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ITIL Notes

- Information Technology Infrastructure Library

- delivering value without ownership of costs and risks
o Core Services – most desired by customers
o Enabling Services – needed by the core service
o Enhancement Services - appeal

- Specialized organizational capabilities to deliver value

- Structured set of activities designed to accomplished a specific objective
o Measurability
o Specific results
o Customers
o Responsiveness to specific triggers


*FUNCTION (tools + people)

- a team or group of people and the tools or other resources they use to carry out one or more processes
and activities.
- is a set of responsibilities, activities and authorities granted to a person or team

- accountable to ensure that process is fit purpose

- accountable for day to day operation of the process (Answer: B/D)

RACI – Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed

- to define roles and responsibilities

*CSI is imbedded in every lifecycle of ITIL


VOI – Value of Investment *Internal*- make investment comfortable

ROI – Return of Investment *External* - make profit/money

Utility – Fit for purpose

Warranty – Fit for use

Type of Assets
- Resource – tangible
- Capability – intangible
- Pattern of business activity – a workload profile of one or more business activities.

Governance is about “compliance”

Business case is “justification”, usually with “monetary value” but not mandatory
Risk Manager
Stakeholders - Customers / Users / Suppliers / Sponsor

Service Portfolio Management – right mix of assets to support service portfolio

- Service Pipeline – under R&D and testing
- Service Catalogue – live services – *accessible to those who have access to it*
- Retired Services – obsolete services

Financial Management
- Accounting – where you stand right now
- Budgeting – money does not go out too much
- Charging
o *Element of Financial Management – Charging*
o *If asked for 2 items (A and B)*

Business Relationship Management

- Providing effective links between the service provider and its customers
- *Ensures high level customer satisfaction*

- Realize the service provider’s strategy

*Five aspects to service design - (D) : I and IV*

Fours Ps of Service Design

 People
 Processes
 *Products (services, technology and tools)*
 Partners (supplier, manufactures and vendors)

Service Design Package

- It is like a kit
- Produced for each new IT service, major change or IT service retirement
- It is not a process but a principle


- *Design coordination – single point of coordination*

- *Service Level Management – ensure planned all current and planned IT services are delivered to
agreed objectives*
- Service Level Requirement – before SLA.
- Service Level Agreement – agreement between an IT service provider and customer
o Monitored by SLAM (Service Level Agreement Monitoring Chart)
o 4 Types of SLA
 Multilevel SLA
 Service-based SLA
 Customer-based SLA
 Corporate SLA
o UC – Underpinning contract / 3rd party contract / Legally binding contracts
o OLA – Operational Level Agreement – Internal organization
- Service Catalogue Management – a database or structured document with information about all live IT
services, including those available for deployment.
o Customer-facing services
o Supporting Services – required by customer-facing services
- Availability Management
o Availability – perform an agreed function
o Reliability – perform without interruption
o Maintainability – how quickly and effectively the service can be restored
o Serviceability – 3rd party to meet requirements
- Information Security Management
o To align IT security with business security and to ensure it matches the agreed needs of the
o Objective is to protect the interests of those relying on information, and the systems and
communications that deliver the information from harm as a result of failures of:
 Confidentiality
 Integrity
 Availability
- Supplier Management
- Capacity Management
o How much service can be provided
 Business capacity management
 Service capacity management
 Component capacity management
- IT Service Continuity Management
o To achieve minimum service level target
o Disaster recovery
o Crisis management
 Business Continuity Management
 Comes up with business continuity plans
o Based on BIA (Business Impact Analysis)

- *Better estimation of cost, timing, resource requirement and risks

- Higher volumes of successful change
- Reduce delays from unexpected clashes and dependencies
- Better use and sharing of assets*

Transition Planning and Support

- Overall planning
- Endorses the service to operation

Change Management

- Change – addition, modification or removal of anything that could have an effect on IT services.
o Standard Change – pre authorized change, low risk. Cheapest form of service request
o Emergency change – approval from ECAB. Must be introduced ASAP.
o Normal change (approval from CAB) – Change Advisory Board (Letter B). Not an emergency.
- Change Proposals – major changes that involve significant cost, risk and organizational impact are usually
initiated through Service Portfolio management. Submitted to CAB.
o Consists of:
 Remediation Planning – just in case it failed. Roll back
 No change should be authorized without a plan for what to do if it

Service Asset and Configuration Management

- Is a process under Service Transition

SKMS > CMS > CMDB > CI via DML (Physical and Electronic)

Release and Deployment Management

Knowledge Management

- Reducing the need to rediscover knowledge.

- Model used in Knowledge Management (DIKW)
o Data
o Information
o Knowledge
o Wisdom

- Carry out the activities and processes required to deliver and manage services at agreed level business
- Where the actual value seen by the business

Process: keywords

- Incident Management : restore / unplanned

o Restore normal service operation as quickly as possible and minimize the adverse impact on
business operations
 Normal Service Operation – within SLA
o Incident – unplanned interruption
o Priority – is derived by Urgency and Impact
o Incident logging starts after incident identification
- Problem Management : recurring or underlying causes
o KEDB – where Known Errors are saved
o Incorrect about Problem Management – is RESTORE – Letter C
- Event Management : alert or change of state and making sense of them
 Informational
 Warning – generated when a threshold has been reached
 Exception – operating abnormally and action is required
o Uses “Alert” for notification
- Request Management : request/cheap
o Assist with general information, complaints or comments – Service Request ticket
- Access Management : access / right
o It is used to execute of policies and actions defined Information Security Management
o Right type of access to right type of people


- Service Desk
o Single central point of contact for all users of IT.
o Centralized Service Desk – gives “local presence”
- Technical Management
- IT Operations Management
o IT Operations Control
o Facilities Management
 Function of IT Operations Management
- Application Management

- Is to align IT services with changing business needs

Deming Cycle – PDCA

- 2 – Plan
- 2 - Do
- 2 - Check
- 1 - Act

Type of Metrics

- Technology metrics – component and application-based metrics

- Process metrics – CSFs and KPIs
o Customer Success Factors
 Must happen if an IT service, process, plan, project or other activity is to succeed.
- Service metrics – end to end service performance, Technology metrics + Process metrics

7-Step Improvement

1. Identify the strategy for improvement

2. Define what you will measure
3. Gather the data
4. Process the data
5. Analyze the data
6. Present and use the information
7. Implement improvement

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