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Week 1

Lesson 1: Quantitative Research Designs

Learning Task 1: Study the following parts: What I Know; What’s In; What I Need to Know; What’s New; What Is It; and
What I Have Learned. Write your answers ON YOUR PERSONAL NOTES. Check you answer using the answer key given in
your SLM.

Learning Task 2: Perform Activity 2 and 3 (What’s More)

What’s More

Activity 2. Quantitative Research Designs Summary

Directions: Using the template below, summarize the five quantitative research designs according to its goal, and its
corresponding variable manipulation.

Research Design Goal How variables are handled or

1. Descriptive As descriptive researches are exploratory in nature, and by The variables are either
the name itself implies that descriptive researches aim to observed or surveyed
produce a “description” from observing a phenomenon as particularly giving description
it is currently happening. Primarily, it does not answer the about the descriptive research
question why/how/when questions but particularly problem. Particularly the
who/what/where. Secondly it aims to describe a population’s characteristics
characteristic of a population or phenomenon. and features are being
observed in these.
2. Correlational As what I have already learned from my grade 11 class, Variables, particularly
correlational studies determine the relationship as well as independent variables are
the strength of relationship two variables have. Thus, subjected into either an
correlational studies do not relate to causal situation but increase or decrease to know
particularly to what extent does the two variables relates its possible effect on the
to one another—if a variable increases or decreases does dependent variable—which
the other one does too? leads researchers in
concluding relationships and
strength of relationships.
3. Ex Post Facto The goal of ex post facto research design is to, like the Both independent and
module already said is measuring a cause from a pre- dependent variables in this
existing effect. Particularly it is research that has no control design are not subjected to
over the variables, but he or she seeks the variables any manipulation. As of
included—particularly answering the question why/how handling, it can be said that
does the effect happened, where did it start, when did it this research designs measures
start, who are involved and many more. the cause of an effect,
although not manipulated, it is
measure to any extent as to
how a certain effect happens.
4. Quasi-Experimental I had a hard time differentiating this one with the latter The populations are subjected
part but I already understood. Quasi-Experimental to the researcher’s choice of
research design is a research design that, of course, seeks intervention. Generally, the
an answer to the research problems—but mostly revolves respondents, subjects and
on the cause and effect among the variables. It is an participants are not subjected
experimental research design that makes and evaluates an to assignments. Particularly,
intervention among groups without actual randomization. this research designs includes
The groups created are not subjected to any assignments. treatment groups that are
Thus, it has a disadvantage of having limited answers as to subjected to treatment and
it is already given that they have groups in terms of their interventions. Populations is
commonalities but they have all experience the same sub-divided on groups,
interventions. stablished ones particularly on
a nominal scale.
5. Experimental Unlike quasi-experimental groups, experimental groups are Unlike quasi-experimental
considered as true experimental as subjects, participants again, experimental groups
and respondents are subjected to scientific process as well have treatment groups and
as assignments. In contrast with the previous design, control groups (which are not
experimental research also has groups thy could subjected to the researcher’s
manipulate and could not. People are separated to groups intervention). Thus, it can be
which can become control groups or treatment groups. concluded that experimental
Thus, the goal of the researcher is mainly to view various research manipulates not just
standpoints regarding their research problems: treatment the groups but also to the
groups are subjected to treatment and interventions while outcome of the research.
on the other hand control groups are not subjected into
these. Similarly, it aims to affect a group that comes from
the manipulation. Additionally, and lastly, random
assignment of subjects or participants into treatment and
control group is done increasing the validity of the study.

Activity 3. Choose the Appropriate Research Design Directions:

Determine the quantitative research design appropriate for the sample research titles. Make sure to explain your choice
into two to three sentences.

1. Relationship between Academic Stressors and Learning Preferences of Senior High School Students

Quantitative Research Design: Correlational Research Design

Explanation: Simply because it pertains or refers onto how the two variables are related: academic stressors and learning
preferences. It can be concluded along the research the relationship between these two as well as the strength of
relationship between the two of them. Additionally, one variable can either be negatively or positively correlated with
one another.

