go to the hospital? Exampl Ae What happened? Bi fad am accitent (tast year). » >>> Now I Can... um svaut anaceiaent, Tecate Cl wer Cl very wee UNIT 11 | What happened to:your n {GB vour story: ryan has a cold. © Read and is 60: Listen again. Circe 1 Rs sn. What is the problesi? ‘Cay: You dot look 30 4808, Ryan, Ayam: i Feel teribie (Cindy: hat’s the matter? Ayam: [havea cold, my noses sty, and tbawe a headache. Ob, and Ihave a cough too. ‘Cindy: Boor baby. Do you want some hat teat Ryan: | think I need some real medicim ‘Cady | guess | can go to the drugstor Ryan: ieally? That's great. Oh! Could you buy some honey and leman at the supermaret, ‘0? My theoat is a litte soe, And maybe some cookies? Pharmatist: tells, Can i betp you? Clade Yes. Do you have anything tor Pharmacist nde No, Fm the healthy ane. ts Far my husband. cola? ee ou? Pharmacist: 108s wery goud, He can take every 17 hours, pas eo / the fl 2, He also has.a.stomachache / sare throat 1. Cindy is going to the drugstore / supermarket to buy medicine. (Cindy: Here you go, Ryan. The pharmacist says to {ake two mow and then two in 12 hours. ‘And drlak soma orangs poe. Ryan: Oh, thanks, Can you get me some orange juicer indy: Sure. Ryn: And how about some soup? 4, Ryan asks Cindy to buy some cookies / soup, ‘The pharmacist says t every fine / tae ake the mesticinwe rarage juice / te 3 Use the ory to compte the eapresstonsin fg = cae the bor. Listen and check. i = 1— Buying medicine (@D 4 Week tnm yroup. ell the group sont eeaal — hi a etic 9 you are sick | Take two > > > Now I can... umabout noyng mesicina ” Cl metatan Cl wen Cl very every hours. (G@ REAL-WORLD LISTENING: Laughter is the best medicine. 1 Lowk at the fos, How often do yom smile or lang Wien can laughter bp come? @ What are the benefits of laughter? Check [7{ your ideas. C7 teeta goon this goa for stress 1 hetpas baie rome ] Ihelps with pain I tsan international language ] Te makes you smarter, Online Practice or listen ane check your re 980 ~ 900 = L. Some doctors the people with the cormeet deseription. esaday. ver with laa Ste ts bet bette 3. Children, 6. say to Laugh 90 minutes a day 4M Clown doctors. ¢ your partner wants te laxgh mare, W things to do, ane other ideas. CLASS: Tel a partner about a tine you had an accident. did happen What part of your body did you hurt? ‘OMLINE: Tella partner about someune fram your social nmetwark. What hind of accident did that person have? ‘What pam of the body did he/she Rar? >>> >>> NOW] Cam... recommend woyste laugh, J wetacan Cl wen Cl very ee UNIT 11 | What happened to your 7m UNIT I’m going on a cruise. See etait ‘Online Practice CONVERSATION: When are you going to leave? 1 Look at the picture. What de you nk they are talking about’? Sorry, Jo lan, Lean't, Fm going to go on a business trip pel of the week. ng to at the Jordan: Oh, When are yc jane is ering to play on Thursday, T meant Thasractay, Maybe Do you want ta go to __ on Friday? ‘Walt—I think ‘can’t, I'm going to inte somease te an event, © vocasutary: travel © Listen and re 1, goon a business trip 4, go backpacking 2 What other travel words or pha o0~ 2.7 i. They lost conversation abo They went camping went to the whew Ask @. © When do you go on. © Where da you got © Who do yom go witht? . 2. socampin 6 passport ) oF fale (FY? we your ideas with 20.08 vacation, by train, po by car ote Bras BUT go camping, go shilng What thins dos yo de? Check [of the pairs with the same vowel sound. D1. tip miss 2. tose cruise (03. travel wallet CO &. train plane (15. passport camping (6. suitease business 60d 2. Listen and repeat. Were your answers to Part 1 correct? >>> >>> Now] Can... umaseu ture T met t C we CO ary at UMIT12 | rm going on a cruise, wea ke the airport ” © (© Grammar: be + going to Eee eee ST Vm going to take a vacation, She ban going te study, es, Lam, are to stu Fm not going to 52 camping, ‘We're going to visita museum. oer cee | ecreen! a They arent har Yes, she ts, e's poing to relax. ney arent going tw havea BAN || ae we stuayt ae Wo, she ism. Online tice 1 Look at the conversation om, EE po 1. We/ stuity / go shopping _We aren't going to study. We're acing too shopping, 2 He/ get up early / stay in bed plicit a 9 Check (Pf the sentences ifthey are trae for you, If net, rewrite thent so they are O11, Pmgoing to study alter class, (1 Pm ping to go tora rentanarana toca. (18 Pim going to watch TW tegt, (14. Pmgoing to visit my friends this weekend. 