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B. R.


Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar (IPA: [bhɪməɑo ɹæmdʒi ɑmbɛdkɑə]; 14 April 1891 – 6 December 1956),

also known as Babasaheb Ambedkar ([bʌbəsɑheb ɑmbɛdkɑə]), was an Indian jurist , economist ,
polit ician and social reformer, who inspired t he Dalit Buddhist movement and campaigned against
social discriminat ion t owards t he unt ouchables (Dalits). He was Brit ish India's Minist er of Labour
in Viceroy's Execut ive Council, Chairman of t he Const it uent Draft ing commit t ee, independent
India's first Minist er of Law and Just ice, and considered t he chief archit ect of t he Const it ut ion
of India.
Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar

Photograph of Ambedkar in the 1950s

Member of Parliament of Rajya Sabha for Bombay State[1]

In office
3 April 1952 – 6 December 1956

President Rajendra Prasad

Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru

1st Minister of Law and Justice

In office
15 August 1947 – 6 October 1951

President Rajendra Prasad

Governor General Louis Mountbatten

C. Rajagopalachari

Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru

Preceded by Position established

Succeeded by Charu Chandra Biswas

Chairman of the Constitution Drafting Committee

In office
29 August 1947 – 24 January 1950

Member of the Constituent Assembly of India[2][3]

In office
9 December 1946 – 24 January 1950

Constituency  • Bengal Province (1946–47)

 • Bombay Province (1947–50)

Minister of Labour in Viceroy's Executive Council[4][5]

In office
22 July 1942 – 20 October 1946

Governor General The Marquess of Linlithgow

The Viscount Wavell

Preceded by Feroz Khan Noon

Leader of the Opposition in the Bombay Legislative Assembly[6][7]

In office

Member of the Bombay Legislative Assembly[6][7]

In office

Constituency Bombay City (Byculla and Parel) General Urban

Member of the Bombay Legislative Council[8][9][10]

In office

Personal details

Pronunciation Bhīmrāo Rāmjī Āmbēḍkar

Born Bhiva Ramji Sakpal

14 April 1891
Mhow (now known as Dr Ambedkar Nagar),
Central Provinces, British India

(present-day Bhim Janmabhoomi, Dr. Ambedkar

Nagar, Indore district, Madhya Pradesh, India)

Died 6 December 1956 (aged 65)

Dr. Ambedkar National Memorial[11][12] (Dr.
Ambedkar Parinirvan Bhoomi), Delhi, New Delhi,

Resting place Chaitya Bhoomi, Mumbai

19.026149°N 72.834599°E (https://geohack.toolf R._ Ambedk
ar&params=19.026149_ N_ 72.834599_ E_ )

Citizenship India

Nationality Indian

Political party  • Independent Labour Party

 • Scheduled Castes Federation

Other political  • Republican Party of India


Spouse(s) Ramabai Ambedkar

(m. 1906; died 1935)

Savita Ambedkar ​(m. 1948)​

Children Yashwant Ambedkar

Relatives See Ambedkar family

Residence  • Rajgruha, Mumbai, Maharashtra

 • 26 Alipur road, Dr. Ambedkar National

Memorial, New Delhi

Alma mater University of Mumbai (B.A., M.A.)

Columbia University (M.A., PhD)

London School of Economics (M.Sc., D.Sc.)

Gray's Inn (Barrister-at-Law)

Profession Jurist • economist • academic • politician •

social reformer • anthropologist • writer

Known for Dalit rights movement

Drafting Constitution of India

Dalit Buddhist movement

Awards Bharat Ratna

(posthumously in 1990)

Ambedkar was a prolific st udent , earning doct orat es in economics from bot h Columbia Universit y
and t he London School of Economics, gaining reput at ion as a scholar for his research in law,
economics and polit ical science.[13] In his early career, he was an economist , professor, and
lawyer. His lat er life was marked by his polit ical act ivit ies; he became involved in campaigning and
negot iat ions for India's independence, publishing journals, advocat ing polit ical right s and social
freedom for Dalit s, and cont ribut ing significant ly t o t he est ablishment of t he st at e of India. In
1956, he convert ed t o Buddhism, init iat ing mass conversions of Dalit s.[14]

In 1990, t he Bharat Rat na, India's highest civilian award, was post humously conferred upon
Ambedkar. Ambedkar's legacy includes numerous memorials and depict ions in popular cult ure.

Early life

Ambedkar was born on 14 April 1891 in t he t own and milit ary cant onment of Mhow (now officially
known as Dr Ambedkar Nagar) in t he Cent ral Provinces (now in Madhya Pradesh).[15] He was t he
14t h and last child of Ramji Maloji Sakpal, an army officer who held t he rank of Subedar, and
Bhimabai Sakpal, daught er of Laxman Murbadkar.[16] His family was of Marat hi background from
t he t own of Ambadawe (Mandangad t aluka) in Rat nagiri dist rict of modern-day Maharasht ra.
Ambedkar was born int o a Mahar (dalit ) cast e, who were t reat ed as unt ouchables and subject ed
t o socio-economic discriminat ion.[17] Ambedkar's ancest ors had long worked for t he army of t he
Brit ish East India Company, and his fat her served in t he Brit ish Indian Army at t he Mhow
cant onment .[18]
Alt hough t hey at t ended school, Ambedkar and ot her unt ouchable children were
segregat ed and given lit t le at t ent ion or help by t eachers. They were not allowed t o sit inside t he
class. When t hey needed t o drink wat er, someone from a higher cast e had t o pour t hat wat er
from a height as t hey were not allowed t o t ouch eit her t he wat er or t he vessel t hat cont ained it .
This t ask was usually performed for t he young Ambedkar by t he school peon, and if t he peon
was not available t hen he had t o go wit hout wat er; he described t he sit uat ion lat er in his writ ings
as "No peon, No Water".[19] He was required t o sit on a gunny sack which he had t o t ake home
wit h him.[20]

Ramji Sakpal ret ired in 1894 and t he family moved t o Sat ara t wo years lat er. Short ly aft er t heir
move, Ambedkar's mot her died. The children were cared for by t heir pat ernal aunt and lived in
difficult circumst ances. Three sons – Balaram, Anandrao and Bhimrao – and t wo daught ers –
Manjula and Tulasa – of t he Ambedkars survived t hem. Of his brot hers and sist ers, only
Ambedkar passed his examinat ions and went t o high school. His original surname was Sakpal but
his fat her regist ered his name as Ambadawekar in school, meaning he comes from his nat ive
village 'Ambadawe' in Rat nagiri dist rict .[21][22][23][24] His Devrukhe Brahmin t eacher, Krishnaji Keshav
Ambedkar, changed his surname from 'Ambadawekar' t o his own surname 'Ambedkar' in school


