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RRL September 9 - Language Learning Assessment in SHS English: A

Phenomenological Inquiry of Teachers' Experiences in the New Normal:



Philippine education in times of pandemic

The global and Philippine curriculums have faced obstacles and issues as a

result of the recent Covid-19 pandemic. That drives academic institutions in adapting to

the new educational system called the "new normal education". In March 2020, this

prompted the Government of the Philippines and its higher education institutions to

begin implementing versatile learning modalities to protect all Philippine learners from

infection. This resulted in the implementation of blended learning methods by local

schools, academic institutions, and colleges.

In many of the most severely affected sectors in the Philippines, the higher

education system suffered immensely as a result of a postponement of college classes

and the forced closure of many elementary schools, along with several universities and

colleges. Thus, the implementation of Urgent Remote Learning was implemented in the

educational context of the Philippines during this crisis. As a top management

interference, Urgent Remote Learning serves as a temporary fix for the lack of face-to-

face engagement in gaining knowledge via different platforms – electronic distribution,

broadcast, and mainstream tv learning, to name a few (Manire, 2021). Moralista &

Oducado (2020) discovered that the majority of educators have only a basic to

intermediate understanding of computers and lack coaching in online learning, with just

an unstable internet when confronted with the new normal of teaching. Additionally, they

stated how difficult it is to handle one‘s surroundings as well as other variables such as
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Phenomenological Inquiry of Teachers' Experiences in the New Normal:

advanced technologies due to their limited knowledge and skills. This has left instructors

to be reluctant about online learning, as educators are frequently left with fewer choices,

however, because it is necessary to adopt the new educational norm they often have no

choice. Additionally, Moralista & Oducado (2020) revealed that it is not just the

frustration with technology skills that most educators face; it is also the depersonalized

teaching and prevalence of academic cheating that makes it difficult for educators to

adopt the new educational norm.

In 2021, a study was conducted to ascertain the recognized gaps discovered

throughout distance learning which could make a significant contribution to the natural

occurrence that may impair learning during a pandemic. It has been revealed that over

13% of students in the Philippines still lack access to the internet, which has serious

consequences. Additionally, as a result of poverty, the majority of the students lack the

requisite devices to continue their education, rendering the movement of nobody left

behind an impossibility (Esteban & Cruz, 2021). Aganan, Fernando, Nicomedes, Perez,

and Sasot (2021) reinforced this concept by stating that as a result of economic

hardship, a major percentage of students were not able to enroll themselves due to their

decreased economic capabilities. This is largely due to systemic social inequalities,

which traps low-income households and populations in economic hardship and

frequently leave them poorly educated. They also discussed COVID-19's psychological

consequences. Such as existentialism, psychosis, dread, pressure, and depression. It is

believed that if online learning is continued, the added duties associated with the

COVID-19 global epidemic will exacerbate people's emotional and psychological

distress. Despite these obstacles, and provided the country's social and economic
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Phenomenological Inquiry of Teachers' Experiences in the New Normal:

scenario and obstacles, this shift to a variety of ways of education can be seen as

needed to preserve the standard of teaching. Moreover, Alvarez (2020) demonstrated

that having to learn remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic is incredibly hard. This is

because, in addition to the normal connectivity and accessibility to devices issues, rising

worries about economic stability and psychological support are also attributed to the

interrupted educational involvement. Nonetheless, listening to learners' lives and

experiences in distance learning would be necessary to incorporate in the pedagogical

approach of educators by providing a lending ear to be aware of their learners' learning

journey, which is critical in this time of pandemic crisis.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, it is deemed that the Philippine government

shall preserve and promote the right of all people to an excellent education at all levels

and shall take necessary efforts to make such education accessible to everyone. This is

guaranteed in Article XIV of the 1987 Constitution. This emphasized the importance of

quality Filipino education which can be met through the creation, upkeep, and

maintenance of a unified, comprehensive, and all-encompassing system of education,

in the interests of free public education in all levels of education. This was attained

through the use of the available resources that the Department of Education has to

create a system for education that would allow convenient delivery of quality education

that focused on quality, accessibility, relevance, and discipline.

