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New Era Prostitution :: A free download for Society of Excavators members 

New Era Prostitution

Version 1.0

Free downloadable PDF for the Adult section of the SOE

(Society of Excavators) members area at .

By Otto Toms
Illustration William McAusland

© Copyright 2010 Outland All Rights reserved. For personal use only.

Table of Contents
Disclaimer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
Why prostitution thrives in The Mutant Epoch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Random Prostitute Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Random Prostitute Personalities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Prostitution fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Adventure hooks involving prostitutes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

The following text is for entertainment purposes only. It is in-
tended for humor, color text, and possibly to flesh out non-
player character prostitutes that the player characters en-
counter. There are many town adventures which involve bars,
casinos, and brothels, all places where sex workers hang out.
The characters may need to seek information from hookers,
or, a PC might be a legitimate client for whores and the GM may
need to provide a bit of detail; either rolling randomly or picking
from the extensive list included in this supplement.
The following text not an explanation of the true life moti-
vations or causes for modern day prostitution, or any attempt
by the author to either condone or condemn such behavior.
In the 24th Century era of The Mutant Epoch, the morality of
the present day 21st Century is no longer adhered to; likewise,
family values and public opinion are generally absent in an age
where self determination, hardship, and daily survival is inter-
spersed with the occasional indulgences in drinking, feasting,
and whoring. All Prostitutes are considered adults, ages 18
or older. All descriptions are purely fictional and in no way
meant to represent real persons dead or alive. Role playing
gamers using these rules do so only after confirming that they
are 18 years of age or older and that it is legal in the area of the
world where they live to read or view adult material.
This is the first beta edition of this supplement. Future ver-
sions will include artwork, content additions and updated
New Era Prostitution :: A free download for Society of Excavators members 

their caste and start families. These hardworking people are

Why prostitution thrives in The Mutant Epoch often dirt poor and have little energy or silver left over to in-
dulge in hookers, so along with slaves, are among the only
Prostitution has been described as the world’s oldest profes-
new era citizens who do not support the prostitution business.
sion. Warriors, hunters and raiders disagree with this view-
However, the widows and daughters of commoner men are
point but are nevertheless happy to employ the services of
the primary source of new prostitutes, either by being taken
these women whenever they can afford their attention.
as slaves of war, or reduced to selling themselves in order to
The dark new era of The Mutant Epoch is a brutal time for
feed children or siblings.
everybody and a period in history where might makes right and
High mortality rates among humans of all castes also
the survival of the fittest is often the case. Acquiring enough
contributes to widespread prostitution. An example of this is
food and uncontaminated water is the main activity for most
when one has a fear of getting too deeply involved with a per-
creatures, including humans and their off-shoots. If one is un-
son in case he or she dies, yet because he or she still needs
able to hunt, fish, farm, steal, loot or wage war for his or her
amatory release and companionship finds paying for it easier
meal, then it has to be acquired through other means. In some
than getting involved in a real relationship. Another instance,
cases, unfortunate women have no choice but to trade their
as mentioned above under family values, is when a woman’s
affections and bodies to those who either have food, silver,
husband or father is killed or missing, and to feed herself and
or power in order to survive. Survival, then, is the main root
any children, she must trade sexual favors for food, water and
of prostitution, however in some cases, a woman comes to
possibly protection. Slavery, which is often the fate of women
the career of a whore through other means, such as being
and children after any war, channels an enormous number
born into it, becoming captured and forced into it as a slave,
of new women into the sex trade. While sex with an unwill-
or coming to the business out of a desperate need for money
ing mate is actually rape, and deemed deplorable, many sex
to pay for a drug habit, crushing debt, or blackmail. Only a few
trade workers fornicate without wages and under the threat
women become professional freelance escorts out of choice;
of beatings if they try to escape or seek help from clients by
however these few are often well-off, have money, armed
divulging their woeful circumstances to customers; clients
guards and high social status in their community.
are supposed to believe the woman is a prostitute out of free
Harsh conditions, slavery, drug addiction, and despera-
tion have occurred throughout human history; however, pros-
Many people, especially raiders, mercenaries, scaven-
titution exists at a greater extend in the new era because of
gers, excavators and traders move about a great deal, having
other factors, too. The variety of humans, and their sub races,
no real home or family, and rarely any sort of romantic lives.
is a new condition to humanity, and often leads to the exploita-
Given this, they tend to satisfy their sexual and companionship
tion of one strain of humankind by another. Synthetic humans,
needs with hookers, since they are readily available, afford-
for example, were sometimes made for the express purpose
able, legal, and culturally acceptable to indulge in. Secondly,
of sexually gratifying their owners, as in the case of comfort
nomadic individuals always need a place to stay overnight,
clones and pleasure bioreplicas. Additionally, concubine an-
and will often visit a brothel when in a trade fort or town, es-
droids, while not humans at all, also end up in the sex trade as
pecially one with a bath, laundry service, plenty of booze and
do non-human organic species such as skullocks and count-
a hot meal supplied with a woman. The traveler spends the
less other humanoids. Some of these non-human females are
night off the dangerous streets, gets taken care of in every
half breeds themselves, such as half-human, half-skullock
conceivable way, and escapes his or her normal, perilous life
slaves and kept among a stable of whores for novelty purpos-
for a few hours. Finally, nomadic individuals are often in the
es. The conflicts between mutants and pure strain humans
wilds alone, or in groups of fellow combatants, and unable
also factors into the widespread acceptance and use of pros-
to form close ties with them since so many are emotionally
titutes, since in some communities one line of humans domi-
scarred, or leave the group by deserting, being maimed or get-
nates and abuses the other, or worse, has enslaved the entire
ting killed. Given this, many nomadic types will form relation-
population of either pure stocks or mutants, and keeps them
ships with favorite whores, and in some ways, treat them more
in ignorance and poverty so driving the women of the subju-
like girlfriends than hookers, going so far as to bring gifts to
gated race into whoring, or actively enslaves and forces the
them. In many cases a man might be just as eager to talk
attractive women of the slave strain into it.
to his favorite woman as he is to frolic with her, as he has
Other aspects which contribute to the prevalence of pros-
had nobody to confess his sins to, nor share his adventures,
titution in the twisted new world are the lack of family values,
fears and dreams with, or relate sensitive information about
high mortality rates, the nomadic ways of so many new era
what he has seen, done or heard. These relationships can oc-
inhabitants, lack of or excess of religion, and the deficiency in
casionally be two ways, and the couple eager to spend time
of other pastimes.
together in other non-sexual activities, perhaps even planning
Family values are a thing of a bygone era, at least in many
to run away together and change their perilous lives for the
regions. In the cataclysms of the past, a great many of the
survivors where the only members of their families to remain
A lack of religion, or excess of it, also fosters wide spread
alive, or else were cut off from their loved ones and relations
prostitution. In many cases, men and women have never
by the countless wars, geological upheavals, floods, plagues
heard of God, or at least feel that if he existed, he hates man-
and refugee migrations which in some places, persist. Fami-
kind or why else let the world blow up generations ago and
lies were broken and have take over a century to return to
leave everybody in the shit hole it is now? Since there is no
some semblance of what they once were. Typically, common-
God, so believe a great number of people, why not indulge in
ers, or those who work, hunt, fish, mine or log for a living are
every debauchery available and wring from life what pleasure
the members of any society that get married to others from
can be had before the promised doom hits them. Enjoying the
New Era Prostitution :: A free download for Society of Excavators members 

