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Dean Tranquil S. Salvador III

Let me start with the latest amendment to Rule important! You have always read and it has
14 which took effect in March of this year. Rule always been said that payment of filing fees is
14 §12 –On service of summons to a foreign jurisdictional. What I would like to tell you that
juridical entity. If you will look at your code, all there is also a requirement of paying filing fees
that your code will tell you is that service of in criminal cases and that is found in RULE 111. I
summons to a foreign juridical entity which is am making now a comparison, let me touch on
transacting business in the Philippines is either CIVIL FILING FEES and I would like to cite the
any of the following: case of Philippine First Insurance vs. First
Logistics citing the case of Sun Insurance of
1. to a resident agent; course this case of Philippine First Insurance
created two scenarios. I will not repeat the Sun
2. a government official designated by Insurance case because I know you know that.
law; The First Insurance case it says, if the claim is
for money, the action is for money and there is
3. any officer found in the Philippines. no prayer for the amount and for that reason
there is no payment of filing fees the court can
However, with the amendment in March of dismiss the case. If there is an allegation or
2011 they have expanded this and they have claim for damage or money that has no value at
added these phrases, they said that if a foreign all the court would expunge it. The second
juridical entity is not registered in the scenario is, if the claim is other than for money
Philippines service of summons can be made but its coupled of course with other claims for
WITH LEAVE OF COURT in any of the following: money but the payment of filing fees are
what...INSUFFICIENT! Then, the court will not
1. service of summons to a foreign dismiss the case outright but will allow you
court where the defendant resides reasonable time to pay filing fees. Now you may
through the facilities of the Department have come across with the case of Del Rosario
of Foreign Affairs; and I would like to be very clear with this, the
basic rule class in terms of insufficiency in terms
2. by publication in the place where the of payment of filing fees. If your payment is
defendant corporation holds office AND based on what you believe was the correct
service of summons by registered mail amount as assessed by the clerk of court, then
in their last known address here in the you cannot be faulted. Do you follow? And
Philippines; therefore the court is deemed to have acquired
a jurisdiction, are we clear? However class, if
3. service of summons by facsimile or there was blatant disregard and bad faith with
other means of electronic messaging for an intention not to pay the government with
as long as it can generate proof of the correct filing fees then Manchester rule will
service; and apply, the court will not acquire jurisdiction.
Now let me touch on the case of Proton
4. other means as may be determined Pilipinas vs. Banque Nacional De Paris, why am I
by the court subject to its discretion. even citing this in terms of filing fees in civil
cases. As you will recall in the Sun Insurance
Now, let me now give you some highlights of case;
what I feel are important topics for you to 1. you have to pay filing fees within the
consider. First and foremost class let me touch prescriptive period or reglementary
on the MANNER OF FILING FESS. This is period;

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2. you will have to pay for filing fees for been determined, meaning it has
permissive counterclaims --- Do you already ripen then you will have to pay
have to file a filing fee for a compulsory filing fees.
counterclaim? If you follow the case of
Alday vs. FGU for the longest time the Now, let me now touch on the CRIMINAL FILING
court had made pronouncement that FEES. The pertinent provision when you talk of
you do not have to pay filing fees for criminal filing fees is RULE 111 §1. And what
compulsory counterclaim. However, does it say; you will have to pay filing fees for
with the case of Korean Technologies MORAL, EXEMPLARY, NOMINAL and
where the Supreme Court made no TEMPERATE. Liquidated is not included, for
explanation at all but merely said, citing ACTUAL or COMPENSATORY DAMAGES you will
RULE 141 which was amended in 2004 not be assessed filing fees in Criminal Cases.
there is a requirement of payment of However, I will have to add this; for BP 22 cases
filing fees not only for compulsory ALL CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES will have to
counterclaim but also for crossclaim. Do assessed filing fees. I will repeat ALL CLAIMS
you follow? So class you will take note. FOR DAMAGES will have to assessed MORAL,
So sir, you will ask me how will I answer EXEMPLARY, NOMINAL, TEMPERATE and
the question. Of course now its multiple LIQUIDATED including ACTUAL DAMAGES, all of
choice and I would tell you in that light those that is found in RULE 111.
you will get the best answer, you should
identify the best answer. I am giving Now, let me touch on matters on JURISDICTION.
you this so that when you choose the I will not tell you it is RA 7691 amending BP 129
best answer you would know how to because I assume you know. Tama?! BP 129 as
pick the best answer. If it says, amended by RA 7691. I will not go down to the
according to jurisprudence or if it says nitty gritty of the enumeration of jurisdictions in
Korean Technology case, that is the civil cases but I would like you to remember this
latest on the matter. You will have to so that you will have something to cling on
pay filing fees for compulsory when it comes to figures. In Metro Manila, the
counterclaim, that is a 2008 case. claim should exceed Php400,000.00 - in Metro
Manila EXCEEDING. Remember that word,
3. if you did not pay or if there was EXCEEDING. So kapag tinanong sa bar, which
insufficient payment, it will be alien on court has jurisdiction Php400,000.00?
the judgment award. You remember Metropolitan Trial Court. Baka sabihin sayo a.
that, it will be alien on the judgment Municipal Trial Court; b. Metropolitan Trial
award. But I am citing to you the case of Court; c. Municipal Circuit Trial Court. What is
Proton Pilipinas for one particular the answer? B. METROPOLITAN TRIAL COURT.
reason, you could only use and avail Are we clear? So you have to be very accurate.
that lien on the judgment award IF THE Now, for OUTSIDE of Metro Manila exceeding
CLAIM FOR INTEREST OR DAMAGES HAS the amount of Php300,000.00 and I would like
ACCRUED WHILE THE ACTION IS you to always remember this catch-all phrase
PENDING. Can you follow? Has accrued “that jurisdiction in CIVIL CASES is determined
while the action is pending, because of by the amount of the claim exclusive of
course you cannot expect them to DAMAGES, INTEREST, ATTORNEY’S FEES and
ascertain the amount of filing fees COST OF SUIT. However, in the light of Supreme
because it has not yet accrued. But if Court Circular 09-94 that clarified that provision
the claim for interest or damages has of BP 129 as amended by RA 7691. If the claim

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is purely for DAMAGES, the amounts that I have violation of your statement that venue is
mentioned will apply. Are we clear? jurisdictional? NO. Class you cannot
compromise venue in criminal cases, you
Now, before I move on in my comparison to a cannot stipulate, it cannot be subject of waiver,
CRIMINAL CASE. Let us look at the basic rule. it cannot be subject of consent. So what
What is the GENERAL RULE when it comes to happened to that case? What happened to that
question of jurisdiction? Can QUESTION OF case was the action was first instituted in
JURISDICTION be raised at anytime? Even on Maguindanao. What was transferred to Quezon
appeal? The answer is YES!!! That is the RULE! City is the VENUE OF HEARING/TRIAL and that is
Eh sir, how about ESTOPPEL BY LACHES on subject to the approval of the Supreme Court
question of jurisdiction. That is what? That is based on the constitution. So we cannot
rather the exception. That was cited in the case compromise that, we cannot consent to a
of Figueroa vs. People, the Supreme Court transfer in criminal cases of venue for purposes
made it very clear that the QUESTION OF of institution, IT IS ALWAYS IN THE PLACE OF ITS
exception is the case of Tijam vs. Sibunghanoy OFFENSE where there is two or more venue.
QUESTION OF JURISDICTION – meaning there Now let me ask you this question. How about
how about jurisdiction of court in CONTEMPT ACTION. Ito class basic – an ordinary civil action
CASES? Ariola case – how will the court acquire is: a.) establishes an action or a right; b. Every
jurisdiction in INDIRECT CONTEMPT. Take note ordinary civil action should have a cause of
INDIRECT CONTEMPT, the court will acquire action; c.) it is subject of special rules. What is
jurisdiction UPON FILING OF A VERIFIED the answer? B. Every ordinary civil action
PETITION. Take note there are two ways to should have a cause of action. How about a
initiate an action for indirect contempt, it is not CORPORATE REHABILITATION CASE is it an
by motion. One is by VERIFIED PETITION and the ordinary civil action? NO. It is a special
second one is UPON A FORMAL CHARGE by the proceeding, the nature of the proceeding is
judge. You can no longer initiate an indirect summary in nature and it requires no cause of
contempt proceeding today through a motion – action. Now let us proceed to the next item. I
that is prohibited. Take note that in CIVIL CASES am still on the item of parties, misjoinder of
jurisdiction can be separate from venue, parties. In RULE 3, is a misjoinder of parties a
because on VENUE; parties can agree, parties ground for dismissal? The answer is NO. A party
can stipulate, it could be subject to a waiver, it could be dropped or severed without dismissing
could be subject of consent. That is not true in the case. However, if you talk of an
CRIMINAL CASES, in criminal cases VENUE IS indispensable party, the non-inclusion of an
JURISDCITIONAL – the place of commission is indispensable party. Will it cause the dismissal
the place where the acet tion will be instituted. of the case? YES. If it an indispensable party.
Now, let me ask you this question; How about However, if it is only a necessary party will that
the case of Mangundadatu. The crime was cause the dismissal of the case? NO. That will
committed where? In Maguindanao. Do you not cause the dismissal of the case. What if a
follow? How come the action is prosecuted in necessary party refused to be included, what is
Quezon City and the judge handling the case is a your remedy? Your remedy is to implead him as
judge from Quezon City. Sir, Is that not in an unwilling co-plaintiff. Now class, having

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touched on misjoinder of parties. Let me now parties are totally unrelated. When
touch on, joinder of causes of action. In criminal their claims are not intertwined or
cases do you have causes of action? In criminal interlocked, you cannot do that.
cases according to RULE 110 §9 – You have Otherwise you will only cause
CAUSE OF ACCUSATION. You have cause of confusion.
you have cause of accusation. Let us look at
joinder of cause of action. I would like you to 3. you will have to respect
remember the rules. According to RULE 2 §5 it JURISDICTION and VENUE – and of
says: that causes of action could be joined course if one claim falls within the
whether in the alternative or otherwise. Take jurisdiction of the RTC, all other
note, it could be in the alternative or otherwise claims will fall in the RTC.
and you have to take note of the following
4. totality rule – it is the SUM OF ALL
1. you cannot those covered by THE MONETARY CLAIMS, therefore
special rules – for example: you if taken separately, jurisdiction
have an action for ejectment and an could be determined but if taken
action for recovery of sum of together you have another set of
money. Can you join those? NO. jurisdiction.
You cannot, because one is covered
by ordinary civil action and the
other is special civil action. Let us Let us look at the case of Oca vs. Limbaring, in
you want a determination of your terms of REAL PARTY IN INETEREST. What does
right as legitime in a holographic it tell us? Should a party be a real party in
will and the other is reconveyance interest only because his right arises from a
of a title of property which you contract? Tama ba yun? Should you say that a
claim you own. Can you join them? party is a real party in interest if they a party to
NO. One involves special the contract or signatories to the contract. The
proceeding probate and the other GENERAL RULE is YES. However, not all claims
involves ordinary civil action; would arise from a contract. Therefore, it could
also arise from tort. There is no contractual
2. you will have to respect joinder of obligation, from negligence could there be an
parties – yes, you could join causes action arising from tort...YES! It is also possible
of action but you have to respect class that you are not a party or signatory to the
joinder of parties, permissive contract but you could be a real party in
joinder of parties – RULE 3 §6. interest, if there is a breach in the contract.
Otherwise, there will be confusion What is that? If there is a stipulation pour
and take note of this IT SHOULD autrui. So please, take note of those. Another
ARISE FROM THE SAME question that I would like to answer is in
TRANSACTION OR SERIES OF connection with a case decided by court in
TRANSACTION AND SHOULD HAVE connection with agrarian dispute. What if there
JOINTLY, SEVERALLY OR IN THE is a “KASUNDUAN” as to who would be entitled
ALTERNATIVE. So you cannot join to a piece of land and that was resolved and
together causes of action where determined by the DARAB? For that reason the
DARAB case was terminated. Let us say the

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“KASUNDUAN” was not complied with. Which the lawyer, whether upon
court has jurisdiction, is it the REGULAR COURT knowledge or upon the fact of fact.
or the DARAB? It remains to be with the DARAB, What is the answer? B. The 30 days
it arising from the tenancy relation and even if it is counted from the FACT OF
was already terminated, the source was a DEATH, not from the knowledge but
TENANCY REALTIONSHIP. from the fact of death;

Now, let me touch on a question on 2. to inform the court of the NAME

SUBSTITUTION. What about substitution? Class, and ADDRESSES of the legal
I would like to call your attention on the case of representative – take note,
Sumaljap. I would like you to bear this in mind, according to the provision the legal
a lot of questions could be taken from this §16 representative could be who? The
we’ve waited for this question since 2003. legal representative could be an
When you study §16 of RULE 3 bear in mind HEIR, there is no requirement that
that you also have to study at the same time it is an executor or administrator
§20 of RULE 3. Tandaan niyo yan ha! What is but you can have an executor or
the rule? The first thing that you will have to administrator but I would suggest
remember is, there should be DEATH. Death of that you appoint an heir because
who? Death of a PARTY. The provision of the you do not need court approval.
law made no mention as to who died. It does
not say it is the plaintiff or the defendant. I What is the duty of the court?
want to be very clear with that, it does not say
it is the plaintiff or the defendant. But what The duty of the court is:
does it say, A PARTY DIES. So it could be the
plaintiff or the defendant. So despite the death 1. to come up with a notice for the
of the party the action survives, take note of lawyer or for the representative to
that. So what are kinds of action wherein, if a appear within 30 days from receipt
party dies the action is extinguished – actions of notice; and
which are purely personal that without him the
action can no longer be performed like if you 2. to order substitution.
are a painter, you can no longer perform even
specific performance if you are dead. If you are
a singer you can no longer perform. If you are Take note of this, absence of any of these will
to give support, of course you are dead. What not lead to a valid substitution. Eh sir, kung mali
are the rules that you have to remember? I will ang husgado? Walang substitution. Do you
group it into this. follow? That is already answered in the case of
What is the duty of a counsel? Brioso. Kapag mali ang husgado, wala. So, both
requirements should take place – the duty of
The duty of a counsel is: the lawyer and the duty of the court.

1. to inform the court of the FACT of Now, let me call your attention to this case of
death – within how many days in Sumaljap. What happened in this case? Class
case of substitution by reason of ganito nangyari ditto eh. During the lifetime of
death; a. Within 30 days from the deceased he transferred his interest to
knowledge; b. Within 30 days from someone else, not known to other people. He
the fact of death; c. At the option of died, the lawyer now would like to make the
transferee in interest as the substitute. During

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the lifetime of the deceased there was a there is new one appointed
transfer of interest but unfortunately he died. does it mean that he is
Now the lawyer would like to name NOT an substituted to the actions of the
executor, NOT an administrator and NOT even secretary – NO. You have to
an heir. Can he do that? The court said NO. You comply with the requirement of
cannot do a transfer of interest once the law.
transferee of transferor had died. The transfer
of interest should take place during the lifetime 3. transfer of interest. §19
of both of them. In this particular case, the
person who transferred had passed away Let me touch on §20. I cannot discuss §16
therefore the regular provision of §16 of RULE 3 without touching on § 20. What does §20 tell
should apply. Before I leave this topic of us? There is death also. Take note, there is
substitution in civil cases, let me ask the three death. But who dies? Here the provision of law
kinds of substitution in civil cases. is specific. Who dies? The DEFENDANT dies not
the plaintiff. So class, under this scenario it
What are the three kinds? should be the defendant who dies. Second item
that I would like you to take note. The NATURE
1. substitution by reason of death; OF THE ACTION. Take note, the nature of the
action is very specific – it involves a claim for
2. death of a public officer – this is sum of money whether express or implied. IT
§17. Let me give you the SHOULD BE A CLAIM FOR MONEY.
requirements briefly. It is like this, the plaintiff dies and the claim is
for a sum of money, the defendant is alive.
a. there should be a death of a What provision will apply? Will §16 or §20? NO.
public officer; §16 will apply. Because the provision of §20 is
very specific. It says, the defendant dies and it
b. there is a new one appointed – involves a claim for money whether express or
a successor to take his place but implied. Now, let us look at the provision of the
before a successor could take law. What if the defendant dies and the claim is
his place, this is the duty of the for money? Will the case be dismissed or
requirement of the law, he terminated? IT WILL NOT BE DISMISSED. Will
should have been: there be substitution? THERE WILL BE NO
SUBSTITUTION. It will continue against the
i. notified; ESTATE of the deceased person. Yan ang
tandaan niyo! Please! Bakit ko sinasabi na
ii. he should have been please?! Because class may nagveventure na
given the opportunity ganito, kasi naman ang may hawak ng estate eh
to be heard; and executor or administrator eh dapat
substitution. Totoo yun na ang may hawak ng
iii. he adopts or estate executor or administrator. Pero sinsabi
threaten to adopt the ng batas, sa titulo ng kaso mo ano? ESTATE OF
act of the predecessor THE DECEASED PERSON, whatever his name is.
Will it continue? YES. Tandaan niyo lang, it will
Wag niyo munang i-substitute not be dismissed.
kaagad. Let us say a
department secretary died, and

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Let me now move on. Baka mamaya tanungin that you would like to be indigent to be entitled
kayo ng substitution sa criminal procedure. Sir, to stenographic notes, you are not to pay filing
may substitution na dyan? Who says yes?! Sir, fees for the time being but should you win
sino ba naman gustong magsubstitute sa there will be a lien on the award. Indigent is
akusado. Sino gusto magsubstitute? Tatawa- defined under §21 as someone whose income is
tawa kayo papakita ko sainyo ang provision. not sufficient for his food, clothing and shelter.
Walang gustong magsubstitute sa akusado, of Kapag ito lang ang tinandaan niyo tagilid kayo!
course. According to RULE 111 §4: if the Huwag lang yan ang tatandaan niyo. You have
accused dies AFTER ARRAIGNMENT, both the to make note of the case of Algura. Why?
CRIMINAL and the CIVIL ACTION arising from Because there is a RULE 141 §19 that was
the DILECT WILL BE EXTINGUISHED. But if the amended in 2004 that gave as a new definition
accused dies BEFORE ARRAIGNMENT and a case of an indigent. Sir, bakit? The code that you
has already been filed, IT WILL CONTINUE have §21 was the 1997 Code but when they
AGAINST THE ESTATE. Can there be issued they came up with RULE 141. Who is an
substitution? Look at the second paragraph of indigent? An indigent is someone whose
§4 of RULE 111 and if you look at the latter income and that of his immediate family does
portion of that provision class, you will see not exceed double the monthly minimum wage.
basically the same provision as §16. Have you Take note: whose income does not exceed
noticed? Eh di sir may substitution sa criminal double the monthly minimum wage. Kapag
cases? Before you be mislead, listen to this. YES, nakalagay diyan sa codal mo eh Php5,000.00
there is substitution ONLY FROM THOSE CLIAMS luma ang codal mo. Tingnan mo yung codal mo
AGAINST THE ACCUSED WHO IS A DEFENDANT, malamang yan eh 2003 pa. His income and that
IN CASES INVOLVING OTHER SOURCES OF of his immediate family does not exceed double
OBLIGATION including INDEPENDENT CIVIL the monthly minimum wage and does not have
ACTIONS. real property with a fair market value exceeding
Php300,000.00. Why do in need to lay the basis
If there is no SUBSTITUTION OF THE ACCUSED in for this discussion? Ganito kasi class ang sinabi
the delict. Can there be a SUBSTITUTION OF ng Supreme Court – if the person, the applicant,
INFORMATION? YES. RULE 110 §14 that is why who wants to be declared as an indigent falls
the title of that provision is AMENDMENT AND within the definition of RULE 141, meaning his
SUBSTITUTION. If the prosecution believes that income and that of his immediate family does
they will not be able to prove or establish the not exceed double the monthly minimum wage
offense committed based on the information, and he does not own real property with fair
they could request for a substitution of market value not exceeding Php300,000.00,
information. Sir, masyado nang malalim ang then he is an indigent. However class, if he does
discussion natin ditto... Kaya nga critical di ba? not fall squarely within the definition meaning
Yun ang purpose ko dito. Baka sabihan niyo he has property in excess of Php300,000.00 fair
wala naman ka torya-torya to! Hehe! Kidding market value or he has an income more than
aside class. Now, let us proceed. but he claims to be an indigent, you will have to
go through an INDIGENCY TEST, consistent with
Doon naman tayo sa INDIGENT. I think that you §21. Sir, what do you mean by indigency test?
are aware of the leading case Algura vs. LGU of The court will have to ascertain whether your
the City of Naga. The pertinent provision is in income is not sufficient for your food, clothing
§21 if you follow the provision it is fairly simple, and shelter. Are we clear? So that one you will
it only tells you that the proceeding is summary, have to take note. If the question makes it
ex-parte, without notice to the other party and appear that he falls under RULE 141 indigent na

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siya, if he does not fall under RULE 141 but he remember is the case of Irene Marcos-Araneta
claims to be an indigent §21 will apply but the vs. Court of Appeals. This is instructive because
court will have to conduct an indigency test, in of the word principal. I will repeat just a few
the determination whether or not he is an provisions in the code that you have to
indigent. Now, let me ask you this question. remember. Personal action is where plaintiff or
Who should submit an affidavit for the principal plaintiff resides or defendant or
determination of who is an indigent? According principal defendant resides. Real action is
to the case of Tokyo Marine Malayan Insurance dictated by what? The place where the property
vs. Valdez – it is only the litigant who needs to is located. Are we clear? This case of Irene
prepare an affidavit. Marcos-Araneta involves that, not real action
but personal action. What is the problem in this
Now, let us look at the RULE on VENUE. Eh sir, case? Irene Marcos-Araneta resides in Forbes
papaano in a CRIMINAL CASE I cannot afford a Park, Makati. She is a plaintiff in an action
lawyer, there is what you call a PUBLIC involving a trust, where she is a beneficiary. But
ATTORNEY who will be assigned to you in a aside from Irene Marcos-Araneta who resides in
criminal case if you cannot afford a counsel. Forbes Park, Makati there were three other
What are the rules? Let me give a breakdown of plaintiffs who were designated by Irene
the rules in criminal cases. The rule is AN Marcos-Araneta as trustees of her beneficial
ACCUSED IS ENTITLED TO A COUNSEL DE PARTE trust. So you have three more. The three
(a counsel of choice). Kung kaya niya, kumuha resides in Batac, Ilocos Norte but in the
siya. If he cannot afford one he could be given a complaint they said that Irene Marcos-Araneta
COUNSEL DE OFFICIO for purposes of resides in Batac, Ilocos Norte. So yun ang
arraignment – pwede yun for purposes of question, sabi dapat i-dismiss yan because
arraignment only, for purposes of the entire Batac, Ilocos Norte is not the proper venue
proceeding. Is it possible class that the Court of according to the other party. Why? Because
Appeals will also appoint a counsel de officio for they said that based on the provision on rule of
an accused? YES. If the accused files an appeal venue, the principal plaintiff is Irene Marcos-
by himself or he has no counsel de parte. The Araneta because she is the beneficiary of the
court could appoint counsel de officio. Can the trust. So, what did the Supreme Court said? In
Supreme Court appoint a counsel de officio? that case the venue should have been in Makati
YES. The court can appoint a counsel de officio and not Batac, Ilocos Norte. The next question
for an accused. Sir, why did you touch on this? that I would like to touch on is this; can the
Walang pera, indigent eh. But if you talk of CIVIL court dismiss a case motu propio on the ground
CASES, the provisions that I discussed will apply. of improper venue? NO. The court cannot do
What is the difference between a PUBLIC that. Improper venue as a ground for dismissal
INTEREST CASE and a PRIVATE CASE? Do you could only be availed of if there is a motion to
have real party in interest there? In a private dismiss, the court cannot dismiss that motu
action you talk of real party in interest, as a propio. The next item that I would like to touch
party. In a public case you talk of, not a real on venue would be WORDS OF EXCLUSIVITY. Ito
party in interest. You talk of a party who tandaan ninyo, it comes in handy that you
suffered substantial interest by reason of the know. Legaspi vs. Republic, words of exclusivity.
governmental act; you are not talking of a real In cases the party STIPULATE or AGREE on a
party in interest. venue in a civil action, there should be words of
There are a few items that I would like to touch ALL OTHER VENUES those are words of
on VENUE. First item that I would like you to

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exclusivity and that will limit the venue to the Now, let me now touch on SUMMARY
place where the parties have agreed upon. PROCEDURE. The period class to respond to a
case in a complaint for summary procedure is
Let me now touch on CRIMINAL. Awhile ago 10 days – the period to file an aswer. Can that
class, I mentioned that venue should be period be extended? The period CANNOT be
jurisdictional in criminal cases. Do you agree extended – a motion for extension is a
with me?! Ok! Venue should be jurisdictional in prohibited pleading. Let us look at SMALL
criminal cases. However class I need to touch on CLAIMS. What is the period to respond to a
the HUMAN SECURITY LAW. What about the small claim action? Is it 10 days 0r is it 15 days?
human security law? Because class the human The period to respond to a small claim action is
security law gives exceptions to the rule, of a period of 10 days. You cannot file an
course the Revised Penal Code likewise provides extension and all of the available evidence
an exception in Article 2 – where it involves already be appended to and attached to the
counterfeiting of Philippine bank notes, answer. Let me tell you know the jurisdiction in
although committed outside of the Philippines; summary procedure. Do you still remember the
could it be prosecuted in the Philippines? YES. jurisdiction in civil cases for summary
This is another set of exceptions provided procedure? The magic numbers are 200,000
outside of the RPC, under the HUMAN and 100,000. In Metro Manila not exceeding
SECURITY LAW. Php200,000.00 – summary procedure. Outside
of Metro Manila not exceeding Php100,000.00
What are those? – summary procedure. What is the jurisdiction
of the court in small claims? Php100,000.00.
1. If it is committed within the The claims for a sum of money does not exceed
diplomatic premises of the Php100,000.00. Now, this is the problem.
Philippines or against its officers Where will you file a small claims action outside
although committed outside the of Metro Manila and when will you file a
Philippines could be prosecuted summary procedure case, because both falls
here; within Php100,000.00. It is determined by who
files the case. If you want to file summary
2. If the act is committed against the procedure, you file summary procedure. If you
Republic of the Philippines in want to file small claims action, you do so. But I
connection with the human security would like you to take note that it is within the
law meaning there is act of threshold of Php100,000.00 and please take
terrorism then it could be note class on small claims, it also includes civil
prosecuted in the Philippines; action arising from or the civil aspect of a
criminal case. So if there is a claim for sums of
3. If it is committed against a money arising from a criminal case that will still
particular ethnic group or it is an be included, that will still be subject of a small
act against ethnicity – like isang claims action.
particular ng... ayokong magbanggit
ng grupo sa Pilipinas eh. Patayin Now, let us look at SPECIFIC DENIALS – Republic
ang mga ganito. Even if committed vs. Sandiganbayan. Let me touch on denial
in Hongkong, could it be prosecuted which says LACK OF KNOWLEDGE OR
TRUTH THEREOF. You remember that, there are
three kinds of denial under §10 of RULE 8.

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What are those? ADMISSION. Take note of that, will amount to

an admission.
1. Specific denial;
Now, let us touch on another item which is
2. Qualified denial ( I admit the ACTIONABLE DOCUMENTS. This is another
portion and deny the rest); and important item, actionable documents the
pertinent provisions are §7&8 of RULE 8 –
3. Lack of knowledge or information Actionable Documents. The rule class is this,
to form a belief as to the truth when it comes to actionable documents HOW
thereof. DO YOU ALLEGE? – That is the rule, but before I
touch on how to allege. What is the rule when it
The question raised before this case is when can comes to evidentiary matters? The rule is, a
you use the denial. This is the case involving the pleading should make a statement of brief and
Marcoses, in the allegation was this; the concise statement of ultimate facts devoid of
Marcoses responded there were clear evidentiary matters. So what is the rule? You
allegations against them that they have simply make allegations. That’s the rule. Sir, do I
performed acts that affected the Philippine need to attach evidence? NO!!! Because all that
economy and what did they say – lack of is required in the pleading is a brief and concise
knowledge or information to form a belief as to statement of ultimate facts devoid of
the truth thereof. What did the Supreme Court evidentiary matters, UNLESS IT IS BASED ON AN
say? Despite the serious and specific allegations ACTIONABLE DOCUMENT. Are we clear? If it is
against them, the Marcoses responded by based on an actionable document, how do you
simply saying that they had no knowledge or allege an actionable document?
information sufficient to form a belief as to
truth of such allegations. Such a general self- 1. If you reproduce the substance,
serving claim of ignorance alleged in the only the substance, in the body of
petition for forfeiture was insufficient to raise the pleading you have to attach a
an issue. So what is the standard you have to copy or an original but I would
take note when it comes to lack of knowledge suggest you attach a copy;
or information to form a belief? It was cited in
the case of Morales vs. Court of Appeals, where 2. If you could reproduce the text
the court ruled that if an allegation directly and thereof in the body, then it is
specifically charges a party with having done, sufficient.
performed or committed a particular act which
the latter did not in fact do A CATEGORICAL
AND EXPRESS DENIAL MUST BE MADE. Are we So that is the way to allege an actionable
clear? So if there is a clear allegation that you document. Now class, how do you specifically
have performed or you have done a particular deny an actionable document? An actionable
act, you cannot just deny by lack of knowledge document is DENIED SPECIFICALLY UNDER
or information sufficient to form a belief as to OATH. Take note, it is denied specifically under
the truth thereof. Also pertinent to this case is a oath. Sir, what is the effect if it is not under
GENERAL DENIAL. A general denial class, oath? You are deemed to have admitted the
wherein there are specific allegations of due execution and genuineness of the
wrongdoing that has been done and performed document. I would like to be very clear with this
cannot be denied by a general denial because A class. You did not lose the case, do you follow?
GENERAL DENIAL WILL AMOUNT TO AN It does not mean class that you have admitted
the contents of the interpretation of the court,

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no. It only tells you that the document is true Supreme Court, under the COMELEC rules when
and it was validly executed. It should be the prescribed filing fee is not paid on the same
specifically denied under oath. day as the filing of the pleading or motion such
non-payment is not a mandatory ground for
Let me give you the case of Natcher vs. Court of dismissing or denying the pleading or motion.
Appeals. That gives a DISTINCTION OF A CIVIL Are we clear? So in COMELEC rules, it is not
ACTION AND A SPECIAL PROCEEDING. What is automatic or mandatory to dismiss if you do not
the difference between a civil action and a pay filing fees. The COMELEC has reasonable
special proceeding? Ah sir madali yan! Sasabihin discretion to allow you to pay the filing fees.
mo sir madali yan, a civil action there should be Now, issues on impairment of legitime. Can it
a cause of action; a special proceeding be threshed out in a civil action for
establishes a status, right or a particular fact. reconveyance and damages? It could only be
Hindi lang yun ang sinabi ng case, making kayo. threshed out in a special proceeding. Legitime is
Eto sinabi niya; What differentiates a special not and can never be a subject of an ordinary
proceeding form an ordinary civil action is this, civil action. Take note of that.
a SPECIAL PROCEEDING includes those
proceeding which are not ordinary in this sense Another item that I would like to discuss to you
but is instituted according to some special is BILL OF PARTICULARS. Let me ask you this
mode as in the case with proceedings question. Is this there bill of particulars in
commenced with summons and prosecuted criminal cases? YES. That is found in RULE 116
without regular pleadings. Take note, without §9 if I am accurate. Of course there is bill of
regular pleadings. A special proceeding must particulars in civil cases that is found in RULE
therefore be in the nature of a distinct and 12. Eh sir, ano pala yung bill of particulars? Class
independent proceeding for a particular relief, a motion for bill of particulars is filed before a
such as may be instituted independently of a party responds to a pleading. Remember I used
pending action by petition or motion upon the word pleading. Do you follow? Can you file
notice. Baka i-multiple choice yun. Ah hindi, a motion for bill of particulars of a COMPLAINT?
status or right ang hinahanap mo eh wala! None YES, within the regelementary period. Can you
of the above. Di ba?! It is an action that file a motion for bill of particulars of an
establish an independent relief. Are election ANSWER, which appears to be not clear and
cases akin to ordinary civil actions? Are election vague? YES. Can you file a motion for bill of
cases akin to ordinary civil actions, that if you particulars of a REPLY? YES, within a period of
fail to file filing fees your case will be dismissed? 10 days upon the filing of the reply you can file
What did the court say? The ponencia declares a motion for bill of particulars. What do you
that failure to pay the filing fee warranted the need to remember when you file a motion for
dismissal of his motion for reconsideration, the bill of particulars and this is the same rule
error in this conclusion lies in the equally flawed whether in criminal and civil cases? What is
premise that §19 RULE 40 of the COMELEC rules that? In motion for bill of particulars you have
COURT. Are we clear? So the Supreme Court DESIRED. Are we clear? Ganun yun ah! You have
said it is not analogous. Why? What is RULE 41 to identify the defects and the details desired.
§13 tell us? It tells you that you will have to pay; Para hindi niyo makalimutan class I will give you
you have to FILE AND PAY docket fees within an example. An example that you will
the regelementary period. The Supreme Court remember until you become a lawyer or not,
says that election cases are not akin to ordinary and I hope you become one. Ngayon madami
civil action and let me continue the ruling of the pa kayo, nagsisimula pa lang pero pagtumagal

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na malalagasan na kayo, yung iba kelangan na

maghabol sa binabasa. Pero class sa ngayon ang 2. he could file a bill of particulars; or
dami niyo dyan yung iba sainyo pa-banjing
banjing lang, papasok-pasok, paupo-upo tapos 3. the court can order an amendment.
kapag walang magawa they would identify the
defects, the defects of their seatmate, of their Tandaan niyo yan ha! There are only two
co-reviewee dib a ganun yun! Alam mo instances in the code wherein despite the
maganda siya, kaya lang... Kita mo yun, akala absence of a motion to amend, the court can
niya gwapo siya... Ganun dib a?! You identify order an amendment. What are those:
defects but of course you will not tell them the
details desired. You will not tell them but in 1. in motion for bill of particulars –
motion for bill of particulars you will have to instead of the court ordering the
identify the defects and you will have to tell the filing of bill of particulars, the court
other party, this is what I want. Like paragraph will order AMEND para tumama yan
2 is not clear, it is defective. I would like you to amend; and
give me the following details. Are we clear? Like
for example it is a claim for a motor vehicle. Aba 2. motion to dismiss – a motion to
nakalagay dun is yellow Mitsubishi Lancer. dismiss could either be granted,
Aba’y sangkatutak ang Mitsubishi Lancer an denied or the court can order an
yellow. Ano bang model yun? Anong taon? AMENDMENT, the court can order
Wala, right?! So, I would ask paragraph 4 is an amendment, the court cannot
defective I need the following details: chassis defer on a ruling on motion to
number, plate number, model number. Do you dismiss.
follow?! All of these, I would ask from him. Do
you follow? Identify the defects and the details So let us say class that the plaintiff did not act
desired. Now, let me give you this case. The on the order of the court to file a motion for bill
case of Reyes vs. RTC of Makati – can you file a of particulars. What will happen to the case?
motion for bill of particulars in What will happen to the case if the plaintiff did
INTRACORPORATE cases? Bago yan sir, bago! not comply with the order of the court to file a
Kapag hindi alam bago... can you file a motion bill of particulars? What will the court do? The
for bill of particulars in intracorporate cases? court can DISMISS the case. This is based on
NO. It is a prohibited pleading. Can you file a RULE 17 §3, this is also based on the case of
motion for bill of particulars in a Virata vs. Sandiganbayan. What if only portions
SANDIGANBAYAN case? YES. Virata vs. have not been clarified? Nagsubmit ng bill of
Sandiganbayan and the Rules of Criminal particulars, pero kung baga sa layman’s
Procedure are used in Snadiganbayan cases. In language yung sagot lusaw. Hindi rin
fact class the consequences are basically the kinocomply pero nagsubmit lang. Allegations
same. Can the court DENY OUTRIGHT the could be expunged or stricken off the record.
motion for bill of particulars? It could either What should the defendant or the other party
DENY or GRANT OUTRIGHT - §2 RULE 12. Now, timely submitted a bill of particulars? He has to
let me ask you this question. Let us say the file an answer. He has any of the following
court grants the motion for bill of particulars. options:
What should the plaintiff do, as a rule or the
one who filed the pleading? 1. he could file an answer within the
remaining period after the
1. he should give the details desired;