In addition, RA 9155 also further strengthens this need by setting a goal that

allows education to be provided to students to allow them to become caring, self-reliant,

productive, and patriotic citizens. As it establishes students to become authoritative

citizens that fosters accountability. Overall, legislation that has been declared in the
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Phenomenological Inquiry of Teachers' Experiences in the New Normal:

Philippines protects and promotes the right of all citizens to quality basic education and

to make such education accessible to all Filipino children, especially during this

pandemic. Furthermore, Republic Act No. 10533 or the Enhance Basic Education Act of

2013 together with DepEd Order No. 21, s. 2019, are both policies that implement the K

to 12 Program which covers kindergarten and 12 years of basic education during and

before the pandemic. The law aims to enhance the basic curriculum to produce

competent Filipino graduates with 21st-century skills. Moreover, this curriculum thus

also gives a great chance to all graduates to acquire middle-level skills for better work

opportunities especially during this pandemic where technological-based skills are being

honed with the use of various technologies.

Covid 19 crisis and distance learning

The global epidemic caused by the COVID-19 virus poses a significant challenge

to educational reforms that provided perspective on how to approach the recession by

teachers, organizational heads, and government officials.

This same COVID-19 global epidemic posed a monumental challenging problem

for teachers, who were forced to rapidly and hugely adapt all of their lectures to remote

learning to sustain instructional consistency at the same level of quality. Although some

educators and lessons have been prepared, this same great majority were required to

adjust their teaching in a brief period of teaching, with inadequate channel capacity, and

with very little time to prepare (Dietrich, Kentheswaran, Laborie, Loubière, & Sperandio,

2020). Educators' turmoil concerning self-efficacy and job involvement is at an all-time

high during this pandemic, as a result of this developing fundamental change in the
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Phenomenological Inquiry of Teachers' Experiences in the New Normal:

educational system (Baloran & Hernan, 2020). Furthermore, Cleofas and Rocha (2021)

highlighted that the vast majority of students come from lower-income families, many of

whom do not have access to notebooks or personal computers, and many of them have

only a minimal Internet service. In addition, these data revealed that learners from

lower-income families had significantly greater rates of disorder COVID-19 anxiety.

This indicates that the Philippines should concentrate on restoring and remaking

their academic system in response to COVID-19, to achieve the best level of support for

good education for all citizens, in general. In addition, educators must use a date-based

pedagogy approach to support and motivate students in their studies.

Challenges and Opportunities for Higher Education Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic

In 2019 World Health Organization has classified Covid-19 as a pandemic that

poses a serious modern threat to civilization. One such global epidemic has already

effectively affected several industries on a worldwide scale, which include teaching

programs, resulting in a large conflict migration of academic institutions to digital training

as the instructional tool.

The response to COVID-19 compelled academic institutions to alter their

teaching techniques, exerting pressure on educators and students. However, it is

believed that it still believes that several opportunities for distance learning have been

provided. According to a descriptive analysis study conducted by Alsharari, Abbas, and

Alshurideh (2021), the primary issues effecting and affecting online learning all through

the COVID-19 pandemic are technological, educational, and interaction challenges. It is

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Phenomenological Inquiry of Teachers' Experiences in the New Normal:

found that online learning provides more productive instructional activities, allowing for

further blended learning (Adedoyin & Soykan, 2020). Dhawan (2020) discussed the

various flaws and challenges associated with online education, as well as the

implications for educators and learners in general. He asserts that digital learning

impairs interaction between the learner and educator, implying that direct interaction

and human connection are lost. He continued by explaining that consumers frequently

encounter a lot of technical problems that impede and slow down or stop the

instructional process. In general, it vastly affects one's level of confidence and

comfortability, resulting in greater confusion and frustration. Insufficient suitability

between both the software's design and the psychological components required for the

learning experience. Online education provides a variety of teaching guided by an

instructor. All such instructional methods incorporate both synchronous and

asynchronous communication, such as teleconferencing, through a chosen platform, as

well as moment interaction, through posting lecture notes. It is deemed significant that

despite its academic convenience, challenges still arise that are often faced by both

educators and its learners while studying online, including, stress during online learning,

and the risk of user data security (Simamora, 2020).

Additionally, it is indicated that although adjustment to a global epidemic has

been typically associated with much more favorable reactions, it is demonstrated that it

varies significantly according to the correlating personality characteristics associated

with particular responses to online courses. It has been stated that educators' and

learners' increased feeling of belonging and relevance implies a somewhat greater

ability to adopt standards in response to rapid adjustments and ambiguity managed to

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bring about through the COVID-19 pandemic (Bresser, Flett, & Zeigler-Hill, 2020).

Additionally, Gozali, Triwidayati, and Utami (2020) included several factors that affect

teachers' and learners' adaptability, such as educators' previous association with online

education, technological expertise, curriculum practices, and the network of support.