Post-secondary education

In 1897, Ambedkar's family moved t o Mumbai where Ambedkar became t he only unt ouchable
enrolled at Elphinst one High School. In 1906, when he was about 15 years old, he married a nine-
year-old girl, Ramabai. The mat ch per t he cust oms prevailing at t hat t ime was arranged by t he
couple's parent s.[30]

Studies at the University of Bombay

Ambedkar as a student

In 1907, he passed his mat riculat ion examinat ion and in t he following year he ent ered Elphinst one
College, which was affiliat ed t o t he Universit y of Bombay, becoming, according t o him, t he first
from his Mahar cast e t o do so. When he passed his English fourt h st andard examinat ions, t he
people of his communit y want ed t o celebrat e because t hey considered t hat he had reached
"great height s" which he says was "hardly an occasion compared t o t he st at e of educat ion in
ot her communit ies". A public ceremony was evoked, t o celebrat e his success, by t he communit y,
and it was at t his occasion t hat he was present ed wit h a biography of t he Buddha by Dada
Keluskar, t he aut hor and a family friend.[31]

By 1912, he obt ained his degree in economics and polit ical science from Bombay Universit y, and
prepared t o t ake up employment wit h t he Baroda st at e government . His wife had just moved his
young family and st art ed work when he had t o quickly ret urn t o Mumbai t o see his ailing fat her,
who died on 2 February 1913.[32]

Studies at Columbia University

In 1913, at t he age of 22, Ambedkar moved t o t he Unit ed St at es. He had been awarded a Baroda
St at e Scholarship of £11.50 (St erling) per mont h for t hree years under a scheme est ablished by
Sayajirao Gaekwad III (Gaekwad of Baroda) t hat was designed t o provide opport unit ies for
post graduat e educat ion at Columbia Universit y in New York Cit y. Soon aft er arriving t here he
set t led in rooms at Livingst on Hall wit h Naval Bhat hena, a Parsi who was t o be a lifelong friend.
He passed his M.A. exam in June 1915, majoring in Economics, and ot her subject s of Sociology,
Hist ory, Philosophy and Ant hropology. He present ed a t hesis, Ancient Indian Commerce.
Ambedkar was influenced by John Dewey and his work on democracy.[33]

In 1916 he complet ed his second t hesis, National Dividend of India – A Historic and Analytical
Study, for anot her M.A.[34] On 9 May, he present ed t he paper Castes in India: Their Mechanism,
Genesis and Development before a seminar conduct ed by t he ant hropologist Alexander

Studies at the London School of Economics

Ambedkar (In center line, first from right) with his professors and friends from the London School of Economics
In Oct ober 1916, he enrolled for t he Bar course at Gray's Inn, and at t he same t ime enrolled at
t he London School of Economics where he st art ed working on a doct oral t hesis. In June 1917, he
ret urned t o India because his scholarship from Baroda ended. His book collect ion was dispat ched
on a different ship from t he one he was on, and t hat ship was t orpedoed and sunk by a German
submarine.[32] He got permission t o ret urn t o London t o submit his t hesis wit hin four years. He
ret urned at t he first opport unit y, and complet ed a mast er's degree in 1921. His t hesis was on
"The problem of t he rupee: It s origin and it s solut ion".[35] In 1923, he complet ed a D.Sc. in
Economics which was awarded from Universit y of London, and t he same year he was called t o
t he Bar by Gray's Inn. His t hird and fourt h Doct orat es (LL.D, Columbia, 1952 and D.Lit t ., Osmania,
1953) were conferred honoris causa.[36]

Opposition to untouchability

Ambedkar as a barrister in 1922

As Ambedkar was educat ed by t he Princely St at e of Baroda, he was bound t o serve it . He was

appoint ed Milit ary Secret ary t o t he Gaikwad but had t o quit in a short t ime. He described t he
incident in his aut obiography, Waiting for a Visa.[37] Thereaft er, he t ried t o find ways t o make a
living for his growing family. He worked as a privat e t ut or, as an account ant , and est ablished an
invest ment consult ing business, but it failed when his client s learned t hat he was an
unt ouchable.[38] In 1918, he became Professor of Polit ical Economy in t he Sydenham College of
Commerce and Economics in Mumbai. Alt hough he was successful wit h t he st udent s, ot her
professors object ed t o his sharing a drinking-wat er jug wit h t hem.[39]

Ambedkar had been invit ed t o t est ify before t he Sout hborough Commit t ee, which was preparing
t he Government of India Act 1919. At t his hearing, Ambedkar argued for creat ing separat e
elect orat es and reservat ions for unt ouchables and ot her religious communit ies.[40] In 1920, he
began t he publicat ion of t he weekly Mooknayak (Leader of the Silent) in Mumbai wit h t he help of
Shahu of Kolhapur i.e. Shahu IV (1874–1922).[41]

Ambedkar went on t o work as a legal professional. In 1926, he successfully defended t hree non-
Brahmin leaders who had accused t he Brahmin communit y of ruining India and were t hen
subsequent ly sued for libel. Dhananjay Keer not es t hat "The vict ory was resounding, bot h socially
and individually, for t he client s and t he doct or".

While pract ising law in t he Bombay High Court , he t ried t o promot e educat ion t o unt ouchables
and uplift t hem. His first organised at t empt was his est ablishment of t he cent ral inst it ut ion
Bahishkrit Hit akarini Sabha, int ended t o promot e educat ion and socio-economic improvement , as
well as t he welfare of "out cast es", at t he t ime referred t o as depressed classes.[42] For t he
defence of Dalit right s, he st art ed many periodicals like Mook Nayak, Bahishkrit Bharat, and
Equality Janta.[43]

He was appoint ed t o t he Bombay Presidency Commit t ee t o work wit h t he all-European Simon

Commission in 1925.[44] This commission had sparked great prot est s across India, and while it s
report was ignored by most Indians, Ambedkar himself wrot e a separat e set of
recommendat ions for t he fut ure Const it ut ion of India.[45]