2. Reading Electronic Learning Materials as a Support for Vocabulary of Grade 1 Pupils

Quantitative Research Design: Experimental Research Design

Explanation: Primarily, I consider the electronic learning materials as treatments as well as interventions in supporting
the vocabulary of the subject given. Secondly, this research topic can be subdivide students in control groups as well as
treatment groups, particularly manipulating some students to engage in reading materials electronically.

3. Impact of the Implementation of COVID – 19 Health Protocols in Supermarkets on Consumer Behaviors

Quantitative Research Design: Descriptive Research Design

Explanation: “What are the impacts?” is the first thing I have in mind upon reading the research title. Particularly this
aims to study the population, specifically on the impacts the health protocols it brought them in a broad aspect,
physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, socially and environmentally. Secondly, little is known about the subject
and it is exploratory in sense as it can affect many individuals in various ways. Thus, it can make out a description after
probing onto the subject.

4. Effects of Morning Exercise on the Health Anxiety Level of Senior Citizens

Quantitative Research Design: Experimental Research Design/Quasi-Experimental Research

Explanation: In line with my question number two answer, I also can consider this as experimental research design
because senior citizens can be categorized or be put in control groups as well as treatment groups. Thus, promoting a
more valid research interpretation and answers on how morning exercises affects the certain group of subject,
participants or respondents. Similarly, basing from a research study’s delimitations we can conclude that if this occurs in
only one small area, participants could be subjected into interventions regardless of a formation of control groups.

5. Measuring the Gadgets Usage of Children at Home during COVID-19 Community Quarantine

Quantitative Research Design: Ex Post Facto Research Design

Explanation: With regards to the research title given, it can be said that it measures the gadget usage of children at
home. Ever wondered why? And also the existence of only on variable. This particular topic focuses on getting a cause of
a pre-existing effect. It measures the gadget usage of students for supporting a given effect.

6. Level of Academic Achievement of Senior High Schools in Different Learning Modalities

Quantitative Research Design: Descriptive Research Design

Explanation: Primarily, I could consider this as descriptive research simply because it asks about a population’
characteristics, a nominal feature. Secondly, it gives description as a support or outcome in learning in various learning

7. Effects of Story Telling on Quality of Sleep of Children

Quantitative Research Design: Experimental Research Design

Explanation: This is experiment research. People particularly can sleep without story telling. Thus, this can be subjected in
giving randomization and assignments to various people. The Story Telling could serve as a treatment or intervention for
the treatment group.

Lesson 2: Sample Procedure and the Sample

Learning Task 3: Study the following parts: What I Know; What’s In; What I Need to Know; What’s New; What Is It; and
What I Have Learned. Write your answers ON YOUR PERSONAL NOTES. Check you answer using the answer key given in
your SLM.

Learning Task 4: Perform Activity 1 and 2 (What’s More)

What’s More

Activity 1. Determine the Sampling Procedure

Directions: Identify the sampling procedure used in each given situation. Write your answer on the space provided and
then explain your choice.

Sample Situation Sampling Procedure Justification

1. Alex’s target population for his study are the Cluster Sampling As what have been already said, “he
employees of hotels in Mindanao. Since there randomly selected based on hotel size.”
are too many employees in these We can conclude that he first classified
establishments, he randomly selected ten the hotels based from their sizes and
hotels based on hotel size. And then he chose 10 hotels from the hotel sizes.
randomly selected employees as participants in From there, he also chose random
his study. respondents in each hotel. It can be given
that the nature of the study is for the
whole Mindanao which is a large area.
From that large locale, he then classified
the sizes of the hotel to groups and
randomly selected from these clusters
made. Finally, regardless of the unchosen
groups random sampling is done in the
selected ones. If this was a stratified
sampling equal or proportional chances
will be given.
2. Dianne wants to know if the new learning Systematic Sampling Basically, this is a systematic sampling
modalities in the first semester affects the because primarily it does not divide the
academic performance of senior high students. population into strata; and secondly,
He took all the lists of all students in her school there is no randomization done. It is a
and selected every 6th name to be part of her systematic sampling because there is a
study. form of system or pattern the teacher
uses to select students.
3. Faye wants to survey all the parents in Actuality, she has just Primarily, she can use simple random
Cagayan de Oro who opt to enroll their decided, meaning sampling with help of randomizers from
elementary children to an online class. All in all, there are no particular the online which automatically pick
there 26,000 parents. Faye decided to have 380 sampling yet. But as respondents. Secondly, stratified random
from the target population. for suggestion she sampling can be done if she would decide
could use any of the in grouping Cagayan de Oro in terms of
four sampling provinces, and proportionally pick from
procedures from this each based from population. Thirdly is
module. cluster sampling by choosing a cluster
(province) that could represent the whole
population. And lastly is the systematic
sampling, which follows a system of
patters: it can be done through
factorization and/or similar final numbers.

