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Maths Physics Chemistry

Date Theory Classes with Chapter Test Syllabus Theory Classes with Chapter Test Syllabus Theory Classes with Chapter Test Syllabus
and their Sub- Topics (Dura on: 60 Min) and their Sub- Topics (Dura on: 60 Min) and their Sub- Topics (Dura on: 60 Min)
Trigonometry - Equa ons Rela ve mo on (river and Stoichiometry, Limi ng reagent,
Monday, 22 February, 2021 % Excess, % Yield / Efficiency &
Solving wind problems)
Trigonometry - Equa ons
Tuesday, 23 February, 2021 String constrained mo on Redox balancing
SOT wedge constrained mo on Concentra on term
24 February, 2021
Thursday, 25 February, 2021 SOT spring force and pseudo force Structural isomerism

Mole Concept
Sets/Rela ons,
Friday, 26 February, 2021 Test Test fric on, wpe Test Complete And
Mathema cal Reasoning
Stuctural Isomerism

Rela ve mo on (river Stoichiometry,

and wind problems) Limi ng reagent, %
Saturday, 27 February, Trignometry-Equa ons string constrained mo on Excess, % Yield /
Test Test wedge constrained Test Efficiency &
2021 Solving SOT POAC Redox balancing
mo on spring force and
Concentrat ion term
pseudo force Structural isomerism
Monday, 1 March, 2021 Straight line-Locus problems Elas city and Viscocity Quantum theory of Light,
Photoelectric effect.
Straight Lines-Pair of st COM (momentum
Tuesday, 2 March, 2021 Bohr + spectrum
lines conserva on)
Ozonolysis, Monohalogena on
Wednesday, 3 March, 2021 Circles-Tangents of circle COM (collision)
hydrogena on
Thursday, 4 March, 2021 Circles-System of circles COM (variable mass system) POC

Concentra on terms,
Atomic upto (Bhor model),
circular mo on, unit
Friday, 5 March, 2021 Test FOM1 Test Test Ozonolysis,
and dimensions
Monohalogena on
hydrogena on

Quantum theory of
Straight line-Locus Elas city and Viscocity
Light, Photoelectric
problems Straight COM (momentum
effect.Bohr + spectrum
Saturday, 6 March, 2021 Test Lines-Pair of st lines Test conserva on) Test
POC Ozonolysis,
Circles-System of circles COM (variable mass
Monohalogena on
Circles-Tangents of circle system) COM (collision)
hydrogena on

Maths Physics Chemistry
Date Theory Classes with Chapter Test Syllabus Theory Classes with Chapter Test Syllabus Theory Classes with Chapter Test Syllabus
and their Sub- Topics (Dura on: 60 Min) and their Sub- Topics (Dura on: 60 Min) and their Sub- Topics (Dura on: 60 Min)
Binomial Theorem-Finding RBD (moment of iner a and
Monday, 8 March, 2021 Bohr + spectrum
Coeffecient torque)
Binomial Theorem-Binomial Torque calcula on and Quantum Number and
Tuesday, 9 March, 2021 electronic configura on
Series rota on about fixed axis
Permuta on-Selec on and Angular momentum and its
Wednesday, 10 March, 2021 CB Lewis structure,
Arrangement conserva on
Permuta on-Mul nomial
Thursday, 11 March, 2021 CTRM VBT
Atomic structure
Sequence and Series
Friday, 12 March, 2021 Test Test RBD, SHM Test complete and
and Sta s cs CB (upto VBT)

Binomial Theorem-Finding rbd (moment of iner a

Bohr +
Coeffecient Binomial and torque)torque
spectrum Quantum
Theorem-Binomial calcula on and
Number and
Saturday, 13 March, 2021 Test Series Permuta on Test rota on about fixed Test
Selec on and axisCTRMangular
Arrangement Permuta on configura on VBTCB
momentum and its
Mul nomial Method Lewis structure,
conserva on
Elementary of Conics-
Monday, 15 March, 2021 Toppling Kc & Kp calcula on
Parabola, Ellipse/ Hyperbola
Elementary of Conics-
Tuesday, 16 March, 2021 Fluid mechanics(sta cs) Le-Chatelier.
Parabola, Ellipse/ Hyperbola
Tangent/Normal of
Wednesday, 17 March, 2021 Parabola, ellipse and Fluid mechanics(dynamics) Resonance
Tangent/ Normal of
Thursday, 18 March, 2021 Parabola, ellipse and Surface Tension MOT

string and sound Chemical

Friday, 19 March, 2021 Test FOM2 Test waves, ktg , heat and Test complete
thermodynamics and CB (upto MOT)
Elementary of Conics- toppling fluid
Parabola, Ellipse/ Kc & Kp calcula on
mechanics(sta cs) surface
Saturday, 20 March, 2021 Test Hyperbola Tangent/ Test Test Le-Chatelier MOT
Normal of Parabola, tension fluid mechanics
ellipse and hyperbola (dynamics)

