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United International University

Assignment no: 04
Assignment on: Etiquettes and Manners
Course name : Life Skills For success
Course code : URC1101
Submission date: 04/05/2020

Submitted by Submitted to
Mohammad Bin Jamil Jakowan
ID: 111201049 Lecturer
Section :R
Batch: 201 School of Business and Economics
Email: United International University
Etiquettes and Manners

We are social beings. To live in a society we need to maintain some rules which are called
etiquettes and manners. Which varies from culture to culture and society to society across the
world. Etiquettes is a set of rules dealing with exterior form and manners are expression of inner
character. In this vast world there are many different races and religions which are unique in
their own way and they have different code of behavior. So we have to adjust our manners and
etiquettes according to place. Also there can be different cultures in the same society we also
need to respect their values and adjust our manners accordingly. It helps us show respect and
consideration to others and make others glad that we are with them.

When we visit a new place at first we need to have knowledge about their etiquettes. If we have a
good idea about their etiquettes and manners and act accordingly then they will have a good
impression about us and communicating with them will be a lot easier. Also knowing how to
behave appropriately in a given situation makes us more comfortable. There are some basic
gestures that we can perform which are given below:
 Making eye contact with the person who we are talking to.
Smiling while meeting someone new.
 Offering a handshake.
 Not using any offending word.
 Paying attention when they are talking.
Apart from the basic etiquettes we need to adjust our manners according to place. Cause every
country have their own culture. If we don’t adjust our behavior according to place we might end
up offending them. So we need to educate ourselves about their manners and etiquettes before
going to a new place or mixing with people of different culture.
Here are some examples of manners and etiquettes of different countries around the world:
Making “okay” sign with hand is considered vulgar there. Also maintaining too much eye
contact is considered as aggressive behavior.

Keeping voice low and quiet when conversing with others is seen as being mature and respectful.
Showing bottoms of shoes is considered disrespectful.
Koreans prefer nods instead of handshakes. Personal space is vital for them so maintaining a safe
distance is important while having a conversation.

Argentine people will lean in close when they speak and touch often during a conversation.
Pulling away is considered rude and “cold”. So they are almost opposite to Koreans. Maintaining
eye contact is also important to them.

Shake hands with everyone, ensuring that you smile and make eye contact while doing so. Make
appointments for meetings and social functions well in advance (like, a couple of weeks in
advance), and be punctual when you show up. Feel free to bring gifts such as chocolate or
flowers when visiting people.

From the above examples of manners and etiquettes of different countries around the world we
can understand that each country is different in terms of manners and etiquettes. And etiquettes
varies from culture to culture and society and society across the world. So we need to practice
and follow according to different cultures , societies and countries.

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