Activity 2. Search the design and sampling procedure.

Directions: Search on the internet for a sample research study. Identify the research design used and its sampling

Example 1 Example 2 Example 3

Title of the Research Study Technological pedagogical Attitude of Grade 12 SHS Assessing the level of
knowledge self-efficacy and Academic Tracks Students awareness on climate
continuance intention of Towards Speaking in change and sustainable
Philippine teachers in English development among
remote education amid students of Partido State
COVID-19 crisis University, Camarines Sur,
Research Design Correlational Research Descriptive-Correlational Descriptive Research
Design Research Design Design
Characteristics of K to 12 teachers employed Grade 12 Senior High Students of Partido State
Population in various government and School Academic Track University (PSU),
private schools in students (particularly ABM Camarines Sur, Philippines
Mindanao, Philippines and HUMSS) with the use
of the English-Speaking
Attitude Questionnaire
(ESAQ) of Sto. Tomas
National High School
Sampling Procedure Simple Random Sampling Stratified Random Stratified Random
Procedure Sampling Sampling
Sample Size 1065 47 247
Source Cahapay, M. B., & Anoba, Canceran, D. J. B., & Barreda, A. B. (2018).
J. L. D. (2021). Malenab-Temporal, C. Assessing the level of
Technological pedagogical (2018). Attitude of Grade 12 awareness on climate
knowledge self-efficacy and SHS Academic Tracks change and sustainable
continuance intention of Students towards Speaking development among
Philippine teachers in in English. Journal of students of Partido State
remote education amid English as an International University, Camarines Sur,
COVID-19 crisis. Journal of Language, 13, 219-231. Philippines. Journal of
Pedagogical Sustainability
Research, 5(3), 68-79. Education, 17.

Learning Task 5: Assignment (Collaborative), do the activity in the What I can Do for both lesson 1 and 2

Week 2

Lesson 3: Research Instrument, Validity and Reliability

Learning Task 1: Study the following parts: What I Know; What’s In; What I Need to Know; What’s New; What Is It; and
What I Have Learned. Write your answers ON YOUR PERSONAL NOTES. Check you answer using the answer key given in
your SLM.

Learning Task 2: Perform Activity 3 and 4 (What’s More)

Lesson 4: Research Intervention

Learning Task 3: Study the following parts: What I Know; What’s In; What I Need to Know; What’s New; What Is It; and
What I Have Learned. Write your answers ON YOUR PERSONAL NOTES. Check you answer using the answer key given in
your SLM.

Learning Task 4: Perform Activity 1 (What’s More)

Learning Task 5: Assignment (Collaborative), do the activity in the What I can Do for both lesson 3 and 4 including the
Additional Activity

Week 3

Lesson 5: Planning Data Collection Procedure

Learning Task 1: Read and understand the discussion on Lesson 5: Planning Data Collection Procedure and answer
“What’s More”: Activity 2

Lesson 6: Planning Data Analysis

Learning Task 6: Read and understand the discussion on Lesson 6: Planning Data Analysis, then answer What’s More
Activity 3

Week 4

Lesson 7: Presenting Research Methodology

Learning Task 1: Read and understand the discussion on Lesson 7: Presenting Research Methodology

Learning Task 2: Performance Task: “What I Can Do” Written Research Methodology. Rubrics is provided in the module.

Learning Task 3: Write a SHORT REFLECTION

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