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Lesson Planning

Waynesburg University

Writing the lesson plan:

Translating thoughts into a plan of action
Pennsylvania Academic Standard(s) addressed during this lesson:
(Provide Standard number and statement)

1.6.4.B- Demonstrate awareness of audience using appropriate volume and clarity in formal speaking presentations.

1.9.4.A: Use media and technology resources for directed and independent learning activities and problem solving.

1.8.4.B: Conduct inquiry and research on self- selected or assigned topics using a variety of teacher guided media sources and

R4.A.2.1.2: Identify and/or interpret the meaning of content-specific words used in text.

R4.B.3.3.3: Interpret graphics and charts and/or make connections between text and the content of graphics and charts.

Lesson Objective(s)
(Stated in observable and measurable terms)

The students will be able to state the definition of the vocabulary word precipitation.
The students will be able to describe the four different types of precipitation.
The students will be able to state the definition of the vocabulary word evaporation.
The students will be able to state the definition of the vocabulary word condensation.
The students will be able to describe the process of storage in the water cycle.
The students will be able to create a Photostory of the water cycle using the Microsoft tool.

Assessment Plan
(What will be done to determine if lesson objectives have been met?)

The students will be assessed on the end product of their Photostory slide show.
The students will be assessed on their ability to correctly define the vocabulary words: evaporation, condensation, precipitation,
and storage.
The students will be assessed through teacher observation.
The students will be assessed on their ability to create the Photostory show using a predetermined rubric.
The students will be assessed on their ability to create the Photostory using teacher observation.

Scott Foresman 4th Grade Science book
digital camera
Photostory software
markers, crayons, or colored pencils
note cards
Inclusion Techniques for Students with Special Needs:

Enrichment Techniques:
For an enrichment technique, the students can try a lab experiment at home. Take a glass of ice water and set it out on a table.
Write down what observations you see after every 15 minutes. Condensation should appear on the outside of the glass after a
period of time. Also, students can take 1 cup of water and place it in the microwave for 2 minutes. What do you notice about the
level of the water when you take it out? This is evaporation.

Lesson Differentiation (What modifications/accommodations will be made to ensure that ALL students have access to and are able
to participate in the lesson):
• Simplify directions for the assignment to students with ADHD.
• Make sure that student groupings are not by ability level.
• Teacher will be walking around to check in and be sure that students are on task.

Lesson Presentation
Introduction/Motivational Activities/Anticipatory Set:
Begin the lesson by placing a recycling can at the front of the room. Show the students different cards with pictures of materials.
Tell the students to give a “thumbs up” if the material can be recycled, and a “thumbs down” if it cannot. Save the picture of water
for the very end. Some students may say no, ask those students why. Tell the students that today they will learn about the water
cycle and how water can be recycled, similar to the way we recycle paper and cans.

Detailed Teaching Sequence:

(Provide sufficient detail that would enable a substitute to effectively present this lesson. Bulleted statements are preferred)
 Have students take out their Science textbook and open to pages 186 and 187. Have them read these two pages with a
partner that will be selected by the teacher.
 After reading, give each student 4 note cards. Have the students write the meaning of the words evaporation,
condensation, precipitation, and storage, on the note cards.
 Draw a circle using four arrows on the board. Explain the water cycle and the meaning of the four words that the students
just wrote on their cards.
 Ask volunteers to help fill-in and label the cycle on the board.
 Discuss what precipitation is (any form of water that falls to Earth, rain, snow, sleet, or hail).
 Assign each student a type of precipitation.
 Explain that the students will be creating a story based on that type of precipitation. They will be using Microsoft
Photostory to tell the story.
 Provide paper, pencils, crayons, markers, etc. to the students to draw pictures that will go along with their stories.
 For example: A student may be given the precipitation type of rain. They will create a story based on rain. They may write
a story about what they did during a rainy day. They will draw pictures to go along with the story.
 The pictures that the students are drawing will be photographed and then uploaded into the Photostory software.
 The written composition will provide the narration to the Photostory. Providing background music is optional, but can be
 The students must work independently, but will have teacher assistance if needed.
 When all students have finished the story and pictures, the class will go to the computer lab to create the Photostory.
 The computer teacher will assist in the teaching of how to compose the Photostory slideshow.
Guided Practice/Independent Practice/Assessment Activities
Assess the students’ understanding of vocabulary while reading the text with partners.
Assess the students’ ability to accurately define the vocabulary words on the note cards.
Assess the students’ ability to create the Photostory show using a predetermined rubric.
Assess the students’ ability to create the Photostory show using teacher observation.

To end the lesson, the students will share their Photostories with small groups in the computer lab. They will be grouped into fours
(rain, snow, sleet, hail). Review with the students the water cycle and the terms within the cycle. Draw a cycle on the board and
have volunteers label the cycle and explain what each word means.

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