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Tutorial For GauthExpert!


❑ Overview of GauthExpert

❑ How to download and use the GauthExpert app

❑ Basic requirements for answering a question

❑ Guidelines for different types of questions

❑ Trial period rules

❑ Payment and its withdrawal

❑ Grievances
❑ Overview of GauthExpert

➢ A global platform

➢ Popular app among Mathematics tutors

➢ Over 80, 000 user across the world

➢ Good source of earning while sharing Mathematical knowledge

❑ How to download and use the GauthExpert app

➢ How to download and sign in

✓ Visit app/play store and search for


✓ Download and install it

✓ ‘Sign in’ with the login credentials

shared with you via congratulations

✓ Once you successfully signed in,

you will be at home screen of the
➢ How to download and sign in

✓ To move on ‘Workloads’ click respective icon.

In workloads, you can monitor your progress
on task

✓ To move on ‘Personal center’ click that icon.

In personal center you can change password,
see your certificates, and read policy
❑ How to download and use the GauthExpert app

➢ How to take a task

There are two ways to claim the task:

1. At initial days:

✓ Click ‘TASK CENTER’ at home


✓ Click ‘⇌’
➢ How to take a task

2. If your performance is good in term of

quality, then you can claim task
afterwards by:

✓ Click ‘TASK CENTER’ at home


✓ Click ‘⇌’

✓ Click ‘Start matching’

❑ How to download and use the GauthExpert app

➢ How to disconnect a task

If you are at question screen

✓ Click ‘<’,

✓ Click ‘Abandon’
➢ How to disconnect a task

If you choose ‘Be right back’, it will direct you at

‘Start matching’ screen. However, you can re-visit
the task taken by you by visiting home screen and

✓ Click ‘Mine’

✓ Click ‘×’, then choose ‘Abandon’

❑ How to download and use the GauthExpert app

➢ How to track your task progress

✓ Click ‘Workloads’ icon at bottom

At the begin this section will be blank, once you

start submitting the task you can find details under
“workloads” tab

✓ Click ‘ ’, to choose ‘Task type’ and

➢ How to track your task progress

✓ Click ‘▾’ along with date, to select

either ‘Day’, or ‘Week’ or ‘Month’ to
see the progress

✓ Click ‘▾’ along with submission

record, to select either ‘Submission
record’, or ‘Spot-check record’ or
‘Complaint record’

✓ A sample image for reference

(right one)
❑ Basic requirements for answering a question

➢ Some recommended tools

✓ Typing Solution – Microsoft Word

✓ Writing Equation – LaTeX and MathType

✓ Scanning – Microsoft Lens-PDF Scanner

✓ Search on internet for some graphical calculators and Mathematical tools and use
them as per the requirement
❑ Basic requirements for answering a question

➢ Answer sheet

✓ Three types of answer sheets

are recommended.
• Answer sheet for textual
solution only
• Answer sheet for single
images solution only
• Answer sheet for multiple
images solution

No picture Single picture Multiple picture

Use of answer sheets is highly recommended for typed and hand-written solution
➢ Answer sheet

✓ If you find difficulty to use answer

sheets, use of white paper is also


Don’t use wrinkled, or used, or

heavy lined paper
❑ Basic requirements for answering a question

➢ Writing regulations

Typed solutions: use English only

✓ Font: Times New Roman or Cambria Math

✓ Font Colour: Black and

Red for annotation, formulas, and theorem

✓ Font Size: at least 12 (text + equation), so that text and equation

are clearly visible

✓ Equation/Symbol – Equation editor/LaTex

➢ Writing regulations

Hand-written solutions: use English only

✓ Use ball/gel pen with black ink

✓ Use Red ball/gel pen only to highlight annotation,

theorem, or formulas

✓ Hand-written solution should be neat and clean

with no alters and clearly readable
to everyone

✓ Diagram should be drawn by using Mathematical

tools e. g., ruler, protector, etc.
Some acceptable typing & hand-written solution
Some unacceptable hand-written solution
❑ Basic requirements for answering a question