1 ® Pm gning to ave a party this weekend, (@ + Aston annwer auton aout he eae Atv 2 Example: 1s Are they ovina to ty? Be No, they aren’. They're going ta (DS Areyou going to do those things Exampte: A Are iow going te ge shopping this weekend? Be Yes, Fam. Ac What are you going fo buy? Winere are pow going fo go? Wiko are you going to ga with? ‘weekend? Ask an answer questions with a partner. go shopping study goto the movies relax watch sports on TV get up late » > > Now T Can... tam aout my paass torte weekend, CO mecacan Cl won Cl very met 7” (©) READING AND WRITING @ Read and listen, What do these people want to do after they gradhate? | Ross College Students Prepare for Future! - These people are going to graduate rom ellege soon Big PLAS! treyatiove excting travel pana ‘whatam I going to do ‘After college, When finish calege, fra when |graduatefrom college? Tm going to travel going to:90 te Canada Yor a Well fist around the world “year want ta impede my gping to take with two friends. Engitsh, Fm going to wort in iteasy fora 1) Fist, ten going vo caatel ina ski resort. That's whole tat Ph) work in a restaurans going tobe great because | ‘ping to ge ear myhome team hove sheng. Fra ot comping with 2 some money. Then, In Gctobes, going to leave ‘my family. Then. we're going toflyta Bangkok, Pena unt In Avgust.mgoing iouavel Wee going toge backpacking im September, fo lapan.fimgoing toteach Thailand, Indanesi, and some other som going Engiih theee for tvo years, ‘counties, After thar, were going vo work in espoingta be wery different ta flyto Australia. and look far jobs rey parents’ From ie in the US, there, t's going tobe great. bookstore fist, 2 All three people are going to travel (o a different Country and do something there, Write what they are going to do and in which country. detvity Country Lo trnrease note: sequencers | i First, I'm going to work... Sandy Then, we've going to. nae After that, we've going to | Antonio a0 youlre going to take & year off from your job or school. Twink abut your pass. 1. What are you going to do before you leave’ 4. Who are you going to go with? 2. Where are you going to go? 6. Whew are yoru going to leave? 3. What are you going to do there? 4 paragraph about your year off, For my year off, Pm going t First, I'm going Then, Tm going to travel to there, After that Pm going to- I's gning to be. » >>> >>> NOW I CALL... aescimeptane torte tuture Ceeatat DO wen 0) very wet UMIT12 | rm going on a cruise, 7 (GB vour story: cindy and Ryan are oO Rad and ti What is Cindy's surprise? ‘Cindy: Well, you're Looking ech better yan: Thanks. I'm feeting better. think Ym est sick a the cold eater. Cindy: thimow what you mean, What a month, Yu and my mater were bath sick. Now Van ny relax Beal fhyam | dort believe it Everyone Sure knows but me! How did youkeep ita surpraet Cindy: Youve gany to keep sac from. Now po buy som clothes for sum Manic, abou here. beta 2 Listen again. Answer the questions eo 1. What di 2. Who are they ging ta visit 5. 2. Who is going to watch the cafe? (D4 Work in a group. Tell your classmates about some Surprising news you received sealy buy? 3 Use story to complete the expressions im the bor. Listen and chock, » > > Now I can... snowsuepase Omer acan Owe CO) very we 80 coalagio Mew speeat.. We cam talk That's Peter. Who's going to Mexico. Ryan You've kidding! What a great idea! When are we poing ta leave? Cindy: How dues Saturday sound? Ryam Oh, my goodeess. Who's going to watch the cate? Ryan: | just saw Peter. Me's talking about getting married, (Chay: Wel, hat da yor knot Hr ‘Guess what? thave ane more surprise fer yout Ryan: We're going tostay seapensivenotelr ‘Cindy: ves better, ily mother is guing to comewithus, yf_Yourve Married? that sounds fit mhen you're an What does Ryan need to buy? What is Peter talking about? What is Cindy's last surprise’? Everyday expressions—Showing surprise ‘You're ! Oh, my I don’t Well, what do you ! (G@ REAL-WORLD LISTENING: A trip to Honolulu 1 Look at the photo anxt map. What do yo know alrout Honolulu? What do you think people do tere? @ Complete the ces ston iu, Use the swords in te bow, a | PACIFIC OCEAN -@ om Online Practice 4) a Watch or listen and check your answers : eS Watch or listen again. Mark the statements true (TT) 0¢ false (FP). 1. Inthe Hawaiian language, Oly trans “gathering place” 2 Many people in Honolua are fram other countries 3. In the past, Kamehameha. Waikiki were Hawaiians Kings 4. Hawaii became n part of the US. in 1008 Waikiki has over 050,000 visitors a diy 8. The bula isa traditional Hawaiian dance @ = Weare you ping to do to your next vacate? Are yu ging coma pact ie Honus Tele perane CLASS: Find somenne in your class wha can tell you ‘about a new vacation place. Ask about three fun things You can do-and see there, ‘OMLINE: Tella partner about someane from your social network. What pince-did he/sive recommend for you to ‘visit? What are three things you can da and see there? ‘You can shave a picture ofthis place. soa >>> Now I Cal... ram apau going ana vacation. CD meeatan Cl wen 0 very we UNIT 12 | fmgving on cruise, a REVIEW Units 9-12 ‘Circle the correct word ar words to complete each sentence, A Vocabulary Eee Thr , talk about places to go 1. Do you tike music? There's a concert movie / game tonight. a @. Isthere a play / game / class at the theater this weekend? , talk about school subjects I'm studying Freech and Spanish. | really like foreign languages / sciences / arts. (page 65) 4. Fatina plays a lot of sports. Her favorite class is history / physical ‘education / math 5. Your face / neck / nose fs betmeen your head and your chest name parts ef tha boty (page 71) I broke my toe / leg / finger. Now | can't write. talk about travel 7. When you travel to another country, you need a boat / cruise / coe a (ome 771 B. Oh, nol It's already 8:15! | hope | don't travel / miss / lose the boat! B Grammar 1. Jackwas /were af hame lastnight. say where people were " (page 60) 2, Mike and Linda wasn't / weren't in class yesterday. 