Chapter 4 Draft 2

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Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

Internal Consistency Reliability of the 30-item Questionnaire using 5-point Likert


The Cronbach alpha coefficient of the 30-item Questionnaire using 5-point Likert Scale

equated to 0.890468332. With this calculated value, it can be interpreted that the

internal consistency of the 30-item Questionnaire using 5-point Liker Scale used in this

study is very reliable.

Table 4.1. 5-point Likert Scale

5-point Likert Scale

Representation Interpretation
5 Strongly Agree
4 Agree
3 Neither agree nor disagree
2 Disagree
1 Strongly Disagree

Table 4.2. Summary of Cronbach Alpha Coefficient Results

k 30
Sum of Item Variance 26.953
Variance of Total Score 193.609375
Cronbach alpha 0.890468332

Weighted Averages for 5-point Likert Scale

The weighted averages were computed for the Likert Scale, from Strongly Disagree =

1 to Strongly Agree = 5, in order to determine the proclivity of the composite scores.

Adapted from the study of Alonazi et al. (2020), to determine the “weight” and the
weighted average for the scale, it must be computed to be able to discern the means.

The computation can be performed by dividing the distances between the values in the

scale (4 in a 5-point Likert Scale) by the number of values in the scale (5). As a result,

the period length would equate to 4/5 = 0.80, which is used to determine the weighted

averages (Alonazi et al., 2020).

The table below shows the categories for the weighted average; and each result is

expounded with the degree of influence for each factor computed properly. This table is

adapted from Alonazi et al.’s study in 2020.

Table 4.3. Interpretation of Weighted Averages for 5-point Likert Scale

Weighted Average Result Interpretation

1.00 – 1.79 Strongly Disagree Very uninfluential
1.80 – 2.59 Disagree Uninfluential
2.60 – 3.39 Neither agree nor disagree Neutral or do not know
3.40 – 4.19 Agree Influential
4.20 – 5.00 Strongly Agree Very influential

Pearson Correlation Coefficient Analysis of Leadership Styles and Employee


In order to determine the relationship between leadership styles and employee

attrition, the utilization of Pearson Correlation Coefficient Analysis is needed.

Computation of the r value using this statistical treatment will present the correlation of

the two variables as well as the strength of said correlation.

Table 4.4. Data used for Pearson Correlation Coefficient Analysis

Mean Scores in
Mean Score for
Responden Employee
Leadership xy x² y²
t No. Attrition
Questions (x)
Questions (y)
1 4.8 3.5 16.8 23.04 12.25
2 4.4 3.4 14.96 19.36 11.56
3 3.8 3.4 12.92 14.44 11.56
4 2.65 3 7.95 7.0225 9
5 4.8 3.5 16.8 23.04 12.25
6 4.25 3.8 16.15 18.0625 14.44
7 4.6 4 18.4 21.16 16
8 3.95 3.9 15.405 15.6025 15.21
9 4.3 3.4 14.62 18.49 11.56
10 4.55 2.8 12.74 20.7025 7.84
11 4.85 2.7 13.095 23.5225 7.29
12 4.65 3.6 16.74 21.6225 12.96
13 3.7 3.5 12.95 13.69 12.25
14 3.25 4.2 13.65 10.5625 17.64
15 4.45 3.7 16.465 19.8025 13.69
16 4.7 3.3 15.51 22.09 10.89
17 4 3.2 12.8 16 10.24
18 4.7 3.5 16.45 22.09 12.25
19 4.15 3 12.45 17.2225 9
20 4.5 2.7 12.15 20.25 7.29
21 4.65 3 13.95 21.6225 9
22 3.4 3.1 10.54 11.56 9.61
23 3.65 4.2 15.33 13.3225 17.64
24 4.15 3.2 13.28 17.2225 10.24
25 3.95 3.1 12.245 15.6025 9.61
26 3.6 3.5 12.6 12.96 12.25
27 4.45 3.1 13.795 19.8025 9.61
28 4.35 2.9 12.615 18.9225 8.41
29 5 1.8 9 25 3.24
30 4.85 3.3 16.005 23.5225 10.89
SUM 127.1 99.3 418.365 547.31 335.67
The data presented in the table above was treated with the Pearson Correlation

Coefficient Analysis through Microsoft Excel. Using the data above, the computed r

value resulted into a negative correlation of -0.297409826 or -0.30, if rounded off to the

nearest hundredths. There are two things to interpret with the computed r value, (1) it

has a negative correlation which would indicate an inverse relationship between

leadership styles and employee attrition; the higher or better leadership styles being

implemented would result into a decrease in the number of employee attrition, and (2) it

can be interpreted to have a very small or rather, a negligible correlation between the

leadership styles and employee attrition. Although the data shows that to a certain

degree, inverse correlation between the variables examined is present but due to the

correlation being very small, it is considered as negligible.

