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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region


Put an X Mark on the blank where appropriate

_____Integrative Written Works __X___Integrative Performance Tasks

Grade Level: 9 Quarter: 1st Date to be given/communicated to Time (Indicate the

Quarter the learner/parents/LSA: estimated time the
activity is to be
Date/ time to be submitted:
e.g. 1 hour

Assessment Criteria

Learning Areas Most Essential Learning Competencies: Week / Competency


PE Performs appropriate first aid for injuries and PE9PF-Ib-30

emergency situations in physical activity and

sports settings (e.g. cramps, sprain, heat

Content Standard Performance Standard


The learner demonstrates understanding of The learner maintains an active lifestyle to

lifestyle and weight management to promote influence the physical activity participation of
community fitness. the community.

Overview of the Assessment Activity (Provide a clear and concise description of your activity)

The student will be able to create a comic strip that shows how to perform appropriate first aid for injuries in
physical activities and sports setting.

Assessment Method/Methods (Put an X Mark on the blank where appropriate)

______ Observation _______Tests
___x__ Analyses of learner’s products _______Talking to Learners

Assessment Activity
Goal - To create a comic strip; To apply first aid
Role - cartoonist; first aider
Audience - Family members, friends/clientele
A. Scenario: A basketball player made a slam dunk. Unfortunately, the player made a bad fall which
brought him an injury caused by torn fibers in ligament or commonly known as sprain. As a coach,
how will you deal with that kind of situation?
B. Write your ideas for your comic on how you will apply first aid on the situation given above. Then on
an oslo paper, create a six (6) equal boxes/frames using a ruler and pencil.
C. Start sketching or drawing the ideas your ideas using pencil so you can erase any mistakes. Add in
the lettering for your speech into your speech bubbles and don’t forget to double-check your spelling.
D. Add details to your cartoon and go over your comic in pen then make it more alive using any coloring

Product -


Rubric 4 3 2 1

Presentation The comic strip is The comic strip is The comic strip The comic strip is
accurately made, accurately made, is not made, but not
presentable, and and appropriate. accurately appropriate.
appropriate. made, but

Accuracy It is easy for the It is fairly easy for It is fairly easy It is not clear what
reader to the reader to for the reader problem, conflict
understand the understand the to understand or situation the
problem, conflict or problem, conflict or the problem, main characters
situation in the situation the main conflict or face.
comic between characters face and situation the
characters and how how first aid was main
first aid was applied. characters
applied. face, but it is
not clear how
first aid was

Timeliness The performance The performance The The performance

task is submitted task is submitted 1 performance task is submitted
on or before the – 2 days late. task is more than a week
deadline. submitted 3 – 4 late.
days late.

Expected Output: Comic Strip

Instruction and mode of submission will be communicated in the Weekly Home Learning Plan considering the
Learner’s Modality

Modular: Hard copy of comic strip

Online: Performance task can be sent through online platform.

Recording Methods (Put an x mark on the blank where appropriate)

____Checklist ____Marks
____Class Grids ____Anecdotal Record
__X_Grades ____Self-assessment records
____Comments on Learner’s work ____Audio recording, photographs, video footages

Making Consistent Judgement (Put an x mark on the blank where appropriate)

__X__ Rubric link to the assessment criteria ____Marks scheme link to assessment criteria

Feedback (Put an x mark on the blank where appropriate)

_____ Oral Feedback __X__ Written Feedback

Prepared by:
Signature above printed name
MAPEH Teacher

Date: ____________________

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