Module 1 Activity 2.1

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All purpose flour 1. The gluten content of this flour provides a structure or substance for baked pastries.

Water or liquid milk 2. It provides the moisture needed to develop gluten.

Water or liquid milk 3. It improves and contributes to the flavor in the crust.

Portion control 4. It means getting the right number of servings from the recipe and serving the right

Counting 5. It is a method of portion control used to determine the total number of serving produced.

Weighing 6. It is a method of portion control that creates portions based On weight.

Measuring 7. It is a method of portion control that involves the use of Scoops and measuring tools.

Cutting 8. It is a method of portion control that divides food into uniform pieces.

Pastry 9. It is a dough containing a high proportion of fat, sometimes sweet and fancy

Lard 10. It is the type of fat used in making dough for pastries.


Draw or illustrate the different methods of portion control. Cite some examples. (20 Points)

Cutting: It's a way of splitting food into pieces that are the same size.
Weighing: It's a technique that uses a scale to calculate a serving size based on weight. weighing scale,
often known as a food scale.

Counting: The total number of servings is calculated by counting each one individually. produced.

Measuring: It's a way of dividing meals into smaller portions. It necessitates the use of scoops and other
tools. measuring cups and spoons are examples of measuring utensils.

Give your own observation regarding your performance in portion control

Answer: portion control is a retrieval of the correct number of servings from the recipe and serving the
right amount. This requires exact adherence to standardized recipes.

Explain the importance of portion control.

Answer: Portion control is important because it allows you to have a tight handle on how many calories
you are presumably consuming. This way, you eat what your body needs, instead of mindlessly

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