By 1927, Ambedkar had decided t o launch act ive movement s against unt ouchabilit y. He began
wit h public movement s and marches t o open up public drinking wat er resources. He also began a
st ruggle for t he right t o ent er Hindu t emples. He led a satyagraha in Mahad t o fight for t he right
of t he unt ouchable communit y t o draw wat er from t he main wat er t ank of t he t own.[46] In a
conference in lat e 1927, Ambedkar publicly condemned t he classic Hindu t ext , t he Manusmrit i
(Laws of Manu), for ideologically just ifying cast e discriminat ion and "unt ouchabilit y", and he
ceremonially burned copies of t he ancient t ext . On 25 December 1927, he led t housands of
followers t o burn copies of Manusmrit i.[47][48] Thus annually 25 December is celebrat ed as
Manusmriti Dahan Din (Manusmriti Burning Day) by Ambedkarit es and Dalit s.[49][50]
In 1930, Ambedkar launched t he Kalaram Temple movement aft er t hree mont hs of preparat ion.
About 15,000 volunt eers assembled at Kalaram Temple sat ygraha making one of t he great est
processions of Nashik. The procession was headed by a milit ary band and a bat ch of scout s;
women and men walked wit h discipline, order and det erminat ion t o see t he god for t he first t ime.
When t hey reached t he gat es, t he gat es were closed by Brahmin aut horit ies.[51]

Poona Pact

M.R. Jayakar, Tej Bahadur Sapru and Ambedkar at Yerwada jail, in Poona, on 24 September 1932, the day the Poona
Pact was signed

In 1932, t he Brit ish colonial government announced t he format ion of a separat e elect orat e for
"Depressed Classes" in t he Communal Award. Gandhi fiercely opposed a separat e elect orat e for
unt ouchables, saying he feared t hat such an arrangement would divide t he Hindu
communit y.[52][53][54] Gandhi prot est ed by fast ing while imprisoned in t he Yerwada Cent ral Jail of
Poona. Following t he fast , congressional polit icians and act ivist s such as Madan Mohan Malaviya
and Palwankar Baloo organised joint meet ings wit h Ambedkar and his support ers at Yerwada.[55]
On 25 Sept ember 1932, t he agreement , known as t he Poona Pact was signed bet ween
Ambedkar (on behalf of t he depressed classes among Hindus) and Madan Mohan Malaviya (on
behalf of t he ot her Hindus). The agreement gave reserved seat s for t he depressed classes in
t he Provisional legislat ures wit hin t he general elect orat e. Due t o t he pact t he depressed class
received 148 seat s in t he legislat ure inst ead of t he 71, as allocat ed in t he Communal Award
proposed earlier by t he colonial government under Prime Minist er Ramsay MacDonald. The t ext
used t he t erm "Depressed Classes" t o denot e Unt ouchables among Hindus who were lat er called
Scheduled Cast es and Scheduled Tribes under t he India Act 1935, and t he lat er Indian
Const it ut ion of 1950.[56][57] In t he Poona Pact , a unified elect orat e was in principle formed, but
primary and secondary elect ions allowed Unt ouchables in pract ice t o choose t heir own
candidat es.[58]

Political career

Ambedkar with his family members at Rajgraha in February 1934. From left – Yashwant (son), Ambedkar, Ramabai
(wife), Laxmibai (wife of his elder brother, Balaram), Mukund (nephew) and Ambedkar’s favourite dog, Tobby

In 1935, Ambedkar was appoint ed principal of t he Government Law College, Bombay, a posit ion
he held for t wo years. He also served as t he chairman of Governing body of Ramjas College,
Universit y of Delhi, aft er t he deat h of it s Founder Shri Rai Kedarnat h.[59] Set t ling in Bombay
(t oday called Mumbai), Ambedkar oversaw t he const ruct ion of a house, and st ocked his personal
library wit h more t han 50,000 books.[60] His wife Ramabai died aft er a long illness t he same year.
It had been her long-st anding wish t o go on a pilgrimage t o Pandharpur, but Ambedkar had
refused t o let her go, t elling her t hat he would creat e a new Pandharpur for her inst ead of
Hinduism's Pandharpur which t reat ed t hem as unt ouchables. At t he Yeola Conversion Conference
on 13 Oct ober in Nasik, Ambedkar announced his int ent ion t o convert t o a different religion and
exhort ed his followers t o leave Hinduism.[60] He would repeat his message at many public
meet ings across India.

In 1936, Ambedkar founded t he Independent Labour Part y, which cont est ed t he 1937 Bombay
elect ion t o t he Cent ral Legislat ive Assembly for t he 13 reserved and 4 general seat s, and
secured 11 and 3 seat s respect ively.[61]
Ambedkar published his book Annihilation of Caste on 15 May 1936.[62] It st rongly crit icised
Hindu ort hodox religious leaders and t he cast e syst em in general,[63] and included "a rebuke of
Gandhi" on t he subject .[64] Lat er, in a 1955 BBC int erview, he accused Gandhi of writ ing in
opposit ion of t he cast e syst em in English language papers while writ ing in support of it in Gujarat i
language papers.[65]

During t his t ime, Ambedkar also fought against t he khoti syst em prevalent in Konkan, where
khots, or government revenue collect ors, regularly exploit ed farmers and t enant s. In 1937,
Ambedkar t abled a bill in t he Bombay Legislat ive Assembly aimed at abolishing t he khoti syst em
by creat ing a direct relat ionship bet ween government and farmers.[66]

Ambedkar served on t he Defence Advisory Commit t ee [5] and t he Viceroy's Execut ive Council as
minist er for labour.[5]

Aft er t he Lahore resolut ion (1940) of t he Muslim League demanding Pakist an, Ambedkar wrot e a
400 page t ract t it led Thoughts on Pakistan, which analysed t he concept of "Pakist an" in all it s
aspect s. Ambedkar argued t hat t he Hindus should concede Pakist an t o t he Muslims. He
proposed t hat t he provincial boundaries of Punjab and Bengal should be redrawn t o separat e t he
Muslim and non-Muslim majorit y part s. He t hought t he Muslims could have no object ion t o
redrawing provincial boundaries. If t hey did, t hey did not quit e "underst and t he nat ure of t heir own
demand". Scholar Venkat Dhulipala st at es t hat Thoughts on Pakistan "rocked Indian polit ics for a
decade". It det ermined t he course of dialogue bet ween t he Muslim League and t he Indian
Nat ional Congress, paving t he way for t he Part it ion of India.[67][68]

In his work Who Were the Shudras?, Ambedkar t ried t o explain t he format ion of unt ouchables. He
saw Shudras and At i Shudras who form t he lowest cast e in t he rit ual hierarchy of t he cast e
syst em, as separat e from Unt ouchables. Ambedkar oversaw t he t ransformat ion of his polit ical
part y int o t he Scheduled Cast es Federat ion, alt hough it performed poorly in t he 1946 elect ions
for Const it uent Assembly of India. Lat er he was elect ed int o t he const it uent assembly of
Bengal where Muslim League was in power.[2]

Ambedkar cont est ed in t he Bombay Nort h first Indian General Elect ion of 1952, but lost t o his
former assist ant and Congress Part y candidat e Narayan Kajrolkar. Ambedkar became a member
of Rajya Sabha, probably an appoint ed member. He t ried t o ent er Lok Sabha again in t he by-
elect ion of 1954 from Bhandara, but he placed t hird (t he Congress Part y won). By t he t ime of
t he second general elect ion in 1957, Ambedkar had died.

