How To Launch Ads On Facebook

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How To Launch Ads On

After you created your Facebook ad account the first thing you have to do is install the
Facebook sales channel in your Shopify store and go through every step to configure all
marketing channels (Make sure to select maximize enhancement at your pixel level) to add
the Pixel codes to your website. To do that, in your business manager click on Data Sources
> Pixel > Create Pixel

After you did that, claim your website domain on Facebook and configure your website
events by adding going to your Pixel > Open in events manager > Aggregated Event
> configure events.

Inside you will create your events in this order:

Add Payment Info
Checkout Initiated
Add to Cart
View Content

You have to do that to be able to track events properly.

You are now all set.

Now we will go to our ads Manager and click on the Green button that says “Create”:

Then we are gonna select Conversions and Click Continue. Here we will name our
campaigns and click Continue.

In our ad set level we will name our ad set, then choose our pixel and set up our conversion
event to Purchases. This way we make sure we are reaching people who will purchase and
not any random pocket of people who won’t make any buying decision.
This will help us optimize our budget and save us thousands in ad spend.

After scrolling a little below you will find the place where you can select your Budget,
Schedule & then targeting.

For budget: Select $10 or $20 a day per adset.

Schedule: Make sure to start running ads at midnight.

In the dropdown, Choose People Living in:

Then select the countries you want to target. And then the interest you want to send your
ads to.

For example, if you are targeting a Dog product, then some good interests to test can be
Leash, Harness, Purina, Dog Lovers, etc.

Just select ONE interest per ad set.

Leave automatic placements on and continue to make your ads.

Creating your ads is the most important section. The section where most entrepreneurs Trip
up and the section that will make all the difference in your campaigns.

When you are creating your ads you want to make sure of the following:

1.- Your ad copy is compelling with your target customer.

2.- Your ad is easy to understand and grabs attention within the first 3 seconds
3.- You are targeting more than one angle. (you can split test different angles per ad)
4.- Your whole Marketing structure is ON POINT.

We will create at least 3 ads per ad set. Every ad with variations in the first 3 seconds of
your video and different Headlines (Angles).

The videos will send people to your landing page so make sure to paste the proper link.

Once all 3+ ads are created. We will publish the ad set and we will duplicate it once and
then, at the ad level of the new ad set, we will change the ads to Use Existing Post selecting
the ads previously posted in the first ad set, this way we will make sure to have our
engagement being shared through all our videos. And we will also change the interest-
targeted in the adset. (ONLY 1 INTEREST of 1M+ PER ADSET)

Finally, once we have our new ad set with our ads as using Existing post and a new interest,
We will duplicate that ad 8 or 15 times (depends on your budget) and change only the
interest-targeted on each ad set. Make sure every adset is targeting a different interests. If
you target the same interest in more than one ad set you will be competing against yourself
in the auction.

After launching your campaign. Test for at least 3 days without touching it.

Then you want to measure your results and optimize by reading the following KPI’s

Add To Cart
Initiated Checkout
Video Quality (Rank and engagement)

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