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English Assignment-1

Name Of The Student : B.Solomon Raju Roll

No :21LLB014

1. Write 50 legal words/terms with phonetic transcription, meaning and give your own example.


S.NO Word Phonetic Meaning

1. Appeal /əˈpiːl/ The appeal is a process by which the
correctness of the decision of a lower
court or tribunal is questioned in a
higher court.

Example : 1.He Appealed To The Higher Court.

2.SheAppealed To The Supreme Court after the High court.
2. Cognisable Offence /ˈkɒ(ɡ)nɪzəb(ə)l/ /əˈfɛns/ Cognisable offence means a police
officer has the authority to make an
arrest without a warrant and to start
an investigation with or without the
permission of a court.

Example : 1.Murder Is a Cognisable offence.

2.Rape Is a Cognizable offence.
3. Non-Cognisable Offence /nɒn/ /ˈkɒ(ɡ)nɪzəb(ə)l/ /əˈfɛns/ Non-Cognizable offence means an
offence for which and Non-Cognizable
Case means a case in which, a police
officer has no authority to arrest
without warrant. Non-cognizable
offences are not so much serious as
cognizable offences

Example : 1.Defamation is an Non Cognizable Offences.

2.Public Nuisance is an Non Cognizable Offences.
4. Plaintiff /ˈpleɪntɪf/ A plaintiff is the party who initiates
a lawsuit before a court. By doing
so, the plaintiff seeks a legal remedy.
If this search is successful, the court
will issue judgment in favor of the
plaintiff and make the appropriate
court order

Example : 1.You Are The Plaintiff I Am The Defendant.

2. My Friend Is The Plaintiff And The Other Person Is Defendant.
5. Defendant /dɪˈfɛnd(ə)nt/ In court proceedings, a defendant is
a person who is the party either
accused of committing a crime in
criminal prosecution or against
whom some type of civil relief is
being sought in a civil case.
Terminology varies from one
jurisdiction to another

Example :1. He Is The Defendant Because He Caused Accident.

2.He Will Be The Defendant Because He Has Caused The Harm To The Plaintiff.
6. Suo Motu /ˌsuːəʊ ˈməʊtəʊ/ The Court may take action on its own
when facts requiring legal intervention
reach its notice. Then the court is sais to
be suo moto.

Example : 1.Supreme Court Has Take Suo Motu Cognizance On The Recent case.
2.Supreme Court Takes Suo Moto Cognizance Of 'Lakhimpur Kheri Violence.
7. Accused /əˈkjuːzd/ A Person Or Group Of People Who Are
Charged With Or On Trial For A Crime

Example : 1. He is an Accused for the Murder.

2. He is an Accused for Rape.
8. Actus Reus /ˌaktəs ˈreɪəs/ Actus reus, sometimes called the
external element or the objective
element of a crime, is the Latin term for
the "guilty act

Example : 1. He is Accused for the Actus Reus.

2.He is no accused for the Actus Reus.
9. Ambiguity /ambɪˈɡjuːɪti/ Ambiguity occurs when a single word or
phrase may be interpreted in two or
more ways. As law frequently involves
lengthy, complex texts, ambiguity is
common. Thus, courts have evolved
various doctrines for dealing with cases
in which legal texts are ambiguous

Example : 1. There is an Ambiguity in the case.

2.There is an Ambiguity in monover’s case.
10. Bail /beɪl/ Bail is a set of pre-trial restrictions that
are imposed on a suspect to ensure that
they will not hamper the judicial
process. Bail is the conditional release of
a defendant with the promise to appear
in court when required

Example : 1. He is granted Bail in non-cognizable offence.

2.Bail is not granted in the non bail-able offence.
11. Jury /ˈdʒʊəri/ The Jury Is The Group Of People Who
Have Been Chosen From The General
Public To Listen To The Facts About A
Crime And To Decide Whether The
Person Accused Is Guilty Or Not

Example : 1.The Jury has come to the court.

2. Jury trials were abolished in india in most courts except for matrimonial disputes of
12. Lawyer /ˈlɔːjə,ˈlɔɪə/  The term 'lawyer' is very general and
used to designate anyone having degree
of law. and also who ever have studied
law in colleges. There are 22 NLU’s in
India to study law

Example : 1. I am studying law to become a Lawyer.