Ambedkar also crit icised Islamic pract ice in Sout h Asia. While just ifying t he Part it ion of India, he
condemned child marriage and t he mist reat ment of women in Muslim societ y.
No words can adequately express the great and many evils of polygamy
and concubinage, and especially as a source of misery to a Muslim
woman. Take the caste system. Everybody infers that Islam must be free
from slavery and caste. [...] [While slavery existed], much of its support
was derived from Islam and Islamic countries. While the prescriptions
by the Prophet regarding the just and humane treatment of slaves
contained in the Koran are praiseworthy, there is nothing whatever in
Islam that lends support to the abolition of this curse. But if slavery has
gone, caste among Musalmans [Muslims] has remained.[69]

Drafting India's Constitution

Ambedkar, chairman of the Drafting Committee, presenting the final draft of the Indian Constitution to Rajendra Prasad
on 25 November 1949.

Upon India's independence on 15 August 1947, t he new Congress-led government invit ed

Ambedkar t o serve as t he nat ion's first Law Minist er, which he accept ed. On 29 August , he was
appoint ed Chairman of t he Const it ut ion Draft ing Commit t ee, and was appoint ed by t he Assembly
t o writ e India's new Const it ut ion.[70]

Granville Aust in described t he Indian Const it ut ion draft ed by Ambedkar as 'first and foremost a
social document '. 'The majorit y of India's const it ut ional provisions are eit her direct ly arrived at
furt hering t he aim of social revolut ion or at t empt t o fost er t his revolut ion by est ablishing
condit ions necessary for it s achievement .'[71]

The t ext prepared by Ambedkar provided const it ut ional guarant ees and prot ect ions for a wide
range of civil libert ies for individual cit izens, including freedom of religion, t he abolit ion of
unt ouchabilit y, and t he out lawing of all forms of discriminat ion. Ambedkar argued for ext ensive
economic and social right s for women, and won t he Assembly's support for int roducing a syst em
of reservat ions of jobs in t he civil services, schools and colleges for members of scheduled
cast es and scheduled t ribes and Ot her Backward Class, a syst em akin t o affirmat ive act ion.
India's lawmakers hoped t o eradicat e t he socio-economic inequalit ies and lack of opport unit ies
for India's depressed classes t hrough t hese measures.[72] The Const it ut ion was adopt ed on 26
November 1949 by t he Const it uent Assembly.[73]

Ambedkar opposed Art icle 370 of t he Const it ut ion of India, which grant ed a special st at us t o
t he St at e of Jammu and Kashmir, and which was included against his wishes. Balraj Madhok
report edly said, Ambedkar had clearly t old t he Kashmiri leader, Sheikh Abdullah: "You wish India
should prot ect your borders, she should build roads in your area, she should supply you food
grains, and Kashmir should get equal st at us as India. But Government of India should have only
limit ed powers and Indian people should have no right s in Kashmir. To give consent t o t his
proposal, would be a t reacherous t hing against t he int erest s of India and I, as t he Law Minist er of
India, will never do it ." Then Sk. Abdullah approached Nehru, who direct ed him t o Gopal Swami
Ayyangar, who in t urn approached Sardar Pat el, saying Nehru had promised Sk. Abdullah t he
special st at us. Pat el got t he Art icle passed while Nehru was on a foreign t our. On t he day t he
art icle came up for discussion, Ambedkar did not reply t o quest ions on it but did part icipat e on
ot her art icles. All argument s were done by Krishna Swami Ayyangar.[74][75]

During t he debat es in t he Const it uent Assembly,

I personally do not understand why
Ambedkar demonst rat ed his will t o reform Indian
religion should be given this vast,
societ y by recommending t he adopt ion of a Uniform
expansive jurisdiction, so as to cover
Civil Code.[77][78] Ambedkar resigned from t he cabinet the whole of life and to prevent the
in 1951, when parliament st alled his draft of t he Hindu legislature from encroaching upon that
Code Bill, which sought t o enshrine gender equalit y in field. After all, what are we having this
t he laws of inherit ance and marriage.[79] Ambedkar liberty for? We are having this liberty in
independent ly cont est ed an elect ion in 1952 t o t he order to reform our social system,
which is so full of inequities,
lower house of parliament , t he Lok Sabha, but was
discriminations and other things, which
defeat ed in t he Bombay (Nort h Cent ral) const it uency
conflict with our fundamental rights.[76]
by a lit t le-known Narayan Sadoba Kajrolkar, who polled
138,137 vot es compared t o Ambedkar's 123,576.[80][81][82] He was appoint ed t o t he upper house,
of parliament , t he Rajya Sabha in March 1952 and would remain as member t ill deat h.[83]


Ambedkar was t he first Indian t o pursue a doct orat e in economics abroad.[84] He argued t hat
indust rialisat ion and agricult ural growt h could enhance t he Indian economy.[85] He st ressed
invest ment in agricult ure as t he primary indust ry of India. According t o Sharad Pawar, Ambedkar’s
vision helped t he government t o achieve it s food securit y goal.[86] Ambedkar advocat ed nat ional
economic and social development , st ressing educat ion, public hygiene, communit y healt h,
resident ial facilit ies as t he basic amenit ies.[85] His DSc t hesis, The problem of the Rupee: Its
Origin and Solution (1923) examines t he causes for t he Rupee's fall in value. In t his dissert at ion,
he argued in favour of a gold st andard in modified form, and was opposed t o t he gold-exchange
st andard favoured by Keynes in his t reat ise Indian Currency and Finance (1909), claiming it was
less st able. He favoured t he st oppage of all furt her coinage of t he rupee and t he mint ing of a
gold coin, which he believed would fix currency rat es and prices.[87]

