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mauitime provides insightful analysis and in-depth reporting. We believe some issues
are so important they require thoughtful consideration. We are not a “paper of record”—a daily
journal of government meetings, ribbon-cuttings and corporate announcements. We decide
what’s interesting and newsworthy and then do whatever investigation is necessary to get the
story. We do not wait for official press releases to appear at the office before deciding what THURSDAY, JUNE 11 2009 VOLUME 12 ISSUE 51 MAUITIME.COM

constitutes “news.” We feel that even important stories need to be interesting and easy to read.

For that reason we don’t write “inverted pyramid” stories where as much information as possible
is jammed into the first, dry paragraphs. Indeed, even the Associated Press is now moving away THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 2009 VOLUME 13 ISSUE 1 1 MAUITIME.COM

from that, offering customers optional narrative leads for its important stories.

We write our features, essays and stories using all the color, dialogue and structure usually
reserved for novelists. When possible, we also try to break away from traditional formats by
incorporating interviews, quizzes and lists. We take our time when preparing stories so the writing
crackles on the page. We want to intrigue, entrance and sometimes even infuriate our readers.
That means we’re often satirical, opinionated and sarcastic. Our voice is anything other than the THURSDAY, AUGUST 27 2009 VOLUME 13 ISSUE 10 MAUITIME.COM

bland omniscience that comes from daily newspapers. We don’t pretend to have all the answers,
and we believe our readers are sophisticated enough to understand that.
GOWitIN GalbUumPandii
h a new fan base,i
growing s aim highi
rowdown Pg.12
The Th
We’re human beings just like our readers, with loves and hates, and we’re always honest about our
October 8, 2009 ✚ Volume 13 ✚ Issue 16 ✚ FREE

biases. But we also look at our subjects fairly and honestly. There are more than two sides to every .com

story, but when we feel something is right or wrong, we will not hesitate to say so.

r 12, 2009
✚ Volu
me 13 ✚ Issu
e 21 ✚ FRE


November 5, 2009 ✚ Volume 13 ✚ Issue 20 ✚ FREE

An ancient
An anc
anciient legend
ncient l and a samurai Grand Master

MEN reveal
e aw ’ deep ties to the warriors of Japan pg.12
veal Ha


The losses we've had in about 70 years. What's
even scarier is that the underemployment
rate (which includes the unemployed and
those who can only find temporary or
part-time work) is up to 17 percent.
Upon arrival at the office,
sign in right away, printing
your name clearly. Be sure
to include the time you signed
in. In my 12 hours spent at the
Bring extra and share if you're feeling generous.

Be careful where you park. You'll be a

while, so try to find an all-day parking spot.
The large lot behind the shops on Market Uncoolness, illness,
benefitsng your Unemployment
Unem a cafe in low light
According to an article in the Unemployment Office, I've Street (entrance on Vineyard near Market) is a
November 8 edition of The New York noticed a handful of people short walking distance away and will save you
Times, "At no time in post-World War who show up and don't the trip to move your car every two hours.
II America has it been more difficult to immediately sign in. Some of There are many paid/unpaid two-hour spots
and a Maui-exclusive
uphill b can be an
find a job, to plan for the future, or—for them end up waiting a long near the state building, so if you choose to go
tens of millions of Americans—to merely time before they realize there's that route, count on having to move your car
interview with a
Survival Guide
get by." Add the fact that 35.6 percent of a sign-in sheet on the counter about 10 minutes before the two-hour mark
unemployed people have been jobless for SURVIVAL TIPS

it shou attle. But

inside.There are no flashing (you're in Taguma country). When it's time to
6 months or more and we've got some First, the basics: signs, no greeters offering you move your car, alert one of the staff behind the
seriously struggling Americans out there, LOCATION: Maui Claims Office (state help. Just a small note above a window and a counter and they'll make a note next to your

with no real promise of change on the building, Department of Labor and Industrial clipboard in an often crowded, tiny room. Be sure name so you won't be crossed off the list if December 24, 2009 ✚ Volume 13 ✚ Issue 27 ✚ FREE

