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IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol.

8, Issue 4, No 1, July 2011

ISSN (Online): 1694-0814 643

A Comparative Study of Various Routing Protocols

Rakesh Kumar, 2Mayank Dave
Department of IT, M. M. University, Mullana, Haryana, India
Department of Computer Engineering, N.I.T. Kurukshetra, Haryana, India

directions, to each other via car phones or

Abstract citizen band radio.
Wireless communication supports more
Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANET) is a customized and complete information to be
subclass of Mobile ad hoc networks which exchanged. VANET addresses all these issues
provides a distinguished approach for related to the communications between
Intelligent Transport System (ITS). The vehicles and on-going research with wireless
survey of routing protocols in VANET is communication. It also covers the aspects of
important and necessary for smart ITS. T his Wireless Access for the Vehicular
paper discusses the advantages / disadvantages Environment (WAVE) standards based on the
and the applications of various routing emerging IEEE 802.11p specification. VANET
protocols for vehicular ad hoc networks. It basically enables infrastructure-to-vehicle
explores the motivation behind the designed, (I2V), vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I), and
and traces the evolution of these routing vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications. In
protocols. F inally the paper concludes by a this paper, we use the term V2I to refer to both
tabular comparison of the various routing I2V and V2I communication.
protocols for VANET.
2. Network Architectures
Keywords: VANET, routing protocols, Q oS,
V2V, V2I Wireless ad hoc networks generally do not rely
on fixed infrastructure for communication and
1. Introduction dissemination of information. VANETs follow
the same principle and apply it to the highly
Vehicular networks represent a p articularly dynamic environment of surface transportation.
new class of wireless ad hoc networks that As shown in Fig. 1, the architecture of
enable vehicles to communicate with each VANETs mainly falls within three categories:
other and/or with roadside infrastructure. pure cellular/WLAN, pure ad hoc, and hybrid.
Earlier, drivers were using their voice, VANETs may use fixed cellular gateways and
gestures, horns, and observation of each other’s WLAN / WiMax access points at traffic
trajectory to manage their behavior. When the intersections to connect to the Internet, gather
drastic increase of vehicles made this not traffic information, or for routing purposes.
enough to manage, in the second half of the The network architecture under this scenario is
19th century, traffic police took charge of a pure cellular or WLAN structure as shown in
controlling and managing the traffic using hand Fig. 1(a). VANETs can combine both cellular
signals, semaphores and colored lights. The network and WLAN to form the networks so
1930s saw the automation of traffic signals and that a WLAN is used where an access point is
in the 1940s car indicators were deployed available and a 3G connection otherwise.
widely. Variable-message signs were
introduced in the 1960s to provide information
to the drivers to adapt according to the current
circumstances. The information communicated
via all of these means is, however, very less:
road infrastructure typically provides the
(a) Cellular/WLAN (b) Ad Hoc (c) Hybrid
similar information to all cars, and the amount
of information that the drivers can share Figure 1: Network architectures for VANETs
directly with one another is restricted.
Recently, drivers can exchange more Stationary or fixed gateways around the sides
information, such as traffic information and of roads could provide connectivity to mobile
IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 8, Issue 4, No 1, July 2011
ISSN (Online): 1694-0814 644