He also analysed revenue in his PhD dissert at ion The Evolution of Provincial Finance in British
India. In t his work, he analysed t he various syst ems used by t he Brit ish colonial government t o
manage finances in India.[87][88] His views on finance were t hat government s should ensure t heir
expendit ures have "fait hfulness, wisdom and economy." "Fait hfulness" meaning government s
should use money as nearly as possible t o t he original int ent ions of spending t he money in t he
first place. "Wisdom" meaning it should be used as best as possible for t he public good, and
"economy" meaning t he funds should be used so t hat t he maximum value can be ext ract ed from
t hem.[89]

In 1951, Ambedkar est ablished t he Finance Commission of India. He opposed income t ax for low-
income groups. He cont ribut ed in Land Revenue Tax and excise dut y policies t o st abilise t he
economy. He played an import ant role in land reform and t he st at e economic development .[90]
According t o him, t he cast e syst em, due t o it s division of labourers and hierarchical nat ure,
impedes movement of labour (higher cast es would not do lower-cast e occupat ions) and
movement of capit al (assuming invest ors would invest first in t heir own cast e occupat ion). His
t heory of St at e Socialism had t hree point s: st at e ownership of agricult ural land, t he maint enance
of resources for product ion by t he st at e, and a just dist ribut ion of t hese resources t o t he
populat ion. He emphasised a free economy wit h a st able Rupee which India has adopt ed
recent ly. He advocat ed birt h cont rol t o develop t he Indian economy, and t his has been adopt ed
by Indian government as nat ional policy for family planning. He emphasised equal right s for
women for economic development .

Ambedkar's views on agricult ural land was t hat t oo much of it was idle, or t hat it was not being
ut ilized properly. He believed t here was an "ideal proport ion" of product ion fact ors t hat would
allow agricult ural land t o be used most product ively. To t his end, he saw t he large port ion of
people who lived on agricult ure at t he t ime as a major problem. Therefore, he advocat ed
indust rializat ion of t he economy t o allow t hese agricult ural labourers t o be of more use

Ambedkar was t rained as an economist , and was a professional economist unt il 1921, when he
became a polit ical leader. He wrot e t hree scholarly books on economics:

Administration and Finance of the East India Company

The Evolution of Provincial Finance in British India

The Problem of the Rupee: Its Origin and Its Solution[91][92][93]

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI), was based on t he ideas t hat Ambedkar present ed t o t he Hilt on
Young Commission.[91][93][94][95]

Second marriage

Ambedkar with wife Savita in 1948

Ambedkar's first wife Ramabai died in 1935 aft er a long illness. Aft er complet ing t he draft of
India's const it ut ion in t he lat e 1940s, he suffered from lack of sleep, had neuropat hic pain in his
legs, and was t aking insulin and homoeopat hic medicines. He went t o Bombay for t reat ment , and
t here met Sharada Kabir, whom he married on 15 April 1948, at his home in New Delhi. Doct ors
recommended a companion who was a good cook and had medical knowledge t o care for him.[96]
She adopt ed t he name Savit a Ambedkar and cared for him t he rest of his life.[97] Savit a
Ambedkar, who was called also 'Mai', died on May 29, 2003, aged 93 in Mumbai.[98]

Conversion to Buddhism

Ambedkar delivering a speech during a mass conversion ceremony.

Ambedkar considered convert ing t o Sikhism, which encouraged opposit ion t o oppression and so
appealed t o leaders of scheduled cast es. But aft er meet ing wit h Sikh leaders, he concluded t hat
he might get "second-rat e" Sikh st at us.[99]

Inst ead, around 1950, he began devot ing his at t ent ion t o Buddhism and t ravelled t o Ceylon (now
Sri Lanka) t o at t end a meet ing of t he World Fellowship of Buddhist s.[100] While dedicat ing a new
Buddhist vihara near Pune, Ambedkar announced he was writ ing a book on Buddhism, and t hat
when it was finished, he would formally convert t o Buddhism.[101] He t wice visit ed Burma in 1954;
t he second t ime t o at t end t he t hird conference of t he World Fellowship of Buddhist s in
Rangoon.[102] In 1955, he founded t he Bharat iya Bauddha Mahasabha, or t he Buddhist Societ y of
India.[103] In 1956, he complet ed his final work, The Buddha and His Dhamma, which was
published post humously.[103]

Aft er meet ings wit h t he Sri Lankan Buddhist monk Hammalawa Saddhat issa,[104] Ambedkar
organised a formal public ceremony for himself and his support ers in Nagpur on 14 Oct ober 1956.
Accept ing t he Three Refuges and Five Precept s from a Buddhist monk in t he t radit ional manner,
Ambedkar complet ed his own conversion, along wit h his wife. He t hen proceeded t o convert
some 500,000 of his support ers who were gat hered around him.[101][105] He prescribed t he 22
Vows for t hese convert s, aft er t he Three Jewels and Five Precept s. He t hen t ravelled t o
Kat hmandu, Nepal t o at t end t he Fourt h World Buddhist Conference.[102] His work on The Buddha
or Karl Marx and "Revolut ion and count er-revolut ion in ancient India" remained incomplet e.


Mahaparinirvana of B. R. Ambedkar

Since 1948, Ambedkar suffered from diabet es. He was bed-ridden from June t o Oct ober in 1954
due t o medicat ion side-effect s and poor eyesight .[101] His healt h worsened during 1955. Three
days aft er complet ing his final manuscript The Buddha and His Dhamma, Ambedkar died in his
sleep on 6 December 1956 at his home in Delhi.

A Buddhist cremat ion was organised at Dadar Chowpat t y beach on 7 December,[106] at t ended by
half a million grieving people.[107] A conversion program was organised on 16 December 1956,[108]
so t hat cremat ion at t endees were also convert ed t o Buddhism at t he same place.[108]

Ambedkar was survived by his second wife Savit a Ambedkar (known as Maisaheb Ambedkar), who
died in 2003,[109] and his son Yashwant Ambedkar (known as Bhaiyasaheb Ambedkar), who died in
1977.[110] Savit a and Yashwant carried on t he socio-religious movement st art ed by B. R.
Ambedkar. Yashwant served as t he 2nd President of t he Buddhist Societ y of India (1957–1977)
and a member of t he Maharasht ra Legislat ive Council (1960–1966).[111][112] Ambedkar's elder
grandson, Prakash Yashwant Ambedkar, is t he chief-adviser of t he Buddhist Societ y of India,[113]
leads t he Vanchit Bahujan Aghadi[114][115] and has served in bot h houses of t he Indian
Parliament .[115] Ambedkar's younger grandson, Anandraj Ambedkar leads t he Republican Sena
(t ran: The "Republican Army").[116]

