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Adult Mutations :: A free download for Society of Excavators members 

Adult Content Mutations Version 1.0

Free downloadable PDF for the SOE
(Society of Excavators) members area at .

By Otto Toms

Severity or Type of Mutant No. of Adult Content Mutations

Mutant and ghost mutant characters receive one Ghost Mutants d2
or more Adult Content Mutations each. Ghost
Mild 1
mutants, who use a separate generation column
from regular mutants, each get d2 rolls on the fol- Typical d2
lowing table, while other mutants receive one or Severe d2+1
more based upon their mutational severity. Beas-
Freakish Horror d3+1
tial humans and humanoids like skullocks, will
also have one or two adult content mutations. Beastial Humans d2
Humanoids* 1

*Skullocks, garnocks, moaners, etc.

Adult Content Mutations Determination Table Roll d100

Male ghost mutant Female ghost mutant Male mutant* Female mutant* Mutation

- - - 01-06 Three Breasts (Female only)

- - - 07-11 Four Breasts (Female only)
- - 01-07 - Two Penises (Male only)
01-12 01-13 08-14 12-17 Healing Embrace
13-19 14-21 15-20 18-21 Immunity Boost Orgasm
20-25 22-27 21-26 22-24 Mind Grope
26-31 28-33 27-33 25-30 Erotic Intuition
32-37 34-39 34-42 31-36 Extreme Gratification
38-42 40-51 43-49 37-46 Enhanced Pleasuring Organs
43-50 - 50-58 - Enhanced Spermazoa (Male only)
51-58 52-57 59-64 47-54 Telekinetic Fondle
59-68 58-66 65-69 55-62 Exude mating pheromones
69-75 67-73 70-74 63-71 Willful Contraception
76 - 75-80 - Engorgement (male only)
77-83 74-80 81-84 72-77 Seductive Sphere
84-88 81-85 85-89 78-88 Enhanced Appeal
89-94 86-92 90-95 89-93 Dirty Thought Projection
95-00 93-00 96-00 94-00 Wet Dream Inducement
* Or beastial human who already exhibits mutations.
Adult Mutations :: A free download for Society of Excavators members 

Adult Content Mutation Descriptions exploring the mind of a lover during sexual union, a mu-
tant may find that his or her mate is pretending to be
with another person, perhaps a former mate. Characters
Three Breasts (Female only): This character has three
with this power do not have to use it, but if doing so, can
breasts which have developed side by side. See illustra-
use it when ever they are making out.
tion at bottom of page 56 in the TME Hub Rules.

Erotic Intuition: By merely touching another person’s
Four Breasts (Female only): This character has two sets
bare skin, this character will automatically know what
of breasts, which have developed one above the other.
the subject’s sexual orientation or level of enthusiasms
is. A deeper search can be attempted , and if the subject
Two Penises (Male only): This character has two penis- fails a type D willpower based hazard check, the scan-
es, both identical, one protruding above the other. ning mutant can also tell if the other is turned on by the
PC or turned off and unreceptive to further affections or
Healing Embrace: When this mutant reaches sexual re- pestering. This power can be used as many times per
lease, all lovers involved with him or her and in physical day as the mutant desires.
contact, as well as the climaxing mutant, experiences a
wave of wondrous energy, a deep sense of peace and re- Extreme Gratification: The mutant’s sexual organs and
freshment, as well as a mildly healing properties which emotional responses are exceedingly sensitive and dur-
will repair d6 damage from any depleted trait, however, ing all phases of lovemaking feels twice as much plea-
this healing can only occur twice per day with at least a sure as a normal person.
12 hour recharge period between bouts of love making.
There is also the chance that a lover with a venereal dis- Enhanced Pleasuring Organs: The character’s sexual
ease or infection of the sexual organs will miraculously organs may appear normal, however during sexual ac-
be healed of the ailment or parasites, such as sinners tivity, the muscles become somewhat spasmodic and
itch, lice, scabies and whatnot, with a 34% chance per vibrate, pulse and twitch in such way as to induce ab-
aliment that it disappears over 48 hours. This charac- normally pleasant gratification in the mutant’s partner,
ter’s psionic healing abilities do not allow him to contract bringing about swifter, more explosive and easily repeat-
any sexually transmitted diseases or parasites. ed climaxes.