Even though educators are battling to enhance the quality of web-based learning

interaction, it still empowers them to get an understanding of something like the

insufficiency of one‘s digital learning delivery as well as a revitalized level of solidarity. It

would still be believed and with such a global epidemic, educators can have great

expectations of improving their professional competence. Alsharari, Abbas, and

Alshurideh (2021) concur that the advancement of these forms of teaching further

benefits conventional learning by providing a unique educational experience for both

educators and students. As it offers significant advantages, such as the introduction of

the internet, learning resources that can be used by relatively high education institutions

in the Philippines to combat COVID-19 spread. Additionally, Aljawarneh & Rashaideh

(2021) succinctly summarize their points by stating that online education enables

students to access the most effective research learning method via electronic methods.

Additionally, a large percentage of their student interviewees stated that perhaps the

application of digital learning was advantageous and aided in one‘s technological skill

development. Additionally, educators also agree that, regarding the ubiquity of known

barriers within digital learning, the use of technology in their pedagogical approach

enables them to upgrade their skills through the inclusion of technology.

Modular learning during Covid 19 Pandemic

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Phenomenological Inquiry of Teachers' Experiences in the New Normal:

As a result of the COVID-19 global epidemic, numerous educators in areas

affected globally were unexpectedly charged with the challenges of trying to prepare

educational material to help reconfigurable teaching in their strategic plan for delivering

instruction to students on a sustainable basis.

Modular learning implies the utilization of modular tools that enable students to

learn independently. It is a type of distance education that makes use of paper modules

that are developed by educators in collaboration with school administrators. The use of

modules allows evaluation that serves as guides for learners and educators in attaining

expected skills and knowledge. It is a self-paced educational module that really can

enlighten learners through the use of cleverly phrased reference points that instruct the

student on the appropriate course of action on their chosen course of study (Regoniel,

2020). The Philippines is currently adapting to a new baseline system of teaching, and

educators are continually innovating a much sufficient way to provide quality education

to their learners amidst this pandemic, one being the application of modular distance

learning. However, like any type of education form, modular learning still faces several

challenges, which include inadequate educational financing for the development and

implementation of modules, students and faculty struggles with self-study, and families'

inability to scholastically guide one‘s child (Pe Dangle & Sumaoang, 1987). In light of

the connectivity access, the learner permit interpretation remains that modular tasks are

desirable compared to the risk of contracting viruses. They do, however, presume that

substance including such modules and tasks will necessitate further elaboration of the

topic before being answered. Thus, implying that the lecturer's material, as well as
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guidance, is more effective if they have been thoroughly discussed online using a

variety of platforms.

Additionally, Chierife & Palancio (2021) discovered that stressors were intense

during the whole duration of the Covid-19 global epidemic, despite a correlating gender,

year level, or hours spent per day on modular teaching. However, demographic features

indicate that the majority of learners that fall into the low-income category have a limited

allotment for online subscriptions learning, resulting in the most pronounced result. This

implies that interference strategies involving educational and non-academic assistance

should be made available to the students to mitigate the stress that comes with modular

learning. Additionally, Baticulon, Baron, Mabulay, Rizada, and Tiu (2021) explained that

the one most commonly mentioned obstacles during the introduction of modular

learning were perceived challenges, such as the need to accomplish domestic chores,

and ineffective communication among teachers and students.

However, this is not always the case for Bayuran, Mausisa, Publishing, and

Tordos (2020). They described that educators' efficacy does have a significant impact

on how collaborative learning is implemented. They asserted that the more driven the

instructor, the more and more positive forces were imposed on one‘s curriculum of

teaching action, thereby assisting students in trying to adapt to modular learning.

Various Distance learning modalities implemented during the COVID-19

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Phenomenological Inquiry of Teachers' Experiences in the New Normal:

It is estimated that more than 90 percent of the world's student population was

affected by the COVID-19 epidemic, making it one of the most significant educational

disruptions the world has ever seen.

Incorporating blended learning implies that pupils are taught through a variety of

mediums, including the internet, television, and radio as well as print. There were

various approaches appropriate and various teaching styles were implemented in the

Philippines during the COVID-19 pandemic in an attempt to meet the educational needs

of Filipino students. The following education styles include; Modular Distance Learning,

Online Distance Learning (ODL), TV/Radio-Based Instruction, and other forms of media

are included in this modality during the implementation of blended learning (Dantic,


Core/Specialized-Focused Teaching, which is described as the employment of

self-learning modules (SLMs) in either print or digital format/electronic such as in CDs,

E-books, PDFs form in participating with modular distance learning over the Internet.

