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Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar commonly known as the
“Architect of the Indian Constitution” was born on 14
April 1891 at Mahu near Indore in Madhya Pradesh in
a low caste family known of harijan. His father’s name
was Shri. Ramji Sukhpal and mother’s name was
Bhimabai. Dr. Ambedkar received his early education
in a nearby village school and had great interest in
studies. He was married at an age of fourteen with
Shrimati Ramabai. Later he joined the Alfinston College
in Bombay. He became a post graduate in economics
and started his career as a professor. In England he
received the degrees of M.Sc., D.M.S. Law and Ph.D.

Dr. Ambedkar was a vocal critic of Hinduism though

he was born in a Hindu family. “Though I was born a
Hindu,I solemnly assure you that I will not die as a
Hindu”is Ambedkar’s one of the most famous quote
regarding Hinduism. He became the hero of the
underdog. He was their messiah and they began to
worship him like a god.
“I like the religion that teaches liberty, equality and

The purpose of religion?- Esp in the days of

fundamental rights and people trying to impose their
views and forcefully convert others? What is the true
purpose of religion. In one word, it can be tolerance,
mutual appreciation, respect and above all the truth
and development of an individual to the best of his
capacities. There is no religion without a human
being, it is time that the focus is dealt on that.

Later, Dr. Ambedkar became the chairman of the

Drafting Committee of the Constitution. He deeply
studied the various constitutions all over the world and
took out their good points, assimilated all those points
in the Indian Constitution and without any fault was
rightly called the Founding Father of the Indian
Constitution. The document was created on January
26, 1950. Ambedkar was appointed the chairman of
the constitution drafting committee on August 29,
1947.Dr. Ambedkar was honoured step by step. At the
first step, he was honoured as the member of the
Constituent Assembly. At the second step, he was
honoured as the first Law Minister of the independent
India and finally at the third step he was honoured as
the chairman of the Drafting Committee. He played a
key role in viewing the structure of the government
and the forms of the government. He played a
significant role with a lofty responsibility of drafting the
constitution. He examined the functioning of a
democratic government on the basis of stability and
responsibility. Dr. Ambedkar said that he made “save
minorities from the misrule of majority” but also “for it
is only the centre which can work for a common end
and for the general interests of the country as a
In the constitution regarding the Constitutional
Remedies he considered it as the ‘Heart and Soul of
the country’.
The contribution of Dr. Ambedkar in Indian
democracy is not to be forgotten. Baba Saheb
Ambedkar’s name will be written in golden letters in
the heart and history of India as a creator of social
justice. Dr. Ambedkar’s contribution to the Indian
constitution is undoubtedly of the highest order and
indeed he deserved to be called the “Father or the
Chief Architect” of the Indian Constitution. Jai Hind.

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