nodes (vehicles), but are eventually unfeasible • Incident management

considering the infrastructure costs involved. • Emergency video streaming
In such a s cenario, all vehicles and road-side Intelligent transport applications aim at
wireless devices can form a pure mobile ad hoc providing faster delivery of traffic information,
network (Fig. 1(b)) to perform vehicle to and improving the efficiency and accuracy of
vehicle communications and achieve certain traffic detection by allowing collaborative
goals, such as blind crossing. processing of information between vehicles.
Hybrid architecture (Fig. 1(c)) of combining These applications focus on observing the
infrastructure networks and ad hoc networks traffic pattern and managing traffic
together has also been a possible solution for accordingly. It can be further categorized into
VANETs. Namboodiri et al. [13] proposed the following:
such a h ybrid architecture, which uses some • Traffic Monitoring
vehicles with both WLAN and cellular • Traffic Management
capabilities as the gateways and mobile • Platooning
network routers so that vehicles with only • Vehicle tracking
WLAN capability can communicate with them • Notification services
through multi-hop links to remain connected to Comfort applications are the applications of
the world. The hybrid architecture can provide VANET related to comfort level of the
better coverage, but also causes new problems, passenger moving in the vehicle. It can be
such as the seamless transition of the further categorized into the following:
communication among different wireless • Parking place management.
• Distributed games and/or talks.
• Peer to Peer applications
3. Layered View Of Vehicular
Consequently, the Quality of Service (QoS)
required for the network varies from non-real-
time, to soft real-time where a timing failure
Vehicular networks can be classified on the
might compromise service quality, up to hard
basis of five different aspects as shown in table
real-time where a timing failure might lead to a
1. Vehicular Networks has the diverse range of
catastrophe. These applications can also be
applications that varies safety applications to
exemplified by their scope, i.e., whether they
comfort applications.
provide communication over a wide area, or
are local only. Finally, such applications can
Table 1: Layered View of vehicular networks
vary in their networking approach: ad hoc,
• Safety
where vehicles communicate suddenly, or
infrastructure-based, where communication is
• Intelligent governed by fixed base stations. VANET has
transport the communication type: Vehicle to Vehicle
application (V2V) and Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I).
• Comfort
application 4. VANET Characteristics, Issues And
• Non-real-time Requirements
Vehicular Quality of
• Soft-real-time
Network Service
• Hard-real-time Wireless communication, particularly real-time
• Wide area communication is highly unreliable. In
• Local addition, VANET has certain unique issues
• Ad hoc that make it d ifferent from other wireless
Network Type • Infrastructure- networks. Because no central coordination can
based be assumed, a s ole shared control channel is
Communicatio • V2I required at the MAC layer (the so-called one
n Type • V2V channel paradigm). Mobility movements of
vehicular networks are also very specific, e.g.
Safety Applications enhances the driving vehicles move along the roads, in predefined
conditions and reduces the chances of directions, and this requires new specific
accidents by providing enough time to the mobility models to be devised. Normal
driver and applying the brakes automatically. mobility models could not address the
These can be further divide into the following: requirements of VANET. Moreover, now a
- day’s cars are having very high mobility rates
• Cooperative collision warning and so change the topology in an in-
IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 8, Issue 4, No 1, July 2011
ISSN (Online): 1694-0814 645

deterministic fashion that makes wireless These routing protocols use links information
transmission very challenging. that exists in the network to perform packet
Furthermore, the vehicle density exhibits forwarding. They are further divided into
spatio-temporal variations: it m ight be very Proactive and Reactive.
scarce (eg. Highway), with no vehicle or only i) Proactive routing protocols
few, up to very dense (eg. city area), with over The proactive routing means that the routing
500 vehicles per kilometer. Both ends of the information, like next forwarding hop is
density spectrum are particularly challenging. maintained in the background irrespective of
The applications of vehicular networks should communication requests. The advantage of
also fulfill a number of nonfunctional proactive routing protocol is that there is no
requirements, such as potentially very high route discovery since the destination route is
reliability, but also security to ensure that stored in the background, but the disadvantage
safety-critical applications cannot be tempered of this protocol is that it provides low latency
with. Vehicles range over very large for real time application. A table is constructed
geographical areas (cities or countries), and and maintained within a n ode. So that, each
therefore require potentially large-scale entry in the table indicates the next hop node
networks, and especially a v ery extensive towards a certain destination. It also leads to
deployment of equipment if infrastructure- the maintenance of unused data paths, which
based networks are used. Many VANET causes the reduction in the available
applications have either delay constraints or bandwidth. T he various types of proactive
other QoS requirements. Efficient broadcasting routing protocols are: LSR, FSR.
of safety messages for getting full coverage and ii) Reactive/Ad hoc based routing
low latency to provide QoS and reliability in Reactive routing opens the route only when it
VANET routing is still a challenging is necessary for a n ode to communicate with
problem[8]. each other. It maintains only the routes that are
Since mobility of VANETs cannot be captured currently in use, as a r esult it reduces the
by general mobility models. Traffic flow (both burden in the network. R eactive routing
in time and space) need to be studied and consists of route discovery phase in which the
integrated in the design of reliable and high- query packets are flooded into the network for
performance mobility models. the path search and this phase completes when
Apart from this security is also one of the route is found. T he various types of reactive
major issues in VANET. Cooperation among routing protocols are AODV, PGB, DSR and
inter-vehicular networks and sensor networks TORA
placed within the vehicles or along the road
need to be further investigated and analyzed. b) Position Based Routing Protocols
As the number of vehicles grows the trust Position based routing consists of class of
between them should also be maintained for routing algorithm. T hey share the property of
the smooth communication. using geographic positioning information in
In addition to technical challenges, socio- order to select the next forwarding hops. The
economic challenges have to be solved. The packet is send without any map knowledge to
benefits of V2V communication only become the one hop neighbor, which is closest to
significant when there are a s ufficiently large destination. Position based routing is beneficial
number of vehicles using the technology. since no global route from source node to
Vehicular applications must therefore be able destination node need to be created and
to operate and be useful despite initial low maintained. Position based routing is broadly
penetration. divided in two types: Position based greedy
V2V protocols, Delay Tolerant Protocols.
5. Overview Of Routing Protocols 1) Position Based Greedy V2V Protocols
In greedy strategy and intermediate node in the
In VANET, the routing protocols are classified route forward message to the farthest neighbor
into five categories: Topology based routing in the direction of the next destination. Greedy
protocol, Position based routing protocol, approach requires that intermediate node
Cluster based routing protocol, Geo cast should possessed position of itself, position of
routing protocol and Broadcast routing its neighbor and destination position. The goal
protocol. These protocols are characterized on of these protocols is to transmit data packets to
the basis of area / application where they are destination as soon as possible that is why
most suitable [1]. these are also known as min delay routing
protocols. V arious types of position based
a) Topology Based Routing Protocols
IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 8, Issue 4, No 1, July 2011
ISSN (Online): 1694-0814 646