Modular Distance Learning (MDL) is a much favorable type of model in which a print or

digital format/electronic copy—whichever is more appropriate in the context of the

learner—as well as other learning resources such as Learner's Materials, textbooks,

activity sheets, study guides, and other study materials are all included in this category

(Dantic, 2021).

In addition, even though many nations have turned to distant education based on

the internet to ensure that learning never ends. Another issue has surfaced from the

vast majority of students from rural areas which was confronted with a lack of
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Phenomenological Inquiry of Teachers' Experiences in the New Normal:

technology and internet connection which strained them in attaining a good education.

Thus, UNESCO encouraged the usage and production of radio and television

broadcasts to provide remote learning options. A radio and television-based learning

system, which is now being used in locations such as the Philippines, has been

identified as a powerful method of bridging the digital gap in the education sector and

reaching the most marginalized learners (UNESCO, 2020). Consequently, after

UNESCO’s suggestion the Philippines’s Department of Education (DepEd) hopes to

boost the use of television and radio-based resources to better support the

implementation of blended learning. DepEd stressed that despite the availability of Self-

Learning Modules (SLMs) in schools and field offices, the Department of Education

(DepEd) believes that the conversion of DepEd TV episodes to radio lessons should

also be undertaken so that students from remote areas can still benefit from sustainable

learning methods (Department of Education, 2021).

Furthermore, Online Distance Learning (ODL) is a type of learning in which the

internet is used to promote communication between students and teachers as well as

between peers. When it comes to this form of learning, real-time synchronous training

has been used. This course does, however, require participants to have a good and

stable internet connection, as well as a variety of technologies such as cellphones,

laptops, and computer desktops to download various materials from the internet,

complete and submit assignments online, and participate in webinars and virtual

classes (Llego, 2020).

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Phenomenological Inquiry of Teachers' Experiences in the New Normal:

Guidelines for Assessment and Grading in Light of the Basic Education Learning

Continuity Plan

In addition, DepEd also released Interim Guidelines for Evaluation and Grading

in Light of the Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan, DepEd Order No. 31, section

2020. The order itself is a comprehensive plan that intends to give guidelines on the

assessment of student learning and the grading system for the school year 2020-2021.

(John, 2020). The order emphasizes the critical nature of assessment as a

comprehensive and genuine guide for collecting the most critical learning

characteristics. Additionally, it gives extra information to assist in the implementation of

effective learning delivery strategies that promote students' learning while also meeting

their educational requirements (Llego, 2021). Formative assessment should take

precedence to inform instruction and foster student and teacher competency growth and

mastery. With such evaluation and grading in place, a beneficial effect on learning may

be encouraged if the criteria are followed (Administrative Assistant III, 2020).

English online teaching and assessment in the new normal.

In early 2020, several institutions accelerated their shift away from face-to-face

education in response to the worldwide epidemic. While this has been referred to as

online teaching at times, it is crisis-driven remote instruction (Hodges, Moore, Lockee,

Trust, & Bond, 2020, Educause Review, 27 March). Given the circumstances and time

constraints associated with crisis online education, quality standards must be

decreased, particularly in the areas of testing security, technical complexity,

accessibility, copyright, and learning results. Despite this obvious issue, it has been
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demonstrated that online language instruction is just as successful as face-to-face

instruction (Gacs et al., 2020). Apart from being pushed to learn and apply new

technological tools for online classes, instructors must also swiftly investigate alternative

forms of evaluation in the new Blended learning environment to replace traditional

classroom assessment. In this context, it has been recommended that instructors

should employ a variety of linguistic assessment literacy (LAL), pedagogical content

knowledge (PCK), and e-pedagogy strategies to ensure the effectiveness of formative

assessment integration in a blended learning environment (Chan, 2021). The

Standards-Based Measurement of Skills, an online summative assessment of reading,

writing, listening, and speaking proficiency, as well as the Minnesota Language

Proficiency Assessments, were also commonly utilized during the current epidemic in

the United States of America. Both systems utilized computer-based reading and

listening examinations that give instant, automated scoring for both the student and test

supervisor (Bastedo & Howard, 2018).