3. AcWere you in Lima ist week? Ves, as / were, ‘talk about the past 4. Lisa is a teacher Last year she too / tought art, (page 66) 5, We went tothe park yesterday, We dirt g0/ don"t went to the shopping mall. 1G. You die’ ike /tked the movie, z ask questions about past 7. Do/Did they ga skiing yesterda fi ey gO fv" Li 5 8. Where did you stayed stay? (oage 721 8. What time did you getup / got up? ai j talk about my plans forthe 10. Mika is / are going to leave soon. 11. Are you going work / to work tomorrom? (page 78 12. Yes,t'm going / 1am. G| Reading 8: Read the story again. Complete Amis studying Ann's Trip to England Last year my sister Base and I wert ora tip to England. First, we went to London. | ed Th nies aan ry ce, but ere was. lott do, so we dirt mid We saw plays. We ala went ta several museums, Rose suche art in college, so he really enjoyed the art museums. taking laste in theses, 50 les fhe plays he Bes. We both rey had shopping There are many places to shop, including Camden Market and Portabello Road. These markets are sy crowded othe meer They ae go places ta wateh people Aftora week in London, we went tothe Lake District England was very beautiful, We stayed at avery small hotel It had great food very day we wan on the paths al over the Leagan he sentence a Ike the museca | 8, Both Ann are Rose likes correct order tea, We even visited the home of Beatrix Patter ‘She wrote Fefer Rabbit and ather books for cre, We ad a great ime, a twas ni relax after our busy tine in London. We had one eoblem. My sister eft her parspart atthe hotel, so:we missed our tain back to London Next year, we are going to go to Spain. Firs, We've going to stay in Baveatons for a Hew days nse warts tn ist the art museum there, and [want to foo at the bufings and parks. ty basal omy. Weir also going te ie beach nearby: Rose has iiend in Bareslona, $0 Weire going to stay inher apartment. We arent going 10 spend money on a Hotel \we'l have enough money to go to Madi fs. fm ary encined abou the tpt (ake Otstrie With the careet word or words, in college. London very much. ‘They stayed in Loerdon far —__ sh 5, After London, they went to the a wrote the hook Peter Rabbit, 7. Rowe left her at the hotel. 8, Next summer, they aro going to travel in they're going te oto 10, In Bareelona, they are going to stay at REVIEW | UNITS 9-12 GET CONNECTED Blogging The word biog isa short form of weblog. & blog is ‘a wobsite with infomation that is pasted every day cr every week. Usually one persan writes a blog. but sometimes many people write for te same biog Each piece of writing is called a post, The posts are fn Hime onder, Trey start with the newest and go back ie time. Blogs usualty have: 2» a main area for writing Sa list of old blog posts ha place for people ta comment 2 links tw other sites Blogs can be about many things. They can talk about political Issues or give news. They can be someane’s personal thoughts. Or they might be about specific topics, such as ‘sports, gardening, or healthy foads for children. Look at the blog on page 85, What is the topic? Do you think i's interesting? ‘Why or why not? Discuss with a partner, Read the blog. Why does the blogger like sides? Write twa reasons. L Read the comments bry Victor and lin, Wha do you agree wath? Why? Discuss with a group ‘What technology (computers, audio, video, slides, etc) da you like to use to learn English? What do you think works in a classroces? What works wiven ‘you study at home? Discuss your ideas wth a different group, a4 Carly’s English Classroom Home About Past blogs Technology in a age Class to.use allot of technology mate, 01 jus play wt fee them to turnoff their cell phoeves! But | really keto use sides. An my classes mows | heard about them from Annie's blog, Students learn better mben they see pictures and hear a language at the samme time. Ibis mich better than the teacher talking with no pictur can aso put the shes onine. My stds an I = look at them for homework af to review J ‘Wieaoe says: This is very interesting. tm a studeen, and lean best with pictures. Wher my teacher uses sides, understand oot, They are a great idea. Homer, als ibe to use computers. dim says We don’t have a computer in our classroge. The teacher writes on the board. | ont think te need techno, This Works foe ene, Leave a comment mame: E-mal ‘Comment: > Ton, ‘write a.comment below in response to the blog. Use your ideas from Activities 3 and 4, Leave a comment Name: Emall Comment: Understand and commant on blogs vet) eye UNIT I eat a lot of cake. See etait onl 2 Practice 4 Practice 1") CONVERSATION: How many cookies do you eat? 1 Look at the Ryane It's » questionnaire fra Cindy: Ub-hah. “What slo yo Nubet aie: How knich Ryan: Cindy: Ryan: WD 2 Work MA 4 Stan and ask your class How much cheese do you est? How many cookies do