The 19 Century Philippines: Changes in Its Designated Aspects

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Make a graphic organizer/ table mapping the changes in the nineteenth-

century Philippines, categorizing social, political, economic, cultural

The 19th Century Philippines: Changes in its designated aspects


• Racial •Unstable colonial • Manila opened • Filipinos are

Discrimination was parliament and exchange and receptive and
widespread proclamation in traders to family-oriented
Spain. Additionally, foreigners without
•Justice biases the
rampant Political constrain. Also, • The tradition was
prosperous and
abuse, fraud, and there will be a blended in both
incompetence rapid increase of Filipino and
•Social Hierarchy is foreign enterprises Spanish Catholic
• Filipinos became
classified into
slaves and were • The opening of • There are many
three categories:
sufferers of the the Suez Canal festivities were
- Highest Class prejudiced, curtailed the celebrated in their
oppressive, and distance between annual diagram
- Middle Class
disintegrating Europe and Asia.
- Lowest Class sovereignty of The main reason is
Spain that there will be
lots of trades are
2. According to C. Wright Mills in Sociological Imagination
which he wrote,
“Neither the life of an individual nor the history of a society can be
understood without understanding both.” How do you relate this term to
understanding Rizal’s life?

The quote by Mills in accordance to Sociological Imagination can be a factor

on contribution to understanding not just to the life of Rizal but to the people that
have been part of the so-called revolution. One of the disturbing years in the
history of the Philippines was the nineteenth century. Moreover, it was the age of

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much of the Filipinos’ political, social, educational, and economic exploitation of
the Spaniards. There’s so much violence that there’s nothing most Filipinos have
to do but pursue the colonizers or they’re going to get hurt or killed, much worse.
Yet others are courageous enough to scale the mountains and join the
Revolutionists, and we can’t blame them for that. Rizal once dreamed of
becoming a priest and a member of the Society of Jesus, but he shifted and
changed his mind to devote his life to liberating Spanish Filipinos. Rizal was born in
a century where the world was undergoing major protests and revolutions. It
turned his perspective, as he also suffers from the viciousness and arrogance of
the Spaniards, and is motivated by revolutions that had occurred in other nations,
but instead of fighting, he wanted to use his intellect. People fight back because of
the difficulties they face and witness and study others by themselves. Noli Me
Tangere and El Filibusterismo were written by Jose Rizal because of the misery
faced and suffered by him and our coreligionists from the hands of the repressive
Spaniards. Additionally, blaming them is out of our sight because they do not
dream to be like that. They are tired of dealing with the cruelty of Spaniards and
they make an impact to modify the country, to achieve sovereignty for our sake.

Project-based (Reflection paper about the film “Ganito Kami Noon, Paano Kayo
Ngayon?” directed by Eddie Romero, 1976):

Guide Questions:

1. Describe the nineteenth-century Philippines as represented in the film.

Kulas, who was a regular young man and also the protagonist, attempted to
learn more about it and its abandoned identity in most of the world. The age of
oppression was demonstrated to the young boy and it was all seen. The film
illustrates the transfer in authority from Spaniards to Americans and the inferiority
and crusades of the Filipinos to have their long-awaited liberation from the
colonizers' hands. The movie also intensified the confrontations, ascertaining the
youthful generation that what had transpired was painful and absurd at that time.
In either current period, there was also the incorporation and assimilation of
Spanish culture that has made its mark even today. Religion and sophistication
were like a mirror of the Spanish ways themselves. There was a time in the film
when Kulas was captured because he was accused of being a thief, causing him to
be locked up by officials. Fortunately, he was assisted to escape by a fellow

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convict; thus revealing at that time the officials' unreasonable ruling against the
typical Filipinos.

2. Based on your reading and class discussion, what can you say about
the film’s representation of the nineteenth century?

Reading and studying our class discussion on Module 3, makes me agree

with what they have shown throughout the film because it is very accurate in
representing the 19th century of Filipinos’ state. In view of the detrimental effects
of the Spanish governing system, it interprets the Philippines during the Spanish
era, what their way of living is, and how they live or deal with it. The things that
can be highlighted on the Module is similar to the film’s representation of the
19th century. In the movie, I can still notice the details and some of the characters
who are involved that defined the life of the Filipinos. Even though the movie
focused on Kula’s life, it showed how people regrouped according to their roles
and how the hierarchy is been abused over to those people who are less
fortunate. In addition to this, I also noticed that the Spanish governance was not
in its best state because of the rebels and the Americans. Therefore, I can say that
even during the 19th century, centuries-old colonial rule in the archipelago was
still practiced by Filipinos that it brought up some modifications and occurrences
in the lives of Filipinos.

3. What is the main question that the film seeks to answer? What is your
own reflection based on the film and your understanding?

The main question that the movie seeks to us is that how we are today, us
Filipinos who are living as one today. People often say that change is the only
constant thing in this world, and we and our country proved that right. As time
pass by there is lots of changes not just in our country but also to us Filipinos.
Before Filipinos are being too cautious for their protection, they have to think
twice before doing anything, not just that, the fear that they also felt every day is
too much that even walking on the streets causes so much fear within them. They
are living just to survive, they spent their everyday lives thinking about when they
will have their freedom, thinking about when will the time that they can do what
their hearts want, they can’t enjoy their lives just unless you are one of the

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The movie shows what it looks and feels like living in the past. How Filipinos
fought hard for us to get our desired freedom. But can we see what is happening
in our current era? Filipinos are abusing their fellow Filipinos. We tend to forget
what our ancestors did for us to have our freedom, we tend to forget that it
should be us helping each other not degrading each other. And at most times, we
tend to forget how to love our own country we are too focused on the things that
didn’t matter that much that we forgot that our country needs its people. Even
those native products are not able to notice by ourselves because we are focusing
on the product of other countries. Those materials that they used are from our
country. They are the ones who benefited our resources and those imported
things. The mindset of Filipinos that when we have those imported things that
came from other nations, we are completely the same as well. The question is
“where do nationalism and patriotism right now? Is it still foreseeable?”.

We are glad and give some gratitude to those revolutionists that fought for
our liberty and freedom. We are free but we cannot deny the fact that we have
those problems as well. And the problem is on the other countries but within to
us, fellow countrymen.

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