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interruption in a period no less than JUDICATA AND STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS. Sa

five days; madaling salita class, those grounds could be
raised even after answer or a motion to dismiss.
2. he could a motion for Do you follow? The rest are waived, you can no
reconsideration; longer raise them. However class jurisprudence
tells you and ADDS ONE MORE wala dyan sa
3. but if he feels that there is a grave ACTION. This is different class from the ground
abuse of discretion he could file a in RULE 16 – Motion to Dismiss, this is different
petition for certiorari. because the ground in RULE 16 states that the
pleading asserting the claim states no cause of
Now, let us move or slide slowly to criminal action. Are we clear? You have to memorize it
procedure. When can you file your motion for that way. Hindi lang no cause of action, di ba
bill of particulars in criminal cases? In civil cases, ganun shortcut eh! The pleading asserting the
it is before responding to a pleading – before a claims states no cause of action. Class, it only
complaint, before an answer. Look at RULE 116 tells you that upon looking at the complaint
§9, what does it say? Does it say before there is really no leg to stand on. However lack
arraignment or before plea? Before or absence of cause of action could be raised
arraignment, so class even before the reading even after an answer or a motion to dismiss had
you have to file a motion for bill of particulars. been filed, in fact it has been treated in the
Please take note of that, even before the nature of a demurrer to evidence. Even after
reading of information you have to file a motion the plaintiff had presented his case or his
for bill of particulars. Before I leave this item, let evidence and the defendant feels that there is
me now tell you class, just for purposes of easy lack or absence of cause of action, he could file
study for you. The counting of periods in bill of it even after an answer or a motion to dismiss
particulars is more or less the same as motion and it must be treated as a demurrer to
to dismiss. Do you follow? What are the rules evidence.
that I would like you to remember? If you file a
motion for bill of particulars, the period id Now, let us touch on DEFAULT. What are the
interrupted. If you file a motion to dismiss, the things that I would like you to remember when
period to file an answer is interrupted. Do you it comes to default. There is what you call:
follow? The period will stop and class once it is
denied and you feel like filing an answer, the 1. general default;
period will commence to run again but please
take note that if the period is less than five 2. default;
days, in all cases it will be at least five days.
3. as in default.
Now, let me touch on default. But before I
touch on default let me tell you this General default usually applies in land
motherhood statement. Ok! Para it comes in registration cases or in cases wherein there is
handy for you. All defenses or objections are no defendant. Meaning IN REM ACTIONS, so
deemed waived if not raised in an answer or a what happens is before the court will proceed
motion to dismiss. So if the defenses or the court will ask – are there any oppositors
objections are appealable you have to raise in despite the publication of the notice? Your
the first instance before an answer or a motion honor there is none. CAN I MOVE FOR GENERAL
to dismiss EXCEPT LACK OF JURISDICTION OVER ORDER OF DEFAULT? That is general default. Do

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you follow? The second kind is the regular one, Now, let me move further. Papano sir yung AS
what is that regular one? Under RULE 10 and IN DEFAULT? Ayan, ano yung as in default?
what does it tell you? There is FAILURE TO FILE Class that is no longer used in our code.
AN ANSWER but class it should not be enough, However, because of the age of some justices
it should not stop there. It is not sufficient to or some examiners it is better that you know
say that there is failure to file an answer, there because they were taught under that rule but
should be “PROOF OF SUCH FAILURE”. That is the effect is also the same, except that the
according to the provision; there should be provision had already been dropped. What do
proof of such failure. You have to show proof of you mean by as in default? The defendant did
failure to file answer. So not only absence of an not appear during the scheduled pre-trial, that
answer or a responsive pleading but there is as in default. What is your remedy? You have
should be what? Proof of such failure. Now, to file a motion to set aside also on the ground
what is your remedy? Iba yung ORDER of of fame but there is no need to say that your
default sa JUDGMENT by default. An order of defense is meritorious. On a regular default,
default is an order that tells you, you are now in when you file a motion you will have to say that
default and you cannot participate in the you have a meritorious defense. On an as in
proceeding and you are only entitled to notices. default, you have to file a motion to lift on the
Yun lang, yun ang order. ground of fame with no such statement. Why?
Because there is already an answer. What is the
How do you lift an order of default? effect of a party defendant present during a
pre-trial but did not submit a pre-trial brief? The
-it should be first and foremost, same, because failure to submit a pre-trial brief
under oath – there should be a is equivalent to absence during pre-trial,
motion to lift or set aside the order therefore the effect is the same.
of default under oath on the ground
of FAME (fraud, accident, mistake Let me now touch on DEFAULT JUDGMENT.
or excusable negligence) and your What is a default judgment? A default judgment
DEFENSE IS MERITORIOUS. Take happens when a party-defendant has been
note class, that the negligence must declared in default. He was given notices, did
be excusable. If it is gross neglect not file a motion to lift and there was already a
you cannot use this to lift the order judgment, that is a judgment by default. What
of default. Sir ano yung gross are your remedies for a judgment by default?
neglect? Dala mo yung files mo Can you file a motion for reconsideration? NO.
punta ka ng bar nakipag-inuman ka, Because you did not present evidence – motion
that is gross neglect. You should for reconsideration says there is
have left that in your office or in misappreciation, there is excessive award of
your car. Do you follow? As a rule damages and the evidence is insufficient to
class take note, negligence of justify the decision. You cannot file a motion for
counsel is negligence of client, that reconsideration. You could file a MOTION FOR
is the general rule. However, if it is NEW TRIAL within the regelementary period.
gross that amounts to deprivation You could file an APPEAL within the
of due process on the right of the regelementary period. You could file a PETITION
client, then the court can say that FOR CERTIORARI if there is grave abuse of
the negligence of the lawyer is not discretion amounting to lack or excess of
negligence of the client. jurisdiction. If the judgment became final with
no fault attributable to you, then you can file a

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PETITION FOR RELIEF, otherwise you cannot file a mortgage or lien meaningless. But it is a
a petition for relief from judgment. Take note different story if the lis pendens was prior to
also, there could be PARTIAL DEFAULT. A partial the mortgage.
default can take place wherein there is more
than one party, meaning there are multiple The next item that I would like to cover would
parties and one party-defendant did not file an be still lis pendens, applicability to certain
answer. Does it mean that the court will already actions and proceedings. The question is, would
render a judgment? NO. The court can still hear it include money claims. For example, if it is a
the case as to the non-defaulting defendants. suit for recovery of sums of money let us say for
As to the non-defaulting defendants, can the an amount of Php800,000.00. It is purely a
case proceed? Can they present their evidence? money claim, could you cause the annotation of
YES! And class take note, if there is evidence notice of lis pendens on the property of the
that will benefit the defaulted-defendant, it defendant on a purely money claim. The
could benefit him. Can there be DEFAULT IN pertinent case here is the case of Atlantic
NULLITY CASES? Dapat nyan sagot niyo Erectors and it says: by express provision of law
matatapang na. WALA SIR! Eh, parang ngayon the doctrine of lis pendens does not apply to
niyo lang narinig. Can there be default in nullity attachments, levies of execution or to
cases, annulment? WALA. Just to give you proceedings for the probate of wills or for
briefly the process. Kapag binigyan kayo ng administration of estate of deceased persons.
ganyang qurstion, nullity case ang process Generally, the doctrine of lis pendens has no
ganito – if there is no answer despite service of application to a proceeding in which the only
summons, the court upon motion will schedule object is recovery of money. Take note, if the
or will refer the matter to a COLLUSION action is solely for recovery of money lis
CONFERENCE before a prosecutor, within the pendens cannot be applied for. It is essential
period the prosecutor will determine whether that the property be directly affected as where
there was collusion and notify the parties and the relief sought in the action includes the
thereafter the records will be returned to the recovery of possession or enforcement of a lien
court and the court will issue a notice of pre- or adjudication between conflicting claims of
trial. So there is no default in cases of that title, possession or right of possession. So class,
nature. Now, let me now touch on lis pendens. A PURELY MONEY CLAIM THAT DOES NOT
NOTICE OF LIS PENDENS. Not litis pendentia, involve possession, conflicts on title, matters of
but lis pendens. Now let me ask you this enforcement of lien involving a title cannot be
question, which has priority? Is it the registered subject of lis pendens. In this particular case
mortgage, that was registered ahead over a was, it involved recovery of money and
notice of lis pendens? Ok, liliwanagin ko... subsequently what the applicant did is to apply
Nauna yung mortgage i-register and then for a notice of lis pendens on the property of
subsequently there was a notice of lis pendens the defendant. What are the purpose of notice
on the same property, which will be preferred of lis pendens? The case of St. Mary of the
or priority? Does it mean that even if there is a Woods School vs. Office of the Register of
public sale the notice of lis pendens will always Deeds of Makati.
be there? What did the court say? The auction
sale in a mortgage sale retroacts to the date of The purpose are as follows:
the registration of the mortgage, putting the
auction sale beyond the reach of any Generally it is founded it is on public policy and
intervening lis pendens sale or attachment. A necessity;
contrary rule would make a prior registration of

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1. to keep the property within the reinstatement of the lis pendens. Let me ask
power of the court; you this nenxt question. Does a notice of lis
pendens create a right or a title? If you
2. to announce to the whole world annotate a notice of lis pendens does it create a
that a particular property is subject right or a title over the property that was
of a litigation and that also serves a subject of the lis pendens? That is the case of
notice that anyone who touches the Vicente vs. Avera. It was answered there that it
property is subject to the notice of serves to protect the real rights of the
lis pendens. registration while the case involving the same is
pending. While the notice of lis pendens
Can you cancel the notice of lis pendens? Which remains on the certificate of title, the registrar
court has the inherent power in notice of lis could rest assure that he would not lose the
pendens? It is the trial court that has the property or any part of it during the litigation.
inherent power to cancel a notice of lis So in simple words, a notice of lis pendens
pendens. neither affects the merits of a case nor creates
a right or a lien. It only puts the certificate of
The grounds are as follows: title on notice and put the property secured
until the termination of the case. The next
1. if the purpose of the annotation is question that I would like to answer still on the
for molesting the adverse party; notice of lis pendens is this: Whether or not the
and claim of a party, respondent, has merit if it
affects the annotation of lis pendens on the title
2. when the annotation of the notice of the property? According to the case in
is no longer necessary to protect Romero vs. Court of Appeals there is nothing in
the title of the party. the rules which require that a party seeking
annotation to show that the land belongs to
Now let us touch on this next question in the him. So ownership is not required to cause the
same case. In this case class, there was a annotation of a notice of lis pendens. You do
question of forum shopping because there was not need to claim or to say that I am the owner,
an appeal in connection of the main case and I title to the land. All that you need is that,
while that was pending there was another according to the rules, the property subject of
motion filed and the motion was a motion to the notice of lis pendens is the subject of the
reinstate, re-annotate a notice of lis pendens. litigation, the subject of the pending
There was an appeal of the main case, where controversy. You do not need to say that I am
one of the issues is the lis pendens and there is the owner, that the property belongs to me.
a motion subsequently filed wherein the There is no requirement that the party applying
purpose of which is to re-annotate or reinstate for the annotation must prove his right or
the notice of lis pendens that was already interest over the property annotated. All that
cancelled. Can you follow? How did the the rules require is that to have the annotation
Supreme Court treat an appeal and a motion to as an affirmative relief since the notation
reinstate a notice of lis pendens? The Supreme neither affects the merits of the case nor
Court said that the motion was merely a creates a right. I would to be very clear with
reiteration of the request to reinstate, the this, a notice of lis pendens does not affect the
Supreme Court did not consider it as forum merits of the case it will not create a right or a
shopping it was merely treated as a reminder to lien. That is why it is pure and simple, what?
the court that they really wanted the Notice. How do you effect the notice? You

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simply prepare a memorandum or anything in

writing directed to the register of deeds. And Where a notice of lis pendens is appropriate:
what should it say? It should say that there is a
pending case, the description of the property, 1. an action to recover possession of
who are the parites and the title number and real estate;
you already have a notice. Can you follow?
What is harder is to cancel the notice of lis 2. an action to quite title;
pendens. The grounds as I mentioned a while
ago for the cancellation of the notice of lis 3. an action to remove cloud;
pendens is what? If it will only molest the
adverse party or there is no reason to protect 4. and for partition; and
the property subject of the litigation. Now,
what do you need in order to cancel the notice 5. any other proceeding of any kind
of lis pendens? You need an order from the directly affecting title to the land,
court. It is easy to cause the notation, it is the use or occupation thereof.
harder to cause the cancellation because the
cancellation would require an order from the When will the notice of lis pendens do not
court. As I mention to you a while ago there is apply:
no requirement that the property subject of the
notice of lis pendens is owned by the person 1. in preliminary attachments;
who effects the notice of lis pendens. Let me
now touch on the case of Heirs of Lopez, which 2. in proceedings for probate of will;
is very informative on what is the nature of the
action. Meaning, when you say notice of lis 3. in levies on execution;
pendens you are practically telling the whle
world, this is subject of a pending litigation. In 4. on proceedings for administration
this case, there was no action filed. Take note, of estate of deceased persons; and
there was no action, there was no complaint
filed, there was no commencement of any 5. in proceedings where the sole
proceeding. What happened? He simply filed a object of the action is recovery of
motion to cancel the title or to nullify the title. money.
Where? In the Land registration Authority. He
did not file a case in court. Take note, he did not This was mentioned in the case of Atlantic
file a case in court but he filed a motion in the Erectors. So I hope that will help you on lis
LRA to annul or to cancel the title. What did the pendens. I am still on service because lis
court say? The application for lis pendens was pendens is in RULE 13 on Service. Let me touch
bereft of the original petition or complaint upon on the case of PCI vs. Court of Appeals. Which is
which this office will base its action. So what is very helpful, in the definition of FILING AND
required class to effect a notice of lis pendens is SERVICE. What do you mean by FILING? It is an
an actual court action. Not in any quasi-judicial act of presenting a pleading in court. What is
agency like the LRA but there should be a SERVICE? It is the act of providing a party with
pending litigation in court. Let me call your the copy of the pleading. Again, filing is the act
attention still on the case of Heirs of Lopez of submitting or presenting a pleading in court
class, because this case gave us an enumeration while service is the act of providing a copy to a
where a notice of lis pendens is appropriate. party. I would like you to take note and for you
This might be helpful to you. to highlight, that when we say service it is not

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limited to an individual party. Service could be What is the priority of service and filing?
made to a juridical entity, to an individual, to a PERSONAL – on §11. It should be personal, that
court, to a tribunal, to an agency. Do you is the general rule. If you cannot do it personally
follow? For as long as they are parties to the , you should make an explanation but that it is
case. Now, let us now answer this question: an exception and it is not enough for you to
What are the modes of filing? I do not want you make an explanation. In one case decided by
to be confused. Very simple, what are the the court, ang sinabi niya ito lang ha: sabi niya
MODES OF FILING? It is either by PERSONAL time constraints, because of time constraints I
SERVICE or by REGISTERED MAIL. Ordinary mail am unable to file by personal service. Anong
is not allowed, do you follow? Ulitin ko, on filing sabi ng Supreme Court? Sandali lang! Ang
it is only PERSONAL SERVICE and SERVICE BY opisina mo ay sa T.M. Kalaw yung kalaban mo
REGISTERED MAIL. When you talk of SERVICE sa Legaspi Village sa Makati, ang paliwanag mo
class, it could either by personal service, time constraints. The Supreme Court did not
registered mail, what else? Ordinary mail. In buy the idea and denied it and said that there
service you include ordinary mail, in filing you was no proper filing. So what should you bear in
do not. You only limit it to personal service and mind? It is not enough for you to make an
registered mail. What is the reason for that? It explanation. That is why if you read the
is very hard to prove when ordinary mail. provision §11 it says: whenever practicable. Do
Right?! So... Hindi ho na-file ko yan eh, pinadala you follow? Nakita niyo? It says, whenever
ko yan eh. Kelan mo pinadala? Pinadala ko ho practicable. Meaning personal service should be
yan! It is very hard to prove. Do you follow? made or personal filing whenever practicable.
That is why you would note as I started our So your explanation would show that it is
discussion this afternoon I touched on impracticable. Do you follow? That it is
summons. Wherein they said, if it is a foreign impracticable. Like for example class in the case
juridical entity. Service of summons to foreign decided by the court in Musa vs. Amor sabi nito:
juridical entity with leave of court if it is not Eh kung yung filing sa Court of Appeals yung
registered to do business in the Philippines, one magpa-file nasa Donsol, Sorsogon sabi ng court
of the modes is by facsimile or other electronic that is what? Impracticable. Do you follow? And
mode WHERE PROOF OF SERVICE COULD BE in the case of Shecker vs. Shecker ano naman
GENERATED. What I notice that they should ito? There was failure ot make an explanation
have included was what? Express mail. You but the Supreme Court said the RTC should
know what express mail is? LBC, UPS, DHL have known, sabi nila. Why? That the party
because they have tracking number there is a holds office in, petitioner holds office in Salcedo
way to generate proof of service. Although we Village, Makati and the assailed orders were
could say because the last provision or issued in Iligan City so obviously you cannot do
subsection of the new §12 says other modes as it by personal service. Right?! What did the
may be determined by the court. Besides for all court say? The lower court should have taken
intents and purposes you have to secure leave judicial notice of the great distance between
of court. said cities and realize that it is indeed not
practicable to serve and file money claim
Let us now touch on another item that I feel is personally. Do you follow? Pinagalitan pa siya,
important is PRIORITY OF SERVICE. Still on RULE sabi niya hindi mo ba alam na mas malayo yun
13, priority of service and I would like to touch Iligan sa Makati? So here the court used what?
on the case of Shecker vs. Shecker. What is the Judicial Notice. Sir, ano ngayon ang standard na
rule? I would like you to bear in mind what is dapat naming tandaan for purposes of the bar
the rule in terms of priority in service and filing. the GENERAL RULE IS PERSONAL SERVICE. If you

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cannot do it by personal service, you should 1. written acknowledgment or

show that it is impracticable to do it personally admission of the one who received
and give an explanation. This case of Shecker is it;
an exceptional case wherein there was no
written explanation but the court said, you 2. OFFICIAL RETURN and this provision
should have taken the judicial notice na malayo on official return apply only to
but this not the standard, this is rather an what? SHERIFFS, PROCESS SERVERS.
exception. Wherein the court said you should Sir, bakit ganun? Bakit may personal
have taken judicial notice. I am not certain that service ang court? Did you not ask
if confronted with the same fact in the future, yourself? Sir, bakit kasama sila dyan
similar facts in the future the Supreme Court eh di ba ang nagseserve lang yung
will decide in the same manner. So all you need parties, sila-sila lang? For those of
to remember is general rule personal service, if you who work in courts, you know
it is impracticable to do it you do it by what I mean because COURTS IN
registered mail but with an explanation. A time CIVIL CASES serve notices, orders
constraint is not a good explanation. Distance and judgements/decisions - §9
between the court and the petitioner’s office is RULE 13. That is why a proof of
that a good explanation? YES. Unavailability of service includes official returns
messenger sir, is that a good explanation? YES. because courts in civil cases does
That could be a good explanation. Sir, paano mo not promulgate in the trial court,
nalaman? Ginagamit ko yun eh! Hindi pa naman they do not promulgate. What do
ako nadidismiss eh. Now, let us now look at they do? They serve orders, notices,
class, before I leave that portion a few more decisions and judgments;
itmes on... baka gulatin kayo i-codal kayo. Ano
you mean by completeness of service? The SERVING – this happens when there
service has been what? Completed or in a is refusal to receive. The party
sense, properly executed. How? By personal serving would be asked to prepare
service UPON ACTUAL RECEIPT. By ordinary mail an affidavit.
ibig sabihin kapag nagpadala kayo ng mail – When you talk of ordinary mail, what is the
ordinary bahala na matatanggap niya yan proof? AFFIDAVIT OF THE PERSON MAILING
because after the period of 10-days it is showing the circumstances under §7.
deemed to have been complete service. What
else? How about registered mail? Ito class a Finally, proof of service by registered mail.
little bit tricky, kapag kinodal kailangan alam AFFIDAVIT OF THE PERSON MAILING and
niyo. Upon actual receipt or lapse of a period of REGISTRY RECEIPT. However, class it does not
five days from first notice whichever comes end there. There is the duty of the person
first. Again, Upon actual receipt or lapse of a serving to file in court, submit or present the
period of five days from first notice whichever REGISTRY RETURN CARD. You will have to
comes first. How about PROOF? submit to the court the registry return card.
What if in the bar exams class you were given
What is proof of personal service? Class there this scenario, the registered mail was never
are three: received but the document was returned to the
sender, can it happen? YES! Change of address,
the addressee cannot be located the document

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will be returned. Have you served? Not yet. leave to whom: to a person in-charge thereof.
How will you prove to the court that you have So you will see it is different. RULE 13 –
served? You will have to submit NOT ONLY an Substituted Service vs. RULE 14 – Substituted
affidavit, NOT ONLY the receipt but also the Service. Now, let us see another difference.
document including the return card, the Personal service in RULE 13, what does it mean?
document itself that was returned plus a
certification from the postmaster on the reason When you talk of personal service in RULE 13 it
for the return. Maliwanag yun ha! So, you will means:
have to add something else when you talk of a
returned document of registered mail. You have 1. actual handing;
to file the registry return card plus the
document returned plus you have to get a 2. you leave it in his home to a person
certification from the postmaster for the reason of suitable age and discretion,
of the return. Are we clear? Now my last item residing therein. Sir, parang mali?!
here is, SUBSTITUTED SERVICE, as distinguished YES! That is personal service under
from SUBSTITUTED SERVICE IN SUMMONS. Ok! RULE 13 because that is service of
Sir, alam ko lang na substituted service eh yung PLEADINGS and others documents;
ano , yung sa summons. Is there substituted and
service IN FILING? YES! That is §8. So we will
compare. When we talk of substituted service in 3. by leaving a copy to a person in-
RULE 13, it means that there were efforts to charge of the office.
serve it either personally and by registered mail
but there was failure to serve. So what do you
do? You file it and submit it in court. Are we On the other hand, let us look at SUMMONS
clear? You should have made efforts to serve it (RULE 14) – Personal service is what? By giving
personally and to do it by registered mail but or tendering of course he should receive, but it
for some reason it was not served. You will have could be tendered but there is refusal that is
to get the document and submit it to the court, different. It should have been given to him
with an explanation for that reason. That is personally, the rest is SUBSTITUTED. So in
what you call substituted service. But summons, when you talk of personal it should
substituted service of summons is different. Do be handed to him personally. It should be
you follow? Substituted service of summons tendered. What if he refuses? Sir, anong
means that the person who should have gagawin mo? Eh you have to tender. Sir, paano
received it is not available to receive it and ko gagawin? Ilalagay ko ba doon sa damit niya?
there what you call impossibility of personal NO. You just have to tender. If he is in his
service and for that reason if there is house, leave it in his house. But that is the work
impossibility of personal service. To whom of who? THE SHERIFF that is the work of the
should you give it? To whom should you serve sheriff. If there is something I would like to
it? In his house: to a person of suitable age and remind you class. If there is something that I
discretion residing therein. Take note of that, would like to remind you, bear this in mind.
residing therein. He could be your uncle who is Class, when we talk of summons we apply only
old, he could be someone more than 18 years what rule? RULE 14 and nothing else, tandaan
of age but he is a transcient, he was there to niyo yan ha! Baka ang style mo eh chopsuey
stay overnight in your home – that is not proper style ah pwede rin yung 13. Hindi pwede sir by
substituted service. If you are to serve by analogy yan eh. HINDI PWEDE! Kapag RULE 14
substituted service in the office, you are to on SUMMONS, it SUMMONS RULE 14. There is

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no priority in terms of application, you only time as is necessary under the circumstances
apply RULE 14. for a reasonably prudent and diligent man.
Now, in this particular case sinabi pa nila ano
Now, let me ask this question in connection yung reasonable time? For a sheriff, what is
with the case of Cada vs. Time Saver. The reasonable time? For the PLAINTIFF its seven
question is this, will the rules of court on service days notice, it means no more than seven days
of summons apply to labor cases before the since an expeditious processing of complaint is
NLRC? This court declared in said case that what the plaintiff wants. For the SHERIFF it is a
technical rules of procedure are not applied in period of 15 to 30 days because at the end of
quasi-judicial proceedings only substantial the month, it is the practice of branch clerk of
compliance is required. In quasi-judicial court to require the sheriff to submit his return.
proceedings before the NLRC and its arbitration So for a plaintiff, reasonable time is seven days,
branch procedural rules of summons are not for a sheriff within a period of 15 to 30 days.
strictly construed. So, the rules on summons in How about class several attempts? Because
the rules of court as a rule do not apply in NLRC when you say impossibility of prompt personal
cases because they have their own rules. service, what do you mean by several attempts?
So class is it once? Is it twice? It means at least
The next question that we will try to answer is THREE tries, at least three tries to serve
the rules on SUBSTITUTED SERVICE. This was preferably in at least two different dates, in
first laid down in the case of Manotoc vs. Court addition the sheriff must cite why such efforts
of Appeals and repeatedly cited. Sino yung was unsuccessful. Let us move on to the next
Manotoc dito? Si Imee naman, sikat sila ano? requirement, the next requirement aside from
Jurisprudence sila lagi ano?! Yung isa si Irene, impossibility of prompt personal service is,
venue. Ito naman yung substituted. The specific details in the return. This is very short
requirements were laid down in the case of and very quick – specific details in the return.
Manotoc and cited in the case of Pascual vs. The requirement is, the sheriff must describe
Pascual. Class bear this in mind. What do you the manner by which or the circumstances he
mean by IMPOSSIBILITY OF PROMPT PERSONAL attempted to serve. He cannot just say, I went
SERVICE to allow SUBSTITUTED SERVICE? It to the house and he was not there so I served
says, the party relying on the substituted to the wife. That was asked n the bar exams in
service must show that defendant cannot be 2003, tinanong yan! Ang sabi, very brief
served promptly or there is impossibility of question the defendant was the husband and
prompt service. Take note, not only he was out of the house when the summons
impossibility of service but impossibility of was served but the wife was in the house and
prompt service. Yan yung sabi ng decision so the sheriff served it upon whom? To the
because previous decicions impossibility of wife, is that proper service of summons? NO.
service lang ang ginagamit lately impossibility of Because there was no showing of impossibility
prompt service and reference should to be of prompt personal service. Do you follow? He
made to reasonable time. Of course we are could have returned, based on this case
talking about prompt service, what is Manotoc case and Pascual that says there
reasonable time? According to the case, should have been several attempts. When you
reasonable time is defined as so much time as is say several attempts at least three tries at least
necessary for a reasonably prudent and diligent on two different dates. Ayan! Sana yan ang mga
man to do the service, having a regard for the itanong ano... Kaya lang baka hindi itanong.
rights and possibility of loss, if any to the other
party. So there should have been necessary

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Now, this is another item. The third that main case of Manotoc that was cited in
requirement is a PERSON OF SUITABLE AGE Pascual, what they said was relation of
AND DISCRETION. Who is a person of suitable confidence. In this particular case of Manotoc,
age and discretion? Alam niyo class kung there was invalid substituted service of
babasahin niyo yung provision, the provision of summons to Imee Marcos; service was made to
the law only says person with suitable age and the caretaker. Let us see how the Supreme
discretion right?! It does not say that the person Court addressed this ah, the caretaker of the
who will receive summons should be of unit of Imee Marcos and what does it say? This
majority age tama?! Walang sinasabing ganun! is how the Supreme Court declared, in this case
Sabi lang suitable age and discretion. Could a 14 the sheriff’s return lack information as to
year old be of suitable age and discretion? YES! residence, age and discretion of Mr. Macky Dela
Could a 16 year old boy be of suitable age and Cruz. Aside from the sheriff’s general assertion
discretion? YES! However, this case again that Dela Cruz is the resident caretaker. It is
defined what is suitable age and discretion. It doubtful if Mr. Dela Cruz is residing with
said a person of suitable age and discretion is petitioner Manotoc in the condominium unit
one who has attained the AGE OF MAJORITY. considering that a married woman of a stature
Akalain mo yun!? Akalain mo yun!? Ano!!! in society will unlikely hire a male caretaker to
Malupet ah! So si Nene, yung helper mo, hindi reside in her dwelling. The realtion of
pwede kasi wala pa siyang 18. Now let us confidence here class is not a personal relation
proceed further, majority age and is but to make sure that the summons is received
CONSIDERED TO HAVE ENOUGH DISCERNMENT by the defendant. You see now the standard?!
to understand the importance of summons. Not
only of majority age, but should have enough Finally the last requirement is A COMPETENT
discernment to know the importance of PERSON IN-CHARGE OF THE OFFICE. This is
summons. That case even defined DISCRETION. easier, who is a competent person in-charge?
Suitable age and discretion; ano yung He is one managing the office or business of
discretion? They were not satisfied by simply defendant such as the president or the manager
saying discernment they defined discretion. and such individual must have sufficient
They said discretion is the ability to make knowledge to understand the obligation of the
decisions which represent a responsible choice defendant in the summons. Now, let us look at
and for which an understanding of what is the case of Manotoc on trying to answer who is
lawful, right and wise maybe presupposed. the substitute.
Napakahirap naman nito. Do you follow?
Papaano yun?! Responsible choice for which an There are two requirements:
understanding of what is lawful, right or wise
maybe presupposed. So class again, majority 1. recipient must be of suitable age
age – reasonable discernment, right! Discretion and discretion;
– who is responsible enough to know what is 2. recipient must reside in the house
lawful, right, wise ok! What else? Ito pa or residence of the defendant.
dinagdagan pa; Thus, the person must have
relation of confidence to the defendant Now, let me now ask this next question. This is
ensuring that the latter would receive or at the case of Philamlife vs. Breva, this is in
least be notified of the receipt of the summons. connection to an amended complaint. The
All these things I am sharing with you, so that question here is; do you need to serve another
you will know the details of the case. Do you SUMMONS in cases of an amended complaint?
follow? And class, let me call your attention to The case simply explained it to us in this

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manner. If based on the original complaint defendant himself. Remember it is the

summons has been served on the defendants HANDING OR TENDERING of the summons to
then that is a valid service of summons you do the defendant himself, wherever he may be
not need to issue another separate summons. If found. That is wherever he may be, PROVIDED
by virtue of the amended complaint there is a HE IS IN THE PHILIPPINES. Take note, so
new set of defendants or there is a new obligado kang i-hand kung saan mo siya Makita
defendant new summons should have to be for as long as he is in the Philippines. Baka
served. If by chance, the original parties naman punta ho ako ng America, ay ibang
although summons has been served was not provision yun class. It is another provision, it
able to receive it or there was failure of service could be §14, 15 or 16 depending on the
of summons you will simply request for an circumstances, iba yun! What happened in this
ALIAS SUMMONS. What is important is there is case was the defendant spouses had a number
jurisdiction over the person of the defendant. In of cases, eh nandun sila siguro nagtago-tago eh
fact in this case they said it is not pertinent natunugan. When I say natunugan, the sheriff
whether the summons is designated as original may have been informed that the spouses were
or an alias summons as long as it adequately in another court. Do you follow? May isa silang
served the purpose, the second summons kaso, so doon sila inabangan ng sheriff. Ok!
according to the case was technically not an Anong ginawa? Inabot ng sheriff, ah sir ito po.
alias summons but more of a new summons on Anong ginawa nung abugado? Sabin g client,
the amended complaint. Take note, so if there meron siniserve. Sandali nga! Akin na yan!
are new parties after the amendment you do Nahawakan na nung cliente, tingnan ko nga. Ay
not issue an alias summons, you issue an hindi hindi hindi srve mo! Ibinalik nung
original summons. abugado. The lawyer said; No! You cannot
receive that you serve it in his residence. So
Let us now touch on the case of Mogul, this is ibinalik ng abugado. That is the question, was
important to illustrate to you what is PERSONAL there proper service of summons? The Supreme
SERVICE OF SUMMONS. Bibigyan ko kayo ng Court said, YES, because it was already there
paraan para matandaan niyo ito kahit handed to the defendant and the court said it
makalimutan niyo itong kaso na ito alam niyo was already accomplished when the operative
ang sagot sa personal service. You remember act of handing a copy of the summons to the
the case of Kris Aquino and James Yap, wherein respondent spouses were made in person. Do
they try to tender it outside the coliseum, it was you follow? The operative act is the handing of
not wrong, that is the nature of personal the summons. So they came up with their own
service. WHEREVER YOU MAY BE FOUND, that is and say that the court cannot acquire
personal service hindi yung sa bahay. That was jurisdiction over the person of the defendants.
a misimpression that was actually the case of In fact the court said, the instruction of the
Mogul. When you talk of personal service of counsel for respondent spouses not to obtain
summons, where you may be found. Sir, kung the copy of the summons and the copy of the
papaano kung nandun ako sa hotel nag- complaint under the lame excuse that the same
gogoodtime-goodtime, eh doon ka nakita eh must be served only in the address stated
inabot sayo eh, personal service. Do you follow? therein was a gross mistake. Alam niyo na kapag
What happened in this case? Ok! Bago ko ibigay maging abugado kayo, kapag hi-nand sa cliente
sainyo yung facts let me give you the essence of niyo. Siyempre kelangan magpasikat din. Eh
personal service according to this case. The nagpasikat yung abugado kaya nagkaproblema
ESSENCE OF PERSONAL SERVICE is the handing siya. Sabi niya WAG! Huwag niyong tanggapin
or tendering of a copy of the summons to the akong bahala. Dapat dyan paliwanag mo yung

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cliente mo, eh tanggapin na ho natin dahil

nandito na naiabot na eh . Take note ha! Once it
is handed to you, wherever you are that is the How do you serve summons for a defendant
operative act. Kindly take note that this case who is not found or does not reside in the
also said that you cannot go for a substituted Philippines?
service unless you have tried or attempted to
do personal service. There should have been 1. by PERSONAL SERVICE – Sir, what
attempts or efforts to do it personally and if you do you mean by personal service in
fail only then can you do substituted service of the Philippines wala nga rito eh?!
summons. Eh di sa abroad!!!