you eat? Not much. (1 eat a lot. Not many. (teat aot, alk about oy dat. a6 © vocasutary: Food & Listen ant regret. Then check (the kinds of food you often et == C1 &. tomatoes r 10. lettuce On. exes 1. mak Ouiine Practice 2 Add more foods and drinks to the chart. Food Drink ‘apples ‘mil GB) 3 Talk with » partner. What foud and drinks do you like? What don't you like? Example: A: Da you like chicken? Be Yes, Fda. Doo you? >>> >>> Now | Can... tam sdout tests ane drinks. wetatan Cl wet I very et UMIT19 | leat alotof cake. Cy @sa GRAMMAR: Count and noncount nouns Count 8ouns have & singular and a plural Form, cookie sumecovkles - We use many with count nous. We use much with nomcauat noans, Mow many cookies do'you How mach cheese do you eat? I dom eat may cookies, Iidoert eat mueh cheese We use alot of with both count and noncount nouns. ‘Tou eat alot of cookies. Yourat a lat af cheese, Online Practice 1 Look at the conversation on page 86. Circle the count nouns. Underline the noncoant nouns. 8 Write an before the sng lhofore the noncosné pauns. 1 sandwich & apple 2 some juice 2 sack, a water 8 bread 4 potnte a orange money 1, milk ? 1. How ‘coffee do you dri A. How ‘cousins do yom haw? 2, How housework ds you di? How exercise do you da? 3. How kext messages dos you 6 How —__ snacks da you eat send every slay every day? (D4 Ask a partner the questions fram Ac Example: A How mutch coffee da you drink? Be Not much, /Htrink a tot ef cate. / 1 | Pronunclatlon: Of eee ‘We usually reduce of to /v/ in expressions. Listen and repeat, 1, abow! of rice 5. alot of chicken 2. alotof potatoes 6, a bagof apples ‘3. acarton ofeggs 7. a piece af bread 4. aeupofcoffee 8, a glass of juice ty drink any eaffee » > > Now [ Can... tam abuut cost asd noncowst nouns. Cl weeatan wen Cl very wen > DDD DD ne hungry in the Tee Or ce with some ‘morsing, 81 Hie to Fah or sometimes have a big bresinfast meat—usually ation have fod bel. Aad at every apt ad toot wth meal in Vietnam. Jom. Sometimes aio hae frit— usually apples or rape. abways have coffe ae a big gs of orange ice, Boeakdanst ts ty Harworine: meal of the ay. ek 188 oF cotter with their tweaks, but ikea cup af hot Read the text again. Answer the questions. "What do people eat every day in Vietnam? "Why does Coemor eat a big breakast? Where does Kevin usually eat breaktast? 5. Which breakfast do you think isthe healthiest? Why? 6. Which breakfast is most similar to. your usual breaktast? and dinner, For breakjost, Fuswatly /often have For tench, Fuswatly / often have Now I Can... deserine wnat eat and drink, Camara DD wen Cl verve Zs st around the World ‘Why does Mayu usually have-a small breaktist’? Vein, United States "dont ke no get up early, $0 dnt have ech te for ewaast "usually have breast ‘onthe way to work. get a cup of cotlee and a mutfin at a eae, snd | eat it on the tain bes nota very healthy breakfast tut i's fast ‘0c nay On weekend, 1 usualy have a big bowl of coveal and some yogurt. ‘With noncount nouns, we describe quantities like this: ‘bbowl of ke {two cups of tea thee glasses of mitk four pieces of wast tea mit toast Work ina group. Talle about your typical breakfast, hunch, For diner, J usually / often hae My Jasorite meat of the stay ia...boramae UNIT 19 | Heat alot of cake. or G vour story: marisol meets matt. © — and ls tory. What does Marisol think about Mat Jeedam Hi, Matt, Fim surprised you're up 30 earty, Maat: ras at fe gym. ow I'm really hungry, ‘Sa, what's good here? verything! But the sfins are delicious, ‘Ave you ready te arder? (Mat Can | have a blueberry mut edn: Aa thing We avink? att: Cafe, please, Jeedans MartsolsHere's the fruit and wont. ot. W's for my heother over Mariged:n, mu Jordan: Here you go. Enjoy. att: Thanks. Cant have vome-enss, Joraae. tatty And maybe some wheal toast? Jocdan: Asything else? att: Well, could set some fru and yogurt? That's sa interesting® Tell me mare! Mariso:You Side’ tell me you hada brether He looks Jordan: Uh, Marisol? | think something is burning be ‘ce. take this to him. the hitches eo: Listen again ana comple ‘Maatt was at the euffins are e wheat is wo Marisol thinks Matt inoics ut brig out is ore ood: Use the stary to complete the Everyday expresslons—At a restaurant expeesatons in the bos. List and cheek. — ‘Customer ‘Are you ready cant a blueberry group. Talkubout your Srger? rmulfia, please? (Would you like) anything Gould also some eink? wet atan Cl wet Cl very wee fruit and yogurt? B REAL-WORLD LISTENING: New York City food trucks 1 Lowi at the photo of Joe. What is his job? 1d: Watch or listen and complete the 3 abot Joe. Use the woes in the box wattles breakfast Joe wares in sells of his customers work in ‘Wafftes are originally from ad people ead them for orhunch, 1 York you c Online Practice ins ce DD strawberries chocolate (4. Workin groans Make nist of treet food on can ea CLASS: Interview theee classmates, What are three ‘ONLINE: Tella partner about somesse fsum your social network, What coustry fs be/she rom? What kind af aad trom iis/hae country dors he/she URa to eat? Wau an shave a picture or a recipe of that Ino eo a> >>> Now I Can... ram spout ene ines of toed cas oat in my town, CO meets Cl wer C1 very we UMIT19 | leat alotof cake. Most What do you like to wear? UNIT See etait Go ‘Ontine Practice to record your voice the conversations. on pages 92.and 96, CONVERSATION: What are you going to wear tonight? 