A number of unfinished t ypescript s and handwrit t en draft s were found among Ambedkar's not es
and papers and gradually made available. Among t hese were Waiting for a Visa, which probably
dat es from 1935–36 and is an aut obiographical work, and t he Untouchables, or the Children of
India's Ghetto, which refers t o t he census of 1951.[101]

A memorial for Ambedkar was est ablished in his Delhi house at 26 Alipur Road. His birt hdat e is
celebrat ed as a public holiday known as Ambedkar Jayant i or Bhim Jayant i. He was post humously
awarded India's highest civilian honour, t he Bharat Rat na, in 1990.[117]

On t he anniversary of his birt h and deat h, and on Dhamma Chakra Pravart an Din (14 Oct ober) at
Nagpur, at least half a million people gat her t o pay homage t o him at his memorial in Mumbai.[118]
Thousands of bookshops are set up, and books are sold. His message t o his followers was
"educat e, agit at e, organise!".[119]


People paying tribute at the central statue of Ambedkar in Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University in
Ambedkar's legacy as a socio-polit ical reformer had a deep effect on modern India.[120][121] In
post -Independence India, his socio-polit ical t hought is respect ed across t he polit ical spect rum.
His init iat ives have influenced various spheres of life and t ransformed t he way India t oday looks
at socio-economic policies, educat ion and affirmat ive act ion t hrough socio-economic and legal
incent ives. His reput at ion as a scholar led t o his appoint ment as free India's first law minist er, and
chairman of t he commit t ee for draft ing t he const it ut ion. He passionat ely believed in individual
freedom and crit icised cast e societ y. His accusat ions of Hinduism as being t he foundat ion of t he
cast e syst em made him cont roversial and unpopular among Hindus.[122] His conversion t o
Buddhism sparked a revival in int erest in Buddhist philosophy in India and abroad.[123]

Many public inst it ut ions are named in his honour, and t he Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Int ernat ional
Airport in Nagpur, ot herwise known as Sonegaon Airport . Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Nat ional Inst it ut e of
Technology, Jalandhar, Ambedkar Universit y Delhi is also named in his honour.[124]

The Maharasht ra government has acquired a house in London where Ambedkar lived during his
days as a st udent in t he 1920s. The house is expect ed t o be convert ed int o a museum-cum-
memorial t o Ambedkar.[125]

Ambedkar was vot ed "t he Great est Indian" in 2012 by a poll organised by Hist ory TV18 and CNN
IBN, ahead of Pat el and Nehru. Nearly 20 million vot es were cast .[126] Due t o his role in
economics, Narendra Jadhav, a not able Indian economist ,[127] has said t hat Ambedkar was "t he
highest educat ed Indian economist of all t imes."[128] Amart ya Sen, said t hat Ambedkar is "fat her
of my economics", and "he was highly cont roversial figure in his home count ry, t hough it was not
t he realit y. His cont ribut ion in t he field of economics is marvelous and will be remembered

(left) The statue of B. R. Ambedkar in the Parliament of India

(right) The portrait of B. R. Ambedkar in the Central Hall of the Parliament House
On 2 April 1967, an 3.66 met re (12 foot ) t all bronze st at ue of Ambedkar was inst alled in t he
Parliament of India. The st at ue, sculpt ed by B.V. Wagh, was unveiled by t he t hen President of
India, Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan.[131][132][133] On 12 April 1990, a port rait of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar is put
in t he Cent ral Hall of Parliament House.[134][135][136] The port rait of Ambedkar, paint ed by Zeba
Amrohawi, was unveiled by t he t hen Prime Minist er of India, V. P. Singh.[134] Anot her port rait of
Ambedkar is put in t he Parliament ary Museum and archives of t he Parliament House.[137][138]

Indian Post issued st amps dedicat ed t o his birt hday in 1966, 1973, 1991, 2001, and 2013, and
feat ured him on ot her st amps in 2009, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2020.[139][140]

Ambedkar's legacy was not wit hout crit icism. Ambedkar has been crit icised for his one-sided
views on t he issue of cast e at t he expense of cooperat ion wit h t he larger nat ionalist
movement .[141] Ambedkar has been also crit icised by some of his biographers over his neglect of
organizat ion-building.[142]

Ambedkar's polit ical philosophy has given rise t o a large number of polit ical part ies, publicat ions
and workers' unions t hat remain act ive across India, especially in Maharasht ra. His promot ion of
Buddhism has rejuvenat ed int erest in Buddhist philosophy among sect ions of populat ion in India.
Mass conversion ceremonies have been organised by human right s act ivist s in modern t imes,
emulat ing Ambedkar's Nagpur ceremony of 1956.[143] Some Indian Buddhist s regard him as a
Bodhisat t va, alt hough he never claimed it himself.[144] Out side India, during t he lat e 1990s, some
Hungarian Romani people drew parallels bet ween t heir own sit uat ion and t hat of t he
downt rodden people in India. Inspired by Ambedkar, t hey st art ed t o convert t o Buddhism.[145]



In 1935, Ambedkar said t hat he was born a Hindu but won't die as one. He viewed Hinduism as an
"oppressive religion" and st art ed t o consider conversion t o any ot her religion.[146]

Ambedkar viewed Christ ianit y t o be incapable of fight ing injust ices. He wrot e t hat "It is an
incont rovert ible fact t hat Christ ianit y was not enough t o end t he slavery of t he Negroes in t he
Unit ed St at es. A civil war was necessary t o give t he Negro t he freedom which was denied t o him
by t he Christ ians."[147]
Ambedkar crit icized dist inct ions wit hin Islam and described t he religion as "a close corporat ion
and t he dist inct ion t hat it makes bet ween Muslims and non-Muslims is a very real, very posit ive
and very alienat ing dist inct ion".[148]

He opposed conversions of depressed classes t o convert t o Islam or Christ ianit y added t hat if
t hey convert ed t o Islam t hen "t he danger of Muslim dominat ion also becomes real" and if t hey
convert ed t o Christ ianit y t hen it "will help t o st rengt hen t he hold of Brit ain on t he count ry".[149]

Init ially, Ambedkar planned t o convert t o Sikhism but he reject ed t his idea aft er he discovered
t hat Brit ish government would not guarant ee t he privileges accorded t o t he unt ouchables in
reserved parliament ary seat s.[150]

On 16 Oct ober 1956, he convered t o Buddhism just weeks before his deat h.[151]