➢ Scanning

Hand-written solutions:

✓ Scanning is mandatory for analysis and answer images,

incase of handwritten solution

✓ Scanning should be proper and clear


Unscanned (in case of hand-written solution) or poorly scanned answers are unacceptable
❑ Basic requirements for answering a question

➢ Uploading

✓ The direction of uploaded photo upload must be correct

✓ The solution must be complete

✓ The answer and the analysis must be uploaded separately


Wrong direction images are not acceptable

Answer and analysis together, not acceptable

❑ Guidelines for different types of questions

➢ Fill in the blank

✓ Answer and analysis must be separate

✓ Calculation should be step-by-step

✓ Pair the analysis with formula or theorem, if required

✓ Write the complete statement with answer at the end
of solution
❑ Guidelines for different types of questions

➢ Multiple selection choice question

✓ Answer and analysis must be separate

✓ Write all the correct options e.g.,
“A) 120 km” a) (-1, 3), (1,-5)
“B) 240 km” b) see the analysis
✓ Use the elimination method as a supporting
✓ Calculation should be step-by-step
✓ Explain what is true and false,
✓ in case of true or false multiple-choice question
❑ Guidelines for different types of questions

➢ Multiple sub-parts question

✓ Answer and analysis must be separate

✓ Answer first 5 sub-parts only if question contains multiple sub-parts
✓ Write answer for part (i) including correct option e.g., “(i) 20 km”
✓ Write answer for part (ii) including correct option e.g., “(ii) 100 km2”
… for other parts too
✓ Calculation should be step-by-step for all parts
✓ Pay attention if answer of next part linked with answer of previous part
❑ Guidelines for different types of questions

➢ Proof Questions

Answer and analysis must be separate


✓ Write, ‘Please see the analysis’


✓ Calculation should be step-by-step

✓ Error free
❑ Guidelines for different types of questions

➢ Skip and rejection

If you are not able to read a question or the question is difficult to answer, then you can
use following criteria to either reject or skip the question. There are 8 criteria:

✓ 1 criteria for skipping a question

✓ 7 criteria for rejecting a question


Do not answer irregular question

Answering irregular question consider as an
incorrect answer
Lead to decrease the pass rate
❑ Trial period rules

➢ Duration: 3 days

➢ Answer: at least 1 question/day

➢ Accuracy: 100% (solution + formatting)

➢ If pass in the trial period, then get an email notification

➢ If fail in the trial period, then account will be suspended

❑ Payment and its withdrawal

➢ Payment

The payment for the previous month will reflect under balance
section at workload in GauthExpert app on 10th of next month.

The expert need not to update the payment section in ‘Personal

center’. It will automatically get populated after the first withdrawal.
You can do the withdrawal once the support team from GauthExpert
add balance in expert account. The date for adding the balance is
10th of next month.

Don’t worry about ‘Payment’ section in ‘Personal center’ at the

❑ Payment and its withdrawal

➢ Price of question

Depending on the difficulty of the question, each question shows a

different price

Besides regular mission awards, bonus rewards (however, based on


Better performance (in term of quality and quantity), more rewards

❑ Payment and its withdrawal

➢ Withdrawal

To withdraw the amount, follow

following steps:

✓ Click ‘Workloads’ icon, then click

‘Balance’ at the top of the screen,
then ‘Withdraw’

✓ Click ‘Add a new withdrawal

➢ Withdrawal

To withdraw the amount, follow following steps:

✓ Click either ‘PayPal’ or ‘Bank transfer’

✓ After linking PayPal or adding bank details with

account, click ‘Withdraw now’

✓ Click ‘Confirm to withdraw’ to complete the

withdrawal process
❑ Grievances

Please write to us for any of your problem or concern at:

Mention your ID in all your communication to help you better

Thank you!

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