Now, let me touch on §14, 15 and 16. Di ko 2. by PUBLICATION AND REGISTERED

pwedeng hindi i-touch to. Importane yan! The MAIL AT HIS LAST KNOWN
first scenario under §14 is a DEFENDANT ADDRESS;
AN UNKNOWN DEFENDANT. Now, you could 3. other modes as may be determined
serve summons by PUBLICATION. To be by the court.
determined by the court. You have to effect
service of summons by publication. Now, the The most recent case that could apply to the
pressing question is will that apply in personal other modes as may be determined by the
actions or is that limited to action in personam court, if I recall accurately the title of the case is
or in rem or quasi-in rem. Class, I would like to the Rodriguez case. It involves a nullity case
be very clear. In the past, that was limited only involving the personal status of the plaintiff
to in rem and quasi-in rem. However, more because the wife had abandoned him. He
recently the Supreme Court had made instituted an action for nullity. His laywer
pronouncement considering that the provision applied for extraterritorial service of summons
of the law says, ANY ACTION, therefore now it but instead of granting his application. The
includes in personam. court issued an order requiring that service be
coursed through the DFA and that an answer
§15 tells us a scenario of the DEFENDANT WHO should be made within a period of 30-days and
DOES NOT RESIDE IN THE PHILLIPINES OR IS coupled with publication. If you read the order
NOT FOUND IN THE PHILIPPINES. Do you carefully, it will not fall in any of the first two
follow? The provision enumerates the nature of modes; it is neither personal nor strictly
cases or actions involved. publication because that requires registered
That which involves: mail. So it was questioned, a judgment for that
particular was questioned for being null and
1. the personal status of the plaintiff; void. Sabi nung babae, ay null and void di
or naman niyo nakuha jurisdiction sa akin. Anong
sabi ng Supreme Court, pwede yan! It falls in
2. a real property of a non-resident other modes as may be determined by the
defendant; court. So careful kayo doon ha, even on foreign
juridical entity they have that provision, there is
3. or any other action which involves a window – other modes as may be determined
property, whether actual or by the court.
contingent for as long as there is
property. Now, the next section that I would like you to
bear in mind is §16 – DEFENDANT/S

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the Philippines? YES! They reside in the NON-JURIDICAL ENTITY? Before I answer this
Philippines. Those who are away for 3 to 6 question, this has related provisions in RULE 3
months for 8 months but they continue to §15. Tingnan niyo! Could make a non-juridical
reside in the Philppines. How do you serve entity a party? YES! You could sue them under
summons? In the same manner as I enumerated the name by which they are commonly known.
to you: Ok! Because they have represented to the
public that they are this and the public believe
1. personal; them but in truth and in fact they are not a
juridical entity. Can they be parties? YES! Can
2. publication and service by the name by which they are publicly known be
registered mail in his last known the defendant? YES! But there is duty on the
address; part of the defendant in their answer to disclose
their true names and addresses and that leads
3. other modes as may be determined me to RULE 14. How do you serve summons
by the court. upon them? You serve summons by serving
summons to ANYONE of them. Isa lang sa
However, the Supreme Court likewise decided kanila. Kung lima sila, isa lang sapat na or to any
in a situation like this considering that he person in charge of the office. So I am done
resides in the Philippines and if there are with that. Hindi pa tayo uwian, hindi pa! Meron
several attempts to serve it, there could be pa!
substituted service. Because he has a residence,
he resides in the Philippines. Do you follow? Let us now proceed to RULE 15. Let me touch
There should be several attempts to serve it. on MOTIONS now. Motions na ako ngayon.
Now, just three more points on this before I What about motions class? First and foremost I
leave it completely. The first of the three is this; would like you to bear in mind that there was
CAN THERE BE SUBSTITUTED SERVICE OF an amendment of §7 in 2008. Sir ano yun? Eh di
SUMMONS TO A NON-RESIDENT DEFENDANT? MOTION DAY, but class that is not truly an
NO! It has been answered in the case of amendment if you look at it. It was an Office of
Gemperle vs. Shenker. Look at the provision on the Court Administrator Circular of 2008. If you
substituted service – to a person of suitable age read the provision it still remains to be the
and discretion residing therein; it assumes that same. That circular was just issued by the Court
a person has a residence. So a non-resident Administrator to underscore the importance of
cannot be subject of substituted service. following that to the letter because motion day
Another question, Sir! CAN THERE BE A before that pronouncement was at the pleasure
SUBSTITUTED SERVICE FOR A CORPORATION? of the judge. At the pleasure of the judge –
NO! Only those enumerated under §11 can Lunes, Martes, Miyerkules kung kelan niya
receive summons for the corporation – gusto dun yun. But with the 2008 circular he
president, general manager, managing partner, reiterated that it should be followed strictly so
corporate secretary, treasurer or in-house motion day is what a FRIDAY! It can only be
counsel. That is a close list and cannot be moved to another day if a Friday is a holiday or
expanded. Hindi mo pwedeng idagdag si a non-working day on the next business day,
executive secretary, hindi mo pwedeng idagdag because class in the past this was a hot item
si chief of staff. Only those enumerated, are we because you will see the motion day of the
clear?! The last question of summons is this; courts you will check. Sometimes you go to
HOW ABOUT SERVICE TO A NON-JURIDICAL court, you will be surprised; bakit walang

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hearing? And the staff will say hindi ho ngayon least three days before the date of the hearing.
ang motion day naming sa Lunes, that is the So the magic number is three and 10. Oh! Saan
rule. Now, still on motions, a motion is not a ko nakuha yung 10? The three is it should have
pleading. Although class a motion can seek been filed and served at least three days before
reliefs, affirmative relief. It is not a pleading, it the date of the hearing and it should have been
could only seek relief based on the fact scheduled for hearing not later than 10 days
presented on the motion. Class for easy from its filing. What is the consequence if you
recollection tandaan niyo lang yung §4, 5, 6, 7. set it for hearing 30 days after? It is a mere
Tandaan niyo yun, ok na kayo! Basta huwag scrap of paper; the court will not consider it.
lang yung number ang tandaan niyo ha! Dahil The motion will be denied; if it is a motion for
hindi niyo yun maisasagot, kailangan alam niyo reconsideration of judgment the judgment will
yung nilalaman ng number. The first thing that I become final and executory. Remember that
would like you to bear in mind is EVERY three and 10! The three is it should have been
MOTION SHOULD HAVE A NOTICE OF HEARING. filed and served at least three days before the
Ito class na susunod kong sasabihin ay alam ng hearing and it should have been scheduled for
bawat law student, di ko sinabing abugado hearing not later than 10 days from filing.
bawat law student, that if you will not put a
notice of hearing your motion is a mere scrap of What is the OMNIBUS MOTION RULE? The
paper and that notice of hearing should be omnibus motion rule is a rule that all available
directed to the other party. SHOULD ALL grounds for objection or defenses should be
MOTIONS HAVE A NOTICE OF HEARING? Not all, raised in the motion if available, otherwise it
if a motion will not prejudice the right of the will be waived that is the omnibus motion rule.
adverse party. You do not need a notice of All grounds available should be raised,
hearing. That is good for the bar exams. Ok! otherwise it is waived. Are we clear?
Gusto ko yan ang tandaan ninyo for the bar
exams. But as a lawyer huwag niyong gagawin Let us now move on to DISMISSALS. OK! Class
yan! Huwag niyong gagawin yan! Bakit?! Ah, kapag diniscuss ko yung dismissals, dapat dyan
hindi napag-aralan ko sa review. I believe that it nagrereview kayo pasok na sa isip
will not prejudice the right of the... Sino niyo...tsuk!tsuk!tsuk! ganun oh. May tunog pa
nagsabi?! Do you follow? The other party will sir ah!(Chuckles) Dapat! Hindi class kidding side
always claim it will injure me. It will prejudice kelangan yun may mental outline. Hindi yung,
me, even if it is an extension. So do not file a ano nga yang dismissal na yan?! Class maikli
motion without a notice of hearing otherwise lang ang period to answer kaya kelangan kapag
pasasakitin ang ulo niyo ng kalaban niyo. Kasi tumaas ang dismissal may sagot kaagad. Now,
kukutkutin niya lang yan eh. Lalo na kung gusto dismissals in CIVIL CASES can be MOTION TO
nilang i-delay, kukutkutin yun. Ang dami kaso DISMISS that is one. A motion to dismiss
niyan, magcite yan ng sangkatutak na initiated by who? BY THE DEFENDANT – RULE
authorities. So you have to be very careful once 16. There is also what you call dismissals
you become lawyers. Make sure that all of your initiated BY THE PLAINTIFF – RULE 17:
motions should have a notice of hearing but for DISMISSAL OF ACTIONS. In that RULE 17 it also
your purposes in terms of the bar exams NOT includes FAILURE TO PROSECUTE FOR AN
HEARING, IF THE MOTION WILL NOT PREJUDICE pangatlo kapag dismissals? Ano pa? Sir wala na!
item that I would like to tell you will be this, the 33, dib a dismissal din yun. Kapag na-grant it
motion should have been FILED AND SERVED at will be dismissed. We will discuss that first and I

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will discuss the equivalent in CRIMINAL CASES.

Sir meron pala yan ah?! Meron yan! h. payment, waiver, abandonment or
Ipaliliwanag ko sainyo. Now, let us start with otherwise extinguished;
MOTION TO DISMISS. Motion to dismiss is
prompted or filed by the defendant under RULE i. unenforceable under the provision of
16 and there are number of grounds statute of frauds.
enumerated under the rule. I will just highlight
a few: So kapag dinidmiss na yan HINDI MO NA YAN
PWEDE RE-FILE. Wala na! The rest if dismissed
1. unenforceable under the statute of can you re-file? YES!!! Sir, saan niyo nakuha
frauds; yan? Nasa batas yan eh! So those grounds
cannot be a basis of re-filing, the rest yes you
2. non-compliance with a condition can. But sir, can I file a motion for
precedent; reconsideration if the motion to dismiss was
granted? Why not, you could do that. Now, the
3. improper venue; next question now that I would like to answer
on motion to dismiss is one which was cited in a
4. lack of jurisdiction over the subject case. WHAT IS THE NATURE OF AN ORDER
matter; when you talk of lack of DENYING A MOTION TO DISMISS? IS IT A
jurisdiction over the subject matter JUDGMENT ON THE MERITS OR IS IT AN
you are referring to the law that INTERLOCUTORY ORDER? It is only an
confers jurisdiction. So you have to INTERLOCUTORY ORDER. An order denying a
look at RA 7691 or other law that motion to dismiss is an interlocutory order
confers jurisdiction; which neither terminates nor finally disposes of
a case as it leaves something to be done by the
5. lack of jurisdiction over the person court before the case is finally decided on the
of the defendant; when you talk of merits. Neither can an appeal, neither can it
lack of jurisdiction over the person deny a motion to dismiss which is subject of an
of the defendant you are talking of appeal, unless and until a final judgment is
improper service of summons – was rendered. Take note, a denial of a motion to
the summons properly served? dismiss is not subject of an appeal because it is
an interlocutory order. In the same case, it
6. the pleading asserting the claim enumerated three courses of action that a court
states no cause of action – I have can take on a motion to dismiss. The court can,
discussed that, lack of legal either:
1. grant;
Now, having mentioned a number of them the
next question that I would like to ask is this; 2. deny; or
once a motion to dismiss is granted, can you file
the case? Can you re-file the case class? Once 3. order and amendment, but it
the motion to dismiss is granted, on certain cannot defer the resolution of a
grounds: as provide under §5 of RULE 16 motion to dismiss.
referring to §1 of the same rule – f, h, i:
Another case I would like to touch on this time,
f. res judicata or statute of limitations; still on motion to dismiss on presentation of

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evidence during hearing. This is the case of found in RULE 6. Because for the defendant it
Republic vs. Carmel. Take note that should a could either be negative defense: a total denial
case go to trial, the evidence presented during of the claims; or an affirmative defense. What is
the hearing of the motion to dismiss shall an affirmative defense? An affirmative defense
automatically be part of the evidence of the is though hypothetically admitting the material
party presenting the same. It will form part of allegations of the complaint – so sinasabi mo
the evidence presented in the case. So there is yun, practically admitting the allegations of the
no waste of time. One item that has not yet complaint but it will nevertheless prevent or bar
been asked in the bar exams is the recovery. I will give you an example because I
PRELIMINARY HEARING OF THE AFFIRMATIVE will jump to another concept in relation to
DEFENSES. Do you follow? Have you heard of affirmative defenses. Let us say class Mr. A
that? Oh yes! Sir, hindi ko pa naabot sa basa yan owes me money, he owes me Php500,000.00. I
eh. Maiintindihan ko rin yan. Preliminary make a demand for him, it was due and
hearing of the affirmative defenses, that is the demandable on May 30 and today it has not
last section of RULE 16. been paid. It was evidenced by a PN for the
Let me explain this for the class. In the light same amount I made a demand letter but still
class of the concerns of the Supreme Court that he ignored. So I filed a complaint against him
cases had been delayed due to motions for and my first allegation that he owes me money,
reconsideration on a denied motion to dismiss he admitted. He said, yes I owe you money. On
and eventually a petition for certiorari to the the allegation that it was evidenced by a PN he
next level court. The Supreme Court figured out said, oh yes I owe you money as evidenced by
something and this is it – that instead of filing a the PN. Third allegation, it is not yet paid until
motion to dismiss you could file an answer, you this time. It was due on May 30, he said, yes.
could file an ANSWER WITH AN AFFIRMATIVE What will you do to prevent or bar recovery?
DEFENSE and your affirmative defenses can be Can you prevent or bar recovery? If he says it is
heard just like a motion to dismiss unless you till unpaid. If he admitted the material
have once filed a motion to dismiss and the allegations of the complaint, that will lead to
grounds have been heard, there will be no what? JUDGMENT ON THE PLEADINGS – RULE
hearing on the affirmative defenses. Can you 34, the answer does not tender an issue, it did
follow? So you now, the provision of the law not dispute the material allegations. To prevent
gave the party-defendant an option, you could or bar recovery he should have said “Oo nga,
file a motion dismiss alleging the grounds or you hindi ba ginawa mo na yang birthday gift ko?!
could file an answer with an affirmative Inabandon mo na yan!” Do you follow? He
defense. So you practically have an answer should have raised a defense that will bar
which joins the issues but at the same time the recovery. Now on a last item on affirmative
grounds for motion to dismiss available and the defense, my question is this – ARE YOUR
court can conduct a hearing, if the court is AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSES LIMITED ONLY TO
convinced that it should be dismiss after the THOSE IN RULE 16 §1? NO! Any ground that
hearing of the affirmative defenses, can it would prevent or bar recovery could be used as
dismiss the case? YES! So if the court is an affirmative defense in an answer. Take note
convinced after the hearing of the affirmative of this, as an affirmative defense in answer. Any
defenses that it should be dismissed, the court ground or any defense that could prevent or bar
need not wait for the trial of the case but could recovery could be used as an affirmative
already dismiss the case, can act on it defense, even if not enumerated in §1 of RULE
immediately. Now, considering I mentioned 16. However for a motion to dismiss, it is only
affirmative defenses. Affirmative defenses are limited to those under §1 RULE 16.

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dismissal is without prejudice, unless otherwise

Let us move on to the next kind of dismissal. stated. The next kind of dismissal is not
RULE 17 – DISMISSAL OF ACTION which prompted by the plaintiff; it is BY THE FAULT OF
prompted by the plaintiff. Kaya lang class tatlo THE PLAINITFF. Unreasonable delay in
to. Itong section dyan tatlo. So easily you should prosecuting the same, unreasonable length of
be able to remember this. Ok! Bear in mind time. What else? Failure to present the
class that dismissal can be effected by a plaintiff evidence in-chief. Tama ba ako? What is that? It
BEFORE AN ANSWER. Ok! Wala pang sagot the only means failure to present your witness on
plaintiff decides, Naku! Dismiss ko na lang. Can direct examination. What else would cause the
he do that? YES! That is upon notice. The dismissal of the case? Failure to comply with an
dismissal is without prejudice. Take note order of the court and failure to comply with
without prejudice. However, if it is dismissed for the rules. Now, I will now slide and discuss on
the second time on the same ground it is DEMURRER TO EVIDENCE. Demurrer to
already with prejudice. Now may I ask you, evidence in civil case, very simple. You are to
what happens to the counterclaim? Class file a demurrer to evidence in civil cases after
murmurs... it survives! Walang counterclaim, the plaintiff has completed the presentation of
wala pa ngang answer eh! Di ba?! There was a his evidence. Take note, completed ha! Not
complaint, the plaintiff decides to dismiss the rested, sa criminal yun! Pero pareho lang yun!
case upon notice, there is no answer there is no Don’t worry pareho lang yun. When the plaintiff
counterclaim to speak of. The next scenario of has completed the presentation of its evidence,
dismissal by the plaintiff is once THERE WAS the defendant could file a demurrer to
ALREADY AN ANSWER. Can the plaintiff still evidence. Do you need leave of court? NO!
dismiss the case? YES! But this time UPON Class civil, demurrer to evidence you do not
MOTION AND SUBJECT TO THE DISCRETION OF need a leave of court, take note of that. Ang
THE COURT. Before answer it is a matter of right kailangan mo sa criminal pero bukas na yan!
upon notice by the plaintiff. Once there is an Baka maghalo. Now, if the demurrer to
answer already it is upon motion and subject to evidence is granted, take note what is the
the discretion of the court. Now, if the court consequence? The case will be dismissed! What
grants that motion what happens to the is your remedy? Can you appeal? YES! Because
counterclaim? This is important rule and this it is a final disposition of the case. If your
next statement of mine will not be found in the demurrer to evidence is denied, can you file an
code because it is found in the case of Pingla MR? You could either present evidence or you
which is doctrinal. That has vacated the BA could file an MR. If you are still not convinced
Finace case which was the long standing rule. despite the denial of the MR and that there is a
Ok! Liliwanagin ko ha! Liliwanagin ko! Lest I be grave abuse of discretion , you could file a
misquoted! The present rule is this, once the PETITION FOR CERTIORARI. The next discussion
main case is dismissed by the plaintiff, THE point is one which distinguish civil from
COUNTERCLAIM WHETHER COMPULSORY OR criminal. What is that? If the demurrer to
PERMISSIVE WILL SURVIVE. What is the present evidence is granted in a civil case, of course the
rule if the plaintiff moves for the dismissal of defendant was not able to present evidence
the case, what happens to the counterclaim of and on appeal by the losing plaintiff the court
the defendant? It will survive. The question is, reverses the case, will the defendant-appellee
can he prosecute it in the main case or in a be still required to present his evidence? No
separate action? If he wants it to be prosecuted more, the court can already render a judgment.
or maintained in the same action, he will have That is a provison peculiar to only demurrer in
to manifest it within a period of 15 days the civil case. So if your demurrer to evidence is

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granted and the plaintiff appeals to the next court to render a judgment without requiring
level court and the next level court sees that the appellee-defendant to present its evidence.
there is no reason for the demurrer to evidence
and reverses it can it render a judgment Now, so we are done with dismissals in civil
without the evidence presented by the cases. Let me now give you a brief overview and
defendant-appellee? YES! The court will already outline of dismissals in criminal cases. There are
render a judgment. a number of them. The first one is, if you still
recall RULE 117 – MOTION TO QUASH. You file a
I was late the next day... I hope I did not miss motion to quash before plea or arraignment.
anything substantial. What is the consequence of a motion to quash?
The case will be dismissed. However, I would
Let us now move on and touch on the case of like you to take note that there are certain
Salazar vs. People. This is the case that grounds wherein the court will not
enumerates what I told you about leave of automatically dismiss, like if it does not
court and let me quote this for you – In a case constitute an offense, the information is
where the accused files a demurrer without defective the court can require the prosecution
leave of court, he thereby waives his right to to amend the information. This is another
present evidence and submits the case for example outside of the civil amendment that
decision based on the evidence of the we mentioned yesterday, wherein the court can
prosecution, very clear! On the other hand, if order an amendment without a motion to
the accused was granted leave to file a amend. Here the court can order the
demurrer to evidence, he has the right to amendment of the information. So one is
adduce evidence not only on the criminal motion to quash, we will discuss motion to
aspect but also on the civil aspect of the case. quash later on in more detail. The second one is
Now, this leads me to another scenario. Let us PROVISIONAL DISMISSAL – RULE 117. This is a
that the demurrer to evidence is granted in a dismissal with the consent, with the knowledge
criminal case, WHAT HAPPENS TO THE CIVIL or even prompted by the accused himself and
ASPECT OF THE CASE? Do you follow? Tapos na with the provisional dismissal, can that case be
eh! Ang sabi natin dito dismiss ang kaso, the revived? YES! Tandaan niyo yan ah kapag
accused should have presented his evidence but provisional dismissal. Sir, papaano ko ba
what happens to the civil case? DOES IT MEAN nalalamang provisional? Eto mga example; your
THAT IT IS ALSO DISMISSED OR SHOULD THERE honor considering the repeated absence of the
BE RECEPTION OF EVIDENCE FOR PURPOSES OF witnesses for the prosecution, I move for the
THE CIVIL ACTION OF THE CASE? This what the provisional dismissal of this case. Do you
Salazar case said – If demurrer is granted and follow? Can the case be revived? YES! Let us say
accused is acquitted by the court, the accused that the prosecution has a difficulty looking for
has the right to adduce evidence on the civil its witnesses and the prosecution will ask the
aspect of the case unless the court also declares court, can this case be dismissed in the mean
that the act or omission from which the civil time or until such time that I am able to locate
liability may arise did not exist. Now, let me some of the witnesses? What do you say
touch on the case of Radiowealth vs. Del counsel for the accused, is there any objection?
Rosario. This is the consequence of REVERSAL No objection your honor. That is what? A
OF APPEAL IN A CIVIL CASE. As I mentioned provisional dismissal. Any kind of dismissal that
yesterday, the effect of a reversal on appeal of is with the consent or prompted by the accused
a grant of a demurrer to evidence is to allow the is a provisional dismissal. However class a
provisional dismissal in the light of your new

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rules on criminal procedure can lead to a court acquires jurisdiction? YES! Maliwanag ba
permanent dismissal. Can you follow? Can lead clas? Iwant that to be very clear. So class in a
to a permanent dismissal yan. Sir, what do you sense, it is similar with a motion to dismiss – in
mean by permanent dismissal? If the penalty, terms of re-filing of its dismissal.
nasusundan niyo pa ba ako?! If the penalty for
the offense exceeds 6 years, a lapse of 2 years What is the next kind of dismissal that you can
would be required to make the dismissal think of? DEMURRER TO EVIDENCE IN
permanent. Ok now! I have to call your CRIMINAL CASE – RULE 119 §23. What other
attention on when the period will start to run. kinds of dismissal can you think of in a criminal
Kailangan alam niyo kung kelan nagstart to run. case? DISMISSAL ON THE GROUND OF SPEEDY
When will it start to run? If you look at the TRIAL. Take note class, there are 2 kinds of
provision of RULE 117, it will tell you , it will speedy trial. Alam niyo bay un? Ah sir
start to run upon notice of dismissal to the uhmmm...dalawa nga ba yun? Dalawa pala yun
offended party, that is clear in the provision of ano ha?! OO DALAWA YUN! One is SPEEDY
the law. However class, you will have to read it TRIAL UNDER THE RULES ON CRIMINAL
together with the Lacson case. That which PROCEDURE. Listen to this: When should it be
involve Senator Lacson wherein the Supreme invoked? At anytime before trial. The second
Court said, that there should likewise be a kind is SPEEDY DISPOSITION OF CASES UNDER
notice to the Public Prosecutor. Not only to the THE CONSTITUTION. Now, ano yan class? When
offended party but likewise to the public could you invoke it? At anytime for as long as
prosecutor and what is the reason for that? It is the case is pending, you could invoke that.
the public prosecutor who can revive the case. What is your remedy? So class ha, I am moving
Therefore the period will not start to run unless further. Ito lumabas na sa bar, baka hindi na
the public prosecutor has been duly informed itanong o baka umulit. Yung demurrer nga class
or has received notice of the dismissal. If the the distinctions that I gave you a while ago,
period of the offense carries a penalty not lumabas yan sa bar. Yan class ang tawag sa mga
exceeding 6 years, the provisional dismissal will ganyang tanong de kahon. Ibig sabihin nun,
become permanent after the lapse of 1 year. yung mga yun ay dapat alam niyo. Walang
Now, class let me ask you this, I will backtrack a kapatawaran kapag hindi niyo alam. Do you
little. I did mention a motion to quash, right? A follow? Yun mga ganun dapat alam niyo! Kung
while ago, does it mean class that if a motion to sa basketball, sainyong mga naglalaro ng
quash is granted; meaning the case is dismissed, basketball. Yun ay parang free throw. Do you
can it be re-filed? YES! Except prescription, follow? Kung hindi mo ma-shoot yan, ikaw ang
double jeopardy; meaning he has been may kasalanan. Wala kang dapat sisihin. That
acquitted, he has been convicted or that case was asked, distinguish demurrer in civil and
has been dismissed without the express criminal. So kapag alam mo masaya ka! Tapos
consent of the accused. Sir, how about lack of pag labas mo mayabang ka pa! Kayang-kaya
jurisdiction over the subject matter, it was filed exam eh. Class ang iingatan niyo pag labas
in the RTC wherein it should have been filed in ninyo, huwag niyon i-aassume na yung reading
the MTC – once dismissed can you file again? niyo ng question ay pareho sa kaklase niyo. Di
YES! In the proper court. Do you follow? Lack of ba ganun?! At baka magtalo kayo. Tapos baka
jurisdicition over the person of the accused, mag-away pa kayo. Tapos magtaka ka later on
how do you acquire jurisdiction over the person bakit siya hindi pumasa, ikaw pumasa. So class
of the accused? By a valid arrest or surrender. If forget about it move on to the next
the accused has not yet been arrested, the case examination. Now let us proceed. What are
could be dismissed. Can it be re-filed once the your remedies for violation of speedy trial

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under the constitution? HABEAS CORPUS! DAYS. Doon may period na. Do you foolow? Sa
Because detention has been rendered illegal, code walang period. Sir, ano magpprevail? Eh di
that is on the premise that he is detained. How syempre yung mas bago – 5 days! Eh papaano
about violation of your right to speedy trial kung hindi nagfile ng ex-parte motion? What is
under the rules of procedure? Your remedies the duty of the court? Under the guidelines on
are CERTIORARI, PROHIBITION or MANDAMUS. pre-trial and modes of discovery, IT IS THE DUTY
Let us now proceed to another point. Ano pa PRE-TRIAL. If you look at the code you will not
yung dismissal? Meron pa ba? May naiisip pa ba find such a provision. That is only found where?
kayo? Ah class? In criminal cases, there is also, In the guidelines of pre-trial and modes of
similar to civil cases FAILURE TO PROSECUTE. discovery. Considering I touch on the guidelines
You also have that in criminal cases. Now that in relation to pre-trial. Let me now tell you the
we have discussed the kinds of dismissals both new form of summons. Baka mamaya itanong
in civil and criminal cases. I will now proceed yan i-a, b, c. Sabi a. You have to answer within
and discuss the case of Limaco vs. Shonan. Let the period of fifteen days otherwise you will be
us look at the 2 kinds of dismissal by the declared in default; b. you have to file an
plaintiff. What are the 2 kinds of dismissal by answer within a period of 30 days; c. you have
the plaintiff? According to this case: to file an answer with an affirmative defense in
lieu of a motion to dismiss within the
1. upon notice, a dismissal as a matter reglementary period of 15 days. Which is the
of right; right answer? C! That is in the guidelines. Now,
the court persuades, it is not mandatory baka
2. dismissal as a matter of discretion. naman sabihin niyo, ay prohibited pleading pala
ang motion to dismiss! NO!!! It is not a
prohibited pleading. I want to be very clear. In
Let us now look at PRE-TRIAL. Ayokong sabihin ordinary cases a motion to dismiss is not a
if you have time, you should have time and I prohibited pleading. Liliwanagin ko! Baka
would like you to read the guidelines on pre- mamaya sisihin niyo pa ako! Di ba sinabi sa bar
trial and modes of discovery. It is there at the review naming na it is a ... NO! IT IS NOT A
back portion of your code GUIDELINES ON PRE- PROHIBITED PLEADING. Except that you have a
TRIAL AND MODES OF DISCOVERY of 2004. new form of summons and kindly take note
There is also the JUDICIAL DISPUTE based on the guidelines that summons should
RESOLUTION RULE of 2006. Let me walk you be served upon the defendant and this is not
through this briefly, before I give a case. What provided for in RULE 14 within a period of 1
are the things that I would like you to consider day. A few questions has been asked in the bar
on pre-trial? The first one is this provision on exams in connection with these guidelines. Ano
pre-trial requires the PLAINTIFF TO FILE AN EX- yung mga yun? Like the MOST IMPORTANT
PARTE MOTION TO SET IT FOR PRE-TRIAL once WITNESS RULE. Have you heard of that? Ano ba
issues have been joined, it is the duty of the yung most important witness rule? You start
plaintiff to promptly file an ex-parte motion for with your presentation of witness in terms of
pre-trial. The provision of the law uses the word their importance. Aba’y baka unahin mo yung
promptly. However the guidelines on pre-trial nagpadala lang ng demand letter. Kasi ganun
and modes of discovery has supplemented this ang abugado nun because of lack of a witness.
provision. The plaintiff should still file an ex- Sino nga bang pwede? The judge will ask, who is
parte motion to set the case for pre-trial but your witness the? Your honor! My messenger.
that is AFTER THE FILING OF THE LAST Who is that? The one who delivered the

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demand letter. In the absence of that provision, in RULE 10 will the plaintiff be allowed to
kahit sino pwede mong dalhin eh. Anothe rule present evidence ex-parte, in cases of default or
that you have to take note on this is ONE DAY can the court render a judgment at its
EXAMINATION OF WITNESS RULE. Ibig sabihin discretion based on what the pleading may
sa isang araw tapos ka na sa isang testigo. The warrant or alleges? That is new in that
direct, cross, re-direct and re-cross should have provision, under the old rules presentation of
been completed in one sitting of the witness. evidence ex-parte may be availed by the
Pero sasabihin mo, sir parang... I work in court plaintiff but today subject to the discretion of
but I do not see that. That is the prerogative of the court. Subject to the discretion of the judge
the judge but the provision of the guidelines he could already render a judgment based on
suggest that judges should strictly follow the what the pleading may warrant.
same. We cannot blame judges because they
have so many cases and they have to give time Now, let me now touch on the case of Macasaet
to all of those cases, otherwise baka sila ang vs. Macasaet. Why am I citing this case class? I
ma-icomplain kung isa lang at isa ang am citing this case because the provisions of
pinepresent na testigo. So please take note of RULE 18 on absence or failure to appear was
those. adopted on an ejectment case or was made to
apply in a RULE 70 §8. If you would note on
The next item that would like to touch on pre- ejectment cases, there is no similar provision on
trial is this ABSENCE. The case of Alcaraz vs. failure to appeal. What I mean by no similar
Court of Appeals. What happened in this was provision is there is no excuse or there is no
that the lawyer was absent and the party was requirement of sending a representative. If the
also absent. Who was present? The wife of the plaintiff is absent in an ejectment case, it will be
party. Maya dala-dala siyang medical certificate dismissed. If the defendant is absent, the court
which was not notarized. Your honor hindi ho can already render judgment. However, there is
pwede yung asawa ko, yung lawyer ng asawa ko nothing in that provision in RULE 70 hat gives
hindi rin pwede. What is the effect 0f absence? them a reason for an excuse or the right to send
If the plaintiff was absent during pre-trial, what their representatives. In this case of Macasaet
happen? The case could be dismissed. If the vs. Macasaet, the court said: The spirit behind
defendant was absent, the plaintiff will be the exception to personal appearance under
allowed to present evidence ex-parte. I think I the rules on pre-trial is applicable to preliminary
discussed with you yesterday the remedy of this conference in summary procedure. For the
situation. As in default, you recall? Your remedy longest time, I recall hindi ko ito na-touch
according to the case of Saguid vs. Court of kahapon so babalikan ko, there has been no
Appeals is to file an MR or to LIFT ORDER OF question on amendment to conform with the
DEFAULT on the ground of FAME. In order not evidence. There were questions on amendment
to suffer the consequence of absence, what can as a matter of right before answer and after
you do? You should send a representative, an answer with leave of court. But for the longest
authorized representative or you should give a time there has been no question on
legal or a valid excuse that the court should be amendment to conform to the evidence. This is
satisfied with. In the absence of any, the in §5 of RULE 10. Kindly take note that there are
consequence that I have mentioned to you will 2 kinds of AMENDMENT TO CONFORM TO THE
occur. I said if the defendant is absent, the EVIDENCE: if there is no objection on the part of
plaintiff will be allowed to present evidence ex- the other party. But before I give you the kind
parte. Now let us make a comparison. How let me explain this to you. What do I mean by
about in default? If a party is declared in default amendment to conform to the evidence?

