Activity No.1 1

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Activity no.

1. What person do you admire, and what values do they possess that you are inspired by? Why?

 When it comes to me, I admire someone who has a sense of humor. The ability to make me laugh and
to relieve my stress and anxiety. Someone who has the sense of responsibility to someone or
something, a person who will be there until the end. A humble person is attractive to me because they
do not pretend, they are perfect. They accept their limitations and focus on self-improvement and
that’s the biggest turn on to me. Respect for others especially the small ones, they see the intrinsic
value in every person.
2. Describe an incident or event from which you learned a lesson “the hard way"
 I lose someone because I chose myself. It’s hard when that someone used to be your world and it’s
badly broke my heart to let that someone go. But then I realize, that someone isn’t worth it. My whole
love and attention were into that someone that I slowly ruining and drowning myself. I learned a lesson
to that someone. It’s okay to lose someone but not yourself and what matters the most is loving
3. If everyone described you by your top values, what would you want them to say?
 If were to describe by my top values, I want them to say that I value honesty and kindness. These top
values I have has a vital role to my life. Being honest has a big impact to someone, maybe you can hurt
them with the truth than being happy with lies. And being kind not only to someone who is kind to you
but to everyone is the most important. It is the best impression that everyone will describe.
4. If you were given a 25th "free "hour every day and had to do something during that hour, what would it be?
 Spending time with my family is the one that comes up to my mind because being close to your family
is very important. Sharing problems, giving opinions on how to solve that problem, playing games with
them and eating together. Being happy with them matters the most. They are the most important
people I’ve ever had in my whole life.
5. What accomplishment would you most want to share with the person you look up to? Or share with the
person who looks up to you?
 I want to share my accomplishment to the person who I look up to. I will not achieve my
accomplishment without that someone. I became an honor student when I was in senior high school
and that someone keeps on reminding me to believe in myself that I can surpass whatever struggles
and problems will come. That someone helped me to become strong and wise in every situation.
Values Development
Values development is something that can be distinguish through personal life and experiences.
Even though its negative or positive that can affect our values. As a part of our lives, these values will make us
become courageous, and responsible in every aspects. These values can change over time and maybe
influenced by our family, friend, culture, and social media. In this essay, I will explore my personal values, how
they were formed in my life and how I got influenced by every individual that I encounter every day.

My personal values are the inspiration for distinguishing between my every day behavior and
emotion whether it is right or wrong. My parents and education have a vital role in distinguishing my personal
values. My personal ambitions, responsibility and family. These effects show some methods to determine
which matches my values. My father always make our family his priority. He considered the impact of each
member of or family. And that’s the one I taught about my father. The main goal of his life is to protect the
family and help us to become happy and healthy.

Through my growth, living environment and education makes my personal values a reality. My
way of growing has as big part in the development of my personal values. My parents and my grandmother
taught me the importance of family and sincerity. Honesty, respect, and kindness are also the things I have
learned through the development of my values. I grew up with my parents and my grandmother and I also
have my younger sister. Those influences have a big impact and helped me develop my personal values. And
until now, I am still on the process of developing my personal values. I have more experiences that will help
me soon to become a professional in every aspect of my life.

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