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Rachel Borunda

Classroom Support Websites

Website Features Challenges Evaluation

Class Dojo *Translations in many *Not all parents will be *My take on Class Dojo
languages. able to access these reminds me of similar
*Teachers support and resources for specific social media websites,
encourage each of the purposes. except this is solely for the
students’ skills and values. *Students need to manage purpose of monitoring and
*Students freely express screen time on Class Dojo, guiding students’
their frustrations or so they do not become educational needs and
excitements on portfolios in glued to their iPad or learning skills.
how they learn. computer.
*Parents can become more
involved in their child’s
education career.
Kahoot *A multitude of studying *In most cases, Kahoot *Kahoot is an incredible
games for students where might be the only way way for teachers to bond
they can have fun with their students want to study or with their class, and for
peers and bring out their pay attention to content students to bond with their
competitive side that without the motivation or peers.
creates motivation in a non- encouragement. If this site *I recommend these games
toxic environment. is used in excess, students be used as an exit ticket or
*Easily accessible for those will only care to win the a grade for participation if
who have smartphones or games, not study its possible and fair. That way
computers, which is almost material. the students will use the
every student in modern knowledge they learned
time. that day in class and put it
good use.
Quizlet *A multitude of studying *Quizlet may bring a vast *I find Quizlet to be an
material and techniques that amount of material, but if excellent source of reading
prove useful for students used more than usual and material, and testing
who cannot access without guidelines, in most techniques. Students who
textbooks or libraries. cases, students will only do not have access to
*With 8 or more core use it to memorize answers computers or textbooks at
subjects, instead of comprehending home, can still use Quizlet
students/teacher/even the topics. at school to help organized
parents can have access to their study skills and learn
hundreds of sub-set new ways to comprehend
subjects. and hold information.
*Quizlet can be used by *However, I strongly
teachers during lectures and believe Quizlet on its own,
class time to help clarify uses unconventional ways
any explanations from for students to study, such
assignments or exams. as simply memorizing.
Teacher Kit *Teacher Kit makes *I hardly see any *I am relieved to see an app
classroom management challenges other than the that can turn piles of
easier to hold and organize fact that some students do paperwork, into one single
Rachel Borunda
Classroom Support Websites

students records and do not have internet access device easy to use.
lessons plans. at home, so they would Teachers struggle to
*Communication is used only be able to use this monitor and record
heavily on this website/app, website during school hundreds of students and
that way even if parents do times. Which can affect store that information, but
not have the time to meet classroom time or lunch with this app, it can be done
during conferences, they and recess. almost everywhere and
can still have access to the make time for other
teachers work and their activities for school.
child’s educational
Seesaw *This website provides *This website has proof of *When I become certified
multimodal tools which are hundreds of satisfied as an English teacher, my
important to use in distant parents, students, and priorities will be,
and online learning teaching staff. There is one communication. My lesson
classrooms. challenge of making sure plans can be effective, and I
*Seesaw has helped over younger aged students have can have years of
hundreds of families, been taught how to experiences, but if an
students, and teachers in maneuver and use Seesaw educator does not have
over 150 countries around with the supervision of a string forms of
the world. parent or guardian. communication, then
*One of the best parts about students and parents will
Seesaw is that is has feel left out and lost in most
connections to a multitude assignments or with how
of school districts and students are learning and
around the U. S progressing through school.
*I believe Seesaw provides
that communication
through distance learning
and online classes,
especially through the
Google Classroom *Google was made *For students to have the *I did not plan on using
specifically to exchange, best experience on google google classroom in the
upload, and download classroom, they need future for my lesson plans,
information across the sufficient training and but it has proven to be such
globe in mere minutes. monitoring on how to use an important platform
Using it as an educational these platforms to enhance where the whole class have
platform is effective for their schoolwork safely and access to millions of stored
students and teachers to within school rules. data and educational
gain new tips and tricks for information with just a
classroom learning and click away.
improve supportive and
safe environments.
*The whole classroom can
operate and modify a single
Rachel Borunda
Classroom Support Websites

assignment at the same

time, and that goes for
other platforms too such as,
presentations, spread
sheets, and google docs.
*There are constant updates
on EdTech classroom
addons and tools so
students will never have
just one form of learning to

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