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Ganito lang yun class, remember in your RULE 8

an answer is based on allegations, are evidence Please take note also of the EFFECT OF FAILURE
required? The answer is NO! Unless it is an TO SUBMIT A PRE-TRIAL BRIEF. The effect of
actionable document. Therefore class in the failure to submit a pre-trial brief is as if you
course of the trial, what has been alleged were not present and therefore the
should be supported by evidence and let me consequences of non-appearance will likewise
lead you to the definition of evidence. RULE 128 apply.
§1 – Evidence is the means sanctioned by the
rules in a judicial proceeding to establish the Let us now proceed to INTERVENTION. Let me
truth as to a matter of fact. When do you start with the case of Looyuko vs. Court of
present evidence? During trial. To illustrate to Appeals. This is not a new case but this is
you more vividly let us say, my claim for sum of important because of its pronouncement. It lays
money is Php500,000.00 but in the course of the general rule. When can you intervene? Class
the trial by presentation of invoices and other ang kailngan niyo lang tandaan dito aside from
receipts I was able to show that my claim is for pwede ka magcomplaint-in-intervention, pwede
the amount of Php800,000.00 there is a ka mag answer-in-intervention or you could be
discrepancy from that which was alleged and a complainant-in-intervention against the
that which was established during trial. This is original parties, pwede rin yun! But more
where that provision will apply; you could importantly you will have to take note that the
amend the pleading to conform with the period to file an intervention is at ANYTIME
evidence. Ito na yung 2 kinds. BEFORE RENDITION OF JUDGMENT IN THE
TRIAL COURT. That is by express provision of §2
2 kinds of AMENDMENT TO CONFORM TO THE of RULE 19 – at anytime before rendition of
EVIDENCE: judgment in the trial court. I would like to be
very clear with this THERE IS NO PARTNER
1. if the other party does not object, PROVISION OF INTERVENTION IN THE COURT
in that case there could be OF APPEALS OR EVEN THE SUPREME COURT.
amendment of the pleadings to Even if you look at the provisions of RULE 46 to
conform to the evidence even after 55, you will not find a similar provision. Why?
judgment. Even after judgment that Because only trial courts are allowed by law. Eh
could still be amended; sir ba’t ganun? However, appellate courts have
reasonable judicial discretion to allow, not
2. If the other party objects, it is left to under the provision but reasonable judicial
the sound discretion of the court. discretion to allow an intervention. Now, so the
GENERAL RULE is before or during trial you
Moving further on pre-trial, can you still apply could intervene is there an EXCEPTION
for DEPOSITION after pre-trial or you could only according to the case of Looyuko? YES! In the
apply for deposition at anytime before pre- Director of Lands vs. Court of Appeals,
trial? YES! Jonathan Land Oil vs. Mangundadatu, intervention was allowed even when the
it is fairly settled now class. For as long as the petition for review of the assailed judgment was
action is pending, you could apply for already submitted for decision in the Supreme
deposition and if you will the Jonathan Land Oil Court. Another case in Mago vs. Court of
case, you will see that they are already at the Appeals, the court granted intervention despite
execution and there were certain facts that the the case being final and executory. Eh sir ba’t
court had to be informed of. So please take ganun? Final and executory na may intervention
note of that. pa? What is the key? What will allow you to

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intervene even if judgment has already been dismissal of the complaint-in-intervention. Take
rendered? According to this case, it must be note also of another case in intervention, the
noted that in both this cases intervenors were case of Lim Po vs. Court of Appeals. This is
INDISPENSABLE PARTIES. So INDISPENSABLE important because of the pronouncement of
PARTIES CAN INTERVENE EVEN AFTER THE the court that intervention will only be allowed
RENDITION OF THE CASE. Class kindly take note aside from existence of legal interest, if it will
that there should be what? The INTERVENOR not undue delay or prejudice the rights of the
SHOULD HAVE A LEGAL INTEREST. When I say original parties to the case. If it will unduly delay
legal interest it should be material and actual and prejudice the rights of the original parties
such that if you are the plaintiff, you should to the case, the court will not allow
have suffered some injury or damage. Let me intervention.
ask you this, is a mortgage lien a legal interest?
Let me give you the facts of this case, ano bay Let us now proceed to a discussion on
un? Eh, nangutang eh! Ano yung sinangla? Ano SUBPOENA. What about subpoena? Class of
yung ginawang security? Yung barko, ang course I would like you to bear in mind that
pangalan pa ng barko ay Felipa. It was used as a there are 2 kinds of SUBPOENA:
security, well just like any other loan if it
reaches the court it is unpaid. Hindi nabayaran 1. subpoena AD TESTIFICANDUM, to
ok! Now, there was extra-judicial foreclosure on appear and testify; and
the vessel. In the meantime the crew members
filed in court an action to recover the interest 2. subpoena DUCES TECUM, to
and unpaid wages based on the preference of appear and bring the documents in
credit. So nataranta yung nagpautang, court.
nataranta yung bangko. Anong ginawa nung
bangko? Doon sa court case wherein there is
preference of credit na mas superior yung The next case that I will touch on is Collado vs.
interest nung mga crew, what did they do? They Bravo. The question is this, the clerk of court
filed a complaint-in-intevention. The bank a issues a subpoena when there is no pending
complaint-in-intervention based on what they case. Can the court issue a subpoena without a
claim to be a mortgage lien. Sabi nila, meron ho pending case, just to act as a mediator or as a
kaming mortgage lien dyan eh so pwede mag- conciliator for a pending dispute? NO! Absent
intervene. Anong sabi ng court? A MORTGAGE any action a subpoena cannot be issued. Hindi
LIEN IS NOT SUFFICIENT, if you are a plaintiff-in- yun basta...ah i-susubpoena kita! Hindi pwede
intervention you should have your own cause of yun. But of course class other investigative
action and for that reason you should have bodies could issue a subpoena. The
suffered some damage or injury by reason of Ombudsman could issue a subpoena, the DOJ
the fact. Similar case class, let us look at this could issue a subpoena, the NBI issues a
question: if the principal complaint has been subpoena, congress in aid of legislation could
dismissed what happens to the complaint-in- issue a subpoena. Can they issue a subpoena?
intervention? Can it stand alone just like a YES! Can the Supreme Court or the Court of
counterclaim? Do you follow the same thing in Appeals issue a subpoena? YES! Can a judge
intervention? The answer is NO! According to issue a subpoena in connection with the
the court, intervention is merely ancillary and application for a deposition? YES! Please take
supplemental to the existing litigation and note of that! I think more importantly you have
never an independent action, the dismissal of to take note of this, how to quash a subpoena?
the principal action necessarily results in the How about how do you quash a subpoena
duces tecum? It is what? Unreasonable,

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oppressive, failure to tender kilometrage, niyo. Ang direct contempt class napakadali.
failure to tender witness fees, failure to What? Galitin mo lang si judge. Galitan mo
describe the items to be brought that is in §3 lang, ganun! Inisin mo si judge. You could be
and failure to tender the cause of production, held liable for direct contempt because the
duces tecum eh! Ad testificandum, you are not magic phrase is “IN THE PRESENCE OF OR SO
bound thereby. You are not bound! Hindi ako NEAR THE JUDGE”. Ok! Kung katabi mo siya sa
dapat na pinipresenta. I still remember the sinehan, hindi ka macocontempt. Sabihan mo:
question in the bar exams where the examiner judge, mali-mali desisyon mo! Hindi ka
was Justice Bersamin that question was a bit macocontempt ok! Eh bakit?! Sir we are near
tricky because it touched on something which each other. It should be in the presence or near
was privileged. Medjo ang tanong doon eh the judge while performing his judicial function.
pwede bang i-subpoena yung abugado na nag- In one case decided by the Supreme Court in
initial investigate doon sa kaso ng cliente niya. the Ibay case. Alam niyo ba yung kasong Ibay?
Can you move to quash it? Are you bound? Nagamit yung parking! Ginamit yung parking
Immediately you could say I am not bound niya. Aba’y nagalit. Yun pala staff ng city hall. Eh
because of the privilege. You could invoke that. syempre magagaling yang mga staff ng city hall.
When you say I am not bound thereby, you Hinahanap siya ngayon ni judge. Pagkapark niya
have to show the reasons why you cannot be umalis na siya, umuwi. Kasi nagpadala si judge
compelled to sit at the stand. Another ng notice: you should appear in the afternoon
important item that I would like to take note is and explain why you should not be held in
the 100-kilometer distance of the witness to the contempt of court. Kita niyo nagulat kayo oh!
court where the hearing is to be conducted. Eh siguro sa galit niya explain why you should
Kailangan tandaan niyo yan 100 ha hindi 60. be not be held in direct contempt of court. Eh
May libro kasi sinsabi 60 luma yun! Why? What syempre hindi yun umattend... Kinontempt
is the importance of the witness within the 100- niya! Siya ngayon ang dinemanda. Anong sabi
kilometer radius from the place where the ng court? The act of the judge was improper he
hearing is to be conducted? If a subpoena has should not have declared the person in
been issued and he fails to appear the can use contempt. So direct contempt is in the presence
its compulsive process. What do you mean by or so near the judge. In his presence, let us say
compulsive process? The court can hold him in the person is in the courtroom and he was
contempt. Is that direct or indirect contempt? asked ok you sit on the stand, you refused!
Sir, mabigat na tanong yan ah! Who says A. Could you be held indirect or direct contempt?
Direct contempt; B. Indirect contempt; C. None Direct! The court says, you raise your hand and
of the above. That is indirect contempt, that is be placed on oath, you refused. Ayoko! Could
§3 of RULE 71. If I were you class I will he be placed in contempt? YES! Direct
memorize RULE 71 §3, it comes in handy; failure contempt.
to comply with the order, writ of process of the
court, when you made representations to be So class that is one compulsive process, if you
lawyer where in fact you are not, any act of are within the 100-kilometer radius you refused
disobedience outside of direct contempt, when to appear. You could be placed in contempt –
possession had already been divested and you indirect contempt. Second is what? Your
surreptitiously returned or took possession, appearance can be compelled by an ARREST.
failure to comply with a subpoena issued by the The arrest is what you call a BENCH WARRANT,
court – that is INDIRECT CONTEMPT. EH sir, ano hindi yan warrant of arrest. That is a bench
yung DIRECT CONTEMPT. Madaling-madali yan warrant, it is a warrant issued upon the
class! Yan ah, tinuro ko na sainyo para alam authority of the court. Ang warrant of arrest

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presupposes that there is a pending criminal examine. But that was not the question in the
case that is why there is a warrant of arrest. case of Carriaga vs. Court of Appeals, the
question in the case of Carriaga vs. Court of
Now let us now proceed and discuss certain Appeals was the question of unable to testify.
items on deposition. I still remember the Ano ba yung ibig sabihin nung unabale to
question on whether there could be testify? And class this has a partner provision in
DEPOSITION ON A SPECIAL PROCEEDING CASE? RULE 115 §1(f) tingnan niyo on rights of the
YES! Ok, tinanong na yan sa bar. Can there be accused. Di ba? The witness is dead or
deposition or modes of discovery in a criminal unavailable. Do you get me? Deposition or
case? YES! So class every year questions have examination in another proceeding can be used
been asked on deposition. Titingnan natin for as long as there is an opportunity to cross
ngayon kung magtatanong, pero class multiple examine. Nakita niyo RULE 115 §1(f)? So class,
choice kelangan nila ng tanong. Madami eh! So in this case they touch on bought §47 RULE 130
kung kayo ay di pa naniniwala sa forecast na ito, and RULE 115 §1(f). What did the court say?
basahin niyo na yan! You are not in my regular They cited the case of Tan vs. Court of Appeals,
review, this is again, critical. So yung critical that ruled unable to testify for that matter
lang din didiscussin ko, but kidding aside class unavailability does not cover the witnesses who
you will need it. Ang feeling may mga itatanong were subpoenaed but did not appear. Ok!
dyan and for the last 3 years there have been Unavailability or unable to testify does not
questions on deposition, para kapag minultiple cover situations wherein witnesses have been
choice kayo alam niyong sagutin. Let us look at subpoenaed, pinadalhan ng subpoena pero
the case of Cariaga vs. Court of Appeals, this is a hindi umappear. Hindi kasama yun sabi dito. It
good case because it gives us an example of a may refer to inability of proceeding from a
testimony or deposition at a former proceeding. grave cause, dapat daw for a grave cause
You know that? I will give you this example almost amounting to death as when the witness
before I discuss the case, this is in connection is old and has lost the power of speech it does
with the provision on evidence as an exception not refer to tampering of witnesses. Ok, so
to the hearsay rule. RULE 130 §47 – kelangan there should be a good reason or
DEPOSITION ON EXAMINATION OF A WITNESS grave cause for the unavailability. Referring
GIVEN IN ANOTHER TO BE USED IN THE now to the case of Carriaga, the court said: the
PRESENT PROCEEDING. What is the records reveal that witness Carriaga was
requirement in that provision? So madaling subpoenaed only once and did not appear to
salita class imaginin niyo ako yung judge dito sa testify in the criminal case against petitioner.
husgado na to may ipipresenta ngayon na Considerably, this witness was not deceased or
testimonya but the witness to be presented is out of the Philippines. Do you follow? He was
unavailable. Do you follow? Because according not deceased or out of the Philippines. Can this
to §47, the person is dead or unavailable, that is be witness be categorized as one that cannot be
why it is an exception to the hearsay rule and found despite due diligence, unavailable or
the requirement there class is, THERE SHOULD unable to testify? The answer was NO. DO you
HAVE BEEN AN OPPORTUNITY TO CROSS- follow? Are we clear? The answer was NO!
EXAMINE, not actual cross-examination but you Mere sending of subpoena and failure to
should have been given an opportunity. Kapag appear is not sufficient to prove inability to
tinanong ka magcross-examine ka? Ay, hindi na testify and more particularly class in this case
ho! Ok na! Ok na yun, there was an the Supreme Court said, sandali lang this is a
opportunity. What is prohibited is that you criminal case. Do you follow? And it refers to
were not even given the chance to cross- the right of the accused and therefore it should

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be read in the context on how the constitution kang maka-wiggle out at madali mong ma-
gave it to them. conclude yung sagot eh. What is the coverage?
What matters could be subject of deposition?
Now, if you will recall I mentioned the case of ANY MATTER FOR AS LONG AS IT IS NOT
Jonathan Land Oil vs. Mangundadatu a while PRIVILEGED. Ok! Any matter for as long as it is
ago. Let me quote to you the declaration of the not privileged. Ok! Of course it says relevant
court. Depositions may be taken at anytime, mater, hindi naman yung walang ka torya-torya
after the institution of the action or whenever di ba!? Relevant matter for as long as it is not
necessary or convenient. There is no rule that privileged. Now, let me touch on privileged. Ok!
limits deposition taking only to the period of Para naman may tinatakbuhan tayo. What do
pre-trial or before it. No prohibition against the you mean by privileged? This is covered by
taking of deposition after pre-trial. Are we RULE 130 §24 of the rules on evidence. Ok!
clear? There is no prohibition for taking of Privileged, I will not discuss that in details but I
deposition after pre-trial. Now I will give you a... will enumerate to you:
Before i move further on the cases on
deposition. Let me just give you an outline of 1. attorney-client;
RULE 23. Class huwag kayong pupunta ng bar
exam ng hindi niyo nabasa ang RUKE 23. Ok?! O 2. doctor-patient;
di sir RULE 23 lang ang babasahin ko? Eh bahala
ka!hehehe... Hanggang 29 basahin niyo ah! Pero 3. penitent and priest;
yung RULE 23 kasi class is the heart of it all. If
you know RULE 23 chances are you know 4. husband and wife;
deposition. Let me help you outline the
provision. How many sections do you have 5. public officer in relation to the
there? You have 29 sections! Is that right? state;
Madali lang yan class, ganito lang ang pag-
outline nyan, from sections 1 to 14: GENERAL 6. secrecy of bank deposit;
PROVISIONS; meaning it applies to both ORAL
DEPOSITION AND WRITTEN INTERROGATORIES. 7. non-disclosure of who you voted
Ok yang lahat ng yan so ienumerate ko briefly for, except in election fraud cases;
ha. Ano ba yung mga yun? Hindi ko lalahatin but
I will highlight it. Ano yung mga kailangan dun? 8. non-disclosure of trade secrets;
Of course both applies to oral and written. How
to initiate or commence? Before an answer you 9. non-disclosure of result of census.
file what? A MOTION. Again, BEFORE AN
ANSWER HAS BEEN FILED after the institution of These are examples of privileged
the action. You file a MOTION TO TAKE communications. Do you follow? So, they
DEPOSITION. AFTER ANSWER you file a NOTICE cannot compel you to testify in the same vain or
TO TAKE DEPOSITION. Kapag kayo ay nalilito in the same manner, they cannot compel you to
tandaan niyo kabaliktaran lang to ng be a deponent. Are we clear? They cannot
amendment. Kabaliktaran lang, before answer – compel you to be a deponent. Ano pa, general
motion. Do you follow? After answer – notice, provisions? Class, THE FACT OF TAKING OF
that is in §1 – How to apply. Ito class it comes in DEPOSITION DOES NOT MEAN THAT YOU ARE
handy kasi yung mga nakaraang questions on MAKING THE DEPONENT AS YOUR WITNESS.
deposition revolves around this question – Take note of this, the fact of taking, kapag
What is the coverage? Kapag alam mo to madali kinuha mo it does not mean that you are

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making him as your witness. But class the very and in RULE 25, the same uses. Ok now, the
moment you, the magic word, USE A PORTION next item that I will touch on is BEFORE WHOM
you practically open it for examination. Do you SHOULD DEPOSITION BE TAKEN. Dito wala pang
follow? The mere fact of taking, you are not tanong.
making him as your witness but the fact of use
of a portion of deposition allows the other party Before whom in the Philippines?
to examine the entire deposition. Class kung
ako sainyo kailangan kabisado ninyo ang §4, 1. before ANY JUDGE;
kailangan kabisado niyo yan! Kailangan
kabisado niyo ang §4. Deposition can be taken 2. before a NOTARY PUBLIC;
Deposition could be taken if the court finds ADMINISTER OATH AND
under §14.
1. the witness is dead;

2. the witness resides more than 100- The next class, foreign countries before where?
kilometers where the place of trial
is conducted. Please take note class 1. consul, consular officer, secretary of
of the 100. If you are within the legation; itong susunod itinanong
100-kilometers, your appearance na
could be compelled by a subpoena.
You could be arrested. You could be 2. through letters rogatory or a
place in contempt. More than 100- commission – what is a LETTERS
kilometers from the place where ROGATORY – a letters rogatory is a
the hearing is to be conducted, communication from one judicial
there could be no compulsive authority to another, yan ang
process but your remedy is to take letters rogatory. That has been
his deposition; explained in the case of Dulay vs.
Dulay, it is a communication with
3. that the witness is unable to testify one judicial authority to another
because of age, sickness or and IF THE DEPOSITION WILL
4. that the party offering the APPLIED? The RULES OF THE
deposition has been unable to FOREIGN COUNTRY on taking of
procure attendance of the witness deposition. How about
by subpoena; meaning the witness’ COMMISSION? Commission is the
appearance cannot be procured by appointment or naming of a person
subpoena; and before whom deposition is to be
taken by the court in the Philippines
5. other exceptional circumstances. and obviously what rules will be
followed? The rules in the
Philippines; and finally
Class, you have to take note of that. Take note
that the use of deposition under RULE 23 is the 3. any person auhtorized to
same in RULE 24 and in RULE 25. Ok! In RULE 24 administer oath but should be

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stipulated by the parties consistent 15 minutes or I have 30 minutes...Parang gutom

with §14. na kayo eh. Relax lang kayo. What I intend to do
Ok now, let us look at DISQUALIFICATION. What class, honestly, is to be able to capture it until
about disqualification? criminal procedure and evidence. The highlight
of those, I intend to capture it. If I could touch
If the deposition officer has: on a little of specpro I will do that but I touch on
something already yesterday. I think this is the
1. financial interest; bulk because in the bar exams 5% is specpro eh.
Nakita niyo ba? 5% eh, doon sa coverage nung
2. relationship to the party within the remedial. Hindi ko sinasabing huwaqg niyong
6th degree of consanguinity or basahin ah, ang ibig kong sabihin, considering
affinity; my time is very limited with you. I have only 12
hours so I would like to cover until evidence.
3. relation with the counsel within the Specpro bahala na kayo! Hindi...hindi naman!
same degree of affinity or Pwede mong basahin yun may reviewer naman
consanguinity. kayo dun eh but I intend to cover until
evidence. Ok! I will highlight it.
Ok let us look at...class the case of! Ok! Baka
gulatin kayo nito: WHEN DO YOU USE A Now let me now touch on DEPOSITION BEFORE
MOTION TO SUPPRESS DEPOSITION? That is in ACTION. Take note that is perpetuation of
RULE 23 §29, I think that is in the last testimony. Deposition before action, that is
subsection. Motion to suppress deposition, you perpetuation of testimony and the other kind is
use a motion to suppress class, take note of this DEPOSITION PENDING APPEAL. Let us
if the procedure for the taking of the deposition distinguish class WRITTEN INTERROGATORIES
according to §17, 19, 20 and 21 was not UNDER RULE 23 and WRITTEN
followed. I leave that to you, basahin niyo yun INTERROGATORIES UNDER RULE 25.
ha 17, 19, 20 and 21. Sir ano ba yun? Inoutline
lang nun kung paano kumuha ng deposition. What is the difference?
Kapag hindi sinunod yun, expect a motion to
suppress deposition. The case of Sales vs. 1. written interrogatories under RULE
Sabino. Ok! What about this according to the 23 CAN BE DIRECTED BEFORE ANY
case of Sales vs. Sabino, while depositions may PERSON, HE COULD BE A PARTY OR
be used as evidence in court proceedings, they NOT TO THE CASE. On a RULE 25
are not generally meant to substitute for the written interrogatories to parties, IT
actual testimony in open court of a party or a IS DIRECTED ONLY TO A PARTY TO
witness. Although you could take deposition, THE CASE, THE ADVERSE PARTY.
you cannot make it as a substitute for Maliwanag ba yun?! Ok! Yung RULE
presenting the witness on the stand. However 23 written interrogatories kahit
class, if the uses that I enumerated are present, kanino, kahit sino for as long as
then you could use it even without presenting relevant. RULE 25 based on the title
the witness. Obviously, if the witness is dead it could only be directed to whom?
you cannot present him anymore. Ok now, let To an adverse party, are we clear?!;
us now look at this. Let me now touch on
before I wind up on deposition, I still have 15 2. written interrogatories under RULE
minutes before the break, your break is 10:30. 23, you will have to go through
Ok! Nakita ko sa relo niya eh. Is that right I have direct, cross, re-direct and re-cross.

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Do you follow?! On written REQUEST FOR ADMISSION IT

interrogatories under RULE 25, you AMOUNTS TO AN IMPLIED
do not have direct, cross, re-direct ADMISSION and please take note
and re-cross. What do you have? that a REQUEST FOR ADMISSION IF
Only a litany of questions. Only a ADMITTED AMOUNTS TO A
set of questions to be answered by JUDICIAL ADMISSION consistent
who? The adverse party. Ok! It is with RULE 129 §4 – any admission
different in that line. Class, it is in court during its pendency is a
different in that line. judicial admission. Can you change
a judicial admission? YES. If it was
Now, let me now end on this point on MISTAKE OR THERE WAS NO
deposition on 2 items, just on 2 items. The most INTENTION TO MAKE SUCH AN
common mode of discovery and has not been ADMISSION.
asked in the bar exams is request for admission.
26. Ok! This is a mode of discovery that could The last two items that I would like to touch on
After issues has been joined. Take note of that, OF BOOKS, PAPERS AND DOCUMENTS. OK!
it could only be applied for after answer, a Please take note that this provision covers two
request for admission and please take note you possible orders, not one. Two possible orders,
are to request for: what is that? FOR PRODUCTION, INSPECTION,
1. admission of a material or relevant DOCUMENTS INCLUDING PHOTOGRAPHIC. It
fact; and also includes AN ORDER TO ENTER THE
2. a genuineness and due execution of not limited to books, papers and documents.
the document. Why? What is the You could ask for inspection of real properties
consequence if you cause the consistent with RULE 27 and let me call your
admission of genuineness and due attention to this problem. Class, if you produce
execution of a document? If that or if you received a notice to produce or a
document is admitted, you do not motion to produce be careful. Ok! Be careful,
need to authenticate the document you might be of the impression that it is a RULE
anymore consistent with RULE 130 27 provision that will apply or it is a mode of
§18-33. You do not need to discovery only. Ok! Be careful...why? Because
authenticate, inamin niya eh. Do that may be a prelude or a preliminary to a
you follow? We are not talking of presentation of secondary evidence, where the
best evidence, we are not talking of original is in the custody of the adverse party.
parol evidence, we are not talking Do you follow?
AUTHENTICATION. If it is admitted, What are the requirements for presentation or
wala na. You do not need to go to compel the adverse party to present the
through the process of original in his possession?
authenticating, whether it is a
public document or a private 1. there should have been a notice to
document. And please take note produce;

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2. you should establish that the examined. Ok, ako yung ineksamin. Ineksamin
document actually existed and the ako class, ngayon ang ginawa ko humingi ako. If
document is in the possession of I ask a copy of that examination it opens the
the adverse party; and door. What? It waives all of my privilege, they
can now...humingi ako! Pahingi naman nung
3. despite notice to produce he refuse examination ko. The other could now ask copies
to produce, you can now present of my examination, whether previously or
secondary evidence. subsequently taken. If I refuse to do so and I
present the doctors who made the previous
examination, their testimony will be rendered
You can now present secondary evidence which inadmissible or they will not be allowed to sit
could be what? It must be presented in the on the stand. Do you follow? This is a
manner as enumerated under §5 of RULE 130. consequence of asking a copy of the
examination. If I am the person examined, my
1. a copy; mental condition was examined and I asked a
copy, that opens the door. The other party can
2. recital in some authentic now ask all my previous and subsequent
documents; and examinations and if I present my doctors, their
testimony could be stricken out or could be
3. testimony of the witnesses. rendered inadmissible. Ok now, let me end this
session. Hindi ito ah, hindi pa uwian. Let me end
this session by comparing, let me end this
Ok! Giding pa ba kayo? Ok sige! Now, let us now session... recall this was asked of me by a
proceed...ay hindi pa pala! Isa na lang. Yung lawyer and it was a very good question, the
Remember this ah! Physical and mental DEPOSITION ON RULE 23 AND APPLY IT IN
examination. Ito ang gusto ko lang tandaan CRIMINAL CASES? Do you follow? Yan ang
niyo. This mode of discovery COULD ONLY BE tanong. Do we follow the same procedure as in
USED IF THE MENTAL OR PHYSICAL CONDITION RULE 23 in criminal cases? The answer
OF THE PARTY IS SUBJECT OF THE is...anong sagot? RULE 23 ba ang nag-aapply?
CONTROVERSY. Do you follow? Aba’y kung hindi What applies is in the nature of deposition is
siya subject of the controversy, do not use this. RULE 119 §12, 14 and 15. Tingnan niyo yun.
Do not file an action for some of money and for CONDITIONAL EXAMINATION OF WITNESSES
mental examination of the defendant who FOR THE ACCUSED AND CONDITIONAL
refuses to pay, you cannot do that. Do you EXAMINATION OF WITNESSES FOR THE
follow?! Where the mental or physical PROSECUTION. Tingnan niyo yun. Sir bakit yun?!
condition of the party is in controversy. Ok! And Eh criminal yan eh. Sir hindi ba pwede yung
my last point now as I end with this is class, deposition before action? Ano ka!?
please take note that kapag ito itinanong. Ang GOODLUCK!!! How can you know that he will
pinakamahirap na pwedeng itanong dyan sa commit an offense? Do you follow? That is what
RULE 28 is itong discussion na to. Class, you call conditional examination of witnesses
everyone wants something for free. Di ba?! Sino for the accused and for the prosecution.
bang ayaw ng free, kapag alam niyong free
andun kayo. Nakapila kayo! Libreng kape, libre What are the requirements? What are the
sa mall...Ganun! gusto natin libre but in this grounds for the prosecution? Anong sabi?
provision class be very careful. Why? Take note,
let us say imagine that I am the person

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1. when the witness about to depart would take around 15 to 20 minutes to discuss
with no definite day of returning; or because I have 3...4...5 questions here. But I
think before we end around 12:15 or 12:20 I will
2. the witness is sick or infirm. be responding to this questions.

Ok now, let us now continue with our

Eh dun sa kabila? Doon sa accused: discussion. I am now on... let us look at how
1. the witness is sick or infirm and Based on the provisions of the rule class, there
unavailable. are grounds for postponement of hearing:

Now, knowing this class before I end. Please 1. absence or unavailability of

take note that there is a disparity in terms of evidence: the requirements are as
when examination will be conducted. There is a follows:
distinction, if you are to call the witnesses for a. the evidence should be material
the prosecution on conditional examination, the and relevant; and
examination will only be conducted where? IN b. efforts have been made to
THE PLACE WHERE THE CASE IS PENDING. present or to procure the
Tandaan niyo yun! Ok maliwanag ba?! When evidence but despite diligent
you call on the witnesses for the accused, the efforts, it cannot be presented.
examination could be:
2. the most common ground for
1. before any judge in the Philippines postponement is sickness or illness
including the place where it is – class you just do not claim that a
pending if you want; or if not person is ill or sick of course you
practicable will have to show that the presence
2. before any member of the Bar; or or the attendance of the witness or
counsel is indispensable; meaning
3. any judge directed by a superior he is to be presented on that day,
court directing an inferior court. the witness or that the lawyer is
required by court to be present on
So please take note that there is some level of that day so the presence of
flexibility, when it comes to conditional someone who is asking for
examination of the witnesses for the accused. postponement is what?
INDISPENSABLE and the nature of
If you are conducting a conditional examination the illness is that which would
of witnesses for the prosecution, it could only render his what? His absence
be conducted; the examination could only be excusable. Do you follow? So not
conducted in the place or in the court where any kind of illness. Your honor
the case is pending. It is 9:30 right? I will give masakit ho ang ngipin ko ngayon.
you now a break I will be back in a few minutes Ok! Your honor medyo ah...kinakati
then we will continue until 12:30. ho ako, may allergy ako ngayon. Do
you follow? Can be, the nature of
OK! I have here with me a number of questions. the illness is that which would
What I will do is before we take a break at 12:30 render it what? The absence
I will try to respond to your questions rather excusable. I do not want to ask you
than take it now because I would assume that it

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because if I will ask you I will get the departure. So according to the court that is not
most serious kind of illness, heart a good reason. So please take note, a good
attack, stroke, AIDS...mga ganun! reason for a postponement when it comes to
Baka kung anu-ano...but class what other than illness or absence of evidence is the
and the most common in court is Now, let us touch on CONSOLIDATION. Class on
sore eyes, because first and consolidation all that I would like you to
foremost it is contagious. Try niyo remember would be this phrase “THERE IS
kapag lawyer kayo! Kung totoong COMMONALITY OF FACT OR LAW”. Do you
may sore eyes kayo ha!!! Tumawag follow? There is commonality of fact or law,
kayo...sasabihin nila attorney sige look at the provision. Does it say AND or does it
huwag na kayong dumating ok lang! say OR? Ok it says OR. So there could be
Attorney! Ayaw nilang mahawa common facts or common law applicable. Now
sayo eh. Chickenpox...ayaw nilang let me cite you the case of Zulueta vs. Asia
mahawa sayo. Ok ano pa? Mumps. Brewery which is helpful on this point. The
Ayaw rin nila. Do you follow? But of concern of this particular case was, it involves a
course if you have serious illnesses, dealership agreement. A dealership agreement
that will also be an excuse. between Asia Brewery and Zulueta, there was a
dispute arising from the dealership agreement.
Now, let me cite the case of Hap Hung Zulueta was from Iloilo therefore the action was
Hardware vs. Philippine Company. The question instituted where? In Iloilo. However Asia
is – WHAT COULD BE A STANDARD IN Brewery likewise notice that there was violation
ALLOWING A POSTPONEMENT? Lagi na lang of the dealership agreement, hence there was
bang kapag humihingi ka ng postponement eh an action instituted in the court of Makati. Do
ibibigay? The court said that the standard you follow? So there is a case pending in Iloilo
should be the reason for the postponement is and there is a case pendignin Makati. The
UNAVAOIDABLE AND ONE THAT COULD NOT question is – Cant these two cases be
HAVE BEEN FORESSEN. Ok! It is unavoidable consolidated? How was it answered by the
and something that which have not been court? The issues in both civil cases pertain to
foreseen. In this particular case of Hap Hung the the respective obligations of the same parties
scenario was the person applying for under the sane agreement, the dealership
postponement had to go to the US because of a agreement. Thus, every transaction as well as
new born grandchild that she had to take care liability arising from it must be resolved in the
of and that she at the same time will be judicial forum where it is in issue. The
attending a convention. Do you know the consolidation of the two cases then becomes
answer of the court? Was that a good reason? imperative to a complete, comprehensive and
Was that something which was unavoidable and consistent determination. What you would
one that could have not been foreseen? The notice with this particular case is that – the two
answer is NO! Sabi ng Supreme Court NO! You cases are pending in two different judicial
could have scheduled when you will fly because districts. Do you follow? One is in Iloilo an one is
you will know the date of birth and at the same Makati, is there any prohibition in consolidation
time we are talking of conventions, the dates of because it is in two judicial districts? NO! Can
convention are predetermined and for that there be consolidation of cases in the same
reason you could have scheduled your judicial district? YES! There could be

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consolidation. Take note that in the case of 2. there are nunc pro tunct
Mega Land vs. CE Construction. The Supreme judgments: meaning judgments
Court said: that in cases of forum shopping, the that do not speak the truth; and
remedy is not consolidation. Magaling ang
abugado niya ano...magaling ang abugado! 3. when we speak of void judgments,
Napansin na nagpoforum shopping siya. Ang however the Supreme Court added
ginawa niya, he moved for a consolidation. Kita one more for this particular case to
mo ang galing nung abugado! Sabi ng Supreme be sure according to the court;
Court dito, hindi pwede yun! If one litigant has
filed multiple suits involving the same parties 4. the rule does not apply in cases
for the same cause of action, the consolidation where a supervening event such as
of these suits is not the correct palliative. the mistake undisputedly
Consolidation is not the remedy; these suits committed by the court.
should instead be dismissed on the ground of
forum shopping. Take note of that, the case
should have been dismissed on the ground of So they treated the mistake as a supervening
forum shopping. So if forum shopping exists, event –that is the unintended release of the
consolidation is not a remedy. Take note class one of the resolutions thus resulting in the
that according to the case of De Vera vs. Agloro, conflict and confusion. Mabait pa nga ang
consolidation is left within the sound discretion Supreme Court eh, dito?! Mabait ang Supreme
of the court. Ok! It is within the sound judicial Court on how they treated the conflicting
forum to consolidate the two cases. decision. They said there was a mistake and
they said that is a supervening event that would
Let me share with you the case of Heirs of not lead to the finality of the judgment. Kung
Valdez vs. Court of Appeals. What was the ibang division ng Supreme Court siguro
problem in this case? It involved two conflicting pinagalitan sila. They should have been more
decisions, class two conflicting decisions of the circumspect and careful in issuing resolutions.
same division of the Court of Appeals. Ok! Two The Supreme Court was very kind in terms of
conflicting decisions of the same division of the rendering the decision.
court of appeals. One was for dismissal and the
other for continuation of the case with one Let us now proceed class, I have discussed
cancelling out the other. Do you follow? Biro demurrer. Now let me now touch on
mo isang division dalwa resolution – one COMMISSIONERS. Ok! Briefly, baka i-codal kayo
dismissing, one to proceed. How did the court sa commissioners class. First and foremost
treat this? Can the dismissal attain finality? Can class, a commissioner is a:
one of the decisions be treated as the proper
decision. The Supreme Court cited the rule on 1. referee;
judgments are immutable and unalterable. You 2. an accountant; or
cannot change that anymore unless:
3. an examiner.
1. there are typographical or clerical
Ok! And take note that any matter can be
referred to a commissioner for as long as the
parties agree. Take note that any matter can be

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referred to a commissioner for as long as the Now, what matters can be referred to a clerk of
parties agree. court for ex-parte presentation of evidence?

If they disagree only the following grounds 1. default proceedings;

could be basis for a referral to a commissioner
in §2 of RULE 32: 2. ex-parte proceedings, in the nature
of course of default and ex-parte
1. long accounts; proceedings where defendants do
not appear and matter is referred
2. there is a need for the account or to a clerk of court like land
an account so that the court can be registration cases;
guided in rendering the judgment;
and 3. when parties stipulate.

