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School: Davao Winchester Colleges Inc. Grade and section: __2________________

Learning Area: ____________________ Date and Time Allotted:___________________
Content Standard:_______________________
Performance Standard:___________________
Learning Competency: EN2RC-111d-e-2.4

I.Objectives: At the end of the lesson the pupils should be able to:
1. Recognize that some words have the same (synonyms) or opposite (antonyms)
2. Draw a line that connects the two words with the same and opposite meanings; and
3. Explain and discuss the importance of recognizing that some words may have the
same or opposite meaning.
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Synonyms and Antonym
References: K to 12 Most Essential learning competences/Grade 1 Book (Interactive

Curriculum Guide:
C. Materials: Im’s, laptop,cp
D.Strategies: Recognize that some words may have the same (synonyms) or opposite
(antonyms) meaning
E. Value focus: Focuses on recognizing that some words may have the same (synonyms)
or opposite (antonyms) meaning
III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activity Teacher’s Activity Learners Activity
1. Prayer -Let us pray. -The pupils will stand and
2. Cleaning -okay class, before you -The pupils will pick up the
sitdown; please pick up the pieces of paper and trash
pieces of paper and trash. then the class will sit down.
3. Greetings -Good morning once again Good morning teacher.
class.So how are you today? (Different responses)
Well, good then.
4. Checking of attendance -Is there anybody absent -Students will respond if
today? nobody or someone is
5. Review -Last time we discuss about
-Who can tell me the -Verbs expresses an action
meaning of verb? of state of being.
-What are the two types of -linking verb and action
verbs? verb.
6. Unlocking of difficulties *Antonym-a word opposite
in meaning to another (e.g.
bad and good).
*Synonym-a word or
phrase that means exactly or
nearly the same as another
word or phrase in the same
language, for example shut
is a synonym of close.
*Word-a single distinct
meaningful element of
speech or writing, used with
others (or sometimes alone)
to form a sentence and
typically shown with a
space on either side when
written or printed.
*Example-a thing
characteristic of its kind or
illustrating a general rule.
*Opposite-having a
position on the other or
further side of something;
facing something, especially
something of the same type.
Ask: -Why do we need to study -We need to study
(HOTS) synonyms and antonyms? Synonyms and antonyms to
Integration (ESP) know their uses and

7.Motivation -Showing pictures about -Those pictures are example

synonyms and antonyms. of synonyms and antonyms.

A. Lesson proper
1. Presentation -Can you give me some -first-last, kind-cruel
examples of Antonyms?

-How about example of -beautiful-attractive

B.Guided practice: -Rules in our class are the ff.
a.Settings of standards No one should talk if i’m
Keep quiet if your not the
one who need to talk.
(After the class I gave
prizes to those students who
b.Present the rubrics Show eagerness and
Cooperation -20%
Do great help
Learning to the group -20%
strategy/Differentiated Cleanliness and
Orderliness -10%

The class will be divided

c.Activity) into 3 groups.(Each group
will be given a task.)
Group 1- Recognize that
some words may have the
same (synonyms) or
opposite (antonyms)

Group 2- In a 1 whole sheet

of paper draw a line that
connects the two words with
the same and opposite

Group 3- I will showing a

short video about synonym
and antonym you only need
to do is to watch and listen
carefully and jot down those
words with the same or
opposite in meaning..
-What is the synonym of -Attractive teacher.

-What is the antonym of -New teacher.


e.Abstraction -A synonym is a word that

means the same as a given
word.Like for examples:
Beautiful and attractive
Trustworthy and
-An antonym is the word
that means the opposite of a
given word.Like for
old and new
rich and poor
clean and dirty

f.Application -Does this activity helps you -Yes teacher

to learn more?

In our designated house we

have a family member they
are the ff. Give its opposite

Grade father-
IV. Evaluation
In a one(1)whole sheet of paper. Draw a line that connects the two words with the
same meaning.

Big Tidy
Brainy Intelligent
Brave Dim
Chilly Cold
Clean Courageous
Dark Large
Happy Cheerful
Industrious Lonely
Sad Smelly
Stinking Diligent

V. Assignment
Your assignment is to study in advanced your next topic about “action words”.

Prepared by: JOCELYN L. POJAS


Submitted to: Mr. Johair Hadjinoor Ampuan

Cooperating Teacher

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