greedy V2V protocols are GPCR, CAR and is a temporary message that has an ID, a T TL
DIR (Time to live) counts, a r adius and some state
2) Greedy Perimeter Coordinator information. CAR provides two forms of
Routing (GPCR) guards. The Standing guard and The Traveling
GPCR is based upon the fact that city street guard. Routing errors may occur due to
form a natural planner graph. GPCR does not communication gap between anchor points or
require external static street map for its due to guards. So CAR protocol has two
operation. GPCR consists of two components: recovery strategies to cope with the problem.
A Restricted Greedy forwarding procedure, A The first strategy is Time out algorithm with
repair strategy for routing algorithm. A GPCR active waiting cycle. T he second strategy is
follows a destination based greedy forwarding walk around error recovery. T he CAR
strategy, it routes messages to nodes at protocol has the ability to generate virtual
intersection. S ince GPCR does not use any information in the form of guards, which is a
external static street map so nodes at distinct advantage over other protocols.
intersection are difficult to find. GPCR uses 4) Diagonal-Intersection-Based Routing
heuristic method for finding nodes located at Protocol (DIR)
intersections and designates those nodes as DIR protocol constructs a s eries of diagonal
coordinators. C oordinator has the intersections between the source and
responsibility of making routing decisions. destination vehicle. The DIR protocol is based
There are two approaches used for coordinator upon the geographic routing protocol in which
determination they are (a) Neighbor Table source vehicle geographically forwards the
Approach: The nodes periodically transmit data packets towards the first diagonal
beacon messages which contains their position intersection, second diagonal intersection and
information and last known position so on until the last diagonal intersection and
information of all neighbors, by listening to finally geographically reaches to designation
beacon messages a n ode as information about vehicle. DIR vehicle is auto adjustable, Auto
its own position, position of its neighbor and adjustability means that one sub path with low
neighbor’s neighbor. Using this information data packet delay between two neighboring
node X consider itself to be within the diagonal intersections, which is dynamically
intersection. ( b) Correlation coefficient selected to forward data packets. To reduce
approach: In this case node uses its position the data packet delay the route is automatically
information and the position information of its selected with lowest sub path delay. DIR
immediate neighbor to find the correlation protocol can automatically adjust routing path
coefficient, p xy. This approach performs better for keeping the lower packet delay.
than neighbor table approach. B y using this 5) Delay Tolerant Protocols
approach the algorithm can avoid dependencies In urban scenario where vehicle are densely
on external street map. packed locating a node to carry a m essage is
3) Connectivity Aware Routing not a problem but in rural highway situation or
Protocols (CAR) in cities at night fewer vehicles are running and
CAR protocols find a route to a destination; it establishing end to end route is difficult. So in
has unique characteristics that it maintains the such cases certain consideration needs to be
cache of successful route between various given in sparse networks. The various types of
source and destination pairs. I t also predicts Delay Tolerant Protocols are MOVE, VADD,
the position of destination vehicle repairs route and SADV.
as the position changes. Nodes using CAR 6) Motion Vector Routing Algorithm
protocols send periodic Hello beacons that (MOVE)
contain their velocity vector information. O n The MOVE algorithm is an algorithm for
receiving Hello beacons a n ode will record sparse VANET scenario. I n these scenarios
sender in its neighbor table and calculate its vehicle act as mobile router that have
own velocity vector and velocity vector of its intermittent connectivity with other vehicles.
neighbor. Beacons can also be piggybacked on Connection opportunities must be scrutinized
forwarded data packets to reduce wastage of carefully since they occur infrequently and
bandwidth and congestion. Entries expire from global topology is also rapidly changes. T he
the neighbor table when the distance between algorithm must predict whether forwarding
nodes exceeds the threshold value. The CAR message will provide progress toward intended
protocols establishes the notation of a guard destination. M OVE algorithm assumes that
which is a g eographic marker message, it is each node has knowledge of its own position,
buffered and passed from one vehicle to heading and destination. From this information
another to propagate the information. A guard the current vehicle node can calculate the
IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 8, Issue 4, No 1, July 2011
ISSN (Online): 1694-0814 647