According to Day et al. (2021), approximately half of students who used the

online system expressed a lack of trust in their feedback and skills and many expressed

unhappiness with the system throughout the epidemic. Their study discovered

widespread support for video feedback, with participants stating that video feedback,

tailored assessment methods, and an upgraded comprehensive computer assessment

system all contribute to the system's overall perceived success. Furthermore, as a result

of technological breakthroughs, conventional instructional approaches, as well as the

occurrence of the COVID-19 pandemic it has been seen that the roles of instructors and

learners are being redefined to create an effective e-learning environment during the
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COVID-19 pandemic. To address such unexpected scenarios, the NOTA system, also

known as a novel online teaching and assessment scheme, has leveraged Blockchain

technology to ensure that expected teaching quality and assessment fairness are

maintained while also respecting the learners' and educators' courses and

examinations. Additionally, it was shown that NOTA stimulates both learners and

teachers to persevere in their endeavors, even when they are working from home, using

Blockchain's reward schemes (Calafate & Cano, 2021). At the beginner level, the

instructor should be familiar with several forms of evaluation. To enhance evaluation, it

has been determined that three layers of analysis should be addressed while

conducting the assessment process, including software, task, and learner performance.

This requires educators to be proficient and capable of learning how to use numerous

frameworks and to employ a variety of tactics for tasks, software, and course

assessments to enhance the educational system (Compton, 2021). According to a

survey done in the year 2021, English teachers face difficulties in developing effective

lesson plans during the new normal age. Additionally, several English lecturers had

limited time to develop lesson plans, as well as several challenges with various aspects

or procedures of lesson planning. Additionally, due to the sense of unfamiliarity created

by technology, English teachers frequently struggled to select acceptable methods,

strategies, and materials for students, as well as difficulty establishing evaluation tests

for students (Apriani et al., 2020).

Additionally, Moyo (2020) explained that, unlike other academic modules, this

one cannot be completed through online or distance education. Online practicum

teaching was previously recognized as a feasible endeavor in a classroom setting. It

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Phenomenological Inquiry of Teachers' Experiences in the New Normal:

has been discovered that teaching practicum is more practical and requires a high level

of psychological engagement, and thus cannot be compared to lectures where students

can simply read material. Online-based learning system has been the overall

mainstream in all schools as a result of the Covid-19 outbreak. Shifting from traditional

face-to-face schools to online learning-based systems introduces its own set of

complications, particularly for elementary school teachers. As a result teachers have

less access to learning content; teachers lacked adequate technology tools; teachers

were less adept at implementing technology; and a relevant fraction shows that

teachers lacked the financial means to purchase internet data packages, together with

difficulty finding internet signals. On the other hand students were less prepared for

online learning. According to a study, language translation trainers frequently felt the

need for self-efficacy when it came to online teaching in the Australasian environment.

Despite the fact that the self-efficacy school of thought is well-known, the findings

revealed that learners were generally unconfident in their skills to teach translation

online. Additionally, the investigations revealed that they lacked professional training

and collegial assistance experiences (Wu, 2019). Arrieta & Dancel (2020) also

explained that despite the known benefits of distance learning and the level of

preparedness of science teachers for the curriculum, various challenges were still

encountered by learners, including issues with discipline, task delivery and execution,

limited time for competency implementation, and student participation.

English learning strategy and assessment during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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Phenomenological Inquiry of Teachers' Experiences in the New Normal:

Rasmitadila et al. (2020) also discovered that instruction modification was

dominant because there was no known strategy for providing efficient education that is

tailored to the interests and cognitive abilities of both students and educators, such as

group discussion methods, peer assistance, and peer assessment. During the COVID-

19 epidemic, online learning of foreign languages at the university level provided a

means of adapting to the global constraints imposed. Taking into account students'

behaviors, feelings, and views of online foreign language study throughout the

epidemic, the Foreign Language Enjoyment (FLE) measure and method were

established and used by the vast majority of academic language programs. Foreign

Language Enjoyment frequently places a premium on work importance, self-perceived

foreign language skills, stresses, and responsiveness. However, it is discovered that the

approach of Foreign Language Enjoyment is adversely connected with worry (Maican,

2021). Hangouts are the most often used platform for lecture delivery, followed by

Google Classroom and a learning management system (LMS) (Moodle) for course

management and evaluation. Concerning the students' online learning experiences, the

COVID-19 problem was properly addressed in this study scenario. With this

breakthrough, educators were able to gain professional development through practical

training courses for online learning and teaching (Almusharraf & Khahro, 2020).