1 Look at the & Read at iste Cindy: Ryan: Tm not sur ‘Cindy: At least youre not wearing th ie. What are Ryan andl Cloudy doing’? ssing to wear tonight to the concert old brown Jacket Ryan: {like th Cindy: Ob, why ae Ryan: [dort war Cindy: Ob, wT gave bt © What are you going to At least you're mot wear tonight to the __? wearing that Frm not suse. ike that jacket. descuime clathing © vocasutary: Clothes do Listen and repeat. Then check (2f the clothes you are wearing mw Ot abe 5. ashirt 9. ablouse 23, tights Di 2. socks 6. achat (10. jase. 14, ashe 3. ahat 1 7. pants Oi 1. boots 15. aveat Di a. shorts 8. shoes 12, advess 16, gloves od Listen. Write stan abt the price, Use How muck... gawnnmneenrrrreTrrams Examples: Theve words are always plural Yo 1: Do you like tis jacket? ‘You write: Fis. Har mmc fs it? You hear: Do yow file tieese shorts? Yea Hew wick ore Uney? You wr od 1. Listen and repeat. sf Al dress shoes 2. Write /s/ or /2/ next to each word. —— this glass, ____ shorts. ____ music __ easy —— these ___ shirt __ cousin. __ suck _ please 8 © 3. Listen and repeat. Were your answers te Part 2 correct? >>>>>> Now! cal about clothes. Cmecatan CO wet CI vary wat UNIT 14 | What do you like to wear? aa ® G Grammar: Adjectives Adjectives go before a noun. ‘Adjectives are the same for singular and plsral mouns. brown jacket NOT a jacket brown an old shirt eld shirts. ROT obds-shints ‘ew clothes NOT clothen new 1. quality 2 sine one 4, color that old brown jacket ered “ ua ae a nice lomg vacation bad ‘small ree white _ nae men those big old houses aa short ret a beautiful red dress ‘Online Practice 8 1. Look at the conversation n page 2. Clete the adjectives ® Choose the correct adjective order. 1, He'sa___ actor, a. young handsome 1b. hermits young 2. am going to wear my —___ dress, a dowy doe by Mae dong 3. She wants a a a, green beautiful b, bewntifal groves 4. He cooked a dinner far us, a. Mexican wonderfil —b. wonderful Merican 3 Complete the sentences, Put the words in parentheses in the correct order. 1. She has —__tona bu Hack / hair Hong. 2. Hedrivesa car fold / dirty. 3. This is my ‘gffice ! new: 4. Can you give me that ema bee please? 5. iw mach are these pre ic ret The baby has eg rane het 60: Listen, Were your answers to Activity 3 correct? 5 Complete the sentences atwont yoursell, Use two adjectives in each sentence, L. Right now, Fin wearing 2, In my bag/pockets, I have. 3 Thawe hale, 4. Hive in agp —__spartmeriybouse, A & orc in aru. State your senences om AY 5 » > > Now I Can... descrine tings. Comecatan CO wet Cl very nee (©) READING AND SPEAKING 8 Read and listen. Write the correct suum after each description. be Ac | work at igh Whe Fim a homme, 1 Fork for an afin. Fi niin RO tea casual thes or ae ‘wort, ur uni nce and color Thirteen goto werk wear a ice ‘Me weer geen pants and ew sit black suit; a white shirt, « black cle, and with 8 green and yellow scart. We hawe a black shoe tae outside the a, Jct ton butt ort wear ta the a, sol ometmes west coat and Back Wako wear alse with my mare om i gloves, to wt at gyn Fo wd ear white Det a fashion model sl wea sof Tshirt and red shores wath secs and different clothes every day—dresses. skirts, smasher Wan Tm pt a wer it blower shoes. Ths week, ing me wearing cool Clathes—usually pants and work for a:shoe company. Right naw, the a shirt with a tie. photographer is taking phates ot ray ong purple boots. Arent they gorgeous!” > ave 1, What das each person do? Imelda Katrina Imran Carlos 2. What does each person wear to work? 4. What daes each person think about his/her work clothes? WW) Tell apariner about your cloves esters, wore. On wentends, wswally rvar When 190 to workinchont, evar... When Iwas in elementary school Fore. *> >> >>> Now! Cal... descrive peopte's ctamnes, Cl mecatan Cl wet Ol very wo UNIT 14. | What do you tke to wear? as (GB vour story: Lucy gets a new job. © Aad and Us sto the story. Where is Lacy goin ‘ella, Lucy, You Hook very nice teday, Lecy Oh, hello, Pats, Thank you. ave an intervtew tar anes jb. Ps yx eaciting! What's the job? Lucy: Assistant copywriter or an advert Peter: What do copy) Letys They help wit Peter: That's great. Bo you have time for caflee? Loey: Yes. I ha Listen ay 60 Use the stary to complete the expressions. mand cheek, Lacy ths a marketing ing at 00m Work in a group. Lacy is excited about her new jo Talk about a thme when you were excited about ething, Make con classmates’ stories > >» Now I Can... matecammens, wot aan Cl wet Cl very wee Lucy: 50, why are you here this moming? You're ‘shally at work By nom Peter: meeting someone here: Lucy: Anyone l know? Pater: Ne, a tion, well, actually it's my ex-gielitend, Amanda tuey: Hum. That sounds bs Pee jevesting. Where's Sarah? She's out of ine ow was the interview? 