Aryan Invasion Theory

Ambedkar viewed t he Shudras as Aryan and adamant ly reject ed t he Aryan invasion t heory,
describing it as "so absurd t hat it ought t o have been dead long ago" in his 1946 book Who Were
the Shudras?.[152] Ambedkar viewed Shudras as originally being "part of t he Kshat riya Varna in t he
Indo-Aryan societ y", but became socially degraded aft er t hey inflict ed many t yrannies on

According t o Arvind Sharma, Ambedkar not iced cert ain flaws in t he Aryan invasion t heory t hat
were lat er acknowledged by west ern scholarship. For example, scholars now acknowledge anās
in Rig Veda 5.29.10 refers t o speech rat her t han t he shape of t he nose.[154] Ambedkar ant icipat ed
t his modern view by st at ing:

The term Anasa occurs in Rig Veda V.29.10. What does the word
mean? There are two interpretations. One is by Prof. Max Muller.
The other is by Sayanacharya. According to Prof. Max Muller, it
means 'one without nose' or 'one with a flat nose' and has as such
been relied upon as a piece of evidence in support of the view that
the Aryans were a separate race from the Dasyus. Sayanacharya says
that it means 'mouthless,' i.e., devoid of good speech. This difference
of meaning is due to difference in the correct reading of the word
Anasa. Sayanacharya reads it as an-asa while Prof. Max Muller reads
it as a-nasa. As read by Prof. Max Muller, it means 'without nose.'
Question is : which of the two readings is the correct one? There is
no reason to hold that Sayana's reading is wrong. On the other hand
there is everything to suggest that it is right. In the first place, it
does not make non-sense of the word. Secondly, as there is no other
place where the Dasyus are described as noseless, there is no reason
why the word should be read in such a manner as to give it an
altogether new sense. It is only fair to read it as a synonym of
Mridhravak. There is therefore no evidence in support of the
conclusion that the Dasyus belonged to a different race.[154]

Ambedkar disput ed various hypot heses of t he Aryan homeland being out side India, and
concluded t he Aryan homeland was India it self. According t o Ambedkar, t he Rig Veda says
Aryans, Dāsa and Dasyus were compet ing religious groups, not different peoples.[155]


Ambedkar's views on Communism were expressed in his essay "Buddhism and Communism." He
accept ed t he Marxist t heory t hat t he privileged few's exploit at ion t he masses perpet uat ed
povert y and it s issues. However, he did not see t his exploit at ion as purely economic, t heorizing
t hat t he cult ural aspect s of exploit at ion are as bad or worse t han economic exploit at ion. In
addit ion, he did not see economic relat ionships as t he only import ant aspect of human life. He
also saw Communist s as willing t o resort t o any means t o achieve prolet arian revolut ion, including
violence, while he himself saw democrat ic and peaceful measures as t he best opt ion for change.
Ambedkar also opposed t he Marxist idea of cont rolling all t he means of product ion and privat e
ownership of propert y: seeing t he lat t er measure as not able t o fix t he problems of societ y. In
addit ion, rat her t han advocat ing for t he event ual annihilat ion of t he st at e as Marxism does,
Ambedkar believed in a classless societ y, but also believed t he st at e would exist as long as
societ y and t hat it should be act ive in development .[87]

In popular culture

Several films, plays, and ot her works have been based on t he life and t hought s of Ambedkar.

Indian direct or Jabbar Pat el made a document ary t it led Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar in 1991; he
followed t his wit h a full-lengt h feat ure film Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar in 2000 wit h
Mammoot t y in t he lead role.[156] This biopic was sponsored by t he Nat ional Film Development
Corporat ion of India and t he government 's Minist ry of Social Just ice and Empowerment . The
film was released aft er a long and cont roversial gest at ion.[157]

Ot her Indian films on Ambedkar include: Balaka Ambedkar (1991) by Basavaraj Kest ur, Dr.
Ambedkar (1992) by Bharat h Parepalli, and Yugpurush Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar (1993).

David Blundell, professor of ant hropology at UCLA and hist orical et hnographer, has est ablished
Arising Light – a series of films and event s t hat are int ended t o st imulat e int erest and
knowledge about t he social condit ions in India and t he life of Ambedkar.[158] In
Samvidhaan,[159] a TV mini-series on t he making of t he Const it ut ion of India direct ed by Shyam
Benegal, t he pivot al role of B. R. Ambedkar was played by Sachin Khedekar. The play
Ambedkar Aur Gandhi, direct ed by Arvind Gaur and writ t en by Rajesh Kumar, t racks t he t wo
prominent personalit ies of it s t it le.[160]

Bhimayana: Experiences of Untouchability is a graphic biography of Ambedkar creat ed by

Pardhan-Gond art ist s Durgabai Vyam and Subhash Vyam, and writ ers Srividya Nat arajan and S.
Anand. The book depict s t he experiences of unt ouchabilit y faced by Ambedkar from childhood
t o adult hood. CNN named it one of t he t op 5 polit ical comic books.[161]

The Ambedkar Memorial at Lucknow is dedicat ed in his memory. The chait ya consist s of
monument s showing his biography.[162][163]

Jai Bhim slogan was given by t he Dalit communit y in Delhi in his honour in 1946.[164]

Google commemorat ed Ambedkar's 124t h birt hday t hrough a homepage doodle on 14 April
2015.[165][166] The doodle was feat ured in India, Argent ina, Chile, Ireland, Peru, Poland, Sweden
and t he Unit ed Kingdom.[167][168][169]

An Indian t elevision show named Ek Mahanayak: Dr. B. R. Ambedkar port raying his life aired on
&TV in 2019.[170]

Anot her show, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar - Mahamanvachi Gauravgatha, has aired in Marat hi on
St ar Pravah from 2019.[171]


The Educat ion Depart ment , Government of Maharasht ra (Mumbai) published t he collect ion of
Ambedkar's writ ings and speeches in different volumes.[172]

Castes in India: Their Mechanism, Genesis and Development and 11 Other Essays
Ambedkar in the Bombay Legislature, with the Simon Commission and at the Round Table
Conferences, 1927–1939

Philosophy of Hinduism; India and the Pre-requisites of Communism; Revolution and Counter-
revolution; Buddha or Karl Marx

Riddles in Hinduism ISBN 978-81-89059-77-4

Essays on Untouchables and Untouchability

The Evolution of Provincial Finance in British India

The Untouchables Who Were They And Why They Became Untouchables ?

The Annihilation of Caste (1936)

Pakistan or the Partition of India

What Congress and Gandhi have done to the Untouchables; Mr. Gandhi and the Emancipation
of the Untouchables

Ambedkar as member of t he Governor General's Execut ive Council, 1942–46

The Buddha and his Dhamma

Unpublished Writings; Ancient Indian Commerce; Notes on laws; Waiting for a Visa ;
Miscellaneous notes, etc.