Hazaymeh (2021) highlighted in his study that implementing Foreign Language

Online classes has a few disadvantages owing to technical difficulties and a lack of

physical interaction. Additionally, he proposed that teachers be aware of the usefulness

of digital technology as an educational approach for empowering students to meet

particular requirements in an online classroom. Rahayu & Wirza (2020) refute this
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assertion, demonstrating a favorable attitude toward the utility and simplicity of the use

of online learning systems during pandemic Covid-19. Additionally, even though

instructors confront several online teaching challenges, they may demonstrate the

appropriate attitude toward utilizing technology to educate online. Chen (2021) echoed

this favorable conclusion, stating that such an online setting fosters the development of

independent online language learning capabilities throughout the pandemic-covid-19, as

it strengthens students' problem-solving and cultural abilities.

Additionally, Cai et al. (2020) emphasize that the pre- and post-test knowledge

evaluation satisfies a particular background educational demand for the learner.

Additionally, it provides a point of comparison between self-regulated and live stream

learning methods. Choi (2021) adds that educators must develop new forms of

assessment techniques that are process-oriented and formative in nature. Instructors to

process multimodal learning in order to produce long-term assessments in which

students actively use target language forms and structures. Additionally, Choi (2021)

highlighted that regular communication assessment was highly connected with high

satisfaction among educators and learners, as well as promoting self-regulated learning

and sustainable development. Wilson (2020) indicates in his study that by utilizing small

group system conversation as a formative assessment, he enables English language

learners (ELLs) to focus on preserving and developing students' language

competencies, engagement, and motivation while studying online. Additionally, the

exercises enabled instructors to provide immediate feedback. Although developing

these activities took time, they enabled students to reinforce their scientific knowledge

through greater participation, time spent on assignments, and peer dialogue.

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Phenomenological Inquiry of Teachers' Experiences in the New Normal:

The Implication of New Normal teaching to Teachers' Experiences

According to IGI Global (2021), technologically based teaching is a mode of

teaching that enables cognitive learning and understanding as to how abstract

enhancement concepts can be taught to different persons, blended, or virtual learning

approaches. Gao, Wong, and Wu (2009) discovered that practicum educators online

could require additional assistance, modeling, and collaboration to create a better

comprehension of digital teaching methods through their practice and to construct one‘s

structuralist direction, learner-centered instructional techniques, and efficient utilization

of Information technology. This study is significant because it discusses the effect of

pre-training on students' adoption of online learning during this pandemic. Additionally,

this study highlights the effectiveness of an innovation competency-based program in

maximizing their judgment and behavior when it comes to just using ICT in teaching and

learning during this Covid-19 pandemic. Even though there are a rising number of new

tools and technologies available, educators must recognize the advantages of

instruction that is guided by new technology (skills you need, 2011).

However, Levin & Wadmany (2006) believed that if educators align students'

perspectives through genuine and social-dialogical learning, cognitive development

shall be facilitated and delivered. Additionally, they further explained that the

multidimensional essence of educators' belief systems presents a complex relationship

between the two among learners' perspectives and educators' instructional values and

customs, which might also differ and thus create additional barriers during modular

learning during this pandemic. In addition, educators and learners alike, according to
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MEF Associates (2014), also explained that both benefit greatly from technology-driven

education since it promotes the development of discipline and motivation, both of which

are crucial components in any educational setting and course. Additionally, learners

were more likely to mention learner autonomy as the main component that has played a

significant role in their ability to complete their academic program with higher grades.

The reality that a technology-driven learner would experience both negative and

positive outcomes is a given. Lazar (2018) suggested that instructors who participate in

technological-based learning must develop a positive attitude about the incorporation of

technology in teaching while accelerating technological expertise and knowledge in

transmitting academic content to students. According to Levin & Wadmany (2005), if

such a positive approach was implemented instructional methods will change radically

and which mirrored a structuralist way of learning that also potentially lead learners in

interactive, complex, situationally tasks manner. Additionally, according to Maican

(2021), the majority of students enrolled in foreign language courses favored distance

classes even during the pandemic. The possible explanation for this, according to

Maican, is primarily due to the way it fosters the relationship with students as well as

respect and understanding inside the context of an online environment. It was also

proved by Budiarti, Lahmi, Kurniawan, Putri, and Yenti (2021), who found that learners'

and educators' quality perceptions of online learning would have a huge impact on the

overall learning experience throughout the course. Educators' and learners' quality

perceptions with regards to online learning outcomes are hostile, according to the

researchers, this will result in a much more stressful work environment for the entire

duration of teaching thus creating a negative outcome in the learning process of the
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student. A few learners experienced difficulties with distance learning, which include

inadequate internet access, poor communication, loss of enthusiasm, lack of

engagement, and a lack of comprehension, which are the most common difficulties

encountered with online learning. However, they nevertheless find online lectures to be

convenient, accessible, and simple to evaluate during standardized tests (Zboun, 2021).

