Answer Sheet: Enabling Collaborative Assessment: Drafting Your MAC-Proposal

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English for Purposive Communication

MODULE 6-Communication for Various Purposes

Drafting your MAC-Proposal.
Course/Year/Section: BFS12 Date: 10/30/2021
Leader (Surname first): Bautista, Daniel Matthew
Members(Surname first) : Mike Japhet Gargar
: Palima, Nathalia
: Subaran, Simon

Cheating in elections is rampant and is a common occurrence in the Philippine
government. In a research article written by (Mendoza et al., 2018), showcases the way
the runners in politics buy votes which include the giving of not only monetary value but
also supplies such as food and clothing to the poor. The data has showcased through a
survey in Metro Manila that vote buying is a normal occurrence when it comes to the
poor. Another paper by (Teehankee, Julia., 2006) has highlighted this problem to be
something consistent. The paper analyzes 2004 synchronized elections of the
Philippines which then shows that the Philippines ideals of elitist and clientelism
democracy do not go hand in hand with its current state as an underdeveloped country
which leads to the prevalent use of cheating using bought votes to ensure a political
runner’s victory.

With the 2022 elections coming up, candidates may have thought of trying to
manipulate the people and the system into getting their votes through various illegal
actions and in which, the group would like to spread knowledge on the ways of
manipulations and cheating that are happening during election periods which makes the
people aware of motives each candidates show the people.The group hopes to give out
its audience the knowledge on manipulations and cheating that is happening in
elections and through this knowledge, the people would be able to call out the
candidates and to rule out the cheating participants out of the elections which could lead
into a fair elections where the one who would win is the one that the majority of the
people voted for fairly. This benefits the people of the Philippines with the imparted
knowledge to be aware of their surroundings especially for those people who are only
using them for personal gains. This also enables the people of the Philippines to have a
competent leader who could help the people and the country to prosper.
English for Purposive Communication
MODULE 6-Communication for Various Purposes

The group intends to share and give out posters, infographics and informative videos
that are interactive and eye-catching to pique the interest of people and to impart the
group’s knowledge on the topic unto the audiences. The multimodal text that the group
will present would include the linguistic, visual and aural modes. The group intends to
use the linguistic aspect to deliver words that would be imprinted onto the audience’s
brain which they could easily remember as the campaigning of the candidates
progressed. The visual aspect would help the linguistic aspect to be easily remembered
and the aspect would also help in making the material eye-catching. Lastly, the aural
mode would be utilized on the informative videos that would be shared, in which the
voice of the video importing knowledge stresses on the important parts and the
supporting sounds make it comfortable for the ears.

The advocacy that the group seeks to impart with audiences is on how electoral
manipulations, sabotages and cheatings would oftentimes go unanswered and
unregulated. Electoral integrity is a must, in order to choose the next leader of the
country. However, the true changes will start not with the authorities setting up policies,
but with the informed masses ensuring the integrity and honesty in the upcoming
presidential elections. The advocacy that the group seeks to impart with audiences is to
embark change and develop the integrity and credibility of the elections. The group aims
to alleviate the occurring inaccuracies by informing and sharing knowledge especially to
young voters. Citizens in the modern era do not engage and tackle the topic as much as
they used to, for the reason that they see this problem to be ordinary. It is a reoccurring
obstacle that the government faces each year. Past groups that purposefully pushed
campaigns for the issue lost interests and moved on, as it seemed to them that the
community much prefers succumbing to unacceptable matters. The advocacy that the
group wants to impart with audiences is more substantial, and can attract the attention
of the youth.

Seeing that the COVID-19 pandemic is still raging, it would be best to utilize online
postings and sharing of posters, infographics, advocacy videos, etc., as opposed to
normal means of disseminating advocacies. This will largely be a collective effort
between the members of the group. Considering that the group is only composed of four
members, the delegation of work to individual members is not recommended. It would
be best to formulate a step-by-step plan and follow through it as a team. As the Internet
is largely free to utilize, and the fact that the group’s advocacy material is going to be
disseminated throughout the Internet, minimal costs are needed for this advocacy. At
most, only a few hundred Pesos shall be spent for internet data access.
English for Purposive Communication
MODULE 6-Communication for Various Purposes

The purpose of this proposal was to touch on the reoccurring Manipulation and cheating
in our elections. As the 2022 elections are coming up, the group aims to distribute
knowledge that the system of the government is fraud, and needs to be restructured,
another is to familiarize them on who to vote and which of the candidates have true
motives. This can benefit the people of the Philippines to choose and use their votes
wisely and enables them to have a competent leader who could actually help the people
and the country to prosper.

As citizens in the modern era do not engage and tackle the topic as much as they used
to, for the reason that they see this problem to be ordinary. It is a reoccurring obstacle
that the government each and every year faces, the old groups who pushed these
campaigns lost interests and moved on, as it seemed to them that we as a community
prefer to succumb to unacceptable matters. The advocacy that the group wants to
impart with audiences is more substantial and can attract the attention of the youth of
the country.

Minimal costs are needed for this advocacy. The group seeks to carry out its activities
through the internet, utilizing online postings and sharing of posters, infographics,
videos, etc. As this will be a collective effort between members of the group as it would
be best to formulate a step-by-step plan and follow through it as a team.

REFERENCES (Follow the 6th edition of APA)

Mendoza, R. U., Canare, T. A., & Lopez, M. A. (2018, March 12). An empirical analysis of vote
buying among the poor: Evidence from elections in the Philippines - tristan a CANARE, Ronald
U Mendoza, Mario Antonio Lopez, 2018. SAGE Journals. Retrieved October 28, 2021, from

Teehankee, J. (2006). Consolidation or crisis of clientelistic democracy? The 2004 synchronized

elections in the Philippines. na.

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