company of hookers for some people, then, holds no conse- bar, saloon, or brothel environment, although the game master
quences for one’s soul and incurs no bad karma, for the com- could place them in another setting such as a private hut, the
mon thinking goes that all such notions are probably bullshit quarters of a passenger barge, airship or in a wagon as part
anyhow, and the woman the client takes pleasure from is just of a wagon train or temporary encampment. Often times, free-
earning her keep, her feelings are inconsequential, that there lance whores, or those working for a pimp, will set up outside
are no free rides and she has to work and risk her life like ev- a military garrison, especially at a long siege, and profit off the
erybody is on the God forsaken dust ball called earth. numerous, lonely men who are encamped there. If an encoun-
On the other hand, excessively religious people can some- ter table specifies that a prostitute is met in the streets, and the
times seek out prostitutes for their own reasons. In some character goes with her to maybe get information or merely to
cases, these men are priests of some sort and banned from seek gratification, then the following listing could be used; but,
knowing women or marriage, and must fulfill their lusts in se- instead of the hooker leading the man to her room in a brothel
cret to avoid unwholesome and illegal transgression with his or motel, she leads him to her private shanty nearby.
flock of worshippers. Alternatively, some cults use sexual re-
lease in their rituals, and hire prostitutes to serves them in
their weird rites. Worse still, some cults prey on prostitutes Table TME-SOE-MAT-1: Random Prostitute Table
and make human sacrifices out of the defenseless women, Add d6 to the 2d20 roll only if Homosexual and other non-
usually outside of a brothel or saloon environment. typical sexual persuasions and alternate gender rolls are
Finally, a lack or other pastimes contributes to the common
present in the GM’s campaign.
use of prostitutes, since in most communities there is no elec-
tricity, therefore no movies, radio, lights to read by, nor sports 2. This woman is a petite Latin woman with long black hair
to play after dark. Furthermore, most social activities in a town and a feisty, eager attitude. Her room is done up in a Mexican
center around drinking establishments of one sort or another, theme with sombreros, tattered travel posters showing Mexi-
where gambling, brawling, lying, gossiping and feasting are can beach scenes and Aztec temples, as well as a southwest
constantly intermingled with the presence of often stunningly decorative them complete with stuffed armadillo and Texas
attractive tramps who will lean over a game with their low cut Long horn skull. She speaks Spanish and says her people mi-
tops, caress a man’s neck while watching him at a game, rub grated to the town from the south only a few years ago. She
against them suggestively them while passing them in the nar- says she was promised a good job by a local gang boss as a
row halls or stairwells, whisper lewd suggestions in their ears waitress and ended up whoring for her food and water.
when they eat, or even knock on their rented rooms at night 3. This doxy is a Caucasian pure stock with an old western
and invite themselves in for a quick half price special. flare, wearing cowboy boots, chaps and a battered straw cow-
Many men, particularly soldiers, raiders and adventurers, boy hat. She speaks in what she thinks is old west slang, usu-
will have been away from women for weeks at a time, or at ally in the dirtiest most nasty language she can come up with.
least, away from women they haven’t fought beside, women There is a 50% chance she wants the customer to ride her like
who are washed, wearing feminine clothing and makeup that a bronco and make Yee-haw noises at the top of his lungs.
is. The whores of even a small backwater village can be re- 4. This woman is a black-Asian cross with an enormous afro and
markably appealing to a man who has seen nothing but blood, a tight fitting relic latex body suit, complete with zippers which
horror and the tombs of the ancient ones, who himself may can be undone to reveal her breasts, butt and crotch. She has
have barley escaped death and is perhaps thinking to himself a whole drawer of sex toys, some of them relics, and is quite
that he may never see another good looking or half decent insistent on trying them on the client, or giving demonstrations
woman again, and it’s not a bad idea to share the wealth a bit, on their use as a bit of a show for an extra 4 silver coins.
give in to the whore’s prompting and go upstairs with her for 5. This Asian hooker wears a latex cat costume complete with
perhaps the last, and best, screw of his life. ears, and a tail tipped with a latex dildo which she will offer to
use on the client. In her room, she will have a pet cat as well
which yowls when the couple is in the later stages of coupling.
Random Prostitute Table The woman plays the role of a cat throughout the entire eve-
MATURE CONTENT WARNING: The following table is popu- ning, unless told to cut it out.
lated with a sampling of prostitutes to serve as ideas for NPCs, 6. This woman is dressed like a medieval princess in, com-
adventure hooks, and guidelines for the GM to create his or plete with pointy hat and will try and play the role of a rescued
her own hookers. Many of the descriptions and circumstances damsel in distress, thanking the heroic knight-customer zeal-
are not politically correct, nor suitable for those under 18 or ously and calling him or her ‘my lord’ at every opportunity.
who are offended by the topics of sex, prostitution, pimps, 7. This young woman dresses like a French maid, although
pornography, slavery, and substance abuse. The contents of much of her black and white costume is made from leather
this table, and this entire mature content area of the website, and her French phraseology unconvincing. She calls the client
consists of real Outland System game mechanics, and much master or mistress if female, and endeavors to please them
of it covers serious topics, however the overall intent is enter- with a feather duster, insisting on undressing and then later
tainment value only, and in some case, a low brow attempt at dressing the client with care and grace.
humor. Just how a GM would employ the following table while 8. This hooker has been around a while, is in her fifties and
running a game is up to him or her, however it is imperative while still good looking, she is incredibly well versed in the erot-
that using this table be done with common sense, and only ic arts. If able, she will do things to the client that he or she has
when the players at the table are mature and not likely to be- never heard of before, let alone experienced. There is a 1 in 6
come offended by the content found herein. chance that after the encounter, the PC will be sore all over
The prostitutes included in this section are all working in a and at minus one meter movement for d3 days, but unlikely to
New Era Prostitution :: A free download for Society of Excavators members 