2 Grea! got the job, Horeayt Let's Peter and Sarah Lucy: | think Sarah’s out of wn and Pet bis exgiifriend, Jordans Oh, really? (Bo you want tocall ‘sil Peter: Yes, Amanda, « was good to vee yes, too, And again, congratatations.| hope you have a great riding, Thaoks for return my CO. true (TT) or false (F. 4. Pete At 4. Sara is meeting bis sister, 1nd Peter are-out of tow Everyday expressions—Making comments ‘You look very How 1 That's That ‘On, 2 Interesting, (@ REAL-WORLD LISTENING: Fashion and fabrics 1 Low at om. Di you like tne clo ‘When do you set dressed up? sheep traditional = fabrics silkworm ts patterns, rom silk, wool, wand other 80 tea cone from, and other f nimals like steep. Ome bree muiles of ilk, ane one ean wool fora lan other places, people still use ways fabric. The on these soften have special meanings the reps e video probably 1. ‘Traditional fabries ean never be trendy. 4. Silt looks beautiful and expensive 2 People in Polynesia make a good 5. Patterns don't have speci mes use inthe US. or the UK 6. People can't design ood pi with compauters, {6-CLASS: Tell a partner about three pieces of clothing you like to wearon the weekend. Why do you Ube to wear thes? ‘ONLINE: Tella pariner about somense trom yaur social network. What kinds of clathes dors he/she Uke to wear ‘an the weekend? Do you like what he/she wears? Why? ‘You cam share a pacture of this person. >>> >>> Now I Can... ram about taaries and clomes. wetatan C1 wet Cl very eet UNIT 14. | What do you like to wear? a UNIT ie My hometown is nicer. See etait ™ J Online Practice CONVERSATION: How was your weekend? 1 Look at the picture. What are Yuka ane Sarah & Rend and i Yuka: How was your weekend in Washington, IX Sarak twas fun, ba the weather wasn't wry good ‘with only a few clouds 1 Washington, DAC. than bere Yuka: Sarah soir to rain tomorrow Yuka: he weather last weokena Wow was your weekend? Mow was the weather? lit was warra/eold. fowas fun./Mot ve ‘alk about the weatee ©) vocasu tary: The weather © Lister and repeat. What is the weather like tory? 3. cloudy 4, windy | coal i nowy « torey @ & Twn o¢ more weather ward Share your eas wih a pare. 3 Talk wiehs Whats the weather Whe inv Noun Noun Yer . douds — ciidy fin twain ‘ wind snow tosnaw * in October storm stormy ] 1. warm storm 4 hot — worse big nice 5. winter windy cold 6 cool good eo 2. Listen and repeat. Were your answers te Part 1 correct? > > >> NOW ] Car... am apeut ine meatier in my tevwrite place, Chmecatan CO wet Cl vary wat UNIT 18 | My hometown is nicer 88 @ G Grammar: Comparatives Yesterday was warmer than today My new job i mare interesting than my od ob. Base Comparative Base Comparative warm warmer Feteresting | mone interestion nice nicer windy winder at hotter regular rood better Online Practice Look at the conversation on page 08. Circle the comparatives, Qn omens sa L,I was cold yesterday, 2. was cloudy yesterday. 3. twas hot yesterday. 4. The weather was good yesterday: 5. The weather was bad yesterday. 6, ‘The roads were dangerous yesterday. tod: tora today today today tweday. 3 Write two.comparntive sentences for each nem. Use the ailjoctives in parentheses L. Chris is 22 years old, Mike is 25 years abd. (Chris in younger than Mike, Mike is older than Chev. ‘youngiota) 2. W's.35 degrees in Taipel. It's 30 degrees in Beijing, {thowicol) 3. W's rainy and cold in Boston. It's sunny and warm in Minsb (gooey A. The brown jacket is 850, The ral jacket is $75, ichespexpensivey (4 Wor with a pariner. Make two comparioans for each pat: Use ten diferent aijectives, Example: A: Shopper's World is bigger than Witson's expensite than Shopper's World * twa stores in your town, + two famous people © wo people in your tarnity = two restaurants in your town © pwo TVshows © two cities >>> Now [ Can... camparereatnings. Co mecatan CO wee Cl very ne (©) READING AND WRITING 8 d Read and listen. Whereis Natsuki fran? Where does she live now? Does abe ike Nacodt i from Osaka, Japan. Last yet, she moved to the United States with ber hushand and two chien. They now lee in Seat, onthe nome gous. Matus works for an electronics 5 company there “When | tel peopie that | ve on the west coast ofthe US. they always think of Calflora, ae they tik ts waren and sunny Pere. But thats further aaah, i the that es Ses i Hae, ve the weather in Craka. is better. The: winters in (aka are about the same as here, but the surmeners thee are hotter and deer, Hace in Seattle, Ws usally gray and coud and tains a et My salary in-Qsaka was higher, but my job 1s ere fs more interesting | havea shorter work day here, so H can spend mone the sith my fail. Abc, cars, gat, aed Hessen ae all cheaper in the US. in Osaka, we ony hae a small apartment, but here we have a big house with a yard. Ofcourse @- ra Read the sta ‘The weather is warmer, 2. She enrmes less n ney J. Cars.and gus are more expensive. 