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Independent University, Bangladesh

English 105: Business English

Instructor: Sayeeda Sharmin Chowdhury
Mid Term Examination Summer’2020
Marks: 20 Time: 90 minutes

Name: Robiul Alam Rana ID: 1910083 Section: 05 Date: 27/08/2020

Section A: Memo Writing (5 marks)

You are the VP, Marketing Department of Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd. and your department is located at the
3rd floor of the office building. And the kitchen area of the office is located on the 2 nd floor of the building.
Due to some construction work on the 2 nd floor kitchen area, the kitchen will be closed for all office staffs for
one week and alternatively the kitchen area on the 1 st floor should only be accessed from 1:00pm – 2:00pm
(lunch hour).
Write a memo to all marketing department staffs informing them of the situation clearly and making sure
to set a strict condition so that everyone maintains the time schedule.
Write on the space provided

To: All marketing department staffs
From: VP, Marketing Department
Date: August 27, 2020
Subject: Alternative kitchen area and accessible time.

As you all know, the kitchen area of the office is located on the 2nd floor of the building. But
due to some construction work on the 2nd floor kitchen area, the kitchen will be closed for
all office staffs for one week and alternatively the kitchen area on the 1 st floor should only
be accessed from 1:00pm – 2:00pm (lunch hour). All marketing department staffs should
maintain this time schedule strictly. I hope you all will understand the situation and co-operate
with us.

Best Regards,

VP, Marketing Department of

Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

SECTION B: READING COMPREHENSION – Read the following passage and answers the
questions below.
Leadership Qualities

There are many qualities that shape a successful leader. Consequently, there is no single recipe for

guaranteeing top management skills. If there were, there wouldn't be so few truly international success

stories. Obviously, a great decision-maker possess the ability to inspire his employees. A charismatic boss

can motivate employees to give that added-extra that puts a company over the top. This leader is energetic

while at the same time being thoughtful when it comes to important, strategy-changing decisions. This of

course does not mean that balanced leader is without his impulsive side. In fact, it is exactly this adventurous

spirit that separates true genius from run-of-the-mill management. Take Bill Gates for example, if he hadn't

left Harvard University before graduation he might never have become the stellar public figure that he is

today. His ruthlessness, combined with a passionate conviction has made him the envy of many an industry

captain today. Many would say that Apple's Steve Jobs was taken advantage of. While this may be true in a

certain sense, if Gates had decided to become a hardware manufacturer, as well as a software pioneer, as was

the case with Jobs, he probably wouldn't have had his past resounding success with Microsoft software

products. Nowadays, however, the tables have turned with Steve Jobs leading Apple to incredible successes

in both hardware and software developments for the computer, as well as innovative mobile phones and

tablets. The lesson to be learned is that leadership can make the difference between a good company and a

great company.

Write ‘T’ for ‘true’ and ‘F’ for ‘False’ for the statements below inside the boxes: (10x5 = 5 marks)

1. Most leaders have the same sort of qualities. ____F_____

2. The ability to inspire employees is often seen in top management. ____T_____

3. A charismatic boss can motivate employees to give an extra push. ____T_____

4. Most run-of-the-mill managers are adventurous. ____F_____

5. Both Steve Jobs and Bill Gates have been extremely successful. ____T_____

Section C: Business Letter: Complaint Letter (10 marks)

The City Bank is a Bangladeshi private commercial bank, operating throughout Bangladesh. Their
Head Office is located at 136, Gulshan Avenue, Gulshan-2 Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh. On 27th August
2020, The City Bangladesh is supposed to celebrate their 25 th Silver Jubilee Anniversary in Pan
pacific Sonargoan. To honor the participating guests you were asked to order few gift items. You are
the current Client Relation Manager in charge of The City Bank. You ordered 500 pen-drives of
“SanDisk” brand with The City Bank custom logo (which had already been sent on 10 th July) from
Ali Express (order number 231018). The delivery was to be received on the 18 th of August at the
main Head Office address.

Ali Express made the delivery of the pen-drivers on the day of the event. The custom logo of City
Bank was placed upside down on all 500 pen-drives with very bad quality skin print, and 150 faulty
pen-drives which did not work at all. This entire situation has caused you and your team a good
amount of financial loss and hampered your job reputation and also hampered your event plan. Now
using your company’s pad (Letterhead) write a complaint letter mentioning all the irregularities and
complaints about the situation to The seller of Ali Express, Store Number # 13, Store Name #
Modyle Official Store, Shanghai-China. Make a claim against the Seller Company for immediate
money refund for this order. Give full details for asking for the claim in the letter.

The City Bank
Head Office - 136, Gulshan Avenue, Gulshan-2 Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh.

Ali Express
Store Number #13, Store Name #Modyle Official Store, Shanghai-China.
    Order number - 231018

 August 27, 2020

Name- Robiul Alam Rana

Address-136, Gulshan Avenue, Gulshan-2 Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh.
Subject- Complaint regarding the ordered items/pen-drives of “SanDisk”

Dear Ali Express,

I am writing because I wish to complain about the pen-drives of “SanDisk” brand with
The City Bank custom logo which I’ve ordered from you on 10th July.

First of all, you claim that the delivery was to be received on the 18th of August at the
main Head Office address, but you made the delivery of the pen-driver on the day of the
event. Secondly, The custom logo of City Bank was placed upside down on all 500 pen-
drives with very bad quality skin print and 150 faulty pen-drives which did not work at

In addition, this entire situation has caused me and my team a good amount of financial
loss and hampered my job reputation and also hampered the event plan. I wasted both
time and money and it only served me with dissatisfaction.

In conclusion, I am very disappointed with the service I received. I would appreciate an

immediate money refund for the bad quality skin prints and faulty pen-drives.

I look forward to a prompt reply.

Yours truly,

Robiul Alam Rana

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