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Roll No:
Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology (TIET), Patiala
School of Mathematics (SOM)
End Semester Examination
BE (Semester-I) (2020-21) Course Code: UMA010
Course Name: Mathematics —
February 15, 2021 Time: 02 Hours; MM: 50
Name of the faculty: Dr. Ankush Pathania, Dr. Anuj, Dr. Deepak Gumber, Dr. Isha Dhiman, Dr.
Jatinderdeep Kaur, Dr. Kavita, Dr. Parimita Roy, Dr. Pramod Kumar, Dr. Satish Kumar Sharma, Dr.
S S Bhatia, Dr. Sumit Chandok.
Note: (1) Attempt any 5 out of 7 questions.
(2) Attempt all the questions in given order.
(3) Attempt all parts of each question at one place.

Ql. (a) For what values of x does the series V2 nanxnn)2 converges absolutely and

conditionally. Also, find its radius of convergence and interval of convergence. [6M]

(b) Find the Maclaurin series of the f(x) = x sin2 x . Hence, estimate the error in the

3 x5 [41M]
approximation x sine x =x — — , when 'xi < 0.1.

Q2. (a) Find the absolute maxima and minima of the function f (x, y) = x2 + xy + y2 — 3x + 3y
on the triangular region cut from the first quadrant by the line x+ y = 4 . [7M]

(b) For what values of k(# ±2), does the function f (x, y) = x2 + k xy + y2 will have Saddle
point, Local minima, and Local maxima at (0,0). [3M]

Q3. (a) Let w = f (x, y) be a differentiable function of x and y, where x = r cos 0 and
y = r sin 0 . Show that
2 + (aay
w i rawi2+ ri ( caw 15M1
( 2
(b) Determine the derivative of f (x, y, z) = cos(xy) + eY ' + ln(zx) at P0 C 1, 0, 1 in the

direction of A = i + 2j + 2k. Also, find the direction in which function increases and decreases
most rapidly at Po. Hence, find the derivative in these directions.

f xe2y
2 4-x2
Q4. (a) Sketch the region of integration for the integral I = f —dye& , and hence
0 0 4–y

evaluate the integral by changing the order of integration. [8M]

(b) Sketch the region defined by 4 < 0 < 5- –1 < r <1 12M1
4 —

Q5. (a) Consider the polar curve, r =1+ sin 0

(i) Identify all symmetries of this curve.
(ii) List the value of 0 and r in tabular form.
(iii) Using (i) and (ii) sketch the polar curve.
(iv) Also, find the area enclosed by the curve in the 1st quadrant.
18 m1
x–y+ – 2r
(h) Determine the limit Hai
*1 E,

2 0
Q6 (a) Evaluate the integral f f dxdy by changing it into its equivalent polar integral.
0 v-1)2

(b) Use double integration to find the area of region R, where R is the region enclosed by
Ix! + iyi = I .

Q7 (a) Show that the function u(x,y). y3 –3x2 y is harmonic. Find its harmonic conjugate

and hence construct the corresponding analytic function. [5M]

(b) Consider the function f (z) = jx-371 . Verify whether Cauchy-Reimann equation are satisfied

at the origin. Also, check the existence of f' (z) at z = 0. [5111]


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