2. Whoever studies law become a Lawyer.
13. Advocate /ˈadvəkət/ The word advocate is usually used for a
lawyer only. This is a person who has
completed a law degree and eligible to
stand in court on behalf of his/her
clients. Section 2(1) (a) of advocates act
1961 defines “advocate” as. Advocate”
means an advocate entered in any roll
under the provision The Advocate Act

Example : 1.My friend is an Advocate.

2.Advocate is the only person who can represent clients in the court.
14. Judge /dʒʌdʒ/ A judge is a person who  presides  over
court proceedings, either alone or as a part
of a panel of judges. A judge hears all
the witnesses and any other  evidence 
presented by the barristers or solicitors of the
case, assesses the credibility and 
arguments of the parties, and then issues a
ruling in the case based on their
interpretation of the law and their own
personal judgment. A judge is expected to
conduct the trial impartially and, typically, in
an open court.
Example :1. He is the Judge of the Supreme court.
2.He is the Judge of the High court.
15. Jurisdiction /ˌdʒʊərɪsˈdɪkʃ(ə)n/ Jurisdiction is the legal term for the
authority granted to a legal entity to
enact justice. Colloquially it is used
to refer to the geographical area
situs: location of the issue. In
federations like the United States,
areas of jurisdiction apply to local,
state, and federal levels.

Example : 1.This Is The Jurisdiction Of The Court..

2.This Is The Jurisdiction Of The High Court.
16. Libel /ˈlʌɪb(ə)l/ A written statement in which a plaintiff
in certain courts sets forth the cause of
action or the relief sought and a written
or oral defamatory statement or
representation that conveys an unjustly
unfavorable impression

Example : 1.He Has Committed The Offence Of The Libel.

2.He Has Committed The Offence Of Slander Not Libel.
17. Supreme /suːˈpriːm/ Highest in rank or authority and which
has the greatest power in the society or
in a particular group

Example : 1.He Has The Supreme Authority Over His Belonging.

2.He Is The Supreme Person In The Group .
18. Copyright /ˈkɒpɪrʌɪt/ Copyright refers to the legal right of
the owner of intellectual property. In
simpler terms, copyright is the right to
copy. This means that the original
creators of products and anyone they
give authorization to are the only ones
with the exclusive right to reproduce the

Example : 1.You must not do Copyright.

2.You can copy his work only with his permission is called Copyright.
19. Murder /ˈməːdə/ Murder is the unlawful killing of another
human without justification or valid
excuse, especially the unlawful killing of
another human with malice
aforethought. This state of mind may,
depending upon the jurisdiction,
distinguish murder from other forms of
unlawful homicide, such as

Example : 1. Sushant is being Murdered.

2.She is being Murdered by some unknown.
20. Discrimination /dɪˌskrɪmɪˈneɪʃ(ə)n/ Discrimination is the act of making
unjustified distinctions between human
beings based on the groups, classes, or other
categories to which they belong or are
perceived to belong. People may be
discriminated on the basis of race, gender,
age, religion, or sexual orientation, as well as
other categories. 

Example : 1.Discrimination should not be done on the basis of caste.

2. Discrimination should not be done on the basis of colour.
21. Patent /ˈpat(ə)nt,ˈpeɪt(ə)nt/ A patent is an exclusive right granted for
an invention, which is a product or a
process that provides, in general, a new
way of doing something, or offers a new
technical solution to a problem. To get a
patent, technical information about the
invention must be disclosed to the public
in a patent application.

Example :1.Vision company is being Patented by the owner of that company.

2.He has took Patent for his product.
22. Patriarchy /ˈpeɪtrɪɑːki/ Patriarchy is a social system in which
men hold primary power and
predominate in roles of political
leadership, moral authority, social
privilege and control of property.
Some patriarchal societies are also
patrilineal, meaning that property and
title are inherited by the male lineage

Example : 1. An example of a patriarchy is when the family name comes from the man in the family.
2.Men lead society is called as a Patriarchical society.
22. Matriarchy /ˈmeɪtrɪɑːki/ Matriarchy is a social system in which
women hold the primary power positions
in roles of political leadership, moral
authority, social privilege and control of
property. While those definitions apply in
general English, definitions specific to the
disciplines of anthropology and feminism
differ in some respects.