unwinnldn’t be an
horizon. It's scary. Relations), 54 S High St, Rm. 201, Wailuku, to include the time you signed in, since people they call your name while you're gone. This is
Collecting your benefits
fits can be an uphill battle. But it shouldn’t be an unwinnable war After 5 penniless weeks of “working (808) 984-8400 are taken in the order they arrive. Another point the path of least resistance and will save you
for it,” 12 hours of which were spent HOURS OF OPERATION: worth noting: for certain things, you won't have some major headaches if you're skipped over. by Anu Yagi
By Sara Tekula ✚ Illustrations by Ramiro Alonso actually waiting in line during three 7:45am-4:30pm, Mon.-Fri. (not including to wait on the general line. For example, if you're pg.12

able wa
separate visits to the State Unemployment holidays and furlough days) turning in a form, you should simply show Do not make any solid plans for the rest
Office in Wailuku, I finally received my NUMBER OF WINDOWS OPEN AT MAUI up with your completed form and put it face of your day/afternoon. Twice when I visited,
first weekly benefit check—an amount .com
down on the counter next to the sign-in sheet.

I waited the requisite two-and-a-half hours

LOCATION: 2 for claimants,

hen I first arrived on the scene
scene, my name was added to the bottom of a list about four pages long. There
By Sar equaling a whopping 50 percent of

1 for employer services Supposedly this pile of forms allows the workers to see someone, and then another hour or so
waiting ahead of me. Between rotating shifts of reading my copy of The New
were at least 40 people waitin what I made weekly at my old job. Yes, to more specifically address your case and could
AVG WAIT TIME TO SPEAK TO A to speak with someone else about my specific
a Tek Yorker, posting my frustrated thoughts to Twitter and playing solitaire on my phone, I looked up to it's something, and I'm glad it finally PERSON: 2 hours, 30 minutes save you some time. situation. If you include the drive time, these
ula watch how she handled person after person who came to speak with her. The same tone of voice, same
bewildered look, same apologetic language that seemed canned and repetitive. I felt bad for her, and for the
went through, but it's the only income
I've brought in for the entire month of
ANY GIVEN TIME: Between 20 and 30 Protect your back and your butt: bring
visits took approximately five-and-a-half hours
out of my day. I witnessed people waiting for

people who had to speak to her. Nothing about this felt good. I actually thought I was going to be sick. October. One week's unemployment is something to sit on. There are only five
WEB SITE FOR ONLINE FILING: several hours only to leave for an appointment
This particular visit cost me more than three hours of my life, two changes in parking spots and several bitten fingernails before nowhere near enough to pay the bills for chairs available in the small indoor waiting they had made. Others arranged for rides to pick
it was finally my turn to speak to her.
QUOTE OF I rushed up to the window, bursting with hope, aand she gave a response that caused several of my happiest braincells to
the month. I'm screwed. PHONE NUMBER FOR PHONE FILING: area, so the majority of people can be found them up much earlier than was realistic. What a
THE WEEK:“Yo commit instant suicide. “Well, there's only one pers
person here who can talk to you about that issue, and he's on the phone. He's
On the bright side, now that my
benefits have gone through and been
Applications from Hawaii: (808)643-5555;
applications from outside Hawaii: (877)215-5793
waiting outside the office on the concrete
benches (which seat approximately 12
waste! Just make arrangements to set aside your
day, plain and simple.
u think you been on for a while, so...don't know how long he'll be. And then, when he's done, he still may not talk to you. See, the people

approved, I feel vindicated. I'm proud people), or on the concrete steps that lead up
’ve outgro back there at the desks, some of them talk to folks aat the counter, others don't.” that I didn't give up, that I have navigated
Go ahead, open your claim online or by to the building. There is no back support and Be mindful of germs! At the
wn mooni unplea
No, this isn't a David Lynch movie. It's the unpleasant, labyrinthine world of the unemployment office. the labyrinth. I have officially achieved that concrete is hard. I highly recommend

the phone. BUT! Don't stop there. Visit the unemployment office, hundreds of people
ng someon my first post-layoff accomplishment.
local unemployment office within a few days of you bring a small camping chair, something touch the clipboard, the pens, the door
e out the Maybe I'm not a loser after all! Having
your filing, just to be sure that everything was with back support that doesn't hurt your handles, the countertops every day. I've never
car window 'US'
US' VS. YOU 'THEY MAKE YOU messed up, a lot of needy people probably made it out the other side, I couldn't help
completed correctly and to find out if there's behind. Yes, it'll get you some funny looks. been a big germaphobe, but every time I've
, but you