complain about it, or recount what occurred with the woman. to be exceedingly energetic and pushes the customer to his or
9. When the client gets to this doxy’s room, he learns that her sexual limits. She is also 76% likely to suggest some role
she has a much younger woman there as a trainee. The older playing to the customer, pretending she is part of a skullock
woman uses the client as an educational tool, showing her war band that caught the character, who is an excavator, and
young apprentice how to be unforgettable and maybe get a tip is visiting him one night in an underground slave pen and to
after the sex act(s) are pulled off. win his life, he must please her to she will let the males of her
10. This prostitute smells of strong drink, but seems downright kind skin and eat him.
eager to get the client to her room. Once in the dim place, the 17. This prostitute is a mutant with blue spots on her tan skin.
customer notices that there are several empty bottles on the Her hair is silvery-white, and her eyes violet. When in the throes
night stand and as soon as she closes the door she grabs a of making out, and either she or the client reaches release,
bottle off a shelf, bites the cork off and guzzles heavily, wiping she initiates the mutation of blurred movement which makes
her mouth and offering the client a swig of the rum-like bever- her appear all around or under the character in a freaky, un-
age. By the time the fornication is wrapped up, the customer forgettable display.
notices she has passed out and is snoring. He or she could 18. This pure stock is dressed in an oddly sexy red jacket that
leave without paying her, although the risk of being found out is trimmed with white fur. She wears a matching, elongated
by any brothel management, pimp or local gang protectors hat with a white rim and fuzzy ball at the end. Her outfit is
might make this move risky. completed with high black boots and a tight black belt about
11. This doxy has long straight black hair, wears an old world her waist, as well as fishnet stockings and a set of small bells
bikini under her dark cotton robe and appears to have a well she carries on a hand held knot. When she gets the client
tuned, muscular build. She is aggressive and tries to lead the alone, undoing his buckles and gear, she asks if he has been
fornication with a flurry of different sex acts, being particularly naughty or nice this last year and if he thinks he deserves a
rough. If asked to calm down, or once getting the customer to present or not. When getting it on, she cries out “Ho, ho ho!”.
release point, there is a 3 in 10 chance she then tries to break 19. This Latin prostitute is a mutant who was born without
his neck with a sudden, murderous attack. If this attack doesn’t arms, and instead has a set of four, fleshy tentacles each
occur, she tries to get the man to leave as soon as she is paid, about two meters long. She excels at the use of these pow-
thanking him coldly. If she does attack him, it is because she is erful, probing and groping appendages and tries things that
a combat android and occasionally murders people she thinks most straight men aren’t neither accustomed to nor comfort-
are dangerous to the local mecha faction, and then disposes able with, but stops and switches up her performance happily
of the bodies in a deep latrine pit a few blocks away. enough if her lover is not into anything too kinky.
12. This hooker is a mutant with purple hair, pink eyes and a 20. This black woman is a ghost mutant with the mutation of
zebra like pattern of tan and pale cream colored stripes down image multiplication and once getting her client behind closed
her back and buttocks. If forced to frolic with a pure stock doors, and the customer is in the later stages of his or her in-
appearing person, she will be noticeably unenthusiastic until dulgences, she divides into 6 total visions of herself, all close
convinced that the customer is a friend to all mutants or pos- together, doing whatever she is doing for the next 3 minutes.
sibly ghost mutant if he can prove it to her. If she knows she Later, if asked, she says she has never considered being an
is with a fellow mutant, she will undertake her duties with an excavator and using this power, as she is terrified of the an-
uncanny exuberance, trying to make her client orgasm twice if cient places for being taboo and filled with evil spirits.
allowed and asking to see him again soon. 21. This pale pure stock is actually a mutant, although this
13. This prostitute is a mutant with two gorgeous head, wild isn’t discovered until she gets the customer alone in the near
white hair and amber eyes. She uses her two mouths creatively, total darkness of her room. Herein, she reveals she has the
and when not kissing or otherwise doing something to the cus- mutation of deviant skin structure, with glow in the dark skin.
tomer, both heads alternately French kiss or talk to each other 22. Having six arms, this red skinned, black haired woman,
using the dirtiest language the client has heard in a long time. who calls her self Kali, dresses like some ancient east Indian
14. This red skinned, dark haired woman is a mutant with goddess, and, once she has her customer back in her lavish
a long, flexible pink tail which she uses to caress, grip, hold room, goes so far as to dance in an odd, complex way, using
down, rub, prod and poke her client during intercourse. her arms in pairs, rhythmically swaying her head and waist as
15. This prostitute is a 65cm tall midget with four arms, a huge she approaches the client. Within her room, there are Indian
purple afro and way too much makeup, still, she is boisterous, images on the walls, as well as a small statue of a man with an
assertive and if she can get the patron to her small room, will elephant head doing an odd little jig. She uses her arms to sup-
give him a night he won’t soon forget. port both herself and her client in the most unique positions.
16. The prostitute is half skullock, therefore somewhat less 23. Being a mutant with three gorgeous heads, this mutant
attractive than even an average human woman (App 10+d20), seems to be unable to shut up, at least until she gets the client
has sharp canine teeth, a black tongue, blue-white hair and to her quarters and begins to kiss and nibble on him or her. If
sunken, beady orange eyes in the deep sockets. Her skin is her client is having troubles getting aroused, she tires different
gray with pink patches, she stands 1.4m tall and has a lean, things using her heads, including g French kissing herself.
toned body with a firm butt, perky breasts and wears a getup 24. This woman has four breasts, two above the other and
of bubble wrap, sheet metal, leather and plastic trinkets all once alone with the client, tries to showcase, and utilize them
made to look like she came right out of the ruins. She barely as much as possible.
speaks the local human language and while she looks fierce, 25. This prostitute is a mutant with a whip tail. She wears well-
is quite polite, even submissive… at first. If the character de- oiled black leather and high heeled, steel toed boots, studded
cides to try something new, and go to her bed, she turns out leather gloves and a full cloak to conceal herself when not
New Era Prostitution :: A free download for Society of Excavators members 

