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Complete the sentences with the correct modal verb in italics:

1. You must / should / shouldn’t be 18 before you can drive in Spain.

2. You don’t have to / mustn’t / shouldn’t go to bed so late. It's not good for you.
You don’t have to / mustn’t / shouldn’t wear a school uniform in most Spanish public
3 schools.

4. You must / mustn’t / needn’t come home. I can cook without you.
5. You don’t have to /must / mustn’t copy during exams.

6. You don’t have to /mustn’t / shouldn’t be very tall to play football.

7. You have to /mustn’t / needn’t be a good writer to win the Literature Nobel Prize.

Complete the sentences with the positive or negative forms of must or have to.
1. Brilliant! I DON’T HAVE TO study tonight because I've finished my exams.
2. You MUSTN’T use a mobile phone when doing an exam in class.

3. Mother: “You can go out, but you MUST be home by midnight.”

4. We DON’T HAVE TO cook tonight. We can get a pizza.

5. She DOESN’T HAVE TO get up early. She's on holiday.

6. You MUSTN’T drive faster than 120 km/h on the motorway.

Choose the correct modal verb in italics:

1. I can / can’t / might go out tonight. I'm too busy.
2. I haven't studied enough. I may / should / may not pass my exams.

3. I could / couldn’t / might be here next weekend. I’m not sure.

4. She can /might not / can’t help us. She's not here. She is working in Paris.

5. We should run or we can / might / must miss the bus.

Complete the sentences with the correct modal verb in italics:

1. You couldn’t / mustn’t / shouldn’t eat so many hamburgers. They're not good for you.
You can’t have / don’t have to /mustn’t study at the weekends, except when you have
2. exams.

3. You may not / must not /needn’t worry. Everything will be OK.

4. You don’t have to /might not / mustn’t use your mobile phone in class.

6. I'm not sure but I don’t have to /couldn’t / might not be here tomorrow.
8. It can /could / couldn’t rain tomorrow.

Complete the sentences with a suitable modal verb.

must, don’t have to, might not, may, should, mustn’t, and shouldn’t

1. You MUSTN’T drive on the pavement. It's illegal.

2. You SHOULDN’T say that. It's not nice.

3. I DON’T HAVE TO go to work tomorrow because it's a public holiday.

4. I MAY buy this CD, but I'm not sure.

6. She didn't study enough. She MIGHT NOT passed her exam.

7. You SHOULD eat more vegetables. They're good for you.

8. You MUST be 18 before you can buy alcohol.

Complete the sentences with these modals:

mustn’t Ÿ don’t have toŸ must Ÿ might

1. The police told me I MUST be out of town before Saturday.

2. They DON’T HAVE TO bring anything to the class party, but they can if they want to.
3. You MUSTN’T go through a red traffic light. It’s illegal!
4. Jasmine MIGHT go to France next summer, but she hasn’t decided yet.

Complete the paragraph using the modals below.

could Ÿ have to Ÿ should Ÿ might

I seem to spend most of my time studying. I am sure this is very unhealthy. Maybe I SHOULD
change something in my lifestyle. "You MIGHT want to start riding your bike to school", my
mother suggested. "You COULD ride very well when you were younger. Of course, I HAVE
TO buy you a new bike, but I don't mind", she added. I didn't know what to say.
Complete the sentences using all the modal verbs you know.

1) When Susan was five, she COULD read and write.

2) I NEEDN’T/DON’T HAVE TO get up early today. Because it is Sunday.
3) Birds CAN fly but lions CAN’T.
4) You MUSTN’T smoke here. It is forbidden.
5) She COULDN’T win the match because yesterday she was ill.
6) My father is very talented. He CAN paint very well.
7) It is hot outside. You DON’T HAVE TO/NEEDN’T/SHOULDN’T wear you jacket.
8) It is raining heavily. You HAVE TO take your umbrella.
9) You MUSTN’T use your mobile phone at the cinema.
10) Mother: “You MUSTN’T touch it. It is too hot!!!”
11) You HAVE TO/MUST be careful while driving.
12) When I was a young man, I COULD run fast.
13) I COULD swim quite well when I was five years old.
14) Sonia NEEDS TO/HAS TO practise more if she wants to take part in the marathon.

15) My friend HAS TO/NEEDS TO/SHOULD relax more, because he is depressed.

16) This dog isn’t hungry, you DON’T HAVE TO/NEEDN’T/DON’T NEED TO feed it.
17) You DON’T HAVE TO/NEEDN’T/DON’T NEED TO cook those vegetables because they
have already cooked.
18) In my opinion, if you are interested in human life, you SHOULD study biology.
19) That house was really important in her life so I think she SHOULDN’T/CAN’T sell it.
20) I’m not sure but perhaps Roberto MAY go to Australia soon.
21) It’s prohibited to go into that building. You MUSTN’T go in.

22) It’s a fantastic movie. You HAVE TO/SHOULD see it.

23) I think you SHOULD learn to ride a bike. It’s a good idea and very useful.
24) Children SHOULDN’T eat a chocolate every day.
25) You DON’T HAVE TO/NEEDN’T/DON’T NEED TO go home. You CAN stay here if you
26) Passengers MUSTN’T stand up when the plane is taking off.
27) I think you SHOULD play tennis with Sally - she CAN play really well.

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