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1. Why did the Justice advise the boy to forget about his technical preparation for the Law?

- I think for me is because the technical preparation for the Law is not that important. That the boy
should focus more on developing his skills in reading and understanding arts more, especially in poetry,
paintings, and music. Through these, it will widen his ideas and deepen his feelings to be a developed

2. What is meant by “cultivation of imaginative faculties?

- It means to develop one’s creative thought, to be innovative and/or resourceful.

3. Although you may going to a law school, do you think you still need to stock your mind with the
deposit of much good reading? Why or why not?

- Yes, because reading is the best vitamin for the brain. Aside from learning something new that you
haven’t seen or heard before, reading helps you understand things that you haven’t encountered too
before. By reading, it feeds us lots of information that we can use in the future when we have a
conversation with someone who talks about something that we have encountered on reading
something. Reading also keeps us updated on the new things that we are not aware of; a good example
is a newspaper and magazine. Aside from being updated, reading teaches us lessons that we have no
idea of; an example would be a history book. Lastly, reading prepares us for the future. Because of all
the information that we knew from reading, we can survive critiques, and be able to have a good and
friendly argument about something that we know that others don’t.

4. What achieve by reading poetry, seeing great painting, and listening to great music?

- By reading poetry we achieve a good understanding of emotions that is being shared by the poet. It
develops our feelings towards something that is being dealt with emotions. By seeing great paintings,
we achieve a good imagination that is being portrayed by the artist. It helps us widen our minds and
ideas, that by just looking at a picture, we can imagine that we are inside it, and by that, we can then
convert it into art. By listening to great music, it feeds our soul full of emotions, because anything that
someone has experienced in life, it could be tragic, love, sadness, or happiness, they can interpret it to
music. And by that, it will help us understand and experience the musician’s love for music through

5. What then is a “cultivated man” based on the letter of Justice Felix Frankfurter?

- A “cultivated man” based on the letter of Justice Felix Frankfurter means a well-developed person.
Someone well-rounded through reading, art, and music. It is a person that understands and has a wide
and deep feeling for the wonderful mysteries of the universe that a regular person has no idea of.

6. Recall any poem, story, painting, song, movie, sculpture or architecture that has in one way or
another, moved you or has made aa difference on you. Writer a short description about it.

- If there was a story that moved or made a difference in me, that would be my past mistakes as a high
schoolboy. As a regular high school kid, I was opened to different kinds of personalities, characters being
portrayed by my classmates and friends. Opened so many good and bad influences that lead me to a
path that I will eventually regret. In high school, my parents were so strict, that nothing matters most,
but my school and studies, extracurricular activities are not an option. I was being deprived of what I can
do, what makes me happy, and what makes me bring out the best in me. And by that, I was lost and was
led to the wrong path by choosing my friends over my family, because, with my friends, my opinions
were important, that they listen, they watch, and they appreciate. But eventually, everything will be
gone when I was in very bad shape. The friends that I thought will always be there whenever I needed
them were all gone and left me alone. In summary, I only have the slightest regret for all of the mistakes
that I have done throughout my high school days. Why? Because if I regret every mistake that I have
done, I wouldn’t have done it, I wouldn’t have learned from all of my mistakes, then I wouldn’t be
someone today that is matured emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. I wouldn’t be a wise man now if I
didn’t make mistakes that I did in my past.

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