3. there are facts arising outside of

the pleading that has to be within Now, let me ask you this question – can the
the knowledge of the court. court render a judgment without a trial? The
answer is YES! If the parties agree on facts this
is RULE 30 §6. If parties agree on facts whether
Class take note of this: A COMMISSIONER partially or wholly, the court may require
COULD ONLY ACT IF IT IS WITHIN THE ORDER OF submission of memorandum when what is left
REFERENCE. Ok! The commissioner could only to be resolved is a matter of law, the court can
act if it is within the order of reference and the already render a judgment.
commissioner should be placed on oath.
Let me now distinguish based on the case of
What do you mean by an ORDER OF Wood Technology vs. Equitable Banking,
REFERENCE? Class yung lang yung ano, inissue JUDGMENT ON THE PLEADINGS class and
ng husgado ITO ANG GAGAWIN MO! SUMMARY JUDGMENT. Class kapag ang
estudyante hindi na nila matandaan ito, ang
Can a commissioner issue a subpoena? YES! Ok! tinatandaan nila ay ano? Yung distinction but
Duces tecum? YES! class this should not be very hard for you to
remember. Before I give you the distinction I
Can a commissioner determine objections and will give you a simple explanation of judgment
admissibility of evidence? YES, IF WITHIN THE on the pleadings. Class yesterday I touched on
ORDER OF REFERENCE. it, it is fairly simple. IF YOU DO NOT CONTEST
Now, let us compare with a clerk of court. Can OR MAKE AN ISSUE OUT OF MATERIAL
the clerk of court determine admissibility of ALLEGATION OR IN SIMPLE WORDS THE CAUSE
PLEADINGS. Kuha niyo? Maliwanag ba?! Wala
Can the clerk of court issue a subpoena duces kang kinontest eh. Inamin mo lahat eh. What
tecum? NO! But a subpoena ad testificandum? happens? Judgment on the pleadings. That is
YES! Because class if it is a simple request for why the definition of judgment on the pleadings
testimony, the court will usually entertain but a is the answer does not tender an issue or
duces tecum it is usually within the cound admits the material allegations of the
judicial discretion. complaint. The next is summary judgment. How
is it defined by law? There is no genuine issue as
to a material fact. Take note that you are

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referring on summary judgment on a fact. There the answer does not PLAINTIFF can ask for
is no genuine issue, therefore sir are there tender an issue. summary judgment
other issues? YES! Are there other disputes on AFTER AN ANSWER
the matter? May be YES! That is why you have a has been filed; the
complete or full summary judgment and a DEFENDANT can ask
partial summary judgment. for summary judgment
What do you mean class by THERE IS NO THE ACTION IS
means that even if there is an issue, it is what? The COURT SIMPLY The COURT CAN GO
FALSE, it is SHAM. Ok?! Let me give you an RELIES ON THE BEYOND THE
example para Makita niyo yung distinction na PLEADINGS, meaning PLEADING AND REFER
sinsabi ko. When I say the answer does not the complaint and the TO DOCUMENTS,
tender an issue – sinabi ko may utang ka sa answer and the AFFIDAVITS AND
akin, anong sabi mo? Sabi ko due na yun May attachments thereto. DEPOSITIONS to
30 di mo pa binayaran. Sabi mo OO! Inamin mo determine if there is
lahat yun, judgment on the pleadings. When no genuine issue.
will it become summary judgment? Anong sabi Affidavits should be
mo? Ah bayad na yan! Do you follow?! Did you within the personal
create an issue? YES, because saying that you knowledge of the
have paid it will prevent or bar recovery. Do you affiant.
follow? Sabi mo, bayad na yan eh! But in truth
and in fact is you have not paid it. Correct?! You Now, let me give you a very simple example and
have not paid it. So you have created an issue I hope you would know whether it is summary
which is false, where in fact you have judgment that will apply or judgment on the
communicated to me saying: pwede ba bigyan pleadings. In a case decided by the court, there
mo pa ako ng lang araw? Hindi ko pa talaga was a loan extended let us say to me. A loan
kayang bayaran or can you give me until August extended to me and that loan of Php1M was
30 eh it is only July. Do you follow? That fact evidenced by a promissory note, except that the
will show, that the issue that you have created promissory note did not provide for a due date
is merely false or sham, there is no genuine but for all intents and purposes we have agreed
issue. that the due date was May 30, 2011. So when
May 30 came, the same was still unpaid there
Let me give you the comparison: was a request for me to pay I ignored it. Can
you follow? Now, so what happens? I was sued,
JUDGMENT ON THE SUMMARY when I was sued what did I say in my answer?
PLEADINGS JUDGMENT Yes I owe you money, yes there is a promissory
It is a full judgment; it It is either a FULL OR note but look at that the promissory note is
is ALWAYS A FULL PARTIAL SUMMARY blank as to the due date and therefore it is not
JUDGMENT. There is JUDGMENT. yet due and demandable. Can you follow? What
no partial judgment can I file? Will I file a judgment on the pleadings
on the pleadings. or will I file summary judgment? The regional
As a rule, it is the It is the PLAINTIFF OR trial court that resolved that issue said, because
PLAINTIFF who asks the DEFENDANT who what was filed was judgment on the pleadings,
for judgment on the could ask for summary granted the judgment on the pleadings. It was
pleadings – because judgment – the elevated to the higher court and the Supreme

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Court said: while it is true that you could render

a judgment, the Supreme Court said that the What is an ENTRY OF JUDGMENT? An entry of
proper remedy should have been summary judgment is issued by the court after the lapse
judgment, because there was an issue... of the reglementary period to appeal and for
Correct! Although the issue was not genuine. that reason, judgment is already final and
Ginawan niya ng issue eh, blangko yan oh! Kita executory. Do you follow?
niyo blangko, hindi pa due. Do you follow?
There is no genuine issue. As an example I Can that be a basis of execution? YES! Hat could
always give my students so that they will not be a basis of execution.
forget in the bar review like this, you will always
remember no genuine issue. Gusto niyo Can a final judgment that has not aatained
malaman kung paano? Kaya lang huwag yung finality or does a final judgment which is not yet
example ko ang tandaan niyo but how to apply final and executory subject of execution? YES!
it. Katulad ngayon marami kayong makikilala di That is what you call DISCRETIONARY
ba? Marami kayong bagong friends, so yung EXECUTION or the way you want it said
mga iba dyan may mga magugustuhan at may EXECUTION PENDING APPEAL. Do you follow?
girlfriend o boyfriend kapag nakita ulet yung Whether it be a final and executory judgment or
boyfriend or yung girlfriend. Dahil nga may bago simply a final judgment that could be subject of
nang gusto; Alam mo kailangan talaga ako sabi an appeal, both could e subject of execution.
ni mommy mag-aral ng mabuti! Di ba ganun?!
Mag-aral ng mabuti kaya dapat di muna tayo Before I proceed and discuss execution. Let me
magkita masyado. Kasi baka ako bumgasak sa give you a rundown first. OK! A rundown of a
bar eh. Sa ngayon cool-off muna tayo! Is there a distinction between an MR and a MOTION FOR
genuine issue? NO! There is no genuine issue, NEW TRIAL.
you only fabricated the issue. Tama ba ako
meron bang gumagawa ngayon niyan? There is MNT MR
no genuine issue, it is sham, it is false. so dapat 1. FAME ( fraud, 1. Contrary to law;
yun sina-summary judgment ka! Ok! Now, let us accident, mistake
move on...talaga itong bar review na ito eh! and excusable 2. Judgment is not

negligence); and supported by

Now let us proceed to JUDGMENT. I touched evidence; and
judgment a while ago but let me touch on the 2. NEWLY
case of Intramuros Tennis vs. PTA. This case DISCOVERED 3.Award of
distinguished a final judgment from an EVIDENCE. damages is
interlocutory order. A FINAL JUDGMENT under excessive.
RULE 36 –That which finally disposes of the A second MNT can A second MR is a

case. An INTERLOCUTORY ORDER – Something be allowed if the prohibited


else has to be done. Why is this an important ground was not yet pleading.
discussion because that will lead us to our in existence at the
discussion on, execution. But class, I would like time of the filing of
you to distinguish a SEVERAL JUDGMENT FROM the first MNT.
a SEPARATE JUDGMENT. A several judgment is a
judgment involving PARTIES, defendants- Now, significantly class take note of the Neypes
several. When you talk of separate judgment, ruling on the FRESH PERIOD RULE. You know
you talk of what? CLAMS! You talk of claims as what I mean right?! If you file a MOTION FOR
would apply to summary judgment. RECONSIDERATION and you is denied. You have

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a fresh period of 15-days within which to file time appeal is perfected for as long as the Court
your appeal. of Appeals has jurisdiction. Again, FROM THE
RECONSIDERATION? OK! What do you mean by Maliwanag ba? Unlike the trial court, within the
proforma? This is the case of Tan vs. Court of period of 15-days. In the Court of Appeals NO!
Appeals. What do you mean by proforma From the time appeal is perfected it has
motion for reconsideration? Class a motion for jurisdiction and for as long as it has jurisdiction
reconsideration may be proforma: you could file a motion for new trial on a
singular ground of newly discovered evidence.
1. if it only repeat or reiterate matters
which have already been passed Now let me ask you this question. Can you file a
upon by the court, it is proforma; MOTION FOR NEW TRIAL IN THE SUPREME
COURT? Will that RULE 53 apply in the Supreme
2. is that which did not meet the Court? Class huwag niyong ah...ano yun! Huwag
requirements of §4 and 5 of RULE niyong iisipin na yang RULE 46-55, wlang
15 of the Rules of Court. kwenta yan! Di ko babasahin! Tinanong yan sa
bar noong 2008. The last question was I still
So class it is treated as a mere scrap pf paper. remember, can you enumerate original actions
Do you follow? Sir, ano ibig sabihin nun? Ypu filed in the Court of Appeals? Ok! Can you file a
file a motion for reconsideration without a Motion for New Trial in the Supreme Court?
notice of hearing; without serving a copy Can you apply RULE 53? The answer you will
thereof to the other party, that is a proforma find in RULE 56 §2-3. Tingnan niyo yan may
motion for reconsideration. Are we clear? You enumeration ng mga rules. Is RULE 53 included?
did not set it for hearing or you did not serve NO! It is not included. So as a rule, you do not
notice or serve a copy at least 3 days before the file a motion for new trial in the Supreme Court.
date of the hearing, that is proforma motion for However, you have seen motion for new trial in
reconsideration. Are we clear? the Supreme Court that is left within the sound
judicial discretion of the court but in terms of
Now, let me ask you this question. If you are to law, you cannot file a motion for new trial in the
file a MOTION FOR NEW TRIAL within the Supreme Court. Only in the Court of Appeals
reglementary period of 15-days, in the trial and only in the trial court.
court from rendition of judgment, WITHIN HOW
TRIAL IN THE COURT OF APPEALS? Pareho ba FROM JUDGMENT. How many kinds of petitions
yun? Ah class, pareho bay un? You are to file it for relief from judgment do you have? How
in the Court of to RULE 53 ata many kinds? Sir bakit may kinds ba yung
yun! 53 ba yun or 52? Motion for New Trial in petition for relief from judgment? YES! HOW
listen to this, the sole ground in the Court of petition for relief from judgment? How many
Appeals of a Motion for New Trial is NEWLY kinds of petition for relief do you have? You
DISCOVERED EVIDENCE. Tandaan niyo yun baka have 2!
i-multiple choice kayo dyan. Only newly
discovered evidence, it is not FAME. FAME is 1. petition for relief from JUDGMENT;
not included and the period to file a Motion for
New Trial in the Court of Appeals is from the 2. petition for relief from DENIAL of

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APPEAL. of that deadline. Do you follow? That cannot be

extended. It is always 6 months. So your 60-
Both are grounded on FAME. Now, kapag days will always play within the 6 months. If you
tinanong ka, WHAT ARE THOSE REMEDIES learned of it before or almost before the
WHEREIN FAME IS A GROUND: expiration of the 6 months, that is your
problem! That is not the problem of the court.
1. motion to lift order of default; Ok? Let me give you the classic example of
Alaban vs. Court of Appeals. That will tell you
2. motion for new trial; whether to use an annulment of judgment or a
petition for relief from judgment before I touch
3. petition for relief from judgment or on this.
denial of an appeal;
RULE 47 is annulment of judgment, what are
Now, let me cite to you the 2010 case of Torres the grounds for annulment of judgment?
vs. China Banking Corporation. The question is, EXTRINSIC FRAUD, that is one and the second
what is the remedy of a party in having been one, is that LACK OF JURISDICTION? YES! Lack of
prevented to file an appeal? Remember my jurisdiction.
word, the word that I used PREVENTED. A party
has been what, prevented to file an appeal, When should you raise the annulment of
what is the remedy? According to the court the judgment, petition for annulment of judgment?
proper remedy for allegations of MISTAKE OR
INEXCUSABLE NEGLIGENCE OF COUNSEL which For grounds of extrinsic fraud WITHIN 4-YEARS
prevented a party from taking an appeal is a FROM DISCOVERY.
under RULE 38. Whether it be class a petition For lack of jurisdiction at ANYTIME BEFORE YOU
for relief from judgment or a petition for relief ARE BARRED BY LACHES. Estoppels by laches on
from denial of appeal, what is the period to file. question of jurisdiction. Take note that when
Ok! You have to memorize this, it is not 15- you say lack of jurisdiction on annulment of
days, it is not 60-days IT IS WITHIN 6 MONTHS judgment IT COVERS NOT ONLY LACK OF
months from entry of judgment but within 60- THE PERSON OF THE DEFENDANT. Ok? So it
days from knowledge. Let me illustrate this for includes both lack of jurisdiction over the
you. I have made this illustration in my classes, subject matter and lack of jurisdiction over the
undergrad classes. Class, look at this bottle look person of the defendant.
at it as the 6-months period. Do you follow? Let
us say the 6-months period is from June 1 to at Now let us now discuss the case of Alaban.
the end December 1. Let us say, there was entry What happened here? This case tried to
of judgment on June 1, if you learned of the answer, WHO IS A PARTY? Do you follow? Look
judgment on August 1, until when can you file a at §1 of RULE 38 and it says, that only a party to
petition for relief judgment or for denial of a case can file a petition for relief from
appeal? Until, technically October 1, right? judgment. Can you look at that? Can you find
October 1. But what if you learn of the the word party? Tama ba?! ONLY A PARTY CAN
judgment or you knew of the judgment on FILE A PETITION FOR RELIEF FROM JUDGMENT
November 15, until when can you file a petition but we hbave to bear in mind that the fault for
for relief? Until December 1! You cannot go out not filing an appeal or an MR or MNT is not

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attributable to a party filing the petition for OK! Now, let me now proceed and touch on
relief. Now, this was the question in the case of EXECUTION. A few items on execution, still on
Alaban, what happened? It involved the estate the case of Intramuros. Take note that the
of a deceased person and there was someone execution or the WRIT OF EXECUTION must:
Mr. A came forward to say I am the sole heir.
The rest of the heirs were not informed, they 1. conform with the dispositive portion of
did not know that there was a settlement of the judgment. Ok that is number one.
estate. Only he came forward and the estate The writ of execution must conform
was adjudicated in his favour. The other heirs with what is provided for in the
learned of it within 60-days or 2 months from judgement. It cannot go outside of it.
the entry of judgment. Do you follow? Within
two months from the entry of judgment. So 2. a hearing for the issuance of writ of
what did they do? They filed a motion to set execution does not require a full blown
aside the judgment. But what did the court do? or trial type hearing, all that is required
The motion was denied, sabi ng court is that there is a hearing. It does not
wala...hindi! denied yan! Ano ngayon ang require a full blown or a trial type
nangyari? Nung sinabi ng court na denied, they hearing.
were left with no option but to go to the Court
of Appeals. They filed a petition for annulment Now, IF IT IS AN EXECUTION AS A MATTER OF
of judgment. Do you follow? Annulment of RIGHT, DO YOU NEED A GOOD REASON FOR
judgment and not a petition for relief from THE COURT TO GRANT YOUR MOTION FOR
judgment. One of the reasons given by them in EXECUTION? The answer is NO! If it is a matter
filing a petition for annulment is that, we are of right, the reglementary period to appeal had
not a party to the original case. Sabi nila we are lapsed and the decision had attained finality
not a party to the original case and for this and therefore it is a matter of right. You do not
reason petition for relief is not a proper remedy need to give a reason, the decision alone is
for them because §1 tells you that you should enough reason for the court to execute.
be a party. Mukhang tama sila, tama? It looks However class if it is AN EXECUTION PENDING
that there is sense in their argument. However APPEAL or you call it DISCRETIONARY
the Court of Appeals think of it different. They EXECUTION, you have to give what? Good
said and it was affirmed by the Supreme Court. reasons. In this case of Intramuros, he problem
The Supreme Court said that in cases like this – was, the reason given for execution pending
this are what actions IN REM, that requires appeal. Was that, the tennis court which was
publication, the fact of publication effrectively the subject of the controversy was deteriorating
gave notice on the heirs and made them as and is on unsanitary condition which was
parties even if they are not parties on the case. subject of the comlaint of the tennis players.
The fact of publication, because this is an Was that a good reason for the court to allow
ACTION IN REM and for this reason they said, execution pending appeal? The Supreme Court
the court said hat the proper remedy shold said, YES! The unsanitary condition and the
have been a petition for relief from judgment. deteriorating condition of the tennis court were
Besides according to the court, you have good reasons for the court to grant execution
learned of the judgment within 60-days from its pending appeal.
entry, so it is within the period mandated. But
other than the case of Alaban, you have to take Other good grounds for execution pending
note that you should be a PARTY. appeal would be:

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1. the assets of the losing party is about APPEAL WHERE CAN YOU APPLY FOR THE
to be wasted and dissipated; MOTION? Where could you file the motion? IT
DEPENDS. If the court continues to have
2. the coporation is about to be jurisdiction, meaning within the reglementary
insolvent; period, the MTC could issue a writ of execution.
For as long as it is in possession of the records
3. is advance age a ground for execution of the case. Tandaan niyo!!! Hindi lang yung
pending appeal? Age alone is not within the reglementary period, FOR AS LONG
sufficient but age coupled with other AS IT IS IN POSSESSION OF THE RECORDS OF
reasons like; need for medication, THE CASE. However, WHEN IT LOSES
need to continue with his sustainance JURISDICTION CAN THERE STILL BE EXECUTION
– then these are good reasons for PENDING APPEAL? YES! Where will it be applied
execution pending appeal. for? BEFORE THE APPELLATE COURT. I want that
to be very very clear, before the appellate
Do you need a BONd? Class, do you need a court. The example that I gave you the Mina
BOND FOR EXECUTION PENDING APPEAL OR case is an example wherein the decision of the
DISCRETIONARY EXECUTION? The answer is NO! RTC became final and once final, application is
All you need is good reason/s. You need a bond within the original court.
be very clear with that ha! All you need is good Always remember class that when it is
reason/s but for the other party to stay EXECUTION AS A MATTER OF RIGHT. As a rule,
execution pending appeal, you need a bond. motions should be filed where? Even if it has
been appealed to the next level court and until
Ok now, let me call your attention class to the the Supreme Court. The motion should always
case of Mina vs. Bianson. This is very much be filed where? BEFORE THE COURT OF
EXECUTION? There was a demolition order in an always be where? issued by the court of original
ejectment case which court will issue the jurisdiction. Except for just causes, the motion
demolition order. In this particular case class, for execution should be FILED where? BEFORE
there was already a judgment of the MTC, the THE APPELLATE COURT, I am talking of as a
court of original jurisdiction and it was reviewed matter of right but the writ can only be ISSUED
by the RTC and while pending in the RTC there BY THE COURT OF ORIGINAL JURIDISDICTION.
was a motion for issuance of a demolition Can you follow? Yes, for good cause pwede yan
order. WHICH COURT WILL ISSUE THE sa appellate court if you appeal but the writ is
DEMOLITION ORDER, IS IT THE RTC OR THE always issued by the court of original
MTC? It is the MTC, the court of original jurisdiction.
jurisdiction. Which rendered the original
decision. According to the court, it is therefore Can the COURT OF APPEALS ISSUE A WRIT OF
clear that in the EXECUTION OF JUDGMENT IN EXECUTION? YES! On original actions filed
EJECTION CASES. The issuance of the demolition before the Court of Appeals.
order is within the jurisdiction of the MTC which
rendered the decision. The RTC that affirms the Can there be ORIGINAL ACTIONS FILED IN THE
decision of the MTC cannot order execution of COURT OF APPEALS? YES!
its judgment. Although class it is a different
story, listen to this... it is execution pending 1. Certiorari;
appeal. Take note, ON AN EXECUTION PENDING

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2. Prohibition; 2. the second aspect of res judicata which

is subsection C of your RULE 39 §47
3. Mandamus; subsection C, PRECLUDES THE
4. Quo Warranto; ISSUE IN ANOTHER ACTION between
the same parties or their successors-in-
5. Habeas Corpus; interest, on a different claim or cause
of action. Can you follow?
6. Habeas Corpus and Custody of Minors;
The first one you cannot relitigate the same
7. Writ of Amparo; claim or cause of action – that is the first res
8. Writ of Habeas Data.
The second one which is preclusion of issue,
Do you follow? The Court of Appeals has you cannot relitigate an issue that has already
original jurisdictions and in some of those, it has been, what? Passed upon by the court in a
also concurrent jurisdiction. Ok now, let us different case involving a different cause of
move on...baka gutom na kayo ha?! Mukha action.
naming hindi pa kayo gutom, dilat pa naman
kayo eh. We still have 45 m inutes ok! My goal I will give you an example. Ok! Para
is ah, hopefully in 45 minutes I am able to cover maintindihan ninyo. Class, let us say that I was
yung civil procedure na gusto kong i-cover, so the contractor of this law school, let us say I
that when I return after lunch I will start with was the contractor of this building and there
criminal procedure. Ok? That is my intention. were breaches of the agreement so I sued the
Ok? So you have to bear with me. principal. Yung eskwela ang idinemanda ko sa
madaling salita, nagdemandahan kami and in
Now let me ask you, now the next question – that case gusto ko ipa-nullify yung kontrata. Do
WHAT ARE THE 2 ASPECTS OF RES JUDICATA? you follow? I said this contract is null and void
According to the case of Barreto vs. Court of because of the following... but the court said
Appeals. Sir, di ba isa lang yang res judicata na what? The court said that the contract is valid.
yan?! This case cited the rule in RULE 39 §47. Do you follow? Sabi nung court valid. Is that res
That is effect of judgments. They zeroed in on judicata on that cause of action? YES! That is
subsections b and c. Subsection B is really res already res judicata. But let us say, I am the
judicata, subsection C is preclusion of issue and main contractor and I let us say I have a
in this case the court said: the DOCTRINE OF subcontractor. Tama ba yun? Yung bahala sa
RES JUDICATA is of 2 aspects: bintana, yung bahala sa pinta, bahala sa
elevator, iba-iba yun. Let us say, there was a
1. the first, the effect of judgment as a suit between me and my subcontractor, not
BAR TO THE PROSECUTION of second involving the school. Correct? Involving the
action upon THE SAME CLAIM, elevators. Can we relitigate the validity of the
DEMAND OR CAUSE OF ACTION. In mother contarct with the school? NO MORE –
simple words, the res judicata in That is preclusion of issue, it is a different cause
subsection B covers a bar to of action, it involves the problem of the
prosectution involving, the same claim, elevator but we can no longer relitigate the fact
demand or cause of action; of the validity of the mother contract but we
could litigate on items involving the elevator.

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Are we clear? So those are the 2 aspects of res Now, CAN THE COURT ISSUE A WRIT OF
judicata. EXECUTION MOTU PROPIO? That was answered
in an administrative case Office of the Court
Now, let us look at another provision on Administrator vs. Corpuz. Can the court motu
execution which is §14. Ok! What about §14? propio issue a writ of execution? The answer is
This is the duty of the sheriff to what? To make NO! The court could only issue a writ of
a report on intervals of 30 days. Take note class, execution upon motion, ONLY UPON MOTION.
OF WRIT OF EXECUTION. The 30 days there is The case of Budget vs. Bacleg, the lifetime of
what? The duty of the sheriff to make a report. the writ of execution which is 5 years, let me
Ok! To make a report and let me quote from touch on independent action. Ok! Let us look at
the decision RULE 39 §14 mandates the manner an independent action, this §6 of RULE 39. This
in which the writ of execution is to be returned has been repeatedly asked in the bar exams.
to the court. As well as the requisite reports to Ok! The question is – WHEN DO YOU FILE AN
be made by the sheriff and to see whether the INDEPENDENT ACTION TO REVIVE THE
judgment has been satisfied, in any case every JUDGMENT? Within a period of 5 years? NO!
30 days until is fully satisfied. Are we clear? The After the lapse of 5 years from the entry of
30 days there is the duty of the sheriff to report judgment. Do you follow? Within 5 years from
on the conduct of his execution. the entry of judgment, you could file a motion
for execution. After the lapse of 5 years from
Now, let me ask you this – what is the life of the the entry of judgment but within a period of 10
writ of execution? If you read §14 carefully it years or the prescriptive period as mentioned,
will give you the answer, the period is 5 years not in the rules of court but in civil code which
but it does not say 5 years all it says within in is 10 years, you could file an independent action
that period that it could be enforced by motion to revive the judgment and once it is revived
and a judgment could be ebforced by motion and the revived judgement is final and
within the period of 5 years. executory, you could again file a motion for
Take note of the case of Cagayan de Oro
Coliseum vs. Court of Appeals. This is important Ok now, let us now proceed and see this case of
and I am citing this case because of the Solid Bank vs. Court of Appeals. What was the
requirement of PRIOR LAWFUL LEVY BEFORE A problem in this case? The decision did not
PUBLIC SALE. Take note of this, THERE SHOULD mention of 12% on the subject liability meaning
HAVE BEEN A PROPER AND VALID LEVY BEFORE on the judgment there was no mention at all of
what? YOU EFFECT A PUBLIC SALE, meaning interest to be borne by the losing party.
there should have been a service of the writ However, the sheriff took it upon himself to
before you effect the sale. In the SAME charge 12% on the subject liability and the
MANNER CLASS THAT IN MONEY JUDGMENTS, interest imposed for the amount in which he
there should been what? A DEMAND ON THE was liable. Was it correct for the sheriff to do
PART OF THE SHERIFF TO PAY THE SUM, PAL vs. that? The answer was NO! The sheriff went
Baliber and only if there is failure to pay can you beyond the decision of the court, the sheriff has
go on levying his real or personal property and no authority, no judicial discretion to add on
in the order of things, if the losing party does the judgment, all that he could do is to execute.
not make a choice as to which property will
have to go first, personal property will have to Let us distinguish ISSUANCE OF THE WRIT from
go first. AWARDING thereof. What is the difference?

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This was explained in the case of Separa vs.

Maceda, the court said: it is well to state the Ok! Now, I think my final point on execution
difference between issuance of the writ and would be THIRD PARTY CLAIM. Matagal nang
awarding of the same. The function of walang tanong dyan, third party claim that is
ORDERING THE EXECUTION IS JUDICIAL AND §16 of RULE 39. Please take note that there is a
DEVOLVES UPON THE JUDGE. Again, the partner provision, in attachment also. May
function of ordering the execution is judicial third-party claim in attachment in §14 of
and devolves upon the judge; whereas, the ACT ATTACHMENT and there is also third-party
BE PERFORMED BY ANOTHER PERSON THAT IS concept... but before I proceed ano nang oras?
THE CLERK OF COURT. Alas dose?! Ok pa! Ok pa kayo. Ngayon pa nga
lang ako gingaganahan eh. Medyo kahapon,
Now, let us now proceed before I leave this nangangalawang pa ako nung unang oras.
item completely and touch on appeal. Ok! Let Matagal akong... Kayo ang una kong bar review,
me remind that you that there is also a REVIVAL sunod-sunod na to eh. May August, may
OF JUDGMENT, aside from §6. There is revival October, may katapusan, may September
of judgment at the instance of §33 of the same because of the new schedule, November right? I
RULE. How does that takes place class, revival of have regular classes but of course it is different
judgment under that provision? It happens this in a bar review, dito mahaba kang nagsasalita,
way class, §33 scenario class is, you are winning ikaw lang nagsasalita. Kapag nakalimutan mo
buyer or participant in a public sale but for one hindi mo pwedeng tanungin sila kung ano, sa
reason or another, you were not able to take klasepwedeng tanungin mo sila. Sa bar review
possession or that someone came in with a hindi, ikaw lang salita ng salita.
better interest tha you are, in that case class
you already paid but you are left with an empty The next question that I would like us to answer
bag. Do you follow? The law gives you now the is third-party claim. Class, WHAT IS A THIRD-
remedy in §33, that is revival of judgment. PARTY CLAIM? A third-party claim is a claim of a
third-party or a PERSON WHO IS NOT A PARTY
What are your remedies? TO THE CASE where the court has not acquired
jurisdiction over him. Class please take note
1. you could file a motion to reciver that lookm at this basic scenario, I am discussing
amount in the same case; about execution the judgment oblige class –
what is the interest of the judgment obligee? To
2. you could file a separate action; and have the execution to proceed. Do you follow?
He wants execution to proceed. Correct?! but if
3. you could file a motion for issuance of there is a third-party claimant who files an
the judgment, in your own name. affidavit or who serves an affidavit on the
sheriff, what happens? THE EXECUTION WILL BE
Do you follow? What is the effect of having the STAYED. It will be suspended. Take note, it will
judgment in your own name? You could do a be stayed AS TO THAT PROPERTY baka naman
regular execution as if you are the regular buong exectution itigil mo because there is a
oblige. It is just like that you are asking for the third-party claim only on that subject property.
amount that you have paid but if he cannot pay Do you follow? So class, with the service of an
that anymore you could go on regular execution affidavit on the sheriff the execution on that
because you have taken the place of the property will be stayed.
judgment oblige.

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How will it run again? When will it continue? If WHERE DO YOU GO FROM AN ORIGINAL
the judgment oblige, the winning party will post JUDGMENT IN THE MTC? RTC
a bond in favor of the third-party claimant.
Akalain mo ikaw na nanalo, ikaw pa ngayon WHAT WILL YOU FILE? A Notice of Appeal.
magbibigay ng bond in favour of the third-party
IN THE MTC – that is what you call an ordinary
Now, the next discussion point is important. appeal. Do you follow?
Where can the third-party claimant can
vindicate his right? He could vindicate his right On an ORIGINAL JURISDICTION OF THE RTC, if it
in a separate action or in the same action? In a renders a decision. WHERE WILL YOU GO? Court
SEPARATE ACTION. Bakit? Eh final and of Appeals
executory na yun eh but the JUDGMENT
OBLIGEE can vindicate his right in the SAME or WHAT WILL YOU FILE? A Notice of Appeal.
in a SEPARATE action. As distinguished from
attachment. Basically the concept is the same, WHERE WILL YOU FILE IT? In the RTC. Do you
except tha in attachment, the case is still active follow? ORDINARY APPEAL. Yan ang
and pending. Correct?! The third-party claimant pinakasimple. One step up, NOTICE OF APPEAL.
can what? Vindicate his right in the same or Do you follow? But you FILE IT IN THE COURT
separate action, just like the person who THAT RENDERED THE JUDGMENT.
applied for attachment. Do you follow? He
could vindicate his right in the same or separate Now, let us complicate it a little bit. A judgment
action in simple words, he could still what? of the MTC, as a court of original jurisdiction
Intervene. That is the difference and you apply reviewed by the RTC after an ordinary appeal,
the same rule for purposes of replevin. where a notice of appeal was filed and where
will you go, if you still lost the case? COURT OF
My last point, real last point in execution is APPEALS
PUNITIVE DAMAGES. You know punitive
damages? You will not find that in the civil code. WHAT WILL YOU FILE? A Petition for Review.
Punitive damages class are damages under the Tama yan! You will file a petition for review. Not
rules of court that person will suffer by a petition for review on certiorari but a
conducting a sale without notice or defacing a PETITION FOR REVIEW.
notice of sale. If you deface a notice of sale, you
could be liable for punitive damages. You will meet a petition for review but not in
court but in a QUASI-JUDICIAL AGENCY when
Now, let us now proceed and discuss APPEALS. you talk of the DOJ. From a decision or
Ok! Doon muna ako sa basic before I give you resolution of the office of the prosecutor, you
the new cases that I have, doon muna tayo. proceed to the Department of Justice on a
Class, tandaan niyo to...wag lang yung sabihin Petition for Review, that is not covered ny your
niyo nagreview kayo appeal is the remedy in RULE 42 that is covered by Circular 17 of the
law, yung mga ganun...distinguish petition for DOJ.
review on certiorari. Dapat alam niyo yun mode
baka kasi tanungin kayo niyan eh. Ok! I think So if you are asked, HOW MANY KINDS OF
two years ago the modes were asked, as to PETITION FOR REVIEW DO YOU HAVE?
where to go. Ok! So you should know this.