3) Write a comparison between two places. Use an iden. from below, © two places you goon vacation * toe parts of your country . Example: Porttane is better than Sam Deg bermow ite mone interesting, Portland és colder wba Som Restourmats in San Diego are cheaper than ix Portland, frat thee beter in Pride, Share your comparison with a partner. ‘Now I Can... compare ainerent ptaces. Choweeataa CD we Cl very a ber new home? 1» everything ts bigger in the States—the houses, the cars the stores, the meal However, some important things are more expensive, Medicine is very expensive, and you have t pay for health insurance, too. 15 We miss ous family, but they cerme and visit ‘si What does ey husband mis moat? Socoe. fant a big sporti the States. They play American oonthall, baseball, and tuskethall heve. But we love Ide in Seattle. We havea lot of good rks” Online Practic nents, Write (8) for Seattle or (0) For Osaka, Houses are bigger. Medicine is cheaper 6 Socrer is more popular. northeast northwest, two cities: east Diego, test San Diego ta southwest sovtheast sour UNIT 18 | Myhometown is nicer. 101 (@ vour story: Ryan and oO: Read nt dy come home from Mexic te the story. How was Ryan and Cindy's trip? Jordan: Ki, Ryan. Welcome ame. wen cis ve Late last igh re you and Cindy tured? We've OX, but i's alot colder here than In Mealce, Joedan: How ait go? ‘Ryan: Well, the weather a om was business? od. We were busy, but we did't ras teri, but . 7 weaavsse save any problesss much of Russet ing happen wee Fe siaried playing ina band there. or here, unfortunately. Sarah weet to ‘Washington, 0. fr the weekend Lucy: Hi, Byaa. Welcome Bact, yam: Thanks. | heard you have a sew job, Bo you Ihe it sey Yes. Is solinteresting. also. Ryame That's great. Anything Iiaa my naw boss, She's much fe going on? Ryan: Really? So that's who ricer than my skdboss. Her Jarda: Well hint Peter's ok Peter was talking to name bs Rose Brown, onthe phonet 60d: Laster sain al compete the sen 1. The weather in Mexico was A. Leys new jot i 2, Russell is playin in Mexico. Lucy's new boss is than her 1 The cafe was, while: they ld boos. ‘were amy. w oO es chat to-conrplnn hr cepa Everyday expresstons—Talking about a trip the box. Listen and check welcome . (D4. Work in a group. Talk about a trip you took When did you back? How was it? How was the weather? ‘Are you ? dit go? » >» Now I can... umsseur an Clmecacan Cl wen Cl verve 102 (@ REAL-WORLD LISTENING: Around the world—Chile 1. Look at the photo anxt map. What do youu know alrout Chile? What ia the weather ike there? Watch or listen to.a report about places in Chile. Where can you see these things? Write § (Santiago), A (Atacama), o F (Patagonia). L. the desert — &. the Valley of the Moon 5, Kilometer Zero skyscrapers 4. Gray Lake Glacier 6 horses 00 ~~ ach orc apn Comat ous he wrath ad mailer mare crowded — mare beautiful 1. Santiago is than the Aiacama 4. Patagonin is Des Desert 2. The Atacama Desert is than. ‘The weather in Patagonia is Santiago-and Patagonia. than the weaaher in Atacama. 8. In the Valley of the Moon, the views are 6. The Gray Lake Glacier gets at sunset ‘every year, or the Atacama Desert? Why? Tell a. partner. D4. Which piace co you prefer, Santiago, Patagon Use comparisons in your answer Example: J prefer the Atacama Desert tecause it's drier than the other plaves. I hate lke and why. What are three activities you like to in ‘hat weather? ‘ONLINE: Tella partner about someone fram yur social Inet week. Where is the person fom? How cold oe Bae Bats li get in his/her twem er city? Yeu can shave a pictuve ot ‘this place. so a> >>> Now I Cal... umapout preterences. CD mecca Cl wen C2 very we 103, UNIT Around the world See etait CONVERSATION: The Amazon and Copacabana 1 Look at the picture. What de you think they are coi 2 Read aed listen, Mart: What are you doin Sarak: 5 Mave: Sarah: et i the Matt: ‘The Amazon? ee Right! Are Bi 0 us tse most fans breach fin rid —Copacabana ine places. Then stand ane Do you know which beach which river is the most famous? 1s the widest in the world? Ho, Idoa't./¥es, i's —_ Wo, Ident, (Yes, Ido. t's —_ ‘alk about inter 104 © vocasuary: Geographical features © Listen an vepeat, Check [> the features your town or ety has D6 raltroad tracks O pate OB 8 aforest Ol & abridge 110, atunnet Practice 3: Write the words fon Activity hn he carret nba 3. Write five sentences about your town. Use the words in the picture. Examples: 1. Gur town dant near the wean, 2 Theres a river im our town, Ina nama (a the Orinoce River, » >>> >>> Now | Can... ut avout geographical features. CO metacan Cl wen C1 very we UNITIG | Arundtheworid 108 We use the superlative form of adjectives to compare mare than two thi highest ourtain in the wor good better the best Online Practice 1 Look at the conversation om page IN4, Circle the superlatives 1B Complete the sentences, Use superlatives 1, The Pacific Ocean is the Piaaest ewan in the war. (hig 2. Luke Tail im Russia is tak i thee word, (alee 3. The Atacama Desert in Chile is ___ desert inthe wo. (dry) 4. Mona Everest ts rountala ie the world, (high) 5. The Nile River is___ riser in the wort. (amg) Mumbai is __ ety in the world. fererweted) > > wt wn parte Look a the chart belo Ask and anewer usta sou ome the Exampte: A: The Eucific Oram is the biggest ocean ia the work. Be Really? How