with a client. Any customer to go with her will soon find him- “Sir, yes sir!” or “affirmative” or “negative” when asked questions.
self in a small chamber with various restraints, leather masks, Her quarters are filled with interesting, but not very valuable mili-
relic sex toys and manacles at the head and foot of the stout tary relics of old, including old ammo boxes, spent artillery cas-
timber bed. She explains that she sometimes does S&M and ings, flags, camouflage netting, recruitment posters and dog tags.
bondage gigs for a few regulars, revealing her 4m long tail She obeys orders, replies with “Will do, sir!” and getting right to
which she whips on the bed with a crack. She asks if the cus- her lusty duties with vigor and perhaps overly rough execution. If
tomer would like a light spanking to get him in the mood, or asked to stop the whole army thing and be normal, she laughs and
perhaps let her tie him up and do what she does best with says fine, but is nowhere near as into it from that point on.
her collection or toys and bondage gear. If the client is brave, 31. Wearing a nun-like habit, although with mini skirt and high
or just debased, and lets her have here way, he will leave her heel boots on under her copious robes, this Caucasian, pure
room the following morning being at -1m movement for one stock prostitute calls male customers ‘father’ or ‘your holi-
full day and having suffered 2d6 damage, all if these injuries ness’ and kisses the character’s rings and feet, blesses her-
had in the purist of pleasure. self in a side to side up and down manner, and blessing the
26. Once in this gorgeous Latin pure stock’s room, the custom- client if he agrees to go to her room. In her quarters is a huge,
er sees a row of five different faces stuck on wooden blocks. 1.4 meter tall wooden cross above the simple bed. The room
Also in the room are dozens of wigs. She looks at the client looks downright plain except for the candles and wooden cru-
and then unfastens her face, revealing a smiling, clear, robotic cified figure in one corner. If the customer has no idea of what
countenance behind. She explains that she is a concubine an- her costume is all about, she says he is a daughter of God
droid, and can not only change her face to another woman’s and a catholic, and seems to be serious. At any rate, she says
from her collection, but change hair whole appearance with she has sinned, and is about to do so again, dropping to her
wigs and skin complexion by simply willing it. She says she is no knees and shuffling over to the client, asking forgiveness for
damn mecha and just hooks to earn enough money to recharge her weakness, for having such a dirty mind and unquenchable
her leaky old power cells, get protection and enjoy her creator- cravings, all while she begins to tear off his clothing.
given occupation as a inducer of immense pleasure. Her other 32. This Latin hooker has a black eye and bruises, and one
faces include two Asian women, a geisha girl, a black woman, arm in a sling and held in place with a well-wrapped splint to
Caucasian women with freckles and another with tattoos, and keep the broken limb from healing too incorrectly. Her smiles
finally a clown face with white makeup and bulbous red nose. are forced and she seems to be looking over her shoulder all
27. This Caucasian woman is dressed as a naught circus clown the time. Once in her messy room she shrugs and says. “Uh,
complete with big red shoes, a mini skirt, striped stocking that yeah, sorry about my injuries. I promise it won’t affect you get-
only come half way up her thigh, a frilly pair of panties, tiny ting off and all. I was caught trying to escape, that’s all. I was
strapless top which exposes bountiful cleavage. Her face is bought off a slaver a few years back… after they attacked our
colored white, she has a painted on smile and high eyebrows, caravan and killed my husband. It’s a long story, and unable to
has a dot of red paint on the tip of her nose and wears a multi get us I the mood, okay? Let’s just get his over with.”
colored relic afro wig. If a client goes with her, her quarters 33. The prostitute is a petite Asian with a third arm growing
reflect more circus themed ancient and newly crafted imagery from her left side, and a single eye on her face. The rest of
than most people have never seen. For all her silly presenta- her seems very well developed and she smiles broadly when if
tion, she does know how to make a repeat customer out of a the customer agrees to accompany her to her quarters. Once
person, however for a first timer, the honking horn she blast as inside the tidy, plain room, she explains that “Many men don’t
soon as the client orgasms is a bit unexpected and weird. like my cyclopsian eye starring at ‘em, especially during them
28. This good looking, although somewhat serious hooker is during sex, so if yeah like I can wear a mask or blindfold.”
a ghost mutant who otherwise looks like a pure stock woman 34. Being nearly 3 meters tall, this lank, towering woman has to
of Asian decent. Once she has a customer alone, she stands lean over in most rooms and halls. She is beautiful in her own,
back against the far wall and begins to not only strip him, but stretched out way, and if escorted back to her quarters she
perform foreplay using telekinesis. While she can’t lift much moves about on her knees simply to avoid banging her head
more than a coat, she can maintain her telekinetic love mak- on the low ceiling. She says “I don’t get as much work as the
ing for up to a half hour, and is able to do remarkable, almost other girls on account of my big long, skinny body, but I’m fit and
ghostly things to a person just with her mind. If asked why she know what I’m doin’, as you’ll soon see. I appreciate the work,
isn’t an excavator, having such a potent gift after all, she ex- stranger.” She is certainly healthy looking and full bosomed
plains that being a whore is dangerous work enough, and that and able to maneuver herself into some uncanny positions. Her
she isn’t that suicidal. lack of clients makes her endeavor to please the client more
29. This dark skinned woman has a Middle Eastern look to than other hookers might, in order to get a regular customer.
her, and wears a belly dancing getup. Once in her quarters, 35. This black haired, tan skinned woman is far more attractive
costumers see pillows, hanging fabrics and an old world trav- than other prostitutes, and normally spoken for every time she
el poster showing massive triangle shaped buildings out of steps out to turn tricks. On this occasion however, her appoint-
stone and the words ‘visit Egypt’ written across the bottom. ment with a rich man was canceled at the last minute so she
She belly dances around the client calling him Pasha as she agrees to go with the character instead, grudgingly. Once in her
intensifies her dance before asking what he or she wants out well appointed, larger than usual quarters, she seems distant
of his harem slut. and disinterested in the replacement client, and tries to get the
30. Dressing in a camouflaged mini-skirt, halter-top and head- whole unpleasant ordeal over with as quickly as possible. The
band, this black pure stock speaks in what she thinks is army time spent with her is dispassionate and forgettable, perhaps
speak of old, calling the customer Colonel, answering him with leaving the customer unfulfilled and feeling ripped off. When
New Era Prostitution :: A free download for Society of Excavators members 