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1. Petition for REVIEW under RULE 42, Let us now proceed with a few cases. The case
that I discussed; of Torres vs. China Bank, IS FAILURE TO FILE AN
2. Petition for REVIEW under RULE 43 – APPEAL A DENIAL OF DUE PROCESS? The right
review of decisions of QUASI-JUDICIAL to appeal is not a natural right or part of due
AGENCIES. Where do you go? To the process, it is merely a statutory privilege and
COURT OF APPEALS, on a PETITION FOR may be exercised only in the manner and in
REVIEW. Ok! Civil Aeronautics Board, accordance with the law. Class, tandaan niyo to
SEC, DARAB you go to the Court of kapag naging abugado kayo,
Appeals. How about THE OFFICE OF THE mapapakinabangan niyo to kapag nagkamali
PRESIDENT? The Court of Appeals. How kayo. Hindi ko pa naman sa awa ng diyos
about HLURB? Do you go to the Court pinakinabangan ito. Bakit? Kapag sinabi ng
of Appeals? OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT, cliente mo, bakit hindi mo i-nappeal attorney?
Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board Attorney bakit na-dsimiss yung appeal?
– you do not go directly to the Court of Remember!(while chuckling) It is not a natural
Appeals, you go to the Office of the right, it is only a statutory right. Ok! Alam niyo
President. NLRC where do you go? mga abugado, madudunong yan eh. Ok! But
Court of Appeals BUT NOT on a petition class you should make sure that you file your
for review but on a PETITION FOR appeal on time. Do not shelter yourself with
CERTIORARI under RULE 65, St. Martin that case of Torres.
Funeral case and the reason behind
that is by law the decision of NLRC is Now, let us look at the case of Fajardo vs.
FINAL and EXECUTORY there being no Flores. The question that I would like to raise
appeal nor any plain nor speedy remedy here is CLAIMS ARISING FROM TERMINATED
in the ordinary course of law, there TENANCY RELATIONS, WHICH COURT HAS
being no appeal if there is grave abuse JURISDICTION? Is it the DARAB or the REGULAR
of discretion your remedy is RULE 65. COURT? The Supreme Court said: Undeniably
the said case involves TENURAL
Are we clear? So you now know the 3 petitions ARRANGEMENT. There still exist an agrarian
for review and then class your last mode is a dispute because the controversy involves the
PETITION FOR REVIEW ON CERTIORARI. Take home of the petitioners, an incident arising
note class that a PETITION FOR CERTIORARI IS from LANDLORD-TENANT relationship and the
NOT AN APPEAL. The appeal is a PETITION FOR court further said, even assuming that the
REVIEW ON CERTIORARI. tenancy relation between the parties had
ceased due to the KASULATAN there still exist
Always remember this motherhood statement: an agrarian dispute because the action involves
The only way to go up to the Supreme Court is a an incident arising from the landlord-tenant
Now, let us look at this Celestino Baluz vs.
Ok! However in CRIMINAL CASES, this is the Baluz. Ok! The court said in this case: No extra-
motherhood statement: The only way to go up judicial settlement when there is no co-
to the Supreme Court whether in CIVIL or ownership of the property. Take note ha, this is
CRIMINAL CASES is through a PETITION FOR a special civil action. NO EXTRA-JUDICIAL
penalty is LIFE OR DEATH. Ok! this particular case, what happen was the extra-
judicial settlement was made between the

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party and his siblings. Ok! In what they thought of us appealed he filed on time, I FILED OUT OF
was the ownership of the property but the TIME AND MY APPEAL WAS DISMISSED – he
problem was, the property that was made obtained a favourable judgment I can no longer
subject of the extra-judicial settlement was avail of that favorable judgment because I
already bought by the bank. They no longer co- appealed except that my appeal was dismissed.
own the property. So the Supreme Court said,
you cannot extra-judicially settle a property Ok! Now, what time is it? Oh ayan! Sagutin na
which you no longer own. Ok! You cannot do natin to. Tingnan natin, yung isa mahaba yung
that. tanong eh! Isang paragraph...ayan! and then I
will continue.
AGRICULTURAL TENANCY? Pwede ba yun? The question is: After the defendant had filed
Senese vs. Ramos a 2010 case it says: NO the interrogatories and admission requested by
PRESUMPTION OF EXISTENCE OF the plaintiff, I will assume that this is
AGRICULTURAL TENANCY. In evidence if you will interrogatories to parties ha! Ok! The counsel of
recall in RULE 131, there is an enumeration of plaintiff presented the defendant before the
disputable presumption. So class, no court, however the counsel forgot to offer the
presumption of existence of agricultural testimony of the defendant. Counsel for
tenancy the fact alone of working in a defendant moved to strike out the testimonies
landholding does not give rise to the of the defendant. The judge did not rule on the
presumption of existence of agricultural motion of the defendant’s counsel, I would
tenancy. Substantial evidence requires more assume to strike out the testimony but
than a mere scintilla of evidence in order that requested to waive the right of the defendant,
the fact of sharing can be established, again later the judge asked to defer his ruling on the
there is no presumption of agricultural tenancy. motion. Is the judge correct? Medyo halo kasi
yung tanong. Ganito ko sasagutin yan para
Now, before I proceed further let us first touch makatulong sainyo. In a scenario class where
on the case of Catmon Sales vs. Inson, this is the plaintiff served written interrogatories to
another 2010 case. It said, it is well settled that the defendant, take note that he is not obliged
a party who has not appealed from a decision or even the defendant to present that written
cannot seek any relief, other than what is interrogatories. In fact class if you apply RULE
provided in the judgment appealed from. Do 25, the written interrogatories is only a
you follow? requirement to be able to call, who? The
adverse party on the stand, that is a pre-
This is different from CRIMINAL CASES. Right?! reuqisite. So kukunin ko interrogatory... I will
Sa civil hindi ka nag-appeal sorry ka! You could give you a clear example. I would like to call him
only enjoy those that are provided for in the onthe stand, I am the plaintiff he is the
judgment because you did not appeal. Right?! defendant, my lawyer wants to call him on the
But in criminal cases, if you are an accused who stand. My lawyer cannot call him, unless as a
did not appeal but one of your co-accused rule, we served a written interrogatories, yun
appealed and he secured a favourable lang ang purpose nun. So that he will not be
judgment that will affect you, that will apply on caught by surprise. If you want that marked, no
you. Do you follow? That is different in civil problem but the fact of marking it is not an
cases. However class, do not apply the criminal issue at all. Do you follow? It will not affect you
explanation tha I gave in a situation like this I case.
am an accused I have another co-accused both

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Now, let us look at another question. Does pending appeal can we stay the execution by
administrative are referring to the temporary restraining order? Well class, you
guidelines. Make the duration of any bond have to look at it this way. You have a
issued in criminal or civil action, special judgment, a judgment could be an ordinary
proceedings or any proceeding be from the judgment, correct?! an ordinary judgment or a
approval of the court until the action or judgment which is executory by its nature. Do
proceeding is finally decided, resolved or you follow? Let us look at it as an ordinary
terminated, if so does this repeal §2(a) of RULE judgement, can you stay it by temporary
114, he is already referring to rules in criminal restraining order? If there is a clear and
procedure on bonds, bail bonds. I still remember unmistakable right, if you could establish the
I was in court two weeks ago, in one of my existence of an issuance of an injunction,
hearings and I remember this question. Ok! The temporary restraining order why not. However
guideline class, administrative matter when it when you talk of executory judgment it is a
says duration of effectivity of the bond is only different scenario. Why? For example
some sort of a security, to make it known to the ejectment, by law at the level of the MTC and by
bonding company that it should be effective jurisprudence it is what? EXECUTORY. Can it be
that annually once it expires if it is a corporate stayed? YES! According to §19 of RULE 70 – by
bond, you will have to pay for it. I recall that filing a notice of appeal, posting a supersedeas
there was a similar statement outside of the bond to cover you arrears and to deposit on a
courtroom where I appeared sabi: Please bear in monthly basis your rentals before the appellate
mind that a bond issued will be effective until court, that stays. However, at the level of the
the termination of the case. That is a RTC as an appellate court. It is what? Once it
commitment that they require from a bonding renders adecision it is executory and cannot be
company. Such that the bonding company will stayed. Do you follow? And according to the
not immediately cancel it but it is the duty of the Benedicto case unless you secure a TRO, the
applicant to pay it on a regular basis. decision of the RTC confirming or affirming the
decision of the MTC will have to stand. Do you
Can permissive counterclaim be included in a follow? So you have to treat it differently.
motion to dismiss? I cannot follow the question
but I would like to assume that ah...CAN WE The next is, if the court did not issue a writ of
FILE A MOTION TO DISMISS OF A PERMISSIVE execution, can we have a remedy of
COUNTERCLAIM? I would like to read it that mandamus? Let us try to ask this question, in
way. First I will answer it this way, if it is not fact I have a case here involving mandamus. I
enumerated as a ground for dismissal on a would have discuss this later on but I will discuss
motion to dismiss under RULE 16 §1 it is not a it now, on what is the concept of mandamus.
ground. Do you follow? If I read it the way I Let us look at the case of Uy Kiaw Eng vs.
want to read it, if I could file a motion to dismiss Dickson Lee a 2010 case. What is MANDAMUS?
on a permissive counterclaim. Why not! Yes you It is a command from a court of law of
can because a permissive counterclaim is a competent jurisdiction in the name of the
stand alone case besides that is why you are sovereigndirected to some inferior court,
required to pay a filing fee. tribunal or board or to some corporation,
requiring the performance of a particular duty
In a writ of execution pending appeal, can we therein specified which duty results from the
stay the execution by a Temporary restraining official station of the party to whom the writ is
order? This is a question that can create a directed or from operation of law. This
number of complications, why? In an execution definition recognizes the public character. So

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mandamus is an action of public character and preliminary conference will cause the dismissal
clearly excludes the idea that it may be resorted of the appeal.
to for the purpose of enforcing duties in which
public has no interest. So please take note that The next question is, WHAT HAPPENS DURING
this is what? A prerogative writ, it is of public THE PRELIMINARY CONFERENCE?
characterand therefore what is the answer? If
the court by law considering that the judgment Can the parties stipulate on facts? YES! If it is an
has attained finality, should be acting on the original action.
execution and refuses to do so, he could be
required to act upon by mandamus because Can the parties enter into a compromise? YES,
that is an act of public character. Ok! And he even in the Court of Appeals.
could be enjoined. Ok! Because class once it
attains finality it is a matter of right, he has to Should motions be heard in the Court of
conform. Do you follow? It is ministerial for him Appeals and the Supreme Court? As a GENERAL
to issue it. He does not even have to exercise RULE: NO! There is no need of notice of hearing
what? Discretion, it is a different matter if it is in the Court of Appeals and Supreme Court. Sir,
execution pending appeal because he needs to where is that found? RULE 49 §3. Unless
exercise discretion. required by the appellate court, motions are
not heard in the appellate courts.
Ok! So I will... what time is it? Ano nang oras?
Ayan 12:20. Pwede pa pala tayo. Sandal lang, But please take note although both motion for
saying din yang 10 minutes. Bibigyan ko lang reconsideration in the trial court and in the
kayo ng pasakalye nung PROVISIONAL appellate court are filed within the period of 15
REMEDIES. I would like to remind you that days, the period of its resolution is different in
please do not miss RULE 46-55! Ok! I will give the trial court and the appellate court. In the
you a run down before I touch on provisional trial court, motion for reconsideration should
remedies. Class, RULE 46 tells you of the be resolved within a period of 30 days, in the
original action of the Court of Appeals. Original appellate court including the Supreme Court it
actions in the Court of Appeals. Take note that should be resolved within the period of 90 days.
the Court of Appeals can conduct a hearing. The
Court of Appeals in original actions can direct a As a final point on this rule, 55. Jurisdiction of
trial court to conduct a hearing and report to the Supreme Court is it 56? It is 56! Ok!
them. An annulment of judgment class is an Supreme Court. Take note class as I end my
original action in the Court of Appeals. discussion on this. Take note that the Supreme
Court has original actions. Actions could
How about a PRELIMINARY CONFERENCE? Take originally be filed in the Supreme Court and it
note of this, you also have a preliminary also has appellate jurisdiction.
conference in the Court of Appeals. I will
repeat, you have a preliminary conference on What are the original cases to be filed in the
SUMMARY PROCEDURE, you have a preliminary Supreme Court?
conference today according to the guidelines on
modes of discovery BEFORE THE CLERK OF 1. Certiorari;
COURT on ordinary actions and you have
preliminary conference before the COURT OF 2. Prohibition;
APPEALS. Absent of the appellant during the
3. Mandamus;

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A the person in
4. Quo Warranto; T A mode of discovery possession to bring
U the documents. You
5. Habeas Corpus; R could treat this as a
6. Disciplinary action against members of
The consequences of
the bench and bar; non-compliance is
found in RULE 29.
7. Actions against ambassadors, ministers There is nothing really

and ministers plenipotentiary; express in terms of
arrest or contempt It is clear that the
8. Actions involving tax impost; because even in non- compulsive process
compliance with can be applied.
9. Constituionality and validity of treaties, modes of discovery
executive agreements, ordinance and like refusal to answer
a deposition question,
law, as provided for under the
you could be
constitution. compelled to answer,
you could be placed in
Now class, briefly as an exercise – can the contempt or even
Supreme Court have original jurisdiction? YES! arrest you will find
that in RULE 29.
What is the petition that you have to file in
appealed case in the Supreme Court? PETITION
FOR REVIEW ON CERTIORARI, only petition for Let us go now to PROVISIONAL REMEDIES. This
review on certiorari. will be very quick, not quick that in a sense that
in a few minutes it is over. I will try to simplify it
What time is it? 12:30 na? Totoo na?! Ok! So I as possible. I would want to be very brief and
will give you a break, we will be back at 2 concise, to make it clear as possible.
o’clock. I expect to cover the remaining items
on civil procedure in 30 minutes and then I will The case of Mangila vs. Court of Appeals. When
start with criminal procedure. Ok! should jurisdiction over the defendant be
acquired? Some of you may be surprised. Bakit
Ok! We are now on our final 4 hours, we will kailangan pa yang jurisdiction? Class kindly take
have a break at 4 o’clock. I will try to answer note that under RULE 57 if I am accurate. I am
first one question which is civil in nature. accurate that is 57 but I am just not so accurate
if it is §5. It tells you that in §5, service of
WHAT ARE THE DISTINCTIONS BETWEEN RULE summons should be prior to or
27 AND SUBPOENA DUCES TECUM? The contemporaneous with the order of
distinction is very clear. attachment. That leads us to the standing rule
RULE 27 – PRODUCTION COMPLAINT jurisdiction over the person, over
OR INSPECTION OF SUBPOENA DUCES the defendant is not required, AT THE TIME OF
jurisdiction over the person of the defendant is
It is a process not required because it could be issued ex-
N requiring the party or parte. JURISDICTION OVER THE PERSON OF THE

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DEFENDANT IS REQUIRED DURING THE case has been appealed, can I apply for
IMPLEMENTATION OR ENFORCEMENT OF THE damages by reason of wrongful attachment?
ORDER OF ATTACHMENT. Do you follow? And YES! You could apply BUT THE RECEPTION OF
that could only be enforced on someone to EVIDENCE will always be with the trial court.
whom the court had already acquired Ok! The reception of evidence will always be
jurisdiction. The order cannot be served upon with the trial court. The only exception wherein
him if jurisdiction has not been acquired over the court will allow reception of evidence EVEN
his person. Are we clear? So again, jurisdicition AFTER THE CASE HAS BEEN TERMINATED is
over the person of the defendant to whom the when there is a motion to dismiss and there
order of attachment is to be enforced is only was no opportunity on the part of the
required when? When the writ of attachment is defendant to present his side.
to be enforced. Do you follow? At the time of
the filing of the complaint, ok lang because the Now, let us touch on the case of Yu vs. Nguyen.
court could examine the complaint ex-parte; The first item that I would like to touch here is
without notice to the other party. When the WHAT CAN YOU RECOVER FOR WRONGFUL
court issues the order granting the attachment, ATTACHMENTS? WHAT KIND OF DAMAGES CAN
should the party be notified? NO! BUT AT THE YOU RECOVER? As a rule you could recover
TIME OF THE ENFORCEMENT, JURISDICTION actual damamges. However, number two IF IT IS
PERSON OF THE DEFENDANT. MALICIOUS. The issuance of attachment is
wrongful and malicious, you could recover
Now, the next case is Yu vs. Nguyen this is a BOTH MORAL AND EXEMPLARY DAMAGES. Ok!
2007 case but it is important for evidence Let us look at the award of damages.
required for wrongful attachment. The key
provision here class when you talk of wrongful HOW DO YOU PROVE YOUR CLAIM FOR
attachment if RULE 57 §20, if you could recall DAMAGES TO BE ENTITLED TO DAMAGES? You
and to make your review easy I would to tell have to prove with the best evidence available
you that your §20 RULE 57 APLLIES TO ALL the fact of loss or injury and that which you
PROVISIONAL REMEDIES, except SUPPORT. If suffered and the amount thereof. Again you will
there is wrongful support or the person giving have to prove with the best available evidence
support should not have given one or the THE FACT OF LOSS OR INJURY THAT YOU
person receiving is not entitled to support – SUFFERED AND THE AMOUNT THEREOF.
what is the remedy? It is not claim for damages
BUT REIMBURSEMENT. Do you follow? Now, let us look at class the case of Metro Inc.
Reimbursement, it is not damages. Let me lay vs. Lara Gifts and Decor. Ok! Let us look at this.
down for you the rules of when to apply. I am This case zeroed in, in one of the grounds for
not yet discussing the case I am just giving you a attachment. Class if I were you I will memorize
background of when to apply. You will have to §1 of RULE 57, madali lang yan. Ilan ba yan?
apply it for as long as the action is pending for Anim lang naman yan eh. Ha?! Tama ba ako
IRREGULAR, IMPROPER OR EXCESSIVE anim? YES! Class if I were you I will do that. So I
ATTACHMENT for as long as the action is will zero in on §1(d) of RULE 57 – what is that?
pending, in fact it tells you during trial before THERE WAS FRAUD IN CONTRACTING THE
appeal is perfected right? Or before judgment OBLIGATION OR IN THE PERFORMANCE
becomes final. So class at the point in time for THEREOF. These are two different grounds in
as long as the action is pending – could you one subsection. One if not for the fraud, you
apply for damages? YES! Sir, on appeal? If the would not have entered into the transaction

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and the other one is you entered in as plain and WHAT IS THE RULE? The rule says according to
simple an arms-length transaction but in the the Metro Inc. Vs. Lara case, when the writ of
course of its performance you committed fraud. attachment is issued upon the ground which is
at the same time the cause of action. Ok? Sir, is
WHAT IS THE RULE? When the writ of it possible that the ground is not the cause of
attachment is issued upon a ground which is at action? YES! It is possible like, he does not
the same time applicant’s casue of action, the reside in the Philippines. Do you follow? The
only way that the writ can be lifted or dissolved defendant does not reside in the Philippines,
is by posting a COUNTER-BOND. Take note of that is not the cause of action. Do you follow?
this, I know you have studied §12 and 13 on the Therefore you could present other gorunds but
ways to dissolve. Let me give a rundown before here WHEN THE GROUND IS LIKEWISE THE
I repeat the rule. What is the rundown? It could CAUSE OF ACTION THE ONLY WAY THE WRIT
be dissolved upon posting of a counter-bond for CAN BE DISSOLVED IS BY COUNTER-BOND.
as long as the writ has already been what?
Enforced. Do you follow? Hindi pwedeng you Now, let us look at the case of Rural Bank of Sta.
try to anticipate and oppose the counter-bond, Barbara vs. Manila Mission – motion to release.
you cannot do that. Do you follow? THE WRIT In this particular case what was filed was a
OF ATTACHMENT SHOULD FIRST BE ENFORCED motion to release property from attachment. So
BEFORE YOU POST A COUNTER-BOND. that court was in a quandary... ano ba itong
finile mo?! Motion to release property from
Now, the next question is HOW ABOUT IF THE attachment but the court later on figured out
GROUND FOR DISSOULTION OR DISCHARGE IS that the person who filed it was not a party to
IRREGULAR, IMPROPER OR EXCESSIVE the case so the court treated it as a mere
ATTACHMENT? continuation of the third-party claim. So the
motion to release, the court said, was hinge to
What is an IRREGULAR ATTACHMENT? We say the third-party claim or the court said it could
irregular when the process or procedure was be alternatively treated as a motion to
not complied with like: intervene.
Magaling vs. Ong, IN THE DISCHARGE OF
1. an attachment was issued without a ATTACHMENT IS HEARING REQUIRED? Ayan! Is
bond; hearing required in a discharge of an
attachment? What did the court say in the case
2. an attachment was issued without of Magaling vs. Ong – DISCHARGE OF
Do you follow? That is what? THAT IS AN REQUIRED. Ok? When is a hearing required for
IRREGULAR – because the procedure was ot discharge? When the ground is improper or
followed. irregular issuance. In the absence of a hearing,
there will be no discharge if the grounds are
HOW ABOUT IMPROPER? It is improper when improper or irregular issuance.
there is no ground under §1. If none of those
enumerated in §1 is present, then it is Ok! The next is Security Pacific vs. Triunfante –
EXCESSIVE – too much to which he was entitled. ATTACHMENT? NO! Mere posting of a counter-
bond does not automatically discharge the

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attachment. Only after hearing and only after requisites of PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION. Ok!
the judge orders the discharge in a cash deposit Now, before I give the requisites of preliminary
or counter-bond. So class, the mere fact of injunction. Let me ask you – can there be an
posting will not discharge, the court should still INJUNCTION AS A PRINCIPLA ACTION and not as
come up with an order of discharge, after a provisional remedy? YES!!! Injunction is a
accepting the cash deposit or the counter-bond. judicial writ, process or proceeding whereby a
party is ordered or refrain to do such an act.
Now, before I leave that item on attachment let This is the case of Garayblas vs. Atienza, class I
me ask you this question. This next question would like to repeat you can have an original
was already asked in the bar exams kaya lang action not a provisional remedy of injunction
multiple choice na ngayon sigurado and in that principal action for injunction you
napakaraming tanong. Tinanong na ito, I am not could still ask for preliminary injunction and
too certain kung 2006 o 2007. This was a 2004 temporary restraining order. Let me touch on
case, this was asked...5..6.. ah 2007! The case of the requisites as I have mentioned a while ago:
D.M. Wenceslao vs. Redicon Trading. This case
said that the posting of the counter-bond is not 1. there should be a clear and
tantamount to a waiver of the right to damages unmistakable right, meaning there
arising from wrongful attachment. I would like should be a right in esse;
to be very clear, THE MERE FACT THAT YOU
POST A COUNTER-BOND DOES NOT MEAN THAT 2. there is a violation of such right;
Again, the mere postiung of a counter-bond 3. there is a need to protect from
does not mean that you waive your right to clear and irreparable injury.
Class in a TRO and a Preliminary Injunction is a
Now, let us now touch on...before I move on to hearing required? YES! The hearing is what?
preliminary injunction. Please take note class SUMMARY ok! The hearing is summary – and
that the attached properties are used for what what is to be presented? Only sampling of
purpose? THE ATTACHED PROPERTIES ARE evidence, when I say sampling of evidence it
USED AS A SECURITY. Ok! It is not yet used to does not mean photocopy, it does not mean
satisfy the judgment therefore class AFTER A sample. When I say sampling of evidence, it
FINAL AND EXECUTORY ATTACHMENT THE means that evidence which is sufficient to
ATTACHED PROERTIES WILL BE APPLIED FIRST. If establish the TRO or Preliminary Injunction. Ok!
there is money it will be applied first then real
and personal properties and if there is an excess The case of Limitless Potential vs. Court of
it will be returned – but if the attached Appeals, dissolution of the injunction even if the
properties are nto sufficient what happens? The injunction was obtained in good faith amounts
winning party will have to go through regular or to a determination that the injunction was
ordinary execution. Take note of that, if the wringfully obtained and the right of action in
attached properties are not sufficient to cover the injunction bond immediately accrues. Take
the judgment, you will have to go through note, I will repeat, dissolution of the injunction
ordinary execution. even if issued in ggod faith amounts to a
determination that the injunction was
Now, let us look at the case of Dela Cruz vs. wrongfully obtained and the right of action in
DECS the same requisites as cited in the case of the injunction bond accrues.
Medina vs. Greenfield case it enumerated the

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Now, let me touch on a few more items on in a multi-sala court, there are
injunction. Class, preliminary injunction – what numerous judges like in Makati
is the period of a preliminary injunction? Ah more than 20. Do you follow? In
may period ba yun?! For as long as the action is Manila more than 40, do you
pending the preliminary injunction is in effect. follow? That is a multi-sala court, te
But are you aware of the amendment of RULE executive judge of that court
58 in relation to rule 65 dated Decmber 2007 – appointed by the Supreme Court
that if a court or tribunal issues a preliminary can issue ex-parte TRO for 72 hours.
injunction it is incumbent for that court or Are we clear? When I say a
tribunal to resolve the main case WITHIN A presiding judge of a single-sala
PERIOD OF 6 MONTHS. Ok! Gone were the days court, it means there is only one
that if you got a prelimnary injunction the case judge in that area and this is very
could linger for years. Today class as of common in the provinces;
December 2007, you could check that in your
codal in RULE 58 in relation to RULE 65 the 2. the next kind of ex-parte which was
issuing court has to resolve the main case a part of the amendment in 2007
within a period of 6 months. was...IF THERE IS A GRAVE OR
Now, take note of my next statement. The TRO court, not the executive judge, the
in the trial court has a period of 20 days not judge of a regular branch to whom
subject of renewal, not subject of extension. In a case is assigned can issue what? A
the Court of Appeals a TRO is for a period of 60 20-day ex-parte TRO WITHOUT
days. In the Supreme Court, a grant of TRO has NOTICE AND HEARING. A regular
no period, unitl futher orders of the court. court judge if there is a grave orm
irreparable injury, can issue a 20-
Let me touch on EX-PARTE TRO, is tere an ex- day TRO without notice and
parte TRO? How many ex-parte TRO do you hearing.
have today? Take note that your §5 was
likewise amended in 2007. The next question that I will ask you is this – can
a judge issue a preliminary injunction without a
1. the first kind of ex-parte TRO is that notice and hearing? NO! That is a BIG NO NO!
which is issued by an EXECUTIVE You cannot do that. The judge will be sued
JUDGE for a period of 72 hours, an administratively for doing that.
executive judge of a MULTI-SALA
COURT. Is there a need of a The concept of injunction is to prohibit, that is
hearing? NO! He could issue that one, or the other one is mandatory which is to
ex-parte, thereafter the case will be enjoin and before I proceed further please take
raffled and the judge to whom it is note class that under the ADR Law, provisional
assigned will determine whether remedies as the one that I have been discussing
that 72 hours will be made to 20 right now can be instituted as an original action
days or plus 17 days. Do you in aid of an arbitration case.
OF A MULTI-SALA COURT CAN Before I go to receivership I just want you to
ISSUE 72 HOURS OR A PRESIDING take note of this – on how to dissolve an
Class when I say an executive judge DENIAL but not for dissolution. Again,

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insufficiency is a ground for denial but not for 2. that the same has not been subject
dissolution. Submission of affidavits is a ground of levy, attachment or not in
for dissolution and denial. What else? Posting of custody of the court;
a counter-bond is not only simply posting a
counter-bond as basis for dissolution, it should 3. the ground is WRONGFUL
be coupled with this statement THAT THE DETENTION OR THERE IS
APPLICANT, plus post a counter-bond. Ok! Di property.
lang sapat na magcounter-bond ka, that the
damage to be suffered by the applicant or by Replevin is the only provisional remedy where
the person posting the counter-bond is far the BONS IS DOUBLE THE VALUE OF THE
greater than that of the applicant. PROPERTY. Take note of the case of Superlines
Transportation vs. PNCC which says PROPERTY
about receivership? Class on receivership, you CANNOT BE SUBJECT OF REPLEVIN. Ok! Are we
have to take note that this is a provisional clear? If property or objects are OBJECTS OF
remedy that is used to protect the property or CRIMES OR TO BE USED AS EVIDENCE IN A
the subject of the controversy from being CRIMINAL CASE IT CANNOT BE SUBJECT OF
wasted or dissipated and this is the only REPLEVIN. It is in the nature of custodia legis.
provisional remedy class where you have 2
BINDS. Ok! Dalawa yun, the BOND OF THE The case of Dagudag vs. Paderanga, forest
RECEIVER and the BOND OF THE APPLICANT. products detained by the Bureau of Forest
This is also the ONLY PROVISIONAL REMEDY Development is not subject of replevin like logs
THAT COULD BE APPPLIED FOR EVEN IF THE recovered from illegal loggers. Forest products
JUDGMENT IS ALREADY FINAL AND EXECUTORY. detained by the Bureau of Forest Development
You could apply for receivership even after the is not subject of replevin.
judgment has become final and executory and
the reason for this is also found in RULE 39 §41. Let us now look at the last provisional remedy
Now, let us look at class. HOW TO DISSOLVE A LITE. This is the only provisional remedy where
RECIEVRSHIP? You could dissolve a receivership, there is no requirement of a bond because the
you could dissolve or discharge by saying there person is asking for support. This the only
is no casue for the continuation of the receiver provisional remedy wherein wrongful support
and upon posting a counter-bond. or there was an error in giving support is not
subject of damages but subject of
Let us look at REPLEVIN. Ok?! Replevin. If I were reimbursement. This is also the only the
you I will memorize the contents of a replevin- provisional remedy where there is an express
affidavit. Ok! I will memorize: provision for criminal cases for offsprings which
were results of commission of offense. Ok!
1. that you are the owner – lawful Kindly take note if the case is still pending and
owner or possessor; there is wrongful support, you could recover in
the same action but if there is already a
judgment, you will have to recover it in a
separate action.

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person died there was a named beneficiary, the

Now, let me give you a rundown of a few items spouse, but someone comes forward “ako ang
more before I move on to criminal procedure. asawa talaga!” and presents a marriage
Let us look at DECLARATORY RELIEF. It is in certificate, both of them have marriage
RULE 63, Malana vs. Papa. Declaratory relief certificate. So to avoid damages, what will they
presupposes that there is no breach. Ok! NO do? What will the insurance company do? They
BREACH!!! Once a breach is committed, there will file an action for interpleader so that they
will be a conversion from a special civil action to will determine their rights.
an ordinary civil action. Please take note that
declaratory relief is not limited to interpretation Class , the next item is PETITION FOR
or determination of validity by the cour, it also CERTIORARI under RULE 64. Class, RULE 64 is a
includes other similar remedies like quieting of petition for certiorari please bear that in mind...
title, removal of cloud, reformation and what Ha sir?! Hindi ba 65?! 64!!! Is a petition for
else? Consolidation is included but please take certiorari FOR REVIEW OF JUDGMENTS OF COA
note for those of you who are curious about OR COMELEC. Ok! Petition for certiorari yan ah!
consolidation, it refers not to foreclosure of Review of judgments of COA or COMELEC.
mortgage – it refers to a pacto de retro sale.
The next question is, WITHIN HOW MANY DAYS
OVER ACTIONS FOR DECLARATORY RELIEF? Liga UNDER RULE 64? Within a period of 30 days and
ng mga Barangay vs. Atienza, the REGIONAL there is no extension. I will not take much of
TRIAL COURT. Declaratory relief is in the original your time on certiorari, prohibition and
exclusive jurisdiction of the trial court unless of mandamus because I have slightly discussed
course there is question on constitutionality, in that and I do not want to waste time. Except
which case the Supreme Court can have original that I would like you to bear this in mind CAN
jurisdiction on constitutionality, even the Court YOU FILE AN EXTENSION OF A PETITION FOR
of Appeals. CERTIORARI, TODAY? Is there an extended
period? Could you file a motion for extension?
Now, let us now look at an example on Based on the amendement of 2007 you can no
INTERPLEADER. What do you have to remember longer file what? AN EXTENSION. If your codal
about interpleader? You just have to remember proviosion still has 15 days, that has already
in the case of Ocampo vs. Tirona, the action of been amended. So if you are asked in the bar
interpleader is a remedy whereby a person or exams, the petition for certiorari under RULE 65
his property whether personal or real or an cannot be extended. It is a fixed period of 60
obligation to render wholly or partially without days.
claiming any right in both. IN SIMPLE WORDS
THERE ARE TWO CONFLICTING CLAIMANTS AND A while ago I discussed mandamus, let me now
YOU HAVE NO INTEREST AND IF YOU AHVE AN touch on the recent case on mandamus that I
INTEREST, YOUR INTEREST IS NOT IN CONFLICT feel I have to touch on. In this case 2010 case of
WITH THEM. So what do you do? You institute Uy Kiaw Eng vs. Nickson Lee it say that
an action for interpleader to ask the courts to recognized in this jurisdiction is the principle
determine the rights of the conflicting that MANDAMUS CANNOT BE USED TO
claimants. The classic example of this is the ENFORCE A CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATION
claims of a spouse and someone who claims BECAUSE IT IS NOT AN OBLIGATION OF PUBLIC
also to be as the spouse of a deceased insured CHARACTER and it is a prerogative writ. Bear in
individual, this is a classic example. So when the mind in this case, the question was about the

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original holographic will. Yun ang based on a public purpose. There should be a
pinagtatalunan, gusto i-mandamus. Yung may necessity, necessity must be of public character.
possession or custody ng holographic will gusto In this case of Masikit, what happened was the
niya i-mandamus. What did the court say? basis of an expropriation was through an
Without unnecessarily ascertaining whether the ordinance which says that the intended
obligation involved in the production of the beneficiaries where the Melendres compound
original holographic will is in the nature of homeowners association, a private non-profit
public or private duty, because that is the organization of residents. Can you follow? It
determination for mansamus, rules of the already violated the requirement of the law.
remedy of mandamus cannot be availed of by
respondent Lee if there lies another plain, Ok! I already mentioned partition a while ago
speedy and adequate remedy and what is that and I mentioned ejectment and contempts. So I
plain, speedy and adequate remedy when you will now proceed to CRIMINAL PROCEDURE.
talk of a holographic will? For that purpose
according to the court, the party is not I will start class with what I said yesterday, the
prevented from instituting probate proceedings case or the petition for radio and television
and require presentation of copies thereof. Do coverage of the multiple-murder cases against
you follow?! So here, how was it attacked? the Maguindanao governor Zaldy Ampatuan et.
There is a plain, speedy and adequate remedy al. and this included the letter of President
therefore mandamus will not lie. They did not Benigno Aquino to the Supreme Cour asking for
even determine whether it is a public or private tv coverage on this. How did the Supreme Court
character. resolved this? As I mentioned to you yesterday
the resolution on this case is for this particular
Let us now proceed to QUO WARRANTO. Just purpose pro hac vice, for this particular purpose
one point on quo warranto class. Calleja vs. and they have enumerated how the guidelines
Panday, which court has jurisdiction when iy on tv coverage. In the past, they were guided by
comes to quo warranto involving USURPATION the Corazon Aquino libel case and the Joseph
OF OFFICE IN A CORPORATION? Ok! Not Estrada plunder case of 2001, that recording
usurpation of public office but usurpation of will only be allowed for historical or
office in a private coraporation, which court has documentary purposes. To allow a broadcast of
jurisdiction? The REGIONAL TRIAL COURT this will be in violation of the rights of the
having special jurisdiction or what you call the accused. Ok! So how did they treat it? I will
COMMERCIAL COURTS. enumerate to you the guidelines that they have
enumerated. According to them:
Now on matters of EXPROPRIATION I will not
delve too much on expropriation. Please take 1. audio-visual recording of the
note that THERE ARE TWO STAGES ON proceedings maybe made both for
EXPROPRIATION and please take note based on documentary and for transmittal to
the case of NHA a COMPLAINT OR A PETITION live broadcast. Ok! So it is used for
FOR EXPROPRIATION CAN BE WITHDRAWN AT documentary and if you wish,
ANYTIME, BEFORE AN ORDER OF transmittal for live broadcast;
EXPROPRIATION. However, if damages has been
suffered by the property now subject of the 2. the media entities must file with the
withdrawal of the petition the government will trial court a letter-application, there
have to pay for damages. Now, Masikit vs. City should be a letter-application
of Pasig, the need for expropriation must be

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directed to the trial court where the pupose-pro hac vice. Do you follow? For that
case is pending; particular purpose only, because in the future if
they do not say that baka matali sila eh. Right?
3. there should be no selective or And they felt the need to come up with these
partial coverage – hindi mo because of the numerous victims and their
pwedeng galitin ang tao sabihinm families who would want to see the outcome of
mo ipapakita mo lang itong portion the case plus the accused themselves nd theire
na to. Do you follow? Or you will families. I hope that is clear, kapag sinama nila
highlight only this portion. You will at least may working knowledge kayo kung ano
have to show the entirety; yun.

4. there should be a single fixed Now, let us start with the case of...what time is
compact camera – when you say it? 2:55 accurate itong aking timer. Kayo naman
single fixed compact camera, that nadito na rin kayo eh di makinig na lang eh
would cover the entire room or area nagmamadali pa kayo. Ano bang papanoorin
with no need of panning, hindi ka niyong sine na naman mamaya? Ano ba yung
pwedeng magzoom, hindi ka showing? Transformer no! Ayan! Manonood na
pwedeng magpan. Hindi pwede! naman kayo ng sine. Alam niyo ako noon nung
Basta yun lang kukunan mo lang; nagrereview ako kapag nanonood ako ng sine
yung wala nang pumapasok sa utak ko, meaning
5. the broadcast for a particular day have you had thet chance or taht experience
must be continuous in its entirety; wherein you are sitting down and you keep on
reading you understand every word but as if
6. there shall be no commercial nothing is in...o ba’t parang lahat
breaks, unless there is already kayo?!(chcuckles) at that point in time class
adjournment or there was a recess; may be you have to stop because you are tired.
Just like last night, I came from here I wanted to
7. there is no voive overs, meaning no read and when I started reading frist I got a call
opinions except brief annotations as then I wan to read, I started reading at some
may be necessary to explain them point in time around 10:30 sabi ko pagod na
at the beginning and at the end. So talaga ang utak ko, pagod na so what I did was
hindi pwede yung mga opinion to sleep. Kapag pagod na itulog niyo. Hindi ko
katulad sa radio na marooning pa sinabing i-sine niyo. Itulog niyo!!! For the next
sila, hindi pwede yun! Ok!; day, ok! So that you have energy for the next
8. finally, no repeat airing, if it is
shown now , watch it. It Now class, the case of Isip vs. People is the
cannot be viewed later on replay. It reiteration of a long standing rule that the place
should be a live airing and once where the criome was committed determines
shown cannot be repated. Until not only the venue of the action but its
after the finality of judgment. essential elements. Ok! This is a repetition that
VENUE IS JURISDICTIONAL. Unless of course the
This is something new class, that is why the place fo commission is the place where you will
Supreme Court if you would notice, does not institute the action but if it is a transitory
want ot be tied down in this case. That is why offense or a continuing offense for example a
they said at the outset this is for this particular BP 22 case – where could you institute the

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action? You could institute it in the place of COMMITTED. That the office is the constituted
issue or the place where the check bounced. element of the offense. It further said that a
Class, you could file in the place of issue or in simple analysis after a plain reading of the
the place where the check bounced. provision shows that those public officials
enumerated under §4(a) of PD 1606 as
At whose option? The filing party, but I would amended may not onle be charged in the
suggest, if you want to become lawyers you file Sandiganbayan for violation of the Anti-Graft
it in the place where the check bounced. Law RA 1379 and Title 7 of the Revised Penal
Code. Can they be charged with other ordinary
Jurisdicition of the RTC as a SPECIAL AGRARIAN offenses? YES! For as long as it is a constituted
COURT. Sir, why did you even touched on element of the offense. This abuse your minds
special agrarian court? We are already in that Sandiganbayan cases are only limited to
criminal procedure. Listen to this, the exception Anti-Graft, Bribery and the like. Do you follow?
to the DAR’s original exclusive jurisdiction are: For as long as the office is a constituted
element of the offense and you fall within the
1. all petitions for determination of proper salary grade of 27 you fall under the
just compensation; jurisdiction of Sandiganbayan.

