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 Food rich in fiber: Diets rich in fiber will  Processed foods, frozen foods and canned
help to pass soft stools. This will help in goods
bowel movements and thus heal fissure  Ketchup
 Pears  Jams
 Melon  Chicken nuggets
 Carrots  Hotdog, Tocino, Embutido
 Brown rice  Tuna, beef loaf, corn beef, SPAM
 Oatmeal
 Avocado  Baked products
 Cabbage  Cake
 Apple: they are rich in soluble fiber.  Bread
Apple adds bulk to the stool and helps in  Buns
passing softer stools.  Macaroni
 Papaya: Aids in digestion process.  pasta
Papaya is a very rich source of fiber and  donuts
water content; it prevents constipation
and promotes regularity.  Deep-fried food
 Watermelon:  prevents constipation and  Fried chicken
helps in regular smooth bowel
 French fries
movement. Watermelon has high water
 Dairy products
content and some fiber which helps in
 Cheese
for a healthy gut.
 Milk
 Citrus fruits: Play a very important role
 Snack foods
as it is a good source of antioxidant. This
 Ice Cream
will reduce inflammation and flare-ups.
 Chocolate
 Pomelo
 Lemon  Candy
 Mandarin orange  Processed Beverages
 Calamansi  Apple, orange and grape juices,
 Water: helps to keep the digestion flavored waters, soft drinks, tea
regulated and smooth. Water prevents  Caffeinated drinks
straining and hence healing fissure.  Alcohol
 Egg yolk: a natural analgesic and anti-
inflammatory agent that can cure an These foods are considered as constipating
acute anal fissure more efficiently goods and are known to worsen anal fissures
Food Items to Limit
Raw Mango: Raw green mango can increase the inflammation and make the condition worse. Cutting
raw green mangoes out of the diet will help cure fissures easily
Red Chilies: The compounds in red chili react with the enzymes of the digestive system and result in
the production of a lot more stomach acid, which ultimately aggravates pain with fissures.
Garlic: Garlic is known for increasing the temperature of the body. This can in turn, badly affect the
piles when you have fissure, it is a very good idea to stay away from this common spice.

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