the customer leaves, she doesn’t even say thanks or goodbye, as slaves or gladiatorial fodder.
and simply stares at a wall and seems somewhat disgusted 40. This hooker is rather tom-boyish in appearance and
with him. If he refuses to pay, she will immediately use a hid- dress, but defiantly a regular female otherwise; however, she
den communicator to call her enforcer, a mutant raider with is a lesbian at heart and would much rather be with another
three prime mutations and his friends who arrive in 10+d12 woman and when initially soliciting work from passing strang-
minutes. These thugs hunt down and collect the money, and ers or those at a barroom table, will make advances toward
most likely take everything else the customer has on him, and females first.
leave him beaten and face down in a cesspool. 41. This small, scrawny prostitute is a dainty, feminine look-
36. This good looking, dark skinned woman has a wooden leg ing eunuch and has no sexual urges of his own; however he
which she stomps about on. Once in her room, she lifts up her is dressed as a woman complete with makeup, but under his
skirt and reveals that her leg was quite recently amputated skirt wears a black, studded strap-on dildo which he will try to
just above the knee. She sees the customer looking and then, impose on a customers as soon as they are alone and the cli-
lowering her eyes, says. “Yeah I know, fuckin’ gross, hey? I lost ent is warmed up after much foreplay on the hooker’s part.*
it trying to leave town with a man but it was too early in the If the character declines the advances of the relic, but is okay
morning yet and still dark and a creature killed my fiancé and with the eunuch performing other services, then he will in-
tore open my leg. Getting back to town, the man who owns me, dulge the client as directed.
a local crook I hope you never meet, had the shredded limb 42. The prostitute, a petite, dark skinned woman, doesn’t un-
amputated. Guess I won’t be running away with you, hey?” dress below the waist and performs well enough by merely
She laughs and nods her head tow the small cot along the kneeling in front of the client. Afterwards, when she gets up,
wall. “You still wanna have a romp?” the character notices she has a clearly visible erection poking
37. This woman is a big, curvaceous, full breasted blonde up from under her skirt. If confronted about this, the prostitute
pure stock has plenty of power and energy and stands nearly confesses that she is a he and that nobody usually makes a
six feet tall (2m). Once alone with a client, she tries to control fuss, or even notices*. He may say that he thought the client
the progression of the sexual encounter, telling the client what hired him because he knew of his gender, and asks what’s the
to do and how to give him or herself over to her care, to just difference anyhow?
relax and enjoy the ride. 43. This hooker, a well made blonde, gets the client to her
38. This hooker is a pure stock woman with brown hair and bed and well along in her foreplay performance, undressing to
tanned skin. She is apparently new to the brothel or street revel she has spectacular breasts, as well as both male and
and doesn’t mix with other whores. Once she has a character female genitals! She explains that she is a mutant and was
in her room, she tries to get him on her bed and commences just born that way, and can do things to the customer that no
to give him a massage, face down. Only if he looks like a other girl can. She aggressively tries to prove her point*.
pure stock human does she proceed to tell him how whole- 44. Roll d100 again on this table, but instead of a woman, the
some he looks, how pure and makes love to him passion- prostitute reveals that she is a he once unclothed*.
ately. If the client is a cyborg or visible mutant, then she jabs 45. This hooker is discovered to be genderless if inadvertently
a large syringe into the base of his neck! (SV 1-80, DMG d6 forced to go completely nude, and has no innate sex drive at
plus the victim is allowed a type G END based hazard check all and is just performing sexual favors for the money, or be-
or succumbs to the drug she just filled him with. If he falls cause it is a slave or under some threat to do so. It apologizes
unconscious, he will be stripped nude, his hands and feet and says it has been doing this for quite awhile and knows
bound in heavy gauge wire. Purist men will enter the room how to make somebody walk away happy*.
from a window or secret door, wrap the slumbering freak in 46. This prostitute is clearly a dude, and makes no attempt
an animal skin and pack him out. By dawn he will be aboard to dress like a girl or wear makeup. He is fit, affected and
a purist airship bound for the nearest witch burning and tor- comes across like the world’s biggest sissy; yet, seems
ture-purification site in the region. He will wake rolled in the to shrug off any rejections by straight men and go unhurt
skins, ankles and hands bound (requiring a type E STR based when they quickly move on to a female hooker nearby. If
HC to bust out of, one try per five minutes). brought to a potential client previously unseen, and reject-
39. This high strung Caucasian pure stock hooker is very ed, his boss or handler will substitute a women as soon as
eager to get the client to her room, going so far as to offer one comes free.
half price for the night or hour. Once the customer joins her
in her room, she eagerly gets him to the bed and out of his *If the customer is a man and thoroughly heterosexual and
clothes. Once hot and heavy with her, 2+d2 men ( treat as either turned off or outraged that his date is a dude, he can
raiders) creep out from hidden panels in the wall and using request another hooker if at a brothel or other facility which
clubs, try to bludgeon the PC. The woman leaps back, cover- has a selection of prostitutes to choose from. On the other
ing her face, neither helping the thugs nor calling for assis- hand, if the client is a woman and was expecting to have a
tance. The raiders gain +40 SV on the first attack and always lesbian encounter, and it turns out to be a man, she can also
get initiative as the character is completely unsuspecting of request a switch.
this assault. If knocked out, the character is robbed of every-
thing he had with him, tied, gagged and brought to a wagon
outside and thrown in with other freshly captured citizens
and visitors to the community; all of them the property of
a slaver and his gang who export the captives to either a
nearby mine, oar deck of a barge, or enemy territory to serve
New Era Prostitution :: A free download for Society of Excavators members 