closest distance between the vehicle and overhead are incurred when forming clusters in
message destination. M OVE algorithm use highly mobile VANET. I n cluster based
less buffer space. MOVE algorithm is routing virtual network infrastructure must be
specially designed for sparse networks and for created through the clustering of nodes in order
vehicles that transfer data from sensor to provide scalability. T he various Clusters
networks to base station. based routing protocols are COIN and
7) Vehicle Assisted Data Delivery LORA_CBF
VADD uses a car ry and forward strategy to d) Broadcast Routing
allow packets to be carried by vehicle in sparse Broadcast routing is frequently used in
networks for forwarding when the node enters VANET for sharing, traffic, weather and
the broadcast range, thereby allowing a packet emergency, road conditions among vehicles
to be forwarded by relay in case of sparse and delivering advertisements and
networks. VADD require each vehicle to know announcements. The various Broadcast routing
its own position and also require an external protocols are BROADCOMM, UMB, V-
static street map. E ach packet has three TRADE, and DV-CAST.
modes: Intersection, StraightWay and
Destination, where each mode is based on the e) Geo Cast Routing
location of the node carrying the packet.
Intersection mode is used when the packet has Geo cast routing is basically a l ocation based
reached an intersection at which routing multicast routing. Its objective is to deliver the
decisions can be made for the packet to be packet from source node to all other nodes
forwarded to a vehicle along any of the within a specified geographical region (Zone of
available directions of the intersection. In Relevance ZOR). In Geo cast routing vehicles
StraightWay mode the current node is on a outside the ZOR are not alerted to avoid
road where there are only two possible unnecessary hasty reaction. Geo cast is
directions for the packet to travel, in the considered as a m ulticast service within a
direction of the current node or in the opposite specific geographic region. It normally defines
direction. Destination mode is when the packet a forwarding zone where it directs the flooding
is close to its final destination. of packets in order to reduce message overhead
8) Static Node Assisted Adaptive and network congestion caused by simply
Routing Protocol (SADV) flooding packets everywhere. In the destination
SADV aims at reducing message delivery zone, unicast routing can be used to forward
delay in sparse networks. S ADV also the packet. One pitfall of Geo cast is network
dynamically adapts to varying traffic density by partitioning and also unfavorable neighbors,
allowing each node to measure the amount of which may hinder the proper forwarding of
time for message delivery. S ADV assumes messages. The various Geo cast routing
that each vehicle knows its position through protocols are IVG, DG-CASTOR and DRG
GPS and each vehicle has accessed to external
static street map. S ADV has three different 6. Conclusion
modules; Static Node Assisted Routing
(SNAR), Link Delay Update (LDU) and In this section we have reviewed existing
Multipath Data Dissemination (MPDD). routing protocols. Table 2 gives a Comparison
SADV operates in two modes: “In Road of these protocols. Prior forwarding method
Mode” and “Intersection Mode”. SNAR make describes the first routing decision of the
use of optimal paths, which are determined on protocol when there are packets to be
the basis of graph abstracted from road map. forwarded. In case of Delay Bounded
LDU maintains the delay matrix dynamically protocols the prior forwarding method is used,
by measuring the delay of message delivery whereas in all other routing protocols wireless
between static nodes. MPDD helps in multi hop method of forwarding is used.
multipath routing. Digital map provides street level map and
traffic statistics such as traffic density and
c) Cluster Based Routing vehicle speed on road at different times. Digital
Cluster based routing is preferred in clusters. map is mandatory in case of Some of Cluster
A group of nodes identifies themselves to be a Based Routing Protocols. Virtual Infrastructure
part of cluster and a n ode is designated as is created through clustering of nodes in order
cluster head will broadcast the packet to to provide scalability. Each cluster can have a
cluster. Good scalability can be provided for cluster head, which is responsible for secure
large networks but network delays and communication between inter-cluster and intra
IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 8, Issue 4, No 1, July 2011
ISSN (Online): 1694-0814 648

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Table 2: Comparison of Various Protocols

Delay Cluster
Proactive Reactive based Broadcast Geo cast
Protocols Bounded Based
Protocols Protocols Greedy Protocols Protocols
Protocols Protocols
Prior Wire less Wire less Wireless Wire less Wire less
Heuristic Carry &
Forwarding multi hop multi hop Multi hop multi hop multi hop
method Forward
Method Forwarding Forwarding Forwarding Forwarding Forwarding
Digital Map
Requirement No No No No Yes No No
No No No No Yes No No
Traffic Flow Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes
Recovery Multi Hop Carry & Carry & Multi hop Carry & Carry &
Strategy Forwarding Forward Forward Forwarding Forward Forward
Scenario Urban Urban Urban Sparse Urban Highway Highway

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