Ambedkar as t he principal archit ect of t he Const it ut ion of India

(2 part s) Dr. Ambedkar and The Hindu Code Bill

Ambedkar as Free India's First Law Minister and Member of Opposition in Indian Parliament

The Pali Grammar

Ambedkar and his Egalit arian Revolut ion – St ruggle for Human Right s. Event s st art ing from
March 1927 t o 17 November 1956 in t he chronological order; Ambedkar and his Egalit arian
Revolut ion – Socio-polit ical and religious act ivit ies. Event s st art ing from November 1929 t o 8
May 1956 in t he chronological order; Ambedkar and his Egalit arian Revolut ion – Speeches.
(Event s st art ing from 1 January t o 20 November 1956 in t he chronological order.)

See also

Ambedkar family
Chait ya Bhoomi


St at ue of Equalit y


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Google-Doodle.html) from the original on 5 January 2016.

170. "A new TV show on B.R.Ambedkar raises questions of responsible representation" (
eatures/a-new-tv-show-on-b-r-ambedkar-raises-questions-of-responsible-representation/331115/) .

171. "A new show based on the life of Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar to go on-air soon - Times of India" (ht
rao-ambedkar-to-go-on-air-soon/articleshow/68023249.cms) . The Times of India. Retrieved
13 March 2021.

172. Ambedkar, B. R. (1979). Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, writings and speeches (
ks/OL4080132M/Dr._Babasaheb_Ambedkar_writings_and_speeches.) . Bombay: Education Dept.,
Govt. of Maharashtra. OL 4080132M ( .

Further reading

Ahir, D. C. (September 1990). The Legacy of Dr. Ambedkar. Delhi: B. R. Publishing. ISBN 81-7018-603-X.

Ajnat, Surendra (1986). Ambedkar on Islam. Jalandhar: Buddhist Publ.

Beltz, Johannes; Jondhale, S. (eds.). Reconstructing the World: B.R. Ambedkar and Buddhism in India.
New Delhi: Oxford University Press.

Bholay, Bhaskar Laxman (2001). Dr Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar: Anubhav Ani Athavani. Nagpur: Sahitya

Fernando, W. J. Basil (2000). Demoralisation and Hope: Creating the Social Foundation for Sustaining
Democracy—A comparative study of N. F. S. Grundtvig (1783–1872) Denmark and B. R. Ambedkar
(1881–1956) India. Hong Kong: AHRC Publication. ISBN 962-8314-08-4.

Chakrabarty, Bidyut. "B.R. Ambedkar" Indian Historical Review (Dec 2016) 43#2 pp 289–315.
doi:10.1177/0376983616663417 ( .

Gautam, C. (2000). Life of Babasaheb Ambedkar (Second ed.). London: Ambedkar Memorial Trust.

Jaffrelot, Christophe (2004). Ambedkar and Untouchability. Analysing and Fighting Caste. New York:
Columbia University Press.

Kasare, M. L. Economic Philosophy of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. New Delhi: B. I. Publications.

Kuber, W. N. Dr. Ambedkar: A Critical Study. New Delhi: People's Publishing House.

Kumar, Aishwary. Radical Equality: Ambedkar, Gandhi, and the Risk of Democracy (2015).

Kumar, Ravinder. "Gandhi, Ambedkar and the Poona pact, 1932." South Asia: Journal of South Asian
Studies 8.1-2 (1985): 87-101.

Michael, S.M. (1999). Untouchable, Dalits in Modern India (

000gins_ t2j6) . Lynne Rienner Publishers. ISBN 978-1-55587-697-5.

Nugent, Helen M. (1979) "The communal award: The process of decision-making." South Asia: Journal
of South Asian Studies 2#1-2 (1979): 112-129.

Omvedt, Gail (January 2004). Ambedkar: Towards an Enlightened India. ISBN 0-670-04991-3.

Sangharakshita, Urgyen (1986). Ambedkar and Buddhism. ISBN 0-904766-28-4. PDF (http://www.sangh books/Ambedkar_ and_ Buddhism.pdf)

Primary sources

Ambedkar, Bhimrao Ramji. Annihilation of caste: The annotated critical edition (Verso Books, 2014).

External links

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B. R. Ambedkar
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Works by B. R. Ambedkar (ht t ps://worldcat .org/ident it ies/lccn-n50051293) at WorldCat

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Works by B. R. Ambedkar (ht t ps://www.gut hor/52301) at Project

Gut enberg

The Great est Indian: Know all about Dr. B.R. Ambedkar (ht t ps://
t he-great est ml) at CNN-News18

Ambedkar: The man behind India's const it ut ion (ht t ps://

2234642) , BBC News

Bharat Rat na Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar : An Int ellect ual Colossus, Great Nat ional Leader and
Universal Champion of Human Right s (ht t ps://www.spent amult
kar/english/files/asset s/basic-ht ml/ ml) at t he Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporat ion

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar: Meet t he Superman of 20t h Cent ury (ht t ps://www.lawt ml)

'Babasaheb' Dr. B.R. Ambedkar: Maker and conscience-keeper of modern India (ht t ps:// m) at t he Minist ry of Ext ernal Affairs, Government of India

Dr. B. R. Ambedkar: Timeline Index and more work by him (ht t p:// c/meala
c/prit chet t /00ambedkar/ ml) at t he Columbia Universit y

Writ ings and Speeches of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar (ht t p://drambedkarwrit ent /) in
various languages at t he Dr. Ambedkar Foundat ion, Government of India

Writ ings and Speeches of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar (ht t ps:// ings-of m) at t he Minist ry of Ext ernal Affairs (India)

Dr. B. R. Ambedkar biography (ht t ps:// /polit icians/asia/b-r-ambedkar-bi ml)

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar's relat ed art icles (ht t p://

Looking Back at The Work and Life of Bharat Rat na Dr. B.R. Ambedkar (ht t ps://
m/news/india/t he-work-and-life-of-dr-b-r-ambedkar-1186014)

Rajya Sabha

Member of Parliament

Preceded by
f or Rajya Sabha Bombay State (now Succeeded by

N/A Maharashtra)
1952- 1956

Political offices

Preceded by
Minister of Law and Justice Succeeded by

Position established 1947- 1951 Charu Chandra Biswas

Chairman of the Constitution Draf ting

Preceded by
Succeeded by


1947- 1950

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