big is it? Ac Its (5.2 sqware kilometers. Place Information Pacific Ocean «1.8 million square miles (165.2 square kilometers) Lake Baikal 5,387 feet (1,642 meters) deep Mount Everest 29,029 feet (8,848 meters) high The Nile River 4,130 miles (6,650 kilometers) long » > > Now [ Can... compare mare tman two things. CO met atan CO wos Cl very (©) READING AND WRITING 8 d Read are listen. Wiha Come to the Most Beautiful Place in peut a iele || ve three best places to visit in New Zealarnt? Are you looking fer an exiting wacation? ‘Then come to New Zealand it has something fer everyone cities with great restaurants and shopping. extreme sports, and beatiful scenery. And you lke peaceful places, New Zealand sf yor: with ony 4 milion people, New Zealand is cme ofthe wold east 1. Mifoed Sound is New Zealand's most famaus tourist destination. With a year rainfall of 6813 mm (22 feet i is the wertest plac in New Zealand, and ‘one ofthe wettest ploces in the word! ths many oterfals, same a thourand metas (52 ees tong. Toke a boat ride fr a beaut view of the Sound! ‘oomrded counties, (2. Mount Cook: At 3,754 meters 4.105 yards), Mount SS Cook's the highest mourtain in New Zealand. In ‘Mount Cook National Park, you can hike, moantsin Ary te f great for awl to New Zealand tie, tae a scenic apne ride ‘The warmest months ane December, Jaraaary. 3. Queenstown: If you like adventure. you will howe and February. with overege bagh temperatures Queenstown! This lovely seaside town ts the home: betwen 205- HC 168+) The coldest ‘of bungee jumping and jet boating, You can a0 ments are Aare, July, anc August, with average ‘enjoy Queenstowes many cafes, restauzants, and high temperatures between 10-19 (0S stores. Group your ideas on a topic together to Cities The weat! General information make 2 paragraph. When you plan your citing, give each paragraph a topic. - small) country with » popubation of. (number). ‘The highest mouttaiin is and the tony tiv 2. Topic ‘The capital city is — Here, ou ean (sings to do. and see. 1 (is alse) the Largest city, 3. Topic The weather in is sally suanener, its ad in winter itis ‘The (nortt southveast/west) is (warmer/cooler) than t 3 Complete three paragraphs abwre about yeu mntry, >>> >>> Now ] Cal... aereimescesmry. Cmecatan CO wet CD vary wat UNIT 16 | Aroundthe world = 107 {GB vour story: Sarah goes to Brazil. © Roe and is tory. Where is Sarah so Sarah: !ust;got a phone call rem home, and | hase to go to Bra nd mutfinia gor ‘Tukan What's the problem? Ryan: Here you Bo. You look like you'r ia Perry. Sarah: My sister broke her arm, She needs surgery, | Sarah: Yes, 'm an my way te the airport. ave a ‘som going back fer 2 few days. Fight te Braail ina coupte of hours. ‘Yuka: Oh, no! Is the going tobe OK? Ryan: But Sarah Yes, hut she wants her big sister there Sarah: Sorry, can’t talk now. My taxis outside. ‘Ryan: 1, Peter, Did you hear the news! Peter: What news? Ryser The news about Sarah Peter: What do:you mean IRyaa: Shas going back ts Brazel today Peter: Geazit? Why? yam: Maybe she heard the news about you eter: Absit 4? | 80671 understand, ihyam Yes, You're going to marry your ex-giririend, right? Peter: Amandat What a bout? Fm nat Ayes et tor yo ain ther about She came hete to see You ee ied, bet to someone named Manuel= nottome, airport, And ‘yam Gh, but thos. ‘icky, please! Online Practice w oO 1, What happened to How is Sarah going to the airport? 2. What does Saas 6. When dos her Nigh ane? 4. What does Sarah decide to di? 7. Why does Ryan think Sn leaving? 4. Wig desetarah goto the cist 8. Whatla Fer phne1n dst 3 Use the story to complete the expressions bon. Everyday Expressions — aes and heck Aating for an planation @ + Werks group Decanter questions what's the 1 Wis Pete ong the airport? What do you , 2. What do you think is going to happen next? Why? What are you about? 8 Listen. Were you cornect about what happens ne > > > Now I Can... au teran exptanation. Clmeearan Cl wen Cl very wen 108 (GB REAL-WORLD LISTENING: New York City landmarks 1 Look at the photo-off Josh. What do you Unk his job ix © © & Watch or listen to Josh. Does ike his jab? Why or why no? eate: largest most crowded most bea caldest tallest 1. ‘The Empire State Bulking is the ‘bulking in New York Cy, 2. Tine Square is the park of New Wark City. 2, Macy's is the work's store 4. ‘The Brooklyn: Bridge is the Aric i New i 5, Josh thins the Flatiron Building is the — _bwaileting in the city. 6. He thinks New York is the city in the world. @ 4 Workin groupe bake ist of interesting places in your city Ise supertative adjectives describe them, Torre Mayor is the taitest building in M GG) ) mss eae pares snows pace you mew ws. Describe the place What can you tee and there? ‘Share a picture of this plac ‘ONLINE: Tela partner about someone fram yaur sotial network Where is the pesson fram? What famous place dows Isto live near? Descsibe the place, Share a picture of this place. o> >> >> Now I Cam... aeserive puaces ta:vtate in my city Cl weeatan C1 wen Cl very wen UNITIG | Arundtheworid 109

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