Random Prostitute Personalities

Unless stated otherwise in the description of a prostitute from the
random section, or the GM wants to alter the personality, the follow-
ing short list can be used to apply a quick personality to a prostitute
with a d100 roll:
01. Abrasive 18. Cruel 35. Seductive 52. Jumpy 69. Obsessive 86. Suicidal
02. Abusive 19. Curious 36. Heartless 53. Lewd 70. Opinionated 87. Surly
03. Affectionate 20. Debased 37. Homicidal 54. Liar 71. Outgoing 88. Sympathetic
04. Aggressive 21. Demented 38. Hyper 55. Lusty 72. Shameless 89. Talkative
05. Aloof 22. Deranged 39. Icy 56. Manic 73. Paranoid 90. Tease
06. Anxious 23. Detached 40. Immature 57. Materialistic 74. Passionate 91. Sarcastic
07. Apologetic 24. Discreet 41. Immoral 58. Mischievous 75. Perverted 92. Unforgiving
08. Assertive 25. Distrustful 42. Impatient 59. Moody 76. Raunchy 93. Rowdy
09. Bossy 26. Dreaming 43. Impulsive 60. Morbid 77. Reckless 94. Vengeful
10. Brazen 27. Eager 44. Indifferent 61. Nagging 78. Romantic 95. Vivacious
11. Bubbly 28. Eccentric 45. Insecure 62. Narcissistic 79. Rough 96. Vulgar
12. Calm 29. Erratic 46. Insolent 63. Nasty 80. Sleazy 97. Warm
13. Catty 30. Fickle 47. Insulting 64. Negative 81. Snappy 98. Wild
14. Childish 31. Fiery 48. Sassy 65. Neurotic 82. Sensual 99. Willful
15. Compulsive 32. Selfish 49. Irrational 66. Obedient 83. Spirited 100. Zealous
16. Rude 33. Forgiving 50. Irritable 67. Obnoxious 84. Stubborn
17. Cowardly 34. Frisky 51. Jealous 68. Obscene 85. Submissive