Immunity Boost Orgasm: When climaxing, this char- Enhanced Spermazoa (Male only): Instead of dying
acter’s body releases immunity boosting endorphins within about 48 hours lie normal sperm, this character’s
and other beneficial chemicals, sufficient to add extra swimmers live well beyond 30 days. These super sperm
immunity protection to the deviant for 48 hours. Dur- are resistant to the hostile chemical changes within a
ing this period, the PC not only gets two hazard checks woman’s body, allowing a great many to survive long
against poisons, toxins, infections, radiation, exposures enough to fertilize the next available egg.
to sickness, disease and parasites, but any pre-exist- Both regular and mutational contra-
ing health issue is 56% likely to suddenly clear up ceptive drugs, devices and powers
over the next 12 hours. For example, if the PC has will still be effective in defeating
a parasitic organism growing or feeding in his or these sperm and avoiding un-
her body, the act of climaxing will releases so wanted pregnancies.
many anti-bodies and immune boosters that
the parasites are 56% likely to die if within Telekinetic Fondle: PC can
the body, or drop off if external. imagine his or her hands or
other body parts coursing over a
Mind Grope: During the sexual acts with target subject’s body and grop-
another person, this character can poten- ing the person in a sexual fash-
tially see the other’s sexual fantasies or ion. Depending on the sender’s
even telepathically communicate his or willpower, the range of the
her own lover. The partners allowed a telepathically issued grope is
type C willpower based hazard check affected, plus, whether or not
to unconsciously block the search or the target is welcoming of
broadcasts of the mutant, however, if the fondling and sexual em-
the lover knows that this mutant has brace, regardless of know-
the mind grope power, the subject ing who is sending the
can automatically allow the other sensations. The range of
to know the person’s kinks and this power is as the
yearnings or receive them. When sender’s willpower in
Adult Mutations :: A free download for Society of Excavators members 

kilometers, the usage is twice per day per rank, while the intercourse during that bout of love making, or at all for
target’s willpower based hazard check to resist the intru- several years if she likes, and by so doing, her body re-
sive grope is based on the relationship with the sender: leases enzymes which kill any spermatozoa entering her
body. For a male, he can also decide that while he wants
Willpower to have sex, he doesn’t want to get anybody pregnant
Target’s relationship to Based HC just now, and the mere certainty of this choice sterilizes
sending Mutant needed to block
fondle any spermatozoa production that day. The character
doesn’t know w how or why, but he or she is aware that
The subject has been sexually active this power is present within him or her, and after a few
type F
with the sending mutant years of being sexually active, becomes convinced of the
Target welcomes the fondle, knows reliability of this conscious contraception method.
the sender and is aware of the mu- type E
tant’s power Engorgement (male only): When sexually excited, this
male can willfully allow his member to become 50%
Target is attracted to the sender but
thicker and longer than a normal erection. When not
unaware the character has this tele- type D
turned on, his phallus appears entirely normal, likewise,
pathic power
if not wishing to become abnormally engorged due to
Target is a stranger to the sender, reasons of comfort for his mate or modesty, he can con-
type C
but sender has touched the target duct himself sexually just like a regular man.
Target is a stranger to sender, never
type B
touched, but target’s location known Seductive Sphere: The use of this mutation generates
a ball of invisible, pleasant energy around the user, ex-
Target is stranger to sender, seen
type A tending out in a radius equal to the deviant’s willpower
but location unknown
plus appearance score in centimeters, multiplied by the
type A, two character’s rank. (Example: a PC with 38 willpower +27
Target is enemy of sender , and de-
checks permit- appearance would have a sphere of only 65cm radius
tests sender
ted at first rank, which is more than sufficient to try and
seduce somebody the character is sitting next to at a
Exude mating pheromones: The character, when either bar or meeting in a crowded street, but, at second rank,
turned on him or herself, or wanting to turn on those the character is able to extend the range to 1.3 meters,
nearby, he or she merely has to get within close physi- possibly affecting several individuals. At high rank, and
cal proximity with others and exude a scent which is when possessed by very willful, beautiful characters,
consciously undetectable, however those within three this mutation can influence a whole crowd. Certain ex-
meters who are normally attracted to the character’s otic dancers, strippers or prostitutes are able to enchant
gender, will have to make a type D willpower based haz- a whole room of potential lovers or patrons, either to
ard check or find themselves yearning to have sex with merely make good coin from the best paying customers,
the character, however, the character exuding the phero- fill the donation hat, or seduce a particular individual
mones may not be attractive enough to actually make for some other purpose. Those who are caught in the
the frisky target person act upon the desire. The exud- sphere are allowed a willpower based hazard check to
ing mutant must then make a type C appearance based shake off their feelings of attraction and lust for the
hazard check to appeal enough to the other(s) to want character, with those of the opposite sex, or homosexu-
to slink away with the character and mate. Should the als of the same gender, forced to make a type D hazard
target being be happily married, seriously involved with check, while straight individuals of the same sex need
another, or already very well sexually satisfied, he or she only make a type A hazard check. Anyone who fails their
will merely accept that they have a sudden urge to frolic hazard check finds themselves strangely attracted tot he
with the mutant, but will automatically dismiss it. Finally, mutant and even experiences rapidly occurring visions
should the target being normally be an enemy of the of themselves making love tot he sphere generating
mutant who is exuding these chemicals, the target will mutant. The victim(s) will find him or herself wanting to
either decide to force the character to be an unwilling go with the mutant to frolic in the nearest private loca-
new spouse or merely become confused by any passion- tion, either alone or with others who have fallen under ht
ate urges and become neutral to the mutant instead of mutant’s spell. The seduced person(s) will be under the
seeking to kill or harm the character. character’s spell for as many minutes s the seducer’s
appearance score and will go to be with the mutant,
Willful Contraception: The character can consciously allowed one more type C willpower based hazard check
decide whether or not to either become pregnant or im- to break form the sphere’s seductive power if the victim
pregnate another. For a woman, she can simply make a is happily married, has another lover, or would normally
mental choice that she will not get pregnant from sexual see the mutant as an enemy. Likewise, if the victim’s
Adult Mutations :: A free download for Society of Excavators members 