bout seven weeks ago, I was informed I was being laid off from my full-time job give up and fall through the cracks. And but think that other well-intentioned, People will think you work there, but will
WORK' anything else you need to do.Yes, you'll have to been there, I've been in close quarters with
might be working for a Maui nonprofi fit. I was appraoc
appraoching my two-year anniversary there, and I that would save money for the state, whose recently laid-off people may be soon find out that you're one smart cookie. PG.12

wait up to three hours to speak with someone. someone who is hacking up a lung. Bring hand
surprised. didn't see it coming. I didn't have any money saved, and had no idea where I'd look for
t was my first time navigating Hawaii's unemployment fund is being used up. So questioning their worth. What's worse,
Take it from me, you do not want to wait at Every so often, get up and move around to sanitizer and take your Vitamin C. As frustrated
” pg.29 my next job in such a dismal job market. As they brokbroke the news to me, I tried to stay positive:
State Department of Labor and
Industrial Relations. Naturally, I started
it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to say they'll have to go through the same dark,
home for them to tell you that you missed keep the circulation flowing. as you might be, do not bite your fingernails.
that they want you to give up.”
This could be a good thing, or could lead to new oppo opportunities. Even though the outlook was
with a Google search. I found the state Web
dysfunctional the system that I did.
something—it might never happen. To their (They probably have the swine flu.) No nose- QUOTE OF THE WEEK: “OK, I’m actually still on Maui staring at the derelict lot outside my window.” pg.17

bad and getting worse, I kept my spirits up for the last several days on the job. A few of us even This kind of talk made me furious. I So here is my gift to them. Pay attention: Make a plan to fight boredom: bring
site easily, and right away it seemed that credit, there is a lot of stress on workers in this picking. Wash your hands thoroughly before
onc I left for good, I experienced a range of
met up for a drink at the end of my last day. Then, once know my rights—I worked very hard at one day, it could be you.
particular department, especially considering something to read. You'll need more material
I could file everything online as long as I you eat anything and certainly before you go
long-te boyfriend.
emotions akin to being suddenly dumped by a long-term my job for two solid years, and just need the steady rise in lost jobs. And yet—things are than an issue of Maui Time (but that's a good home to infect your loved ones.
After the first gut-punch of shock wore off, I immediately began questioning my own was totally unemployed and had worked a little help to get through the transition start). Pre-load applications and games onto your
only for Hawaii employers. All I had to do not consistent or fair in these parts. A substitute
worth. I went from a confi fident, professional, functioning
functi adult with a 4-year degree to while looking for a new one. According to teacher I know received a checklist in the mail cellphone if you've got one.Tweet/status update You snooze, you lose. No matter how

an unemployable, unwanted, useless buffoon overnight. I lost my rhythm and couldn't was “click here.” This would be easy. state labor law, I am entitled to access this your friends about your situation. Bring an iPod

with the things she was missing clearly marked. bummed you feel, you have to remain
pajam indoors on perfectly gorgeous
figure out how leave the house. I stayed in my pajamas, Oh how naïve I was. It turned out to fund. I was laid off, not fired. I am looking or MP3 player, but keep the volume low enough
I, on the other hand, did not receive one sign vigilant and strong every step of the way. The
Matthe McConaughey movie (it was getting
Maui days. I didn't shower. I even watched a Matthew be a complicated, error-prone, highly for work. Besides, back in February when so you can hear your name being called.You can
via mail or otherwise that my application was system is not designed to be easy. You have to
serious). I became obsessed with checking the com company website daily until my photo and questionable process that required my Obama signed the the American Recovery bring a laptop, but there's only one power outlet

incomplete. Do yourself a favor and show up be hands-on throughout the entire process
bio were taken down from the “About Us” page. When it was gone, and I was no longer careful time and attention. What's worse, and Reinvestment Act, it included a section in person and ask all of the questions you can available outside the building, so you might have or else there will be some inevitable piece of
part of the “us,” I started wondering why I was the one that was sacrificed during company while navigating through a tangled safety called the Unemployment Insurance think of. Get names, take notes.You will likely to share it with others. I've applied for jobs online paper you were supposed to fill out that—left

downsizing: Was it something I said or did? Wasn't I passionate enough? Wasn't I worth net, I almost lost my right to collect benefits. Modernization Act (UIMA), which was have to take an active part in this whether you while I wait. If you're there at the right time, you