2. the prosecution of all criminal Let me call your attention to the case of Alarilla
offenses under RA 6657. Which are vs. Sandiganbayan, where the public official was
within the jurisdiction of the RTC charged with the crime of grave threats. Ok!
SITTING AS A SPECIAL AGRARIIAN Ang demanda sa kanya grave threats, eh hindi
COURT. Do you follow? yan bribery, hindi yan anti-graft but grave
threats, but anong sabi ng court? Accused was
Ulitin ko, all matters pertaining to agricultural performing his official duty as municipal mayor
tenancy falls within the DAR. However, there when he attended said public heaqring and that
are two items which will go to the regular accused violent act was precipitated by
courts, subject to judicial determination: 1. to complainant’s criticism of his administration. So
determine just compensation; and 2. all grave threats would not have been committed
criminal offenses under RA 6657. Which are if not for the exercise of his office. Do you
within the jurisdiction of the RTC sitting as an follow?!
agrarian court.
Now the next question is – CAN A UP STUDENT
Yesterday I discussed in class jurisdiction of REGENT BE CONSIDERED AS A PUBLIC OFFICER
courts. Right?! I disussed that yesterday. Now, AND BE PROSECUTED IN THE SANDIGANBAYAN?
let me start with the SANDIGANBAYAN. People Do you know this case? The case of Serrana vs.
vs. Sandiganbayan. Public office as constituted Sandiganbayan. The student regent contends,
element of the offense. WHAT DOES THIS hindi po ako public officer. I am not a public
MEAN? According to the court, as long as the officer and I do not draw salary from the
offense charged in the information is intimately government. I do not receive a single centavo
connected with the office and is alleged to have from the government, therefore I cannot be
been perpetrated while the accused was in the prosecuted in the Sandiganbayan. Ang nangyari
performance of his office then it will fall within kasi dito class, napagkatiwalaan siya ng pera
the jurisdiction of Sandiganbayan. What do you nung panahon na yun ni Erap and she failed to
mean by this? In simple words WITHOUT THE account for it and she is now being prosecuted.
OFFICE THE CRIME WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN So, how is a public officer defined in this case? A

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public office is the right, authority and duty The next question is this – WHAT IF THE CO-
created and conferred by law for a given period ACCUSED IS A PRIVATE INDIVIDUAL – there is a
either fixed by law or enduring at the pleasure public officer who falls within the jurisdiction of
of the creating power. The Supreme Court said, Sandiganbayan, salary grade 27 – will the
while the first part of §4(a) covers only officials private individual falls within the jurisdciction of
with Salary Grade of 27 and higher its second Sandiganbayan? YES!!! In the case of Republic
oart specifically includes other executive vs. Court of Appeals, wherein private
officials whose positions may not be salary contractors of the DPWH were joined as co-
grade 27 and higher but by express provision of accused with nthe officers of the DPWH.
law are placed under the jurisdiction of the
Sandiganbayan. For example itong §4 1(g) let Let us now proceed and answer the next
me read it for you and the student regent will question. WHICH COURT CAN ISSUE A HOLD-
fall in this category “the Sandiganbayan has DEPARTURE ORDER? The case of Mondejar vs.
jurisdiction over presidents, directors, trustees Buban, the REGIONAL TRIAL COURT has
or managers of government-owned and exclusive jurisdiction to issue hold-departure
controlled corporations, state universities or order. This is based on Circular 39-97, that
educational institutions or foundations. LIMITS THE AUTHORITY TO ISSUE HDO to
According to the court, STUDENT REGENTS fall criminal cases within the jurisdiction of second
under this category, the salary grade is level courts, when I say second level courts I am
immaterial because by express provision of law, referring to the regional trial court. However
the position fall within the jurisdiction of class, the DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE CAN ISSUE
Sandiganbayan. A HOLD DEPARTURE ORDER, that is within the
power of the DOJ.
The next question class is this, answered in the
case of Esquivel vs. Ombudsman. Where a co- You have repeatedly heard of this JURISDICTION
accused is within the jurisdiction of IS DETERMINED BY THE ALLEGATIONS OF THE
Sandiganyaban. Ano ibig sabihin nun? FOR AS COMPLAINT – Foz vs. People. What does it
LONG AS ONE OF THE ACCUSED IS SALARY mean? Allegations in the complaint or
GRADE 27 REGARDLESS OF HIM BEING A information does not confer jurisdiction. It is
PRINCIPAL, ACCOMPLICE OR AN ACCESSORY, the law that confers jurisdiction. However, it is
FOR AS LONG AS ONE FALLS WITHIN THE the allegations that determines. Iba yun! What
JURISDICTION OF SANDIGANBAYAN, EVERYONE confers jurisdiction is the law, for the court to
FALLS WITH THE SANDIGANBAYAN. Do you know whether or not it has jurisdiction or it can
follow? As in this case of Esquivel, ang act, it is the allegations that determines
pinagtatlunan nila, as the position of municipal jurisdiction.
mayor and barangay captains are not
mentioned therein, they claim that they are not Ok! Let us look at Badiola vs. Court of Appeals.
covered by the said law under the principle of WHAT HAPPENS IF THERE IS A WRONG MODE
expressio unius est exclusio alterius. But class OF APPEAL? What happens to the petition if
this has already been answered in the case of there is a wrong mode? The PETITION WILL BE
Binay that a municipal mayor falls within thye DISMISSED.
jurisdiction of Sandiganbayan. Considering that
the municipal mayor is with the Sandiganbayan, From a review of the CA on a RULE 43 – review
the barangay captain who was part of it as co- of decisions of quasi-judicial agencies, where
accused is also within the jurisdiction of the will you go from the CA under RULE 43? You will

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go to the Supreme Court on a RULE 45 – AND THOSE WHICH COME TO HIS ATTENTION
COMPLAINT. So sir, pwede palang chismoso ang
Still on the case of Badiola, this will interest you ombudsman? Ganun ba yun? Kelangan malaki
because the GENERAL RULE is a second MR is ang tenga mo at kinig ka ng kinig. Ok!
not allowed, it is prohibited. As found in §2 of The METHOD OF FILING OF A COMPLAINT in the
RULE 52. However the court said in the case of Ombudsman is DIRECT, INFORMAL, SPEEDY
Badiola, such motion is a prohibited pleading AND INEXPENSIVE.
which shall not be allowed except...that is the
general rule, the second MR is a prohibited CAN THE OMBUDSMAN TAKE JURISDICTION
Still on Badiola, DISMISSAL OF CRIMINAL OFFICE? NO. Any act of, any misfeasance,
CHARGE DOES IT CARRY WITH IT DISMISSAL OF malfeasance, non-feasance will fall within the
THE ADMINISTRATIVE CASE? Ha class?! Na- jurisdiction of the Ombudsman. May kapitbahay
dismiss yung crim... Sir, eh mas mataas yung ka public officer, binaril mo manok pwede kang
degree require in a criminal case eh di damay idemanda sa ombudsman. Do you follow? Pulis
na rin. HINDI! Citing the case of Tecson vs. ka, wala ka sa duty baril-baril ka illegal
Sandiganbayan, it simply means that a public discharge pwede ka sa ombudsman. Do you
officer may be held civilly, criminally and follow? Kahit wala ka sa duty it does not matter.
administratively liable. Do you follow? So it WHETHER OR NOT IT IS COMMITTED IN
does not mean that if a criminal case against a RELATION TO THE OFFICE, ANY ACT OF PUBLIC
public officer is dismissed, the administrative OFFICER CAN BE INSTITUTED – ANY
case is likewise dismissed. These are STAND MISFEASANCE, MALFEASANCE OR NON-
Ombudsman naman tayo ngayon. Ok! What is
the power of the ombudsman, DOJ vs. Liwag, IT In the case of DOJ vs. Liwag, the question is
unlike prosecutors class, the Office of the SANDIGANBAYAN? Primary jurisdiction is with
FORMAL COMPLAINT LODGED BEFORE IT. Sandiganbayan. While the DOJ has general
Tandaan niyo yan! Unlike the office of the jurisdiction to conduct preliminary investigation
prosecutor, there should be an affidavit- involving violations of the Revised Penal Code.
complaint, in the Office of the Ombudsman But both of them can conduct prelimnary
even without a formal complaint lodged before investigation, are we clear BUT ONLY THE
it, it can investigate. It can inquire also on acts SANDIGANBAYAN HAS PRIMARY JURISDCITION
of governments agencies based on reports in OVER SANDIGANBAYAN CASES.
the media. Take note of this, IT COULD INQUIRE
AGENCIES BASED ON REPORT IN THE MEDIA court, it is an investigative agency or body.

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Now, the case of Lazatin vs. Desierto, I have CAN THE OFFICE OF THE OMBUDSMAN DISMISS
noticed that within the last five years certain A CASE OUTRIGHT WITHOUT GIVING THE
PROSECUTOR which is not part of your Rules on OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD? YES! The office of
Criminal Procedure. Wala yan! You cannot find the Ombudsman can dismiss a case outright.
it there, office of special prosecutor cannot be
found there. Let us now look at this case, the case of People
vs. Duka. This is important because it defined
Desierto – Office of the Special Prosecutor is GENERAL. It said here, complaint or information
merely a component of the Office of the shall be prosecuted under the direction of
Ombudsman and may only act under the whom? UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE PUBLIC
supervision, control and authority of the PROSECUTOR. However class, take note this
ombudsman. Again, the OSP is only a case of People vs. Duka, when a criminal action
component of the office of the Ombudsman. reached appeal the Court of Appeals or the
The power to prosecute crimes according to the Supreme Court, the office of the Solicitor
court carries with it the power to file General must represent the People of the
information and listen to this, which power is Philippines and not the Prosecutor. Therefore in
not been to the OSP. In the 2010 bar this particular case, there was an error in maing
examinations there was a question answerable a service of the petition to the prosecutor and
by this one, by this concept wherein there was not to the Office of the Solicitor General
information already in the Sandiganbayan, because the sole representative of the State for
there was a motion to amend it, it was returned appealed cases is the Office of the Solicitor
and amende by the OSP and the new General.
information was filed, IS THE INFORMATION
VALID? NO. Because the OSP HAS NO Let us now proceed, I would like to touch on
INFORMATION. case of Panaguiton vs. DOJ. Class, I am now
referring to RULE 110 §1 last paragraph, that it
Let us now move and discuss procedure before says that the prescriptive period is interrupted
the office of the Ombudsman. WHAT IS THE upon filing of the complaint or information.
PROCEDURE BEFORE THE OMBUDSMAN? Fairly WHERE, that is the question? If it is an ordinary
simple class, according to this caseof Sesbreño offense, filing before the office of the
ALL PROSECUTORS ARE NOW DEPUTIZED AS prosecutor – Brillantes vs. Republic, is a
OMBUDSMAN PROSECUTORS, based on AO reiteration of the long standing rule. So THE
#08. Therefore the resolution of an assistant MERE FACT THAT YOU FILE IN THE OFFICE OF
prosecutor deputized by the ombudsman will THE PROSECUTOR, PRESCRIPTIVE PERIOD
be reviewed by whom? By the CITY or INTERRUPTED.
public prosecutor of the Ombudsman, the HOW ABOUT SPECIAL LAWS? The long standing
resolution will be reviewed by the City oy rule class prior to this case of Panaguiton was
Provincial Prosecutor and the resolution of the cited in your books in ACT 3326 that says, if it
City or Provincial Prosecutor will be reviewed by covered by special law the period of
the DEPUTY OMBUDSMAN that will ne later prescription will be interrupted only when?
approved by the Obudsman. Upon filing of the complaint or information in
court, however at the advent of Panaguiton vs.

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DOJ a 2008 case. Thequestion presented before Sanndiganbayan – WHO IS THE OFFENDED
CASES? Of course the contention was that it is a BE NOTIFIED? Doon muna tayo sa CONCEPT ng
special law but they went on to the narrative of plea bargaining, ganyan class sumagot ng
the history of Act 3326 but the Supreme Court tanong. Ano ba yung pinag-uusapan natin? Plea
said...sandali! sandali! Yang Act 3326 of 1926, bargaining, ok!
kaya sinabi niyan na upon filing in court because
at that time the justice of peace can conduct WHEN CAN YOU ENTER INTO A PLEA
preliminary investigation, sabi nila. Today can BARGAINING? Do you follow? Plea bargaining is
an MTC judge conduct a preliminary A PLEA OF GUILT OT A LESSER OFFENSE. You will
investigation? Who says yes? NO! A MTC judge first meet that in RULE 116 §1. Nakalagay doon,
today cannot conduct PI, that was an as a rule DURING THE ARRAIGNMENT the
amendment as early as October 2005. So kapag offended party need not be present unless
and code sinsabi pa sa §2 of RULE 112 andyan there is a plea of guilty to a lesser offense or
pa yung MTC judge who could conduct PI, i-eks there is a plea bargaining because the
mo siya. Ok! Ibig sabihin luma nag codal mo. So OFFENDED PARTY SHOULD GIVE CONSENT plus
going back to the case of Panagution, what did the PUBLIC PROSECUTOR. At anytime AFTER
the court say? Sabi ng court ganun kasi yun ARAIGMENT BUT BEFORE TRIAL, you could
nung araw in 1926 but the Supreme Court said enter into a plea bargaining or plea of guilt ot a
and cited the cases of Ingko vs. Sandiganbayan lesser offense. So arraignment, after
and Sanrio Co. Ltd. sinabi rito class even arraignment but before trial can you enter a
violation of the securities act an investigation plea of guilt to a lesser offense? YES! The last
ofm the SEC is considered already an instance you could do that is when? DURING
interruption of the prescriptive period because PRE-TRIAL FOR A PLEA BARGAINING.
to them it was the commencement of the Maliwanag? Yun ang huling pagkakataon na
investigation process. pwede mong gawin yun.

Now going back to the question on BP 22 – Ang tanong niya dito WHO IS THE OFFENDED
when will the prescriptive period be PARTY THAT MUST GIVE ITS CONSENT AND
interrupted, IT IS INTERRUPTED UPON FILING MUST BE NOTIFIED? Sino ba ang offended
OF THE INFORMATION IN THE OFFICE OF THE party? Is it the State or is it the Armed Forces of
PROSECUTOR, that is the Panaguiton case. the Philippines. Ok yun ang tanong. Is it the
STATE or the AF? Di ko sinama yun Solicitor
Let us now continue, still on criminal procedure. General kasi wala siyang pakialam dyan,
Class, what time is it? 4...ha what time 4! Ayan papasok lang siya para reviewhin yung plea
mahaba pa, parang gutom kayo ano! Hindi kayo bargain kung meron man because he is the
mapakali, gutom na gutom kayo. Relax lang counsel of the State. He may be entitled to
kayo ok! notice if it is on Appeal. How about yung
Ombudsman? Wala nang pakialam yun, basta
What other items do I want you to take note of, na-file yung info tapos na yung trabaho niya
let us try to answer this. Ito na to eh, criminal because an Ombudsman work just like a public
na! Let us try to answer this question of your prosecutor. To my mind because if you talk of
classmate ang tanong niya is in connection with the State, you will be looking at the highest
General Garcia. Piakliin ko lang ha! Kabit-kabit officer of the land. Ok! The offended party here
naman yung tanogn iya eh. Ok! In the PLEA is technically the AFP dahil ang kinuhanan nila
BARGAINING of General Carlos Garcia at the ay AFP.

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not set-in therefore if later on there is sufficient

IS A PLEA BARGAIN WITH CIRCUMSTANCES evidence against you. Can they institute action
this is a highly controversial question and more The case of Yu vs. RTC of Tagaytay. STATE
or less political and you will be giving a political WITNESS. Doon tayo sa state witness, the
answer. Ang sagot lang dyan ganito, what is the pertinent provision class when you talk of state
CHARGED. Hindi pwede na yung charge ay when you talk of state witness. The
murder, sige aminin ko na rape! Hindi pwede requirement class is:
CHARGED. In fact, if it is necessarily included in 1. you will have to submit an affidavit;
the offense charged for as long as the offended and
party is notified and the public prosecutor is
notified, even if the offended party is not 2. you should been arraigned.
present during the arraignment, there could be
a plea of guilt to a lesser offense, if it is THE APPLICATION TO BE STATE WITNESS
necessarily included in the offense charge. Kaya SHOULD BE WHEN? At anytime before the
ko ito diniscuss, ayan na-cover ko na yung plea prosecution would have rested its case. Bago,
bargain. kapag tapos na yan wala na. At anytime before
the prosecution would have rested its case.
Now, let us now touch on...yung mga gusto niyo Therefore class, if you are validly and legally
ganyan eh. Yung mga nasa news. Yan ang mga declared as a state witness you are already
gusto niyo! ACQUITTED! Ok! Because you are a witness of
the state. Which is differentiated to a state
Dito naman tayo sa DOWNGRADING, kung may witness under a witness protection program.
plea of guilt to a lesser offense let us touch on Take note, there is a state witness under the
downgrading. Downgrading class is BEFORE witness protection program and trhe requisites
PLEA! Ok! Tandaan niyo yun, downgrading of an are the same as under the rules on criminal
offense let us say muder to homicide is before procedure, EXCEPT that the approval is given by
plea. Ok! the DOJ and communicated to the city or
provincial prosecutor, the downside of a state
WHAT ARE THE REQUIREMENT: witness under the witness protection program
1. the same should be with notice to
the offended party a motion filed Why? Because he has not yet been arraigned,
by the public prosecutor and with he has not entered a plea, there is no court of
leave of court. Ok! Yun ang comptetent jurisdiction. Do you follow? And
requirement nun! there is what? No dismissal without the express
content, acquittal or conviction. Do you follow?
HOW ABOUT EXCLUSION? Anong exclusion?! At that point in time there will still be NO
Exclusion of the accused. Remember exclusion DOUBLE JEOPARDY.
here is BEFORE PLEA and for that reason even if
you are excluded, does it mean that double Now my next discussion point would be this.
jeopardy has set-in? NO! Double jeopardy has Yesterday I discussed amendment in civil cases

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and I touched on substitution but I did not

touch on amendment. Ok! 3. CONDUCT INQUEST PROCEEDING.

CAN AN INFORMATION BE AMENDED? I am Unahin ko muna yung preliminary investigation.

referring to RULE 110 §14. The answer is YES! Sir, bakit mo inuna yung preliminary
investigation? Kasi class kapag diniscuss ko yung
1. BEFORE PLEA, both as a matter of §1 ng RULE 110 kailangan ko i-discuss ang RULE
form and substance; 112. Ganun yun, so I have to discuss that. So
unahin ko itong preliminary investigation. Class
2. take note AFTER PLEA but only as a ito, after this discussion it is easier for you to
matter of form. understand preliminary investigation. Ganito
lang ka-simple yun. Hindi natin pahihirapan.
But it should not stop there; I want to be very Ganito ang tandaan niyo. Ask yourself “IF A
clear. It should not stop there. Sir it is a matter CRIME WAS COMMITTED IN MANILA OR IN A
LONG AS IT WILL NOTE PREJUDICE THE RIGHTS CASE. Dyan muna tayo. If a crime is committed
OF THE ACCUSED. It could be a matter of form in Manila, it is a chartered city or Quezon City
but it will prejudice the rights of the accused where will you institute the action?! First
then it will not be allowed by the court. Sinabi question. First sub-question, IF IT REQUIRES
mo, sir nagkamali lang typographical error, yung PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION WHERE WILL
edad nung victim hindi siya ano...19...17 pala! YOU FILE? Office of the prosecutor. Tama yun!
Ay hindi! That would prejudice the rights of the
accused. Do you follow? Because the penalty Second sub-question, IF IT WILL NOT REQUIRE
will be greater if the same is amended. Do you PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION WHERE WILL
follow? So after plea, take note that YES as to YOU FILE IT? Office of the Prosecutor. Do you
matter of FORM for as long as it will not follow?!
prejudice the rights of the accused.
Next, hindi ko sainyo didiscussin ang sufficiency INVESTIGATION FALLING UNDER THE RULES ON
of information but I would want you to bear this SUMMARY PROCEDURE WHERE WILL YOU FILE
in mind class i-memorize niyo yung §6 kasi IT? Office of the Prosecutor. Madali di ba?! Yun
kapag alam niyo yung §6 pasok yan hangga’t lang muna para hindi magulo. Do you follow?
§12. So kelanga memoryado niyo yan! Ok Kapag may krimen sa Manila o kung saang
because the succeeding sections are bonly chatered city ang magfile ka lang ng kaso
descriptions of §6. assuming that he is not caught in flagrante
delicto, ibang usuapan yun inquestbyun, ang
Let me discuss the THREE-FOLD DUTY OF A usapan dito consummated later nagfile, are we
PROSECUTOR: clear?! In this instance, Manila or chartered city
where will you file? Whether requiring PI, NO PI
1. to CONDUCT PRELIMNARY or under the rules on summary procedure, IN

2. to PROSECUTE THE CASE, because Now, dito naman tayo sa outside of Manila or
under §5 RULE 110 a criminal case IN THE PROVINCES. Ok liliwanagin ko
is under his direct control and REQUIRING PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION
supervision; and WHERE WILL YOU FILE? Office of the prosecutor

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because today only the office of the prosecutor, follow? Mahaba yung provision, basta pinag-
ombudsman, regional state prosecutor, state require ng counter-affidavit PI yun!!! May PI. Do
prosecutor can conduct PRELIMINARY you follow?! Eh sir, paano yung may reply-
INVESTIGATION. You cannot file it in court. Do affidavit, may rejoinder, sa practice na yun.
you follow? So even in the provinces you file Hindi yan required sainyo ngayon but some
only in the office of the prosecutor, if it requires prosecutors allow the parties to file that. Are
PI. we clear?!

The next question NOT REQUIRING The next question now is HOW ABOUT SIR NOT
FILE IT, IN THE PROVINCES? You could file either WHAT WILL APPLY? Sir may counter-affidavit.
before the office of the prosecutor or before ONLY RULE 112 §3(a) will apply. Ok?! Yun lang.
the MTC. I would like to be very clear with that The same will apply for summary procedure not
MUNICIPAL TRIAL COURT. You could file it requiring PI. Yung 3(a) lang nakita niyo yun?
before the office of the prosecutor or municipal Hangga’t doon lang s a pagsubscribe. Do you
trial court. WALA NAMANG REQUIREMNT NG follow? That is the procedure to be observed by
PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION RIGHT?! the prosecutor when there is no preliminary
investigation required. Are we clear? Bearing
NOT REQUIRING PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION this is mind let us now touch on...iwanan ko
AND FALLING UNDER THE RULE ON SUMMARY muna yun mamaya na ako sa mga warrants.
PROCEDURE, WHERE WILL YOU FILE? Same, Tandaan niyo yan ha! Didiscussin ko yun
either MTC or office of the prosecutor. warrants in relation to that later on.
Maliwanag?! Yun lang yun. So kapag tinanong
kayo bear that in mind, the question where will HOW ABOUT PROSECUTION IN COURT? The
you file, chartered city? Lahat yan prosecutor prosecutor has what? COMPLETE CONTROL
class. However class, this is now the time to AND DIRECTION OF A CRIMINAL CASE. What
disitinguish, iba na to. Kasi class, we as lawyers does that mean? He has to be there. If he is
filing in the office of the prosecutor, we only ABSENT as a GENERAL RULE, can the criminal
think of SAAN KO I-PAFILE? Do you follow?! But case proceed? NO! All of those criminal cases
the procedure that is the problem of the will be what? CANCELLED AND RE-SCHEDULED
prosecutor but as a student you have to know AT A FUTURE TIME. Sir, ganun ba yun? OO!
that, as a student who will take the bar exams Unless, according to §5 you are able to secure a
you have to know that. certification from the chief of the prosecution
office allowing you to prosecute even in the
Now let us try to understand preliminary absence of the public prosecutor. Pwede yun
investigation, ganito lang yun ka-simple. The but you have to secure a certification. So the
entire provision of preliminary investigation in GENERAL RULE is CRIMINAL CAE IS UNDER THE
RULE 112 §3. Yung buong yan ah! Class yung DIRECT CONTROL AND SUPERVISION OF THE
buong yan! Kapag sinabi kong yung buong yan, PUBLIC PROSECUTOR.UNLESS, you are able to
kasama yung pagsubscribe sa piskal. Do you secure a certification from the chief of the
follow? Or in his absence or unavailability, prosecutor. Are we clear?!
before a notary public or any person authorized
to administer oath kasama yun and after that The THIRD DUTY IS INQUEST! The provision non
raffle, issuance of subpoena and complaint and inquest is found under RULE 112 §6. If your
filing of counter-affidavit, yun ang PI in the provision tells you it is §7 that is an old code. So
simpliest way I could present it to you. Do you kapag §7 pa yung inquest mo your holding an

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old code because today it is already §6. Please information yun. Do you follow?! But he could
take note of this class! A few items on inquest still ask for what? Preliminary investigation but
only OFFENSES THAT WOULD HAVE GONE he has to waive ARTICLE 125 of the Revised
THROUGH PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION WILL Penal Code. But if in the same time if it is a
GO THROUGH INQUEST. Tandaan niyo yun look bailable offense, he could ask for bail. So class
at the provision, only those offenses that would please bear that in mind. If the prosecutor says
have gone through preliminary investigation release it does not mean dismissed. If the public
wiil go to inquest. What are those? At least 4 officer says release, it means that the complaint
years, 2 months and 1 day. Yun yun! Kapag mas made by the arresting officer will now be filed
mababa dun ang penalty, hindi ini-inquest yun. before the office of the prosecutor and will go
Kung may pulis dito, makikipagtalo sa akin thorugh regular preliminary investigation that is
mamaya. Sir ang tawag dun inquest! Yun ang the process.
tawag niyo. Hndi inquest yun! Ang gagawin mo
kasunod kapag kulong piyansa. Ganun yun, do We have discussed the three-fold duties of a
you follow. public prosecutor ok. Now, let me touch on the
civil aspect of a criminal case. Just a few items
When you talk of offenses that requires here class, the first that I would like you to
preliminary investigation, that will have to go touch on is, AN INDEPENDENT CIVIL ACTION
through inquest. What happens is you get NEED NOT BE RESERVED.
arrested, you will be placed inside. Ganun muna
and then after a few hours or kung madaling IF THERE IS A QUALIFYING CIRCUMSTANCE,
araw na in the morning, you will be placed on WHAT IS THE RULE? You have to allege it in the
inquest. Ok! information. Otherwise it will not be considered
by the court.
WHAT IS THE FUNCTION THEN OF AN INQUEST? present rule. That has been asked in the 2005
An inquest is a determination of the prosecutor, bar exams. Even a generic aggravating
whether there is sufficient evidence to hold you circumstance should be alleged in the
or to detain you upon a proper charge or to information to be taken against the accused.
release you for further preliminary
investigation. So, DO YOU NEED TO RESERVE AN
WHAT DO I MEAN BY FURTHER PRELIMINARY reserve, this is Article 31, 32, 33 and 2176 of the
INVESTIGATION? Ang mangyayari dun, parang Civil Code.
regular filing. Parang hindi ka naaresto na
gumgawa ng krimen. Sin sir yung complainant? Class please bear in mind also PREJUDICIAL
Eh di yung pulis! A competent person QUESTION. For the longest time there is no
considering it is a public offense. Do follow?! question on prejudicial question and what are
Unless, it is a private offense. Kahit na nakulong the minimum requirements of a prejudicial
ka nahuli ka. Na-inquest ka, sab ng piskal question:
release to. Kapag sinabi ng oiskal naku malakas
to sige kulong mo yan. Kulong mo yan at
sampahan na natin. Magpprepare ng

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1. the civil action which should have 1. You were caught while
been instituted ahead of the COMMITTING, ABOUT TO COMMIT
criminal action; OR HAS JUST COMMITTED, the
magic phrase “IN HIS PRESENCE”.
2. the issue in the civil action is Do you follow? In his presence. Ibig
determinative of the guilt or sabihin within his view, of the
innocence of the accused. arresting officer, in his presence.
IS IT THE CIVIL OR THE CRIMINAL? The criminal 2. the second subsection there in §5
case will be suspended not the civil. says, what? THE CRIME HAS JUST
BEEN COMMITTED, hindi kasama
CAN YOU APPLY FOR SUSPENSION ON THE ang about to and committing, but
file this. PROBABLE CAUSE, there was a
personal assessment. He was not
CAN YOU FILE FOR A SUSPENSION ON there, it was not in his presence but
PROCEEDINGS ON A GROUND OF PREJUDICIAL there is probable cause to believe
QUESTION IN COURT? YES, you could file it also. that he was the one who
committed it. It is no longer
So please take note, not only in the office of the suspicion BUT THE PROBABILITY
prosecutor but also in court, you could a THAT THE PERSON TO BE ARRESTED
suspension of the proceedings on the ground of BASED ON FACTS AND
prejudicial question. CIRCUMSTANCES IS THE ONE WHO
Yesterday I discussed filing fees. So I will now
touch on ARREST. For this I will touch on §5 3. He is DETAINED whether
RULE 113 People vs. Laguio. Class i-simplify niyo temporarily or permanently and HE
lang ha, kapag arrest. Kasi ang estudyante ESCAPES. You will have to add to
minsan pag arrest, ang isip lang nila lagi may this...ah sir may addition pa ba yan?
warrant of arrest. ARREST COULD BE UPON A YES!
sometimes when they read RULE 113 ang 4. A person who is arrested without a
natatandaanlang niya warrantless. Ok! Now, warrant is RESCUED, there could be
what is the difference? When you talk of an arrest without a warrant - §13 of
WARRANTLESS ARREST, is there already a the same rule.
criminal case which is pending? When you talk
of WARRANTLESS ARREST, is there already a 5. There could also be an arrest
pending criminal case, ha class? WALA! without a warrant if THE ACCUSED
Warrantless nga eh. Nadampot ka in layman’s WHO IS OUT ON BAIL attempts to
language, in police lingo. Ikaw ay nadampot na depart from the Philippines without
may ginagawa – WARRANTLESS. Di ba?! Ganun approval from the court, there
yun warrantless. That is §5 of RULE 113 and could be an arrest without a
what does it say? warrant.