Furthermore, given the fact that the global pandemic has been in existence for nearly

two years, it would be reasonable to expect that language educators have changed

constructively over that period as well. Educators have been found to have been

positively equipped with adequate digital skills, digital instructional, and digital

assessment tools after only a short amount of time, according to the results of the study.

The findings show that instructors and learners have successfully adapted to open and

distance learning, which is expected to become the new reality in language teaching

shortly (Nugroho & Pramusita, 2020).

Various Modular Language Learning Assessment

As multimedia interactive modules were implemented for education and

assessment, it is an excellent database for learners that are practicing the language in

various cultural contexts that anyone can use from all around the world in an attempt to

improve their communication skills. In addition, this same majority of users believe that

the assessment tool helps them to learn a foreign language, and they have stated that

this has a massive effect on their esteem, enthusiasm, and confidence to continue

studying the specific language in their spare time. In the end, it was determined that

Multimedia Interactive Modules for Education and Assessment had good ratings for
RRL September 9 - Language Learning Assessment in SHS English: A
Phenomenological Inquiry of Teachers' Experiences in the New Normal:

language comprehension and also had a strong significance for users' current and

future language study (Ahn & Hillman, 2009).

The use of the learning modular system Moodle, according to Shchitov (2015),

also helps to improve the technology that is used, which in turn virtually guarantees the

instruction of qualified professionals to satisfy the requirements of contemporary

society, particularly following the development of social-communicative competencies.

To support communication functions of digital learning systems in a variety of

network conditions, Gierlowski and Nowicki (2011) used a rigorous reconfigurable

evaluation and simulation-based information evaluation form recognized as the

Communication Abstraction assessment tool. This tool was built to accommodate

communication activities of digital learning systems in some kind of a variety of network

conditions. The method, as a whole, alleviates stress and strain on educators, hence

boosting the effectiveness of the pedagogic process in any way.

In addition, the eight multicultural assessment tools used by the American

Psychological Association have been accredited that can be used in psychology

programs that are offered via online education. This proposed methodology consists of

ten hours of face-to-face, informative, and exploratory culturally diverse evaluation

designed to increase consciousness, create a conceptual foundation, reveal participants

to accessible evaluation innovations, guarantee that participants self-understanding as

an integrated approach of culturally appropriate assessment, and provide an opportunity

to apply this content to assessment rare situations (Hansen, 2002).

An English language assessment was also provided by Choi and Chung (2021),

which was based on a larger-scale engagement that fosters a creative and sustainable
RRL September 9 - Language Learning Assessment in SHS English: A
Phenomenological Inquiry of Teachers' Experiences in the New Normal:

assessment tool that largely involved constant communication among learners as an

attempt to build innovative approaches of instructional strategies that have been

procedure-oriented and constructive. As a whole, it has been recommended that

instructors should create the right linguistic assessment instrument that provides

language students with such a range of options to achieve self-sustaining and self-

regulated learning.

Overall, Chan, Marasigan, and Santander (2021) indicate that multigrade

educators essentially must conduct an assessment to ascertain students' academic

needs. It was discovered that somehow a severe lack of educational material and

inadequate wireless internet connection contributed to undergrads' lack of interest, while

resilient parents continued to carry out their roles as support for their child's education

which exacerbated multigrade teachers' challenges. Carless (2006) continued by stating

that assessment methods are essential because they facilitate learning outcomes. It

adds to the overall quality and reliability of learning, thereby enhancing students'

learning and intellectual needs. This is advantageous when implementing modular

learning because it helps the students fixate on the critical concepts that will aid in their

teaching during this pandemic. Likewise, Chien & Wu (2020) explained that technology-

based evaluation enables teachers to consider their learners' complex skills throughout

this global epidemic of education, therefore it emphasizes its importance to the benefits

of learners' interaction in associated active learning activities and software education.