Example :1. An example of a Matriarchy is when the family name comes from the Woman in the family.
2.Women lead society is called as a Matriarchal society.
23. Parole /pəˈrəʊl/ Parole is the early release of a prisoner
who agrees to abide by certain
conditions, originating from the
French word parole. The term became
associated during the Middle Ages
with the release of prisoners who gave
their word

Example : 1. He is being released on Parole.

2.That Woman is being released on Parole.
24. Polygamy /pəˈlɪɡəmi/ Polygamy is the practice of marrying
multiple spouses. When a man is married
to more than one wife at the same time,
sociologists call this polygyny. When a
woman is married to more than one
husband at a time, it is called polyandry. In
contrast to polygamy, monogamy is
marriage consisting of only two parties. 

Example : 1. Polygamy is illegal in all 50 states in U.S.

2.Regarding Polygamy in Utah's law is unique in that a person can be found guilty not just for
having two legal marriage licenses.
25. Amendment /əˈmɛn(d)m(ə)nt/ An amendment is a formal or official
change made to a law, contract,
constitution, or other legal document. It is
based on the verb to amend, which means
to change for better. Amendments can add,
remove, or update parts of these

Example : 1.Amendements were done in the legislation.

2.They have done some Amendments for the previous law.
26. Possession /pəˈzɛʃ(ə)n/ In law, possession is the control a person
intentionally exercises toward a thing.
Like ownership, the possession of
anything is commonly regulated by
country under property law. In all cases, to
possess something, a person must have an
intention to possess it. A person may be in
possession of some property.

Example : 1.Adverse Possession should not be taken from anyone.

2.His Possession is taken by her.
27. Property /ˈprɒpəti/ Property law is the area of law that
governs the various forms of ownership in
real property and personal property.
Property refers to legally protected claims
to resources, such as land and personal
property, including intellectual property

Example : 1. He bought that Property for ₹100000.

2.He wanted to buy the Property for ₹1000000.
28. Record /ˈrɛkɔːd/ A written account of all the acts and
proceedings in a lawsuit. A written
memorial made by a public officer
authorized by law to perform that function,
and intended to serve as evidence of
something written, said, or done.

Example : 1.Police officer should maintain a Record.

2.He is maintaining a Record of Notes.
29. Release /rɪˈliːs/ 1) v. to give up a right as releasing one
from his/her obligation to perform under
a contract, or to relinquish a right to an
interest in real property. 2) v. to give
freedom, as letting out of prison

Example : 1. He is Released on Parole.

2.She will be Released for this Independence Day.
30. Recovery /rɪˈkʌv(ə)ri/ Recovery in a broad sense means the
return of something lost. In the legal
context, it refers to the amount of money
and any other right or property awarded to
a plaintiff in a lawsuit
Example : 1.Income Tax Department has Recovered ₹100000.
2. He has Recoverd the amount of ₹10000.
31. Remand /rɪˈmɑːnd/ Remand, also known as pre-trial detention,
preventive detention, or provisional detention,
is the process of detaining a person until their
trial after they have been arrested and charged
with an offence. A person who is on remand is
held in a prison or detention centre or held
under house arrest

Example : 1. He is in Remand for 14 days.

2.She will be in Remand until 25 days .
32. Warrant /ˈwɒr(ə)nt/ A warrant is generally an order that serves
as a specific type of authorization, that
is, a writ issued by a competent officer,
usually a judge or magistrate, that permits
an otherwise illegal act that would violate
individual rights and affords the person
executing the writ protection from
Example : 1. He is being Arrested with a Warrant under NDPS Act.
2.They will issue the Arrest Warrant in the case of Murder.
33. Arrest /əˈrɛst/ As per Legal Dictionary by Farlex,
“Arrest” means “a seizure or forcible
restraint; an exercise of the power to
deprive a person of his or her liberty; the
taking or keeping of a person in custody
by legal authority, especially, in response
to a criminal charge.”