being mere images of man, the variety of carnal expression

Prostitution Fees methods is beyond count. The fees for these acts; however,
Many factors contribute to the fee charged by a prostitute, in-
are much better to document.
cluding the all important economic truism of supply and de-
Hookers charge whatever they think they can get, but
mand; the level of competition by other whores for a limited
prices fluctuate widely because of the above mentioned
supply of potential customers. Additionally, the legal and se-
factors, with one of the most important fee modifiers being
curity risks of a sex worker in a certain community, the level
whether a hooker is a freelancing street walker, or working
of desperation of the hookers in that area, as the well as the
within a brothel, saloon or for a pimp type handler who takes
duration of the sexual encounter, and any out of the normal
a substantial share of the women’s earnings. Sometimes an
requests on the client’s part.
encounter or entry in an adventure will detail a run in with a
Without going into the details, as this is not meant to be a
prostitute who will offer a price for a service. When this is not
pornographic document, the basic acts of sex performed by a
noted; however, the following table ma y help determine the
prostitute need not be described nor listed, suffice to say that
price for the recruitment of a hooker.
anything that hookers have accomplished in the more mun-
dane history of humanity have not only continued, but become
more bizarre. What was kinky or extreme in the 21st century is Table TME-SOE-MAT-2 Prostitution Fee Matrix
Notes: Apply all factors which are applicable. There is always a
commonplace in the 24th, plus, since there are a great num-
ber of human sub species, many with mutations and some minimum of 1sp (silver piece) fee for any prostitution service.

Duration of companionship Fee Modifier

Fifteen minute quickie -4sp
Half hour special -2SP
1 hour +/- 0sp
2 hours +2sp
All night, no frills, multiple copulations okay +6sp
All night, multiple copulations, clothes laundered, meal, booze, and breakfast inclusive +12sp
6 hour companionship experience out on the town as a hired date, plus any other time du-
Prostitute’s employment status Fee Modifier
The Hooker is a sole proprietor and doesn’t share her wages with a pimp or business, nor
gain protection.
New Era Prostitution :: A free download for Society of Excavators members 

The whore has a pimp who take s large cut of her earnings in exchange for both finding her
clients, occasionally handling payments before allowing his hooker to accompany a client,
and protecting her from danger, or, if she is killed, he arranges for the hunting and slaying of
the offender.
Prostitute is an indentured sex trade worker, or slave and earns no money for herself, all
proceeds to go her owner or holder of her debt.
Prostitute works in an establishment such as a brothel, saloon, motel, club, garrison or
other and her wages are split with her employers or owners.
The prostitute is called either an escort or call-girl, considered top of the line and guaran-
teed to be disease and addiction free. She will either be accompanied to a client’s quarters
or the customer brought to a residence or massage parlor type business for the encounter. +24sp
At all time the escort has a guard or two nearby, possibly just outside the curtain or door,
and will ensure payment and protection of the woman.
Supply and Demand factors affecting prostitution fees Fee Modifier
Operating as a camp follower in a garrison with few other hookers nearby. +8sp
Operating in a large shanty city with untold numbers of other hungry, poor and desperate
Operating in a remote frontier outpost, dig site or work camp as the only prostitute. +12sp
Operating where women well outnumber the male population, where males have plenty of
girlfriends and wives to pick from.
The populace is generally in poverty and starving, perhaps in an occupied community where
food is scarce and the only way to feed one’s family for this woman is to sell herself.
Miscellaneous fee modifiers Fee Modifier
Second hookers fees need to
Customer wants to hire two prostitutes at once, either to watch them, or participate with
be established, then add +3
sp for each prostitute.
Double total end fee after all
Customer has a friend who wants to join in simultaneously
other modifiers applied.
Customer is a known law enforcement officer, ruler, heir to the ruler, or other highly influen-
tial individual
Customer is gorgeous, APP 40 or higher. -4sp
Customer is quite unattractive, APP between 10 and 5. +4sp
Customer is downright hideous, App 4 or less. +12sp
Customer is known or suspected to have harmed another prostitute locally. +12sp
Customer is rumored or even known to have killed a prostitute. +24sp
Customer hasn’t had a bath in a week or more. +2sp
Customer known to always tip a hooker. -2sp
Customer is known to be kind to hookers, or funny, popular, or rich. -4sp
Customer is either rumored on known to have saved a hooker’s life. -8sp
The customer is abnormally powerful (3rd rank or higher), perhaps well armed, augmented
with implants or mutations and clearly somebody who can either protect the prostitute or
kill any pimp, boss or cruel master which holds sway over the hooker should she ever need
his or her help.
Religious and legal factors in a community Fee Modifier
It is illegal and sinful to be a whore here, and a dangerous profession. +12sp
While frowned upon as sinful, there is no real legal risk to hooking, just a lot of shame and
mistreatment by other women of the place.
Prostitution is not only legal, but just considered a normal job here, perhaps encouraged
and enjoyed by most adults with an urge.

