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Name: Zulekha Naveed

ID: f2018019081
Course Code: EE406L
Name Of Instructor: Sir Nauman Ahmad
Power System Analysis And Design
Lab: 01(PSAD)
Lab reports are commonly organized into 4 sections:
 Problem Statement
 Procedure
 Results
 Conclusion/Justification

According to the circuit we will find fault current and phase
voltages of a,b and c
We will also observe the value of 1 to 5 buses in Y bus matrix.

 In this Lab we have created five buses with the help of given
circuit .In bus number 1 and 3 put the nominal voltage is
15KV and another side of buses 2,4,5 is 345KV.

 Then we drawn the transmission lines according to the buses

and put the values for line data bus to bus it’s values is given
in the table 7.4

 We observed through diagram slack bus is one and generator

connected with the bus 1and 3. For generator set the given
value of fault impedance is 0.0045 and 0.0225 at bus number
1 and 3.

 After this we attached transformer between bus 1 to 5 and

it’s value of transformer impedance is given 0.02 and bus 4 to
3 is 0.01.

 According to the circuit diagram we saw generator attached

with the bus number 1 and 3. And then set the power and
voltage control. In case of power given to the MW set point is
zero and voltage is provided 1.05 same in all buses.
 Then we studied the most important thing in this lab we
neglect all loads because we are considering the pre-fault
condition the unloaded that’s mean load is attached but
values of P and Q is still 0.

 By using field we set the values of bus voltage (p.u) and bus

 Then Finally we pressed the button of run mode and we have
seen the results through fault analysis then within select
option of single fault so we have chosen faulty type in 3
phase balanced with the help of calculate button saw the
magnitude of fault current is 31.536 and we followed same
procedure with one by one in all buses so we have seen the
result of fault current.
 Then we noticed in bus record of phase voltages a,b,c :

 Now we also saw diagonal values in all buses of per-unit

voltage magnitudes during the faults

Fault Bus1 Bus2 Bus3 Bus4 Bus5

1 0.0000 0.7236 0.5600 0.5033 0.3231
2 0.3855 0.0000 0.2644 0.1736 0.1391
3 0.7304 0.7984 0.0000 0.3231 0.6119
4 0.5884 0.6865 0.1089 0.0000 0.4172
5 0.2840 0.5786 0.3422 0.2603 0.0000

 At the end of this Lab we were able to perform fault analysis
in power world simulator. We also learned in case of fault
analysis must be neglect during pre-fault condition.
 While running the load if we perform fault analysis may be
answer will not correct so firstly we’ll perform power flow
then system will be unloaded.

In this task we have used same data of task1 but one more
transmission line added between buses 2 and 4, reactance of
this line is given 0.075p.u

And we saw Y bus matrices in power world simulator

Is mai jb matlab wala kru gi to add kru gi

Zbus by using matlab

In this Task
1. We will neglect the pre-fault condition.
2. We will also include motor.

 In this task we have created 4 buses. In bus number 1 ,2 put
the nominal voltage is 13.8KV and bus number 3,4 nominal
voltage is 138KV.

 Then we drawn the transmission line between 3 to 4 and it’s

value added in per unit.

 We connected generator at Bus 1 and it’s value 0.15 .In book

we saw load is attached on bus 2 But I have connected the
generator at bus 2 not load and because motor is operating
as generator after the fault so that’s why we attached
generator at bus 2 and it’s value is 0.20

 In example 7.3 we saw when fault is occur so generator is

rated MVA, angle is 0.95 p.f then we can generate active and
reactive power .
MW=MVAcosθ ;p.f=0.95
=100cos(18.2) cosθ=0.95
MW=94.9 θ=cos-1(0.95)
And set-point voltage is 1.05 in all buses and generator. MV
should be fixed because generator was operating condition than
the fault exist.

 Then Finally we pressed the button of run mode and we have

seen the power is flowing it’s mean pre-fault condition could
not be help.

 Before run the simulation we saw angle of bus1 is 0 but after

run the simulation angle of bus2 is changed 14.489 so that’s
mean Active power is flowing from bus2 to bus1.

 We have seen the results through fault analysis then within
select option of single fault so we have chosen faulty type in
3 phase balanced. With the help of calculate button we saw
the magnitude of fault current is 9.079pu and angle is -90
 Here we can see the mismatch in book and simulation results
because we could not neglect pre-fault condition. For
generator fault current value is:

Generator(Bus Simulation Results Book Result

 1  7.00010p.u  7.000p.u
 2  2.32143p.u  2.079p.u
 For Line fault in bus 1. current flow from generator to bus 3 is
2.32144 but in book answer is 2.079p.u

At the end of this Lab we were able to connect generator
instead of motor. We have also learned in case of motor should
be included this impedance
We also studied about mismatch in simulator and calculated

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