Filipino Teachers' Perspective education in times of pandemic

RRL September 9 - Language Learning Assessment in SHS English: A
Phenomenological Inquiry of Teachers' Experiences in the New Normal:

According to the findings of an investigation conducted by Oducado, Rabacal,

and Tamdang in 2021, over half of the teachers had severe COVID-19 anxiety following

the deployment of modular learning. It is also revealed that COVID-19 stress levels

were substantially higher in females than in males, according to the study. Additionally,

the risk perception of contracting COVID-19 infection and COVID-19 stress also

indicates that immediate action needs to be taken to enable educators in managing the

stress of the COVID-19 crisis. In addition, the vast numbers of educators express their

worries about the topics that are most important to them. It is suggested that

educational establishments and instructors in the Philippine islands should consider

providing supplemental methods for delivering educational techniques to students

experiencing network access issues since this places a significant strain on delivering

the optimum level of knowledge (Pastor, 2020).

Moreover, Ancho (2020) noted that the COVID-19 pandemic event also has

educated graduate learners about the importance of digital learning, in one's values and

ideals, towards being an active member of a community that fosters more adaptable

communication mechanisms in offering help among their members. Moreover, Tarrayo

(2021) discussed some of the major obstacles that educators have while implementing

modular learning, including a lack of preparation time for the delivery of instructional

materials, a shortage of funds, and difficulties adapting components for online

instruction. On the other hand, the vast majority of learners claimed that online learning

is significantly more engaging in respect to the learning process, as well as

strengthening one's instructional drive and independence in learning. Additionally, Lagat

(2021) discovered that resilience within educators throughout the pandemic, as well as
RRL September 9 - Language Learning Assessment in SHS English: A
Phenomenological Inquiry of Teachers' Experiences in the New Normal:

a high rate of positivity, are prevalent from a year of the pandemic, resulting in a

relatively reduced rate of COVID-19 generated occupational stress and weariness,

according to the study.


During this crisis, Urgent Remote Learning was implemented in the educational

context of the Philippines to provide immediate assistance. Moralista and Oducado

(2020) discovered that the vast majority of educators have only a basic to intermediate

understanding of computers and receive little or no training in online learning strategies.

Due to this, instructors are wary of online learning because it leaves them with fewer

options. However, because it is necessary to adopt the new educational norm, they are

frequently left with no other choice. There are still over 13 percent of students who do

not have access to the internet, which has serious ramifications. Aganan, Fernando,

Nicomedes, Perez, and Sasot (2021) argue that as a result of economic hardship, a

significant number of students were unable to enroll themselves because of their

diminished economic capabilities. They provide evidence to support their claim.

Historically, this has been attributed to systemic social inequalities, which have

trapped low-income households and populations in a cycle of economic hardship and

left them with limited educational opportunities. According to current thinking, if online

learning is maintained, the additional responsibilities associated with the COVID-19

global epidemic will exacerbate people's emotional and psychological distress. It is

possible to argue that this shift to a variety of educational methods is necessary to

maintain the current level of education despite these obstacles, especially given the
RRL September 9 - Language Learning Assessment in SHS English: A
Phenomenological Inquiry of Teachers' Experiences in the New Normal:

country's social and economic situation and obstacles. Teachers' pedagogical

approaches would benefit from listening to their students' distance learning experiences,

which would allow them to be more aware of their students' learning journeys, which is

especially important during a pandemic emergency. Despite these obstacles, and taking

into consideration the country's social and economic situation as well as the obstacles,

this shift to a variety of educational methods can be seen as necessary to maintain the

standard of teaching.

Aside from that, the vast majority of students come from low-income families,

many of whom do not have access to notebooks or personal computers, and many of

whom have only rudimentary Internet access, to begin with. Furthermore, these findings

revealed that learners from poorer families had significantly higher rates of disorder

COVID-19 anxiety than those from wealthier families. This same global epidemic of

COVID-19 posed a monumentally difficult problem for teachers, who were forced to

rapidly and massively adopt all of their lectures to remote learning in order to maintain

instructional consistency at the same level of quality as in-person instruction.

Correspondingly, the Philippine government should concentrate on restoring and

remaking their academic system in response to COVID-19, in order to achieve the

highest possible level of support for good education for all citizens, in general. As a

result of the evolving fundamental change in the educational system, educators are

experiencing unprecedented levels of anxiety about their own efficacy and job

involvement during this pandemic.

RRL September 9 - Language Learning Assessment in SHS English: A
Phenomenological Inquiry of Teachers' Experiences in the New Normal:


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