Multiple Regression Analysis of Transactional and Transformational Leadership

to Employee Attrition

Multiple Regression Analysis was used in order to determine whether transactional or

transformational leadership, one of which is being implemented by an employee’s

leader, can predict the attrition of an employee. Presented below are the summary of

results of the Multiple Regression Analysis.

Table 4.5. Summary of Multiple Regression Analysis Results (1)

Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.308846469
R Square 0.095386142
Adjusted R Square 0.028377708
Standard Error 0.483832579
Observations 30
df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 2 0.666462971 0.333231486 1.423494565 0.258376907
Residual 27 6.320537029 0.234093964
Total 29 6.987
Table 4.6. Summary of Multiple Regression Analysis Results (2)

Table 4.7. Summary of Multiple Regression Analysis Results (3)

Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%

4.52856123 0.72787515 6.22161812 1.18234E- 3.03508478 6.02203767 3.03508478 6.02203767

3 1 7 06 6 9 6 9
Mean Scores for
- - - -
Transactional 0.27362727 0.36687749 0.31031635 0.31031635
0.25112043 0.91774636 0.81255721 0.81255721
Leadership 1 4 2 2
3 5 8 8
Questions (X₁)
Mean Scores for
- - -
Transformational 0.21793609 0.40685103 0.40685103
-0.0403169 0.18499413 0.85461625 0.48748483 0.48748483
Leadership 6 1 1
9 2 2
Questions (X₂)
Mean Score of Employee Attrition Questions

Multiple Regression Analysis of Transactional Leadership and Transformational Leadership

to Employee Attrition
= − =0.195214378518839
− 0.290322580645161
x + x4.15202468601126
+ 4.51774193548387
3 R² =R²0.0671669337282509
= 0.0942395324034959
2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5
Mean Score of Transactional and Transformational Leadership Questions
Transactional Leadership Linear (Transactional Leadership)
Transformational Leadership Linear (Transformational Leadership)

Fig 4.1. Scatter Plot Diagram of Multiple Regression Analysis of Transactional Leadership and

Transformational Leadership to Employee Attrition

A multiple regression analysis was performed to determine if transactional leadership

and transformational leadership could significantly predict an employee's attrition. The

results from the computation of the regression showed that 9.54% of the employee
attrition's variation is explained by the style of leadership that the employee is under;

and the model was a significant predictor of employee attrition, F(2,27) = 1.42, p = 0.26.

The final predictive model for employee attrition is:

Linear Regression Analysis of Financial Status and Employee Attrition

Linear Regression Analysis is utilized in order to determine if the financial status of

an employee can predict their attrition. To determine this predictability, the mean scores

of the 30 respondents on questions regarding factors that may affect their financial

status is computed, and the data for the dependent variable from the Pearson

Correlation Coefficient Analysis is retained.

Table 4.8. Data used for Linear Regression Analysis

Respondent Mean Scores for Questions pertaining to the Mean Scores in Employee
No. effect of financial status to their attrition (x) Attrition Questions (y)
1 4 3.5
2 3.33 3.4
3 3 3.4
4 3.33 3
5 3.67 3.5
6 2.67 3.8
7 4 4
8 3 3.9
9 3.33 3.4
10 3.33 2.8
11 2.33 2.7
12 3.67 3.6
13 3.33 3.5
14 5 4.2
15 3.67 3.7
16 3.67 3.3
17 3.67 3.2
18 4 3.5
19 3 3
20 2.33 2.7
21 2.67 3
22 4.33 3.1
23 4.33 4.2
24 3 3.2
25 3.67 3.1
26 3.67 3.5
27 3.67 3.1
28 3.67 2.9
29 1 1.8
30 3.33 3.3
SUM 101.67 99.3

Linear Regression Analysis of Financial Status of an Employee

Mean Scores in Employee Attrition Questions

and Employee Attrition

f(x) = 0.471629542790152 x + 1.71169988276671
3.5 R² = 0.502882509487139
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5
Mean Scores for Questions pertaining to the effect of financial status to their attrition

Fig. 4.2. Scatter Plot Diagram of Linear Regression Analysis of Financial Status of an Employee and
Employee Attrition

Using the Linear Regression Analysis, it resulted into a coefficient of determination

with a value of 0.5029. With this, employee attrition is affected by factors that concerns

an employee’s financial status with a variance of 50.29%. The representation above

offers the conclusion that employee attrition can be determined from an employee’s

financial status as it can be considered as a huge factor affecting it.

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