incomplete—will set you back weeks, if not
something? Would I ever become a productive member of society again? “Around here, they make you work for your designed to “keep hardworking families want to or not. Keep records and get everything can even join the lunchtime T'ai Chi crew. Or months. That $7 billion of stimulus money
After about a week of self-loathing, poor hygiene and bad Netflix movies, I realized unemployment,” a three-times unemployed from falling through the cracks.” you can in writing. write an article about your experience. Anything earmarked to “improve” and “modernize”
something else: there was no possible way I could survive without filing for unemployment construction worker advised me. OK, so they're acknowledging that you can do to avoid the mind-numbing boredom state unemployment programs has clearly not

benefits with the state of Hawaii. I'd been reading all about it in the news: our Another man, forced to come out the system's flawed, and earmarked $7 Do not believe everything you read in of waiting to hear your name called. “trickled down” to our neck of the woods.

country's economy is only at the beginning of what they call a “jobless of retirement only to find himself billion dollars to fix it. There should be the paperwork you are mailed/emailed/
recovery,” where the unemployment rate stays high while business unemployed, tried to spell it out for me. enough support to help me—why would given. Here's another thing I've learned the Take care of yourself: bring snacks and Realize that you are lucky you can talk

productivity starts to rise. In other words, employers are getting more “I've called the unemployment number at I have to work for it? I decided then and hard way. There are conflicting instructions in filtered drinking water in a re-useable to someone in person on Maui (even
output from the workers they have (probably because those least 20 times today, and whenever I got there that there was no giving up. In fact, the numerous “handbooks” and documents bottle. The only food/beverage offering on-site if it does take all day). In comparison,
workers are afraid of being laid off), and the outlook is too is an outdoor, germ-infested water fountain that

through, I'd hear a recording that says they during the process, I would make sure I'm that are mailed or e-mailed to you, as well as in unemployed folks in California can only use
grim for businesses to justify hiring new people. Clearly I have too many callers and that I need to comfortable, stimulated and able to share the info you'll find on the Web. I read on one is accessible 24 hours a day from the street; in PG.17
the phone-in option, and often call over 200

would need help. call back. That's why I came here from the everything I've learned with others. And form that I had the option of “registering for the 12 hours I spent waiting in line, I never once times throughout the day without getting

My instincts started to kick in. I would soon have West side, to simply talk to somebody. It's so man, are there others. work” by filing online via the State Workforce saw anyone brave enough to drink from it. On through to a human being. Here on Maui, at

to pay rent, utilities, car insurance, health insurance Development Web site (, my second visit (once I had learned the ropes), least waiting for hours gets you in front of a
and figure out how to feed myself. At the same time, or by showing up in person to the Workforce I brought a bunch of water and some mixed flesh-and-blood person, as overworked and
I would have to ferociously and fearlessly try to find SCARY STATISTICS Development office in Wailuku. Turns out, the nuts. By visit number three I had upgraded to
exhausted as they might be. Try to be nice to
a job. I couldn't pick and choose—in order to make it

ast week, the Bureau of Labor Statistics issued a new report stating that nationwide online filing I did didn't count, and I had no water, a banana, a cookie and a bottle of iced the people behind the counter. It's not their
through what could prove to be a lengthy job search, I unemployment rates (currently at 10.6 percent) are higher than they've been way of knowing. Trust me, go in and talk to tea. I noticed that my mood and the quality of fault they still have jobs and you don't. ■
needed to keep a roof over my head, gas in my car and food PG.6
G.6 PG.11
since the early '80s. Of course, that figure only represents the folks like me, who someone. They're the only ones who might be my food/beverage were undeniably linked. This
in my belly. So I pulled myself up by my slipper straps and filed are recently unemployed and haven't given up. The actual number is likely much, much able to give you a straight answer. is about making it through with a minimum of To share or save this article, type:
for unemployment. higher; 7.3 million jobs have been lost since 2007, which is the longest stretch of job frustration, so be kind to yourself and others.

12 November 12, 2009 November 12, 2009 13 QUOTE OF THE WEEK: “You’re treading dangerously close to naked biking in fresh snow…” pg.29

TOMMY RUSSO Publisher ✚
c: 808.283.0512 o: 808.244.0777 f: 808.244.0446
33 N. Market St., Suite 201, Wailuku, HI 96793

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