Notes: Apply all factors which are applicable. There is always a minimum of 1sp (silver piece) fee for any prostitution service.
New Era Prostitution :: A free download for Society of Excavators members 

guarantee of hell for those who would use a hooker, have sex
Adventure hooks involving prostitutes for pleasure, or masturbate, and if the truth were ever known,
he would be ruined and his church abandoned. Recently the
Just as the client is completing his frolic with the hooker, a
priest has been beating her during their sessions due to a
man bashes down the door and wilds a weapon, claiming that
he is her husband and has had enough of this dishonor, and failure on his part to get aroused./ 2. The wealthiest merchant
that he is going to castrate the naked fellow with her. Typi- in the community is her client, and told her that he poisoned
cally, the man is a commoner with a hatchet, but could be a his first wife and is growing bored of his second wife and won-
militia soldier with a musket pistol or saber, or even an excava- dered if she knew anybody who could rid him or her. / 3. The
tor who believe she has fallen in love with the prostitute and highest ranking ruler of the community secretly has her come
can’t bear to see her with another man. The woman may not to his fortress every few weeks for a humiliating, overly rough,
acknowledge the intruder as her husband, or has left him, or bondage fest which leaves her sore for days afterwards. Hat-
otherwise seeks the client character’s protection. ing him, she happily tells the PC what he told her, that he was
skimming the taxes and fees from the community coffers.
The prostitute is actually a minion for some other faction, and Worse, the ruler has access to most of the towns relics and
planted inside a brothel or community to locate either a per- wealth and wanted her to leave with him to another, bigger
son, information, or members of a enemy group and either city and be his main concubine, as he had no plans of bringing
report them to her superiors, or eliminate the foe herself using along his current bitchy wife. /4. The supreme officer of the
poison, a hand gun, pet, hidden henchmen, or other means. communities armed forces is a regular of hers, and recently
Likely enemies might include religious purists who seek the told her that he loved her and wanted to marry her, but couldn’t
demise of any mutant, cyborg, beastial human, synthetic hu- leave his current wife. Trusting her, he also related that the town
man or other non-pure stock. The mecha, often using concu- was sitting over an ancient military bunker, that he knew of the
bine androids as the bait, will also infiltrate a brothel or other elevator shaft hole down into the old facility, located beneath the
locale, either to kill powerful mutants or pure stocks, but also floor boards of the garrison’s grain storage room. The officer says
to capture cyborgs which can easily be fitted with some sort that he went down to explore the base with a team of handpicked
of command and control node and turned into minions of the soldiers, but only he survived the attacks by the creatures down
local artificial intelligence. Other adversaries might include there. She tells the PC because she hates the officer on account
mutant supremacists, often called aberrationists, who seek that he beats her to get himself in the mood for sex and has a hard
domination and interbreeding with pure stocks more so than time believing him when he later says sorry and loves her. / 5. She
their deaths; but, can pose a lethal threat to pure stocks who tells the PC that one of her clients is an accountant for the com-
are officers, agents, or otherwise influential in causes which munity leader, and while doing some paperwork came across a file
deny the mutant supremacists their objectives. Prostitutes stating how every few months, a special team of town watchmen
who serve certain cults, enemy tribes or towns, warlords, gather up all the drunks, debtors and criminals, along with what-
crime bosses and slavers are all equally likely to kill or capture ever stranger they can drug or knock unconscious in the streets,
the unwary, since when a man is in the company of a hooker, and offer them as a bribe to a tribe of local skullocks, in exchange
he is often out of his armor, unarmed, occasionally drunk, and for peace. She adds that it explains the disappearances of so many
deeply preoccupied. migrant workers, mercenaries, dig teams and old people around
town every month or two, that the PC should watch his back./ 6.
The prostitute turns out to be somebody the client-character She sometimes has to offer her services for free to her own master
grew up with from his or her own town, perhaps a relative who and his men, but one bragged to her that he was the most danger-
was reported killed by humanoids, and explains her sad story ous man in town, because he knew where the master has hidden a
of entrapment into the sex industry. She beseeches the PC to fifty caliber sniper rifle hidden in the ceiling panels of his quarters,
bust her out of the brothel, deal with her pimp and his goons, complete with at least ten rounds of ammo.
and get her back to her people.

The hooker was sold into the profession by her new husband,
who she got involved with through an arranged marriage. It
turns out, he has a dozen so-called wives in the sex trade, all
of whom he beats once a week to remind them of whose boss.
She begs with the character to either get her free of this life-
style, or assassinate the wicked man and free all the women.
It might just be that the man she refers to is also a highly val-
ued assistant to the local warlord or gang boss, a slaver, cult
leader or some other figure which makes him hard to get to,
and a bad enemy.

This prostitute has a way of getting her lovers to talk after for-
nicating, and has learned a secret from this pillow talk that
she shares with the PC-customer after their own session. Roll
d6: 1. The local priest visits her once a week, dressed as an
old man and using the back steps. He preaches the sin and

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