Living As A Foreigner.

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Fill in the gaps with the most suitable word or words from some of these in the box.

barrier Ÿ beliefs Ÿ closed community Ÿ come to terms with Ÿ concerned Ÿ cultural ties Ÿ diversity Ÿ
foreigner Ÿ homesick Ÿ isolated Ÿ integration Ÿ misunderstandings Ÿ prejudice Ÿ respectful Ÿ send
back Ÿ struggle Ÿ unwilling to Ÿ upping sticks for Ÿ wage Ÿ work papers Ÿ yearnings

1. ____Diversity______ is the condition of having or including people from different ethnicities and
social backgrounds. It is also a synonym of variety.
2. A ______________________ regular payment, usually on an hourly, daily, or weekly basis, made by an
employer to an employee, especially for manual or unskilled work.
3. The __________________________ between the ancient colonies and UK make easier
for many people to make the move and set up home in Britain.
4. Your _____________________ are some legal documents giving information required
for employment of certain people in certain countries.
5. ______________________ means the opposite of segregation.
6. He refuses to compete on Sundays because of his religious _____________________.
7. Initially the government was _____________________ accept more immigrants. However, the frontiers
were opened.
8. Many of the refugee areas are in ____________________ areas far from populated places.
9. Most people feel depressed or melancholy at being away from home and family. They suffer from
10. A _______________________ is an opinion formed beforehand, especially an unfavourable one based on
inadequate facts, usually about a particular social group, such as a race or the followers of a religion.
11. Due to the crisis, many Spanish young people thought of ___________________________ a job and a
better life so they moved abroad.
12. Lack of education can be a __________________________ to succeed in finding a good job.
13. Many families in poor countries depend on the money their relatives _____________________ from the
countries where they are settled for good.
14. People often fail to understand or interpret rightly the words or behaviour of people from a
different culture and these ___________________________ may make living together difficult.
15. To ____________________________ something means to accept an unpleasant or sad situation and no
longer feel upset or angry about it.
16. After leaving their country, Syrian refugees ________________ against all kinds of adversity every day.
17. A ________________________ rejects links with other communities maintaining its own customs and
avoiding any ethnic mix.
18. Most Spanish people are really ______________________ about the high level of unemployment.
19. Children should be taught to be _______________________ to other cultures at home and at school.
20. Different people, different beliefs, different _________________, different hopes, different dreams.

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