religious upbringing or normal reality would never allow replay in the receiver’s mind with vivid clarity. Former
him or her to have sex with a stranger or non-spouse, the lovers must make two hazard checks to shake any un-
victim is also allowed the hazard check. wanted dirty thoughts about the character. The range
Should fornication occur between the victim and of this telepathic projection is one kilometer per point
the seducer, and the duration of minutes runs out either of willpower possessed by the sender, with the ability to
during or immediately after the bout of sexual activity, use this power once per day per rank. No words can be
the victim will recall what has just transpired, and while sent via this transmission.
he or she won’t remain lustful of the mutant, he or she
will understand that there was certainly immense feel- Wet Dream inducement: The character can either set
ings involved, feelings that will not fade any time soon. up and send the scenes, participants and activities of a
Given this, there is some risk that the victim, even while sexual encounter to him or herself before falling asleep,
no longer under the mutant’s intoxicating spell, will be- and thus have a wet dream at some point during the
come infatuated with the mutant, and is thereafter sus- slumber, or, do this for another person to whom he or
ceptible to the mutant’s charms and is forced to make a she is genuinely attracted to. The target will need to
type G hazard check against further uses of this muta- make a type E willpower based hazard check to subcon-
tion. This power can be used once per day, regardless of sciously block the dream if he or she is either expecting
rank. it, or, if the target is actually attracted to the character in
a passionate way. If the target has no idea of the incom-
Enhanced Appeal: Through the use of illusion, the char- ing wet dream, he or she will be allowed a type A willpow-
acter can temporarily change the outward appearance er based HC to turn aside the incoming, intrusive wet
of his or her body and facial features to appear more dream. for the sending mutant to transmit a dream, he
appealing to those looking upon him or her. Typically, or she must know the true current location of the sleep-
this requires the recall of remembered visions of some ing target within range, or, have once had sexual rela-
beautiful or handsome person seen in a old magazine or tions with the person, or, at least have touched the bare
in real life, which the mutant projects about him or her- skin of the target within the last year. The range to send
self and basically enhances the mutant’s appearance by a wet dream to an lover or person who is anticipating the
as many points as half his or her willpower trait value, dream is ten times the mutant ‘s willpower in kilometers,
rounded up. Each viewer is allowed a type D intelligence however if the target is unsuspecting, unfamiliar or not
based hazard check when directly viewing the person romantically associated with the PC, the range is half
within 5 meters range. The appearance is not of a dif- the mutant’s willpower in kilometers. This power can be
ferent person, but rather as a much more proportioned, used once per day per rank of the character.
less wrinkled or scarred version, with a better build,
more grace, luster and unexplainable sex appeal.
This illusion can be maintained for one minute
per point of the mutant’s willpower, and can be called
upon once a day per rank. Actually touching, kissing or
fornicating with the mutant will not dismiss the illusion,
but the duped lover will feel a bit dazed and intoxicated
during the act and retain memories of the more beau-
tiful version of the character when daydreaming about
him or her later.

Dirty Thought Projection: The character has merely to

concentrate on another person he or she has once met,
talked to or merely touched, and thereafter, if within
range, can sit or lay down someplace and focus on the
target to send dirty thoughts. These thoughts are what-
ever the mutant desires, but are without fail erotic vi-
sions and even mild sensations in the subject’s body.
The target is allowed a type B willpower based hazard
check to shake off the intrusions if not ‘open’ to the
sending mutant, or not anticipating such daydreams.
If the sender and the target were once lovers,
then the memories of former love making sessions will

Copyright © 2011 Outland Arts. All right reserved. For personal use only.

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