Skema Ict Kelantan 2015 Set 1

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No Answer Question 26
soala Jawapan (a) twisted-pair wire, coaxial cable, fiber-
n optic cable, satelite systems
1 B (b) A network software must be able to
2 pelanggaran hakcipta handle networking protocols and
3 (i) Benar connections within the network and
(ii) Palsu with other networks. Most importantly,
Question 29 Soalan 32
a) A A – Problem Analysis / Phase B
Phase it should also provide file systems
Jenayah komputer
5 – Documentation functions to organise disk space on
a. Grafik boleh merujuk kepada
6 (i)Two importance
Benar of phase the network computers for sharing
B/Documentation in programming pelbagai persembahan imej atau
(ii)process: purposes.
paparan visual yang tidak bergerak
7 B Documentation becomes (pegun) seperti gambar, lukisan,
8 (i) especially
A valuable when the program Question 27lakaran, gambar foto, ilustrasi dan
requires changes in the future. (a) Intellectual property is a term referring to
(ii) C
ii. Proper documentation
9 (i)greatlyBenar b. Kepentingan
a number of distinctgrafik
creations of
reduces the amount of time a
the mind multimedia
for whichadalah seperti
property berikut:
rights are
(ii)new programmer spends in learning
i. Persembahan akan menjadi
10 aboutAthe existing programs. recognised--and the corresponding fields of
lebih menarik dan dapat
11 (i) D law.
Question 30 menarik perhatian pengguna,
(ii) B (b) Firewall mengilustrasikan sesebuah
(a) Web conferencing
(ii) C Cryptography konsep dan juga bertindak
Video conferencing
12 C (c) 1. The Government Web belakang
sebagai latar Portal and sub-
(b) a multimedia collaboration solution
13 BENAR portals sesuatu konsep.
can help an organization improve its ii. Grafik yang dimasukkan
14 (i) A contain all information and
cost base, increase staff productivity dapat menekankan
(ii) C guidelines about
and create new avenues in which to kepentingan fakta-fakta
15 Palsu Government services together with all
be competitive, the next step is to tertentu dan penonton akan
16 b application
examine what tools are best able to lebihforms
mudahwhich could be
17 Benar downloaded.
deliver such benefits. maklumat tersebut.
18 C 2. In iii.
all places where
Grafik back-office
juga dapat
(c) conduct seminars, train new
19 Palsu computerization has taken place,
employees, make sales presentations,
20 (i) Debugging responsepenyampaian
to queries by sesuatu
citizens or
and enhance online document
(ii) Pengekodan businesses maklumat
by phonedanordapat
collaboration with staff or clients
21 from D personal contacts is done withinyang
memberikan penerangan
across the globe. jelas, tepat dan konsisten
22 pengkalan data minutes.
antara individu yang berbeza
23 (i) Palsu Question 28
Question 31 berbanding dengan
Benar (a) 1. to assist users interacting with a
(a) (ii)
Multimedia penggunaan teks secara
Komponen Services
24 Internet-based perkakasan software bersendirian.
25 (i) B 2 .to control
iv. how ajuga
Grafik userboleh
enters data and
Authoring Software
instructions sebagai hiperlink untuk
D encompasses learning at
(iii) C 3. to control mencapai maklumat
how information isyang
all levels,both formal and non-formal,
(b) The advantage berkesan.
of command-line interface
that uses an information network—
is, itc.helps
the userantara Grafik bitmap
to operate the
the Internet, an intranet (LAN) or dan grafik vektor adalah seperti
computer quickly after memorizing the
extranet (WAN)—whether wholly or in berikut:
keywords and syntax.
part, for course delivery, interaction
(c) 1. Students can work at their own Grafik bitmap Grafik vektor
pace, Ia adalah imej- Adalah lukisan di
repeating sections they don’t imej sebenar yang dalam komputer
understand dirakam dari atau grafik geometri
peranti-peranti yang dihasilkan
2. Computers are endlessly patient
seperti kamera dengan
3. The material is presented in a
digital atau menggunakan
consistent way – not dependent pengimbas. komputer.
Soalan 33

a) Contoh jenis data ialah Boolean, integer, double, string dan date

b) Contonya dalam aturcara pengiraan luas bulatan, nilai π akan tetap 3.142.
Contohnya dalam aturcara pengiraan BMI (Body Mass Index) nilai bagi tinggi dan berat badan akan
sentiasa berubah-ubah.
Pemalar Perbezaan Pembolehubah
Nilainya tidak akan berubah Nilainya boleh berubah pada
(tetap malar) disepanjang proses Ciri bila-bila masa disepanjang
program dilaksanakan. proses program dilaksanakan.
Menggunakannya untuk Menyimpan data yang
mengishtiharkan sesuatu nilai Kegunaan mungkin atau akan berubah di
yang tidak akan berubah di sepanjang program
sepanjang program dilaksanakan dilaksanakan.
Nilai π akan tetap 3.142 Nilai Tinggi, Berat dan
Const PI = 3.142 Contoh Data sebagainya

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