Example : 1.She is being Arrested for Murdering him and making it as suicide.
2.Everybody will be Arrested whoever commits the crime.
34. Sedition /sɪˈdɪʃ(ə)n/ Sedition is overt conduct, such as speech
and organization, that tends toward
rebellion against the established order.
Sedition often includes subversion of a
constitution and incitement of discontent
toward, or insurrection against, established

Example : 1.Sedition cases were many in the time of Independence.

2.Sedition cases are charged against him.
35. Sentence /ˈsɛnt(ə)ns/ The term sentence in law refers to
punishment that was actually ordered or
could be ordered by a trial court in a
criminal procedure. A sentence forms the
final explicit act of a judge-ruled process
as well as the symbolic principal act
connected to their function.
Example : 1. She is the first woman in India to be Awarded Death Sentence.
2.He is the first man to be awarded the death Sentence.
36. Smuggling /ˈsmʌɡlɪŋ/ Smuggling is the illegal transportation of
objects, substances, information or people,
such as out of a house or buildings, into a
prison, or across an international border, in
violation of applicable laws or other
regulations. There are various motivations
to smuggle

Example : 1. Smuggling is illegal.

2.Smuggling is a punishable offence.
37. Interrogation /ɪnˌtɛrəˈɡeɪʃ(ə)n/ An interrogation , in law enforcement,
is when a representative from the
agency collects information about a
crime by questioning suspects, victims,
or witnesses. ... '' Additionally, law
enforcement agents are not allowed to use
cruel and unusual punishment during the

Example : 1. He is being Interrogated for the Crime committed by him.

2.she is being Interrogated for the suicide of her boyfriend.
38. Abatement /əˈbeɪtm(ə)nt/ the amount by which something is
reduced, such as the cost of an article. 4.
property law. a decrease in the payment to
creditors or legatees when the assets of the
debtor or estate are insufficient to meet all
payments in full

Example : 1. She is being Abated by Him.

2.He is being Abated by her.
39. Tender /ˈtɛndə/ A tender is an offer to do or perform an
act which the party offering, is bound to
perform to the party to whom the offer
is made. A tender may be of money or of
specific articles; these will be separately

Example : 1.He has won the Tender.

2. His bid was the the Lowest in the group so he won the Tender.
40. Trail /treɪl/ A trial is a formal meeting in a law court,
at which a judge and jury listen
to evidence and decide whether a person is
guilty of a crime. New evidence showed
the police lied at the trial.

Example : 1.The Trail is being conducted by them.

2.The Trail is issued by their behaviour.
41. Void /vɔɪd/ In law, void means of no legal effect. An
action, document, or transaction which is
void is of no legal effect whatsoever: an
absolute nullity—the law treats it as if it
had never existed or happened.

Example : 1. Contract with a minor is Void.

2.some contracts are Void ab initio.
42. Will /wɪl/ A will or testament is a legal document
that expresses a person's wishes as to how
their property is to be distributed after their
death and as to which person is to manage
the property until its final distribution

Example : 1.He wrote a Will that his belongs should be given to His Family.
2.His Will is according to My will.
43. Witness /ˈwɪtnəs/ In law, a witness is someone who has
knowledge about a matter, whether they
have sensed it or are testifying on another
witnesses' behalf. In law a witness is
someone who, either voluntarily or under
compulsion, provides testimonial
evidence, either oral or written, of what he
or she knows or claims to know.

Example : 1.He is the only Witness to the Crime done by that man.
2.Witness should be Produced in the Court.
44. Consent /kənˈsɛnt/ Consent occurs when one person
voluntarily agrees to the proposal or
desires of another. It is a term of common
speech, with specific definitions as used in
such fields as the law, medicine, research,
and sexual relationships. Consent as
understood in specific contexts may differ
from its everyday meaning.

Example : 1.She has not given Consent to him.

2.His Consent was very important in the group.
45. Assault /əˈsɔːlt,ə An assault is the act of inflicting physical
ˈsɒlt/ harm or unwanted physical contact upon a
person or, in some specific legal definitions,
a threat or attempt to commit such an action.
It is both a crime and a tort and, therefore,
may result in criminal prosecution, civil
liability, or both

Example : 1. He is Assaulted by him.

2. She is Assaulted by him.

46. Battery /ˈbat(ə)ri/ Purposely touching or applying force on

other persons or things related to the
person without his consent with the
intention to harm the person is known as a
battery. It is only considered when there is
an actual physical contact without the
consent of the person to harm the person.