Maths Physics Chemistry
Date Theory Classes with Chapter Test Syllabus Theory Classes with Chapter Test Syllabus Theory Classes with Chapter Test Syllabus
and their Sub- Topics (Dura on: 60 Min) and their Sub- Topics (Dura on: 60 Min) and their Sub- Topics (Dura on: 60 Min)
Trigonometry - Equa ons Rela ve mo on (river and Stoichiometry, Limi ng reagent,
Monday, 22 March, 2021 % Excess, % Yield / Efficiency &
Solving wind problems)
Trigonometry - Equa ons
Tuesday, 23 March, 2021 String constrained mo on Redox balancing
Wednesday, 24 March, 2021 SOT wedge constrained mo on Concentra on term

Thursday, 25 March, 2021 SOT spring force and pseudo force Structural isomerism

Mole Concept
Sets/Rela ons,
Friday, 26 March, 2021 Test Test fric on, wpe Test Complete And
Mathema cal Reasoning
Stuctural Isomerism

Rela ve mo on (river Stoichiometry,

and wind problems) Limi ng reagent, %
Trignometry-Equa ons string constrained mo on Excess, % Yield /
Saturday, 27 March, 2021 Test Test Test Efficiency &
Solving SOT wedge constrained
mo on spring force and POAC Redox balancing
Concentrat ion term
pseudo force Structural isomerism
Monday, 29 March, 2021 Straight line-Locus problems Elas city and Viscocity Quantum theory of Light,
Photoelectric effect.
Straight Lines-Pair of st COM (momentum
Tuesday, 30 March, 2021 Bohr + spectrum
lines conserva on)
Ozonolysis, Monohalogena on
Wednesday, 31 March, 2021 Circles-Tangents of circle COM (collision)
hydrogena on
Thursday, 1 April, 2021 Circles-System of circles COM (variable mass system) POC

Concentra on terms,
Atomic upto (Bhor model),
circular mo on, unit
Friday, 2 April, 2021 Test FOM1 Test Test Ozonolysis,
and dimensions
Monohalogena on
hydrogena on

Quantum theory of
Straight line-Locus Elas city and Viscocity
Light, Photoelectric
problems Straight COM (momentum
effect.Bohr + spectrum
Saturday, 3 April, 2021 Test Lines-Pair of st lines Test conserva on) Test
POC Ozonolysis,
Circles-System of circles COM (variable mass
Monohalogena on
Circles-Tangents of circle system) COM (collision)
hydrogena on

Maths Physics Chemistry
Date Theory Classes with Chapter Test Syllabus Theory Classes with Chapter Test Syllabus Theory Classes with Chapter Test Syllabus
and their Sub- Topics (Dura on: 60 Min) and their Sub- Topics (Dura on: 60 Min) and their Sub- Topics (Dura on: 60 Min)
Binomial Theorem-Finding RBD (moment of iner a and
Monday, 5 April, 2021 Bohr + spectrum
Coeffecient torque)
Binomial Theorem-Binomial Torque calcula on and Quantum Number and
Tuesday, 6 April, 2021
Series rota on about fixed axis electronic configura on
Permuta on-Selec on and Angular momentum and its
Wednesday, 7 April, 2021 CB Lewis structure,
Arrangement conserva on
Permuta on-Mul nomial
Thursday, 8 April, 2021 CTRM VBT
Atomic structure
Sequence and Series
Friday, 9 April, 2021 Test Test RBD, SHM Test complete and
and Sta s cs CB (upto VBT)

Binomial Theorem-Finding rbd (moment of iner a

Bohr +
Coeffecient Binomial and torque)torque
spectrum Quantum
Theorem-Binomial calcula on and
Number and
Saturday, 10 April, 2021 Test Series Permuta on Test rota on about fixed Test
Selec on and axisCTRMangular
Arrangement Permuta on configura on VBTCB
momentum and its
Mul nomial Method Lewis structure,
conserva on
Elementary of Conics-
Monday, 12 April, 2021 Toppling Kc & Kp calcula on
Parabola, Ellipse/ Hyperbola
Elementary of Conics-
Tuesday, 13 April, 2021 Fluid mechanics(sta cs) Le-Chatelier.
Parabola, Ellipse/ Hyperbola
Tangent/Normal of
Wednesday, 14 April, 2021 Parabola, ellipse and Fluid mechanics(dynamics) Resonance
Tangent/ Normal of
Thursday, 15 April, 2021 Parabola, ellipse and Surface Tension MOT

string and sound Chemical

Friday, 16 April, 2021 Test FOM2 Test waves, ktg , heat and Test complete
thermodynamics and CB (upto MOT)
Elementary of Conics- toppling fluid
Parabola, Ellipse/ Kc & Kp calcula on
mechanics(sta cs) surface
Saturday, 17 April, 2021 Test Hyperbola Tangent/ Test Test Le-Chatelier MOT
Normal of Parabola, tension fluid mechanics
ellipse and hyperbola (dynamics)

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