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Now, going to the case of People vs. Laguio this ARREST, it could issue a warrant of
was the problem, ang nangyari dito, the facts arrest.
and circumstances surrounding the case the
question was, was there suspicion that he 2. the court can DISMISS THE CASE
committed the offense, was there reason to FOR ABSENCE OF PROBABLE
believe that he commiited the offense. What CAUSE.Sir, bakit ganun? Eh nag-PI
happened? Respondent Wang was just on his na bakit may determination of
way to his car coming from his apartment and probable cause pa? that is what you
was about to enter his car when the police call JUDICIAL DETERMINATION OF
operatives arrested him, searched his person PROBABLE CAUSE. Can the court
and commanded him to open the compartment dismiss it? YES!
of the car which was later found to be onwed
by his friend. Is there a reason to arrest him 3. the court can REQUIRE FURTHER
without a warrant? NO! was he committing? PRESENTATION OF EVIDENCE for
About to commit? Or has just committed? A will him to personally determine
not apply. whether or not there exists a
probable cause.
Will B apply? Has just committed and there is a
reasonable ground to believe based on So class, kapag RTC ang kaso chances are
probable cause that he committed it? NO issuance ng warrant yan and once the court
issues a warrant of arrest, it means that THERE
Is he an escapee? NO, RULE 113 §5 will not IS INITIAL DETERMINATION OF PROBABLE
apply. CAUSE. You can no longer file a motion for
determination of probable cause because the
When you talk class of a warrant of arrest court already issued a warrant of arrest. Ok!
THERE IS ALREADY A CRIMINAL CASE. Ok! Dapat Pina-file yung motion na yun before a
Therefore, there is already a case, PEOPLE OF warrant is issued.
THE PHILIPPINES. Now, bearing this in mind, let
us try to know when the court will issue a Now, let us look at the next discussion point.
warrant of arrest. Ok! Alamin natin. KELAN BA How about the MTC. Once an information is
MAG-IISSUE ANG HUSGADO NG WARRANT OF filed in court, what should it do? You have to
ARREST? Let us try to simplify this, what is the listen to this: if the penalty for the offense is AT
pertinent provision? The pertinent provision in LEAST 4-2-1 and therefore went through
RULE 112 §5. Ok! Liliwanagin ko to ha, RULE 112 preliminary investigation, you follow exactly
§5. Ano requirement? Ito lang yun class ha, what I discussed. Ganun lang! do you follow? If
listen to this. I will classify it in this manner: IF it went thorugh preliminary investigation,
AN INFORMATION IS FILED IN THE RTC, we information is filed, penalty at least 4-2-1, you
presuppose that there was preliminary follow what I discussed. The court could ISSUE A
investigation, correct? because the penalty in WARRANT OF ARREST, THE COURT COULD
the RTC exceeds 6 years, so nag-PI yun. DISMISS FOR ABSENCE OF PROBABLE CAUSE
1. Once an information is filed in he PRESENTATION OF EVIDENCE. Yun lang, are we
RTC, what should the court do? The clear?!
court upon finding of probable
you follow? Below 4-2-1, BUT NOT FALLING

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UNDER THE RULES ON SUMMARY PROCEDURE, kumain…hehe! O sa España… O see you in a

the information is filed what can the court do? while.
Listen to this because this is not usually the
practice in court. This is exactly what the This is our last set, last 2 hours. Hopefully we
provision says, if it is asked in the bar exams this will cover as much. My last discussion point was
is the answer. a warrant of arrest, right?! I discussed
warrantless arrest. Now let me touch on a
1. If it is below 4-2-1 and not falling SEARCH WITHOUT A WARRANT. Ang dami
under the rules on summary naman nito(referring to the submitted
procedure the court MAY ISSUE A questions) para akong singer nito ah. Di ba
WARRANT if he finds based on his ganun yung singer…buti walang dedication
discretion that a warrant should be dito!(chuckles) mamaya mamaya bago tayo
issued; or in lieu thereof the court mag-uwian. Di ba ganun yun binibigyan ng
will issue what? SUMMONS. This is napkin tapos babasahin mo yun.
the ONLY instance that in a criminal
case, summons can be issued. Ok! Now let us proceed, my next discussion point is
2. the court can also DISMISS for SPOT TIP CALLS. What is the rule? For as long as
absence of probable cause; and a search warrant could be obtained you have to
apply for a search warrant, that is the key under
3. the court can conduct further RULE 126. IF YOU COULD APPLY FOR A SEARCH
WITHOUT A WARRANT. This is the case of
Now, ok na yun! Punta tayo ngayon sa People vs. Ayanggao. I will give you the facts
SUMMARY PROCEDURE. Those OFFENSES then tell me if there should be application for
WHERE THE PENALTY IMPOSABLE DOES NOT search warrant. The informant arrives at the
EXCEED 6 MONTHS. Ok! Hindi lumalampas ng police station at 5AM on August 13, 1999 and
anim na buwan. Ito ang tanong class. Once the informed the officers that the accused would be
information is filed in court, take note – will it arriving at 6AM, an hour later. Ok! So the tip of
require preliminary incvestigation? NO! just like the informant was given 5 in the morning and
the other one below 4-2-1 not requiring PI. If the informant said that the accused will be in
the information is filed in court, CAN THE the polace designated at 6AM, so a difference
COURT ISSUE A WARRANT OF ARREST? The of an hour. The circumstances clearly calls for
answer is NO! For those not requiring PI and an immediate response, this is an example of an
falling under the rule on summary procedure, on the spot tip – do you need a search warrant?
the court will NOT AUTOMATICALLY issue a NO! To all other pertinent details wer known by
warrant of arrest. A warrant of arrest will only the officers except the date, they coulf not have
be issued when? If DEPSITE REPEATED NOTICE applied for a search warrant, besides according
for the accused to appear, he failed to appear to the this case the search warrant has only
only then it will issue a warrant of arrest. This is have an effective life of 1o days.
not covered by the rules on criminal procedure,
it is covered by the rule on summary procedure. HOW ABOUT A WARRANT OF ARREST? HOW
What time is it? Ah 4! Ok let us have a break. MANY DAYS? NO! until vacated or set aside, a
Class I will be back in less than 15 minutes. Ok! warrant of arrest will be in effect. Ok!
Baka naman pumunta pa kayo sa Mendiola para

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Let me now touch on the case of Ortega vs. 1. in all cases whether bail is a matter
People. In the determination of exemption of a of right or discretion YOU HAVE TO
child in conflict with the law under §64, NOTIFY THE PROSECUTOR of the
RA9344. As you know below 15 years old, the hearing or REQUIRE HIM to submit
offenders are exempt from criminal lliability. a recommendation;
What happens? The case will be dismissed and
the child shall be referred to the appropriate 2. where bail is a MATTER OF
local social welfare and development officer, DISCRETION, CONDUCT A HEARING
that is what will happen, right?! A child above OF THE APPLICATION FOR BAIL,
15 but below 18 who acted without regardless whether or not the
discernment will likewise not be liable, right?! prosecution refuses to present
But if he acted with discernment that is a evidence to show the guilt of the
different story. accused is strong;

Now the question is how do you determine the 3. DECIDE WHETHER THE GUILT OF
age? Is it age at the time of commission or age THE ACCUSED IS STRONG based on
at the time of promulgation of judgment? the summary evidence of the
According to this case of Ortega, what is prosecution;
controlling with respect to exemtion from
criminal liability of the child in conflict with the 4. IF THE GUILT IS NOT STRONG,
law is not the age at the time of promulgation DISCHARGE the accused upon
of judgment BUT THE AGE AT THE TIME OF THE approval of the bail bond.
note of that. You know this but I need to discuss this outside
of this case because for me it is not as accurate.
The next item I would like to discuss with you is Ok! It assumes that everything which is a matter
BAIL. Ok! Dalawa lang class ang didiscussin ko of discretion falls under the determination of
sainyo…no three items. The first one is this case whether or not the evidence of guilt is strong. IT
of Mabutas vs. Perillo. Why am I discussing to IS WRONG! Again, with all due respect it is
you this case? This case discussed and outlined wrong. Why? When is bail a matter of right?
the need for a hearing on application for bail Tinanong na to sa bar exams when the
and according to this case, the hearing in an examiner was Justice Pardo. Tinanong na to,
application for bail is MANDATORY. Ok! Let us WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE OF BAIL AS A
BY THIS CASE? It said: whether bail is a matter
of right or a matter of discretion, THE 1. All cases falling within the
SOUGHT. Ah…baka sabihin, kahit nap ala
convicted sa MTC pwede
The judge is required to observe the following magpiyansa?! HINDI! Kulong ka na
duties: nun di ba! In the MTC, whether
before or after conviction you could

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apply for bail, meaning baka i-apela

mo pa eh. Do you follow?! Where However class, yung sinasabi nila yung 6, 7 and
else? 8 yan sinasabi nila, capital offense. Yun yun
2. In the RTC before conviction, where class! Yun yung kadalasang pinaghahalo kaya
the penalty is NOT death, life they assume when you talk of discretion it is
imprisonment or reclusion perpetua always determination of the evidence of guilt is
– that is a matter of right. strong. You only make a determination that the
evidence of guilt is strong if the penalty is a
I have always given this example to draw my capital offense. When at the time of
point, to stress my point so that the students commission of the offense and application for
will not forget the point of bail as a matter of bail, the penalty is what? Death, that includes
right in the RTC. Let me give you a classic aside from death, life and reclusion perpetua.
example that has had he headlines in the Do you follow?!
longest time for the last 3 years or so, the story
of Governor Leviste. You know this story. What Sa mga ganung sitwasyon class, what do you
happen there is he was alleged to have killed his do? Most of the time where the penalty is
aid. Do you follow? What did his lawyer do? He death, life or reclusion perpetua, ano yun?
surrendered! Correct?! and he applied for bail. These are NON-BAILABLE. Ok! Murder, rape,
Why? Because he was charged originally of what else? Large-scale estafa, pluder yan mga
homicide. If you are charge with homicidethe non-bailable. Yung katulad nung kay GMA kapag
penalty is life, death, reclusion perpetua na-file yun, non-bailable yun. Ibig sabihin class
therefore you are entitled to bail as a matter of yun, once an information is filed in court you
right, maliwanag?! Bail as a matter of right! are not as a rule entitled to bail. Sasabihin
Ganun yun! Magaling yung pag-aaral nila dun. niyo…sir, that is a constitutional right! YES! You
can apply but for the time being you are not
Now, WHEN IS BAIL A MATTER OF DISCRETION? entitled to bail! Can you follow? That is why you
After conviction in the RTC if the penalty is NOT have to establish that the evidence of guilt is
death, life imprisonment or reclusion perpetua. NOT STRONG against you. The burden of the
Wala pa tayong pinag-uusapan ditong death, prosecution is established when you file an
life, reclusion perpetua ha?! RTC mga…estafa! application that evidence of guilt is strong. Ok!
Ganyan! Ok! Where the penalty is not life, So there will be a summary hearing. The
death or reclusion perpetua, after conviction. prosecutor will be given notice so that he could
However class, the fact alone that you are give his recommendations and to appear. If the
convicted is not sufficient for the court to court grants bail without giving the prosecutor
exercise discretion. The fact of its grant or the chance to recommend or to appear, the
denial of the bail will depend on other judge could be administratively held liable. Do
conditions provided for in §5, if you are a flight you follow?! That is the concept. So you have 3
risk, if you are a recidivist, if you are a quasi- sets:
recidivist, if you are a habitual delinquent. So
hindi lang porket na-convict ka… ay! Apply ako 1. bail as a MATTER OF RIGHT;
ng bail. Do you follow? You will have to show
that none of the conditions enumerated applies 2. bail as a MATTER OF DISCRETION;
to you because if it does, the judge can opt not and
to give you bail. Maliwanag ba?! Yun yung
classic class, a matter of right and a matter of 3. NON-BAILABLE OFFENSES

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Yun yung ina-apply mo ng PETITION FOR BAIL. Let me proceed with the next item, the
Is ARRAIGNMENT PRE-REQUISITE TO FILING A JUDGE. Ocave vs. Guttierez. If the judge is able
PETITION FOR BAIL? NO! Serapio vs. to determine existence or non-existence of
Sandiganbayan. That has already been probable cause on the basis of the records
answered in the case of Erap. YOU DO NOT submitted by the investigating prosecutor,
NEED TO BE ARRAIGNED TO APPLY FOR BAIL. there will no longer be need to order the
The very moment there is deprivation of liberty, elevation of the rest of the records of the case.
you could already apply for bail.
What are they trying to tell us? The judge
The next point that I would like to discuss is should have what? A personal, independent
WHERE TO APPLY? I think this is §17 if not 16 of determination of probable cause and in his duty
RULE 114. Where to apply? to conduct probable cause – what should he
do? He should look at the records of the case to
IF IT IS A MATTER OR DISCRETION – you could the extent of requiring the prosecutor to
only apply for it IN THE COURT WHERE THE elevate the records, the case os Adaza vs.

ALREADY HELD IN CUSTODY – meaning you may arraignment? Arraignment is waiver to right to
have been caught in flagrante delicto – in the preliminary investigation and the right to
PROVINCE, CITY OR MUNICIPALITY WHERE YOU question the irregularity. The very moment a
ARE HELD. Do you follow?! person is arraigned and enters a plea, HE
CASE? For example here in Manila and you waiver is tantamount to finding of probable
were arrested in Manila. Ok! Do you follow? cause, for this reason there is no need for the
Ang kaso mo nasa RTC ng Manila, nahuli ka sa court to determine the existence or non-
Manila, where will you apply for bail? Your existence of probabale cause.
application for bail will be, THE COURT WHERE
THE ACTION IS PENDING. Kasi sa Manila ka My next question is WHAT IS YOUR REMEDY
nahuli dun rin yung kaso mo. Do you follow? IN FOR AN ACQUITTAL? Kita niyo nagulat kayo…Sir,
THE COURT WHERE THE ACTION IS PENDING OR may remedy pa pala yun? Is there a remedy for
IN HIS ABSENCE OR UNAVAILABILITY, BEFORE an acquittal? People vs. Hernandez. This is
ANY RTC OR MTC OF MANILA. Do you follow? rather an exception more than the rule. In order
that the judgment of acquittal may be
What else? What if you have a case pending in successfully challenged, in a petition for
Manila and you were arrested in Antipolo, certiorari. The petitioner must prove that the
where will you apply for bail? Yes, you could trial court in acquitting the accused not only
apply for bail in the court where the action is committed errors of judgment but grave abuse
pending but you can also apply for bail, before of discretion, take note of that. Take note of
any RTC of Antipolo. Do you follow? Or in their that! THE REMEDY FOR AN ACQUITTAL IS A
absence or unavailability before any MTC of PETITION FOR CERTIORARI, ASSUMING THERE
Antipolo. Are we clear? Yan class abangan niyo, WAS GRAVE ABUSE OF DISCRETION
it could be a source of questions. AMOUNTING TO LACK OR EXCESS OF

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person of the accused but after arraignment.

Now, let us look at the word EXCLUSIONS. You Ok! RULE 118. Please take note of that.
remember this? Exclusions! Saan niyo narinig
yan, yang exclusions na yan? That is found in §3 And ARRAIGMENT TO TRIAL SHOULD BE WITHIN
of RULE 119. Oh nakita niyo na? ang haba ano? THE PERIOD OF? O ganyan! Codal yan. Tingnan
What is the use of that provision? Mental niyo sa §6 of RULE 119. Arraignment to trial
examination of the accused, pedency of other should be within the period of…may magbibigay
extraordinary remedies, failure to acquire sa akin ng 180 dyan, may magbibigay sa akin ng
jurisdiction of some of the accused, there are 120. Ano? How many? 80 na lang ngayon!
pending other criminal cases, unavailability or Because it had lapsed for a number of years
absence of witnesses – WHAT IS THE NATURE and at this time it is already 80. Do you follow?
OF EXCLUSIONS? Exclusions will protect who? So these days are important otherwise if the bar
THE PROSECUTION from claims for violation of examination was still in the nature of essay
speedy trial. For example, in one case decided what I would like you to remember would
by the Supreme Court the pre-trial took place simply be vexatious, capricious and oppressive
after 8 years, why did it happened considering delays.
the right ot speedy trial? Because the petition
for review was pending for almost 8 years. In one case decided by the court People vs. The,
Should it be dismissed? NO! do you follow? the case was postponed for 20 times, the
These are what you call exclusions – THIS IS criminal case for 20 times. What did the court
NOT INCLUDED IN THE COUNTING OF THE say? When the accused moved for dismissal on
PERIODS IN SPEEDY TRIAL. the ground of speedy trial, what did the court
said: sabi ng court hindi! Bakit? Because they
Now, I would like to call your attention to said, the prosecution made efforts to make sure
SPEEDY TRIAL and when you hear speedy trial that the witnesses were there, they even
remember the letters V-C-O. oh kita niyo!? May applied for a warrant of arrest, sabi ng court. So
naisip na naman kayo! Ayan, diyan kayo you cannot blame the prosecution for inaction,
magaling ano?! V-C-O is VEXATIOUS, therefore the rgith to speedy trial was not
CAPRICIOUS AND OPPRESSIVE DELAYS. Class,but violated. Do you follow? So you have to take
if I were you considering that you have a note of exclusions and pleas take note of the
multiple choice examination kakabisaduhin ko days.
na rin yung days required, kakabisaduhin ko na
rin yun. Iilan lang naman yun. Kakabisaduhin ko The next, let us compare and contrast a
na yun! Bakit? Eh baka mamaya magtanong sila MOTION TO QUASH and a PROVISIONAL
dun eh. Kasi hindi na kayo mahihirapan eh. They DISMISSAL. What is the difference? Let us look
will give the answer it is a matter of choosing. at this, class mahaba-haba to. This is the case of
Los Baños vs. Pedro a 2009 case. Both are found
Let us do some exercises. WHEN SHOULD in RULE 117, however they made a comparison.
ARRAIGMENT TAKE PLACE? Within 30 days from They said, a first notable feature of §8 RULE 117
the time the court acquires jurisdiction over the that is Provisional Dismissal is that it does not
person of the accused. exactly state what a provisional dismissal is, it
does not say. There are no grounds, correct?! it
WHEN SHOULD PRE-TRIAL TAKE PLACE? Pre- does not say what provisional dismissal is. The
trial should take place within 30 days from the modifier PROVISIONAL directly suggest that the
time the court acquires jurisdiction over the dismissal ESSENTIALLY REFERS TO THOSE THAT

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sinasabi. That are temporary in character and information for defects of information.
not dismissals that are permament. Based on defects and defenses So a case could be
the law and jurisprudence, PERMANENT apparent in the dismissed
DISMISSALS ARE THOSE THAT ARE BARRED BY information or provisionally even if
DOUBLE JEOPARDY, by the previous extinction complaint. the information is not
of criminal liability and speedy trial. But class, defective. May be for
kindly take note this pronouncement of the absence of witnesses,
court when they say it is temporary or lack of interest, but
provisional, they did not say that it will attain that is not a ground
permanency. Do you follow?! Our discussion, it for motion to quash.
will become permanent and for that reason Before arraignment. Even when the trial is
cannot be refilled, all they said thus the already on-going.
modifier was provisional, therefore it is There could be a
temporary. To that extent I agree, ok! It is provisional dismissal
provisional. even after
arraignment and when
The second feature is that §8 does not state the trial is on-going.
grounds to lead to a provisional dismissal, this is Stays quashed until Is by its own terms
in contrast with the motion to quash, where revived. A motion to impermanent until the
grounds are specified under §3. Ok! quash if granted, stays TIME-BAR RULE
PROVISIONAL – there are no grounds, MOTION quashed until revived applies. Ayun! Sinabi
TO QUASH – there are grounds. unless it is na nila, it is provisional
prescription, unless it until the time-bar
Third, MOTION TO QUASH – focuses on the is double jeopardy. applies, at which time
consequences of a meritorious motion to it becomes
quash, this feature also answers the question of permanent.
more importantly now is the five points IS A DENIAL OF A MOTION TO QUASH
presented by the court, there are five points or REVIEWABLE BY CERTIORARI? As a GENERAL
differences presented by the court: RULE it is NOT REVIEWABLE by certiorari. The
case wil have to be completed before questions
MOTION TO QUASH PROVISIONAL on the motion to quash can be raised.
Is filed by the accused At the instance of Now, CONDITIONAL EXAMINATION OF
to question the either the prosecution WITNESSES. Ok! Manguera vs. Risos, this is
efficacy of the or the accused. important because the Supreme Court made a
complaint or very clear pronouncement on how you will treat
information. this conditional examination of witnesses. It is
The form is provided Can be made orally in true according to the Supreme Court that §1
for in §2, these open court. RULE 3 of the RULES OF COURT provides that
requirements of form the rules of civil procedure applies to all actions,
are not required in civil or criminal and special proceedings. In
provisional dismissal. effect it says, that the rules of civil procedure
Asaails validity of the May be grounded on haqve suppletory application to criminal cases.
complaint or reasons other than This is important, the next point however it is

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likewise true that the criminal proceedings are

primarily governed by the rules on criminal The next item that I would like to discuss is
procedure considering RULE 119 adequately People vs. De Leon. I would like to discuss
and squarely covers the situation in the instant ILLEGAL SALE OF PROHIBITED DRUGS in relation
case, we find no cogent reason to apply RULE to CHAIN OF CUSTODY. Remember class that in
23 suppletorily or otherwise. We have the conduct of an arrest, there is an incidental
answered the question that I have raised a search. Do you follow?! A search as an incident
while ago. You do not need to apply RULE 23 on of a valid arrest. I will discuss this in the case of
DEPOSITION because there is RULE 119 on People vs. De Leon. Ok! WHAT ARE THE
conditional examination of witnesses. ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS OF ILLEGAL SALE OF
To reiterate as a final point, the conditional
examination of a prosecution witness for the 1. the accused sold and delivered a
purpose of taking his deposition should be prohibited drug to another; and
made before the court or at least before the
judge where the action is pending. In this 2. he KNEW that what he sold and
particular case, the court treated conditional delivered was a prohibited drug.
examination as in the nature of deposition in
It is the POSSESSION or the ILLEGAL DRUG. In a
To procedd we further, we still have enough murder case or a homicide case, what is the
time. Let us look at class the SWEETHEART corpus delicti? It is the body of the victim. Do
THEORY. You know this right?! The sweetheart you follow? Now, let us look at the CHAIN
theory, People vs. Guillermo. It is AN OF CUSTODY RULE. Ok! This has always been a
ADMISSION OF CARNAL KNOWLEDGE OF THE source of conflict between judges and the
VICTIM AND CONSEQUENTLY PLACES THE police enforcers. Ok! Why? Because they have a
ACCUSED THE BURDEN OF PROVING THE very strict rule in §21 of RA 9165 – DANGEROUS
EVIDENCE. So a sweetheart theory is an the substance bought during the buy-bust
admission of carnal knowledge but you will operation is the same substance offered in
have to establish existence of relationship. court. Do you follow? THAT WHICH WAS TAKEN
RETRACTION? According to this case recanted here in §21 – WHAT IS THE DUTY OF THE
testimony is highly questionable because it ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS OR THE POLICE
could be secured through monetary OFFICERS? This is very hard, for those of you in
considerations. Ok! So the court frowns upon a the police force you know how hard it is, THERE
recanted affidavit because to them it is usually SHOULD BE A PHYSICAL INVENTORY. Where? AT
by reason of monetary consideration. In certain THE SCENE WHERE THE SEARCH AND ARREST
cases the Supreme Court had said that IT TAKES WAS EFFECTED, IN THE PRESENCE OF THE
CONSIDERATION. It is dangerous for the court REPRESENTATIVE OF THE DOJ. Yan yun rule!
to reject testimony solemnly given before the Class ha! Baka itanong yan sainyo, ok?! Pero
court simply because witnesses changed their class this is usually rejected by police enforcers,
mind. bakit? Bakit ka naman gagawa ng inventory

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kung saan mo sila nahuli, kadalasan doon sila absence of satisfactory explanation. So that is
napapatay, di totoo yun! Dun sila napapatay, animus possidendi, not necessarily in your
yan ang reklamo nila because I lectured before possession or physical possession but may be
the PDEA and the Judges on this, anong where? Within the premises of the house of the
nangyari? Sir, doon kami napapatay, doon yung accused or in his house.
mga kasama naming napapatay. Bakit? Di
babalikan nung nahuli. Ok so this is the cource Ok! Next let us look at POSITIVE
of problem because some police officers IDENTIFICATION. Peple vs. Abella. CAN POSITIVE
instead of doing an inventory at the scene of IDENTIFICATION BE OVERCOME BY BARE
the crime or where the buy-bust operation was DENIAL? NO! Bare denials and uncorroborated
conducted in the presence of media or DOJ, alibis cannot overcome positive identification.
they bring it somewhere else, they bring it to Alibi is unacceptable when there is positive
the plaza or sometimes they bring it to the identification of the accused by a credible
police station because the requirement is, it will witness. Ok! In order for alibi to stand, ito ang
be photographed and it will be signed. Kung sabi ng court, sabi ng court para magamit mo
sachet siya kailangan pirmado din yun para yung alibi you have to comply with this
alam na that is the same substance taken at the standard, IT IS NOT ENOUG TO PROVE THAT
scene of the buy-bust operation. THE ACCUSED IS SOMEWHERE ELSE, na nasa
ibang lugar siya during the commission of the
exceptions? This is what the provision says, the WOULD HAVE BEEN IMPOSSIBLE FOR HIM TO
non-compliance with this requirements under BE ANYWHERE WITHIN THE VICINITY OF THE
justifiable grounds, as long as the integrity and CRIME. Again, it is not enough for the accused
the evidentiary value of the seized items are to shaow that he is somewhere, kadalasan
properly preserved. If you are to remember ganun ang alibi…hindi nandun ako. Do you
something this is what you have to remember follow? But he has likewise to show that it
as exception. The exception to that rule on non- would be impossible for him to be there, within
compliance in the inventory at the scene of the the vicinity of the crime.
buy-bust operation is this, you will have to
establish the integrity and the evidentiary value Let us now proceed on the case of Samuel Lee
of the seized items as properly preserved by the vs. KBC Bank a 2010 case. Class this is important
apprehending officer, that was the declaration because of discussion on INDEPENDENT
of the court. A close examination of the law PERSONAL ASSESSMENT OF THE JUDGE. Kapag
reveals that it admits an exception and the ang eksaminer niyo medyo praktisado baka mga
court said that, that is the exception the ganitong tanong ang matanggap niyo. Ano
preservation of the integrity and evidentiary yun?! Sir, there is a motion to withdraw
value of the seized items as the same would be information in court. Do you follow? So bakit
utilized in the determination of the guilt or pina-withdraw? Eh kasi ang recommendation ng
innocence of the accused . office of the prosecutor o ng DOJ dismissed. So
ang gagawin ng public prosecutor, a motion to
Let us look at ANIMUS POSSIDENDI. What is withdraw information. Do you follow?! Yun ang
animus possidendi here in this case? The finding pinagtatalunan dito. What is in dispute id the
of dangerous drug in the house or within the order issued by a judge, he issued an order
premises of the house of the accused is prima granting the motion to withdraw ito lang sinabi
facie evidence or knowledge of animus niya class, pakinggan niyo to ha! The motion to
possidendi and is enough to convict in the withdraw information filed by the prosecution

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is hereby granted. Ayan! And the two is fairly simple. I will simplify it for you, the BSP
informations for the crime of estafe are hereby transmitted affidavits of its investigating
withdrawn from the dockets of this court. officers to whom? To the office of the
Ganun lang! That is one paragraph, the other prosecutor, transmit nila. So kinontest yun, sabi
paragraph reads: after an in depth scrutiny of nila letter-transmittal lang yan eh, that cannot
the arguments raised by the prosecution and be a basis of a complaint. Yes there is letter-
private complainant, the court finds the transmittal but there are affidavits appended
contention of the prosecution to be sufficient thereto, what did the court say? The letters
and meritorious, yun lang! Is that sufficient? Ol! merely transmitted for preliminary investigation
So that order was questioned, sabi bakit mo the affidavits of people who have personal
grant yan? What is the duty of the judge? THE knowledge, we rule that these affidavits not the
JUDGE SHOULD CONDUCT AN INDEPENDENT letter transmitting initiated the preliminary
ASSESSMENT OF THE MERITS OF THE CASE investigation, these are merely transmittals but
BASED ON THE AFFIDAVITS AND COUNTER- what is important is the affidavits and
AFFIDAVITS AND DOCUMENTS APPENDED TO considering the affidavits where duly subscribed
THE INFORMATION. Do you follow? If it is not before a notary public, these are valid affidavit-
possible, he could ask for copies from the office complaints that will commence the action. Yun
of the public prosecutor. So here, the court ang sabi ng court.
noted kulang. It is not enough class to say that
yes it is granted it is sufficient, the judge should Ok! In a similar vain, the NBI had a similar case
have what? An independent personal whereinthey only forwarded a transmittal
assessment and he should have a discussion on together with the affidavits of those who have
why he feels the case should have been personal knowledge, is that a proper affidavit
withdrawn, this is the standard in withdrawal of for commencement of the action? YES! In this
cases. I have seen judges simply do a one-liner particular case, another point which is subject
on approving a motion to withdraw, this is the of controversy is the information. Sabi niya
standard, the judge should make an idependent insufficient ang information. Why? He moved to
personal assessment. quash the information because according to
him, yes there was violation of the DOSRI rule,
Now, in fact they said they should embody the alam niyo ba yung dosri? Sa mga bank hindi
assessment in the written order disposing the pwedeng mangutang ang director, officer…hindi
motion, not only saying that we have consider dapat sila nangungutang pero nangungutang pa
the arguments and we have seen the rin sila. Sabi nial, yes violation yan ng dosri but
arguments to be sufficient because the concept there is no estafa through falsification of
here is, once the case is already in the court commercial documents because he said
who is in control of the case? The judge, it is for according to the information, it is not I who
him to dismiss or not the case, that is why the borrowed the money. So what is in dispute here
prosecutors only fle a motion to withdraw. is the information. Was there a valid
Remember that, there should ne an information? That is why there was a motion to
independent personal assessment of the judge quash. Anong sinabi ng court dito, sandali!
in cases of a motion to withdraw filed befor Doon sa §83 ng Banking Law, sinabi doon a loan
him. Ok! could either be direct, indirect for himself or as
representative and looking at the information it
Now, let us look at another case Hilario Soriano says, that the loan was obtained indirectly by
vs. People, this is in connection with the Rural the accused and the funds were received by
Bank of San Miguel. Ok! The question here class

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him. The court said, the information was proper Anong oras tayo uuwi? 6 o’clock. Corinthian
and not defective. Garden case. What is the rule when you talk of
judicial notice? The provision on judicial notice
Let us look at now an OUT OF COURT is where? RULE 129. Ok tandaan niyo yan ha!
IDENTIFICATION. Ano ba sir yung out of court? RULE 129. Class ang evidence konti lang yan eh
Yung mga police line-up type. The case of Vidar 128-133. Ah sir, 134? Wala na yan! That has
vs. People. The question is WHETHER AN been superseded by RULE 24. Ah sir ganun ba?!
OUT OF COURT IDENTIFICATION IS POSITIVE OR OO!(chuckles) wala na yan! Yang 134 na yan ay
DERIVATIVE. What are the rules that you have wala na, pinalitan na yan nung 24 na diniscuss
to consider? You have to consider the TOTALITY ko kanina.
OF CIRCUMSTANCES and the court has Judicial notice is found in RULE 129, what do I
enumerated four: want you to bear in mind when you talk of
judicial notice? THERE IS NO NEED OF
1. witness’ opportunity to view the INTRODUCTION OF EVIDENCE. Yun yun!
criminal at the time of the crime;
WHOSE NOTICE IS THAT? That is the notice of
2. the witness’ degree of attention at the judge! That is not your problem as a party-
the time; litigant, that is for the judge to take notice of.
Ok! Without introduction of evidence. Look at
3. accuracy of any prior description that §1 ok! And class I will not go through the
given by the witness; process of enumerating what is mandatory. But
let me give you the case of Corinthian Gardens,
4. level of certainty of the what does it say? A COURT CANNOT TAKE
matters because, these are not settled or
5. length of time between the crime studied, in fact these are disputed matters.
and identification;
6. the suggestiveness of the ORDINANCE? The case of Social Justice Society
identification. vs. Atienza. The ordinance subject of dispute is
an ordinance adopting the Manila
Class, what the court said here is IF YOU Comprehensive Land Use and Zoning Regulation
COMPLY WITH THE PARAMETERS, THE OUT OF of 2006. Is the court required to take judicial
COURT IDENTIFICATION IS PROPER. But even if notice? This is what the court said: while the
the out of court identification is irregular, court’s are requied to take judicial notice of law
meaning it suggested who the accused is or enacted by Congress, the RULE WITH RESPECT
who the suspect is, for as long as there is TO LOCAL ORDINANCES IS DIFFERENT. Even
positive identification in court it validates the when there is a statute that requires the court
out of court identification. Do you follow? For to take judicial notice of municipal ordinances, a
as long as there is proper court identification in court is not required to take judicial noyices of
the course of the proceedings in court then it ordinances that are not before it and to which it
validates the otherwise defective identification. does not have access. Laws enacted by
Congress, YES! But ordinances, if it is not within
Now, I will touch on a few items on evidence. their access it is not bound ta take judicial
Let us touch on JUDICIAL NOTICE. Ano na bang notice. In this case they even cited RA409 §50,
oras? Oh 5 kita niyo mas isang oras ka pa. allowing the courts to take judicial notice of

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ordinances passed by the City of Manila. Take agencies of the government,

note, dinisregard ng husgado yun. Sabin g the lesser that it becomes a
husgado, pwede ordinances if it is within the matter of judicial notice. In the
access of the judges but if not they cannot take same manner as roads,
judicial notice. important rivers, the lesser
importance of that road, the
HOW ABOUT JUDICIAL ADMISSIONS? Do you lesser it becomes of judicial
need to introduce evidence when you talk of notice.
judicial admissions? NO! that is why class if you
wpould note, judicial notice and judicial 3. any matter could be subject of
admissions are under the same rule. They are judicial notice – when hearing
under the same rule because there is no need necessary. ok! The hearing there is
of introduction of evidence. for what purpose? Not presentation
of evidence but to call the attention
Now, let us look ta the KINDS OF JUDICIAL of the court.
1. mandatory; rendered, any matter could be
subject of judicial notice
2. discretionary, what are meaning full moon ba sa araw
discretionary? na ganito? umuulan bas a araw
na ganito? Do you follow? The
- of public knowledge ; court could take judicial notice
of that, you could call the
- of unquestionable attention of the court.
- However, ONCE THERE IS A
- that which the judge ought to JUDGMENT you cannot just ask
know by reason of his judicial the court to take judicial notice.
function.Sir, DO YOU NEED TO The court will only take judicial
INTRODUCE EVIDENCE?NO! notice if it will change the
discretionary, meaning the outcome of the case.
court can decide whether to
take judicial notice if it is of
public knowledge, right?! Or if Now, let us look at the BEST EVIDENCE RULE.
the judge ought to know by This is the case of Edsa Shangrila resort. Class
reason of his judicial function. this case merely presented best evidence and
Here there is some sort of likewise secondary evidence.
overlapping when it comes to
what the judge ought to know WHAT IS THE BEST EVIDENCE RULE? Where the
by reason of his judicial CONTENTS OF THE DOCUMENT IS THE
function. But pleas bear in SUBKJECT OF THE INQUIRY you will have to
mind, the lesser important a present the original, yun yun! That is the best
circular becomes or evidence rule. When the contents thereof is the
administrative circulars in subject of the inquiry, you will have to present
departments or administrative the original. Stated otherwise, when the
contents of he document is not the subject of

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the inquiry, you could simply present a copy in 3. that due diligence was effected to
court because the contents are not the subject procure it.
of the inquiry.
Let us look at the case of Garcillano vs. House of
Now, if we say that there are instances where Representatives. This is in connection with
the originals are not available. You know that ANTI-WIRE TAPPING RA4200.
right?! I will not give you the exceptions, it will
eat much of our time but I will touch on the WHAT IS THE GENERAL RULE WHEN IT COMES
secondary ok! TO RA 4200? I think you were aware of this, the
Garci tapes, right?! Illegally wire tapped
WHAT IS SECONDARY EVIDENCE? if the original: material is inadmissible, unless of course you
have a court order for its presentation.
1. has been lost or destroyed; However, in this particular case the Supreme
Court made a very narraow exception in
2. if it is in the custody of the adverse addition to what is provided for under RA 4200.
party. What does it say? As a very narrow exception:

In that case class you could present a 1. THE WIRE TAPPED MATERIAL MAY
2. recital in some authentic RA4200. Do you follow? The wire
documents; or tapped llegally obtained
information can be presented in a
3. testimony of witnesses judicial proceeding, where a person
is prosecuted for violation of
PUBLIC OFFICER? Do you need to present the 2. in a legislative investigation in aid of
original in court? NO! it is sufficient to present legislation whose purpose is
simply a certified true copy or a certification. precisely TO ADDRESS ILLEGAL
WIRE TAPPING. Although class in
A while ago this morning I gave the requisites of this case, it could be used to aid
secondary evidence when the original is in the Congress in its legislative
custody of the adverse party. investigation. It cannot be used in
the prosecution of electoral fraud.
HOW ABOUT SECONDARY EVIDENCE WHERE Do you follow? Yes, you can use it
THE ORIGINAL HAS BEEN LOST OR DESTROYED? in aid of legislation. Alam na alam
You will have to ESTABLISH: mo narinig ng bayan yan na
talagang may kalokohan but it is
1. the existence; inadmissible for purposes of
prosecution in connection with
2. the fact that it has been lost or electoral fraud.
destroyed; and
Let us proceed to another item. What is that
another item? PAROL EVIDENCE RULE. What

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about the parol evidence rule? The basic rule is, not need to present the original. In fact the
THE DOCUMENT IS THE MONUMENT OF WHAT court said here that, the presentation of copies
THE PARTIES HAVE AGREED UPON. Everything of the transfer certificate of title and the deeds
that you have agreed upon is in the document are enough, you do not need to present the
that you have executed, you cannot go outside original.
of it. If you go outside of what is in the
document you will be in violation of the parol The next question that I would like to touch on
evidence rule. would be in the case of Sansan vs. NLRC. I think
the pertinent provision here is RULE 128 §2,
question answered in the case of ACI vs. Coquia OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR BY LAW. Do you
yun ang tanong. Papaano? And this is very follow? NLRC is not a court, it is a quasi-judicial
important class it is in the code but it is cited in agency. The question presented before the
for as long as you put it in issue in the IN THE NLRC AND NOT WITH THE LABOR
pleadings. If you did not put it in issue in the ARBITER. So the documents were not presented
pleadings, you cannot present the exceptions to at at the labor arbiter but at the NLRC on
the parol evidence rule. Ok! And class if I can appeal. What did the Supreme Court say? The
give you a few of the exceptions, you