Example : 1.He has committed Battery.

2.she has committed the tort Battery.

47. Prison /ˈprɪz(ə)n/ A prison, also known as a jail or gaol,

penitentiary, detention center, correction
center, correctional facility, lock-up or
remand center is a facility in which
inmates are confined and denied a variety
of freedoms under the authority of the state
as punishment for various crimes

Example : 1.He is sent to Prison for the crime of Murder.

2.Criminals are sent to Prison.

48. Jailer /ˈdʒeɪlə/ A prison officer or corrections officer is a

uniformed law enforcement official
responsible for the custody, supervision,
safety, and regulation of prisoners. They
are responsible for the care, custody, and
control of individuals who have been
convicted of a crime and sentenced to

Example : 1.The prisoner beat the Jailer and escaped from the jail.
2.The Jailer is looking after the prisoners.
49. Contract /ˈkɒntrakt/ Contract, in the simplest definition, a
promise enforceable by law. The promise
may be to do something or to refrain from
doing something. The making of a contract
requires the mutual assent of two or more
persons, one of them ordinarily making an
offer and another accepting.

Example : 1.The Contract has been made between those 2 people.

2.We both are in a Contract with each other .
50. Agreement /əˈɡriːm(ə)nt/ An Agreement is a promise between two
entities creating mutual obligations by
law. Section 2(e) of the Indian Contract Act,
1872 defines an agreement as 'Every promise
and every set of promises, forming the
consideration for each other, is an

Example : 1.Marriage Agreements are Void.

2.He is in an Agreement with the Ramesh.

2. Consider Three Scenarios :Write An Official Letter, A Business Letter And A Personal Letter.

Official Letter
B.Solomon Raju
Opp Salvation Army Church
Tenali,Andhra Pradesh 522201.

Metic tech
101 Satsang, Nr Sardar Patel
Statue , Vallabh Vidhyanagar,
Hyderabad, Telangana 388120.

Oct 18, 2021


Accounts Manager

Respected sir,

I am writing to inform you of my resignation from  Metic tech as the Senior Writer, effective 3
weeks from the current date. 
I'm grateful for all of the inspiration, Dedication, and Help I've had during my timeline in this
job. I've chosen to look for a job that will allow me to put my team-building and leadership
talents to use. I'll continue to devote my time to finishing the rest of my projects over the
following three weeks, and I'll provide any necessary training to help with the transition. 
Thank you again for the support you've given me and thank you for taking the time to read this.
If you would like to schedule a meeting to discuss this further, I would be Glad to talk when you
are free. 
Thank you for your continued support, and thank you for taking the time to read this. If you'd
like to set up a meeting to discuss this further, please let me know when you're available. 

 B.Solomon Raju.

Business Letter
OCT 18, 2021 
 B.Solomon Raju
Metic tech
101 Satsang, Nr Sardar Patel
Statue , Vallabh Vidhyanagar,
Hyderabad, Telangana 388120.

Dear Mr. B.SolomonRaju, 

I am a frequent visitor to your website and appreciate all of the work you do for law students. I'm
a regular writer of legal articles, and I'd want to collaborate with you and have my writings
published on your site. 
My pieces have appeared on a number of news websites, and my work has also been included in
a number of publications. I'm willing to respond to questions by email on an as-needed basis. 
Thanks for your consideration. 
Anirudh Pandey.

Personal Letter

14, SSR street, 

3th cross road 
Patna– 90928 
Dt: 18th Oct 2021 
Dear Prabhas, 
How are you? How is your sister Kavya doing? Hope you are doing well. I am also fine here. 
I am writing this letter to invite you for my graduation ceremony which will be on 1st November
2021. The ceremony will be conducted in university itself. It will begin at 10 AM in the morning.
The complete address of the venue is DSNLU, Sabbavaram, Visakhapatnam. If you have any
confusion regarding the address you can call me and I have forwarded the Adress to your
WhatsApp the same. 
It’s been a long time since we have seen each other. And I will be really very happy if you can
attend my graduation ceremony. Can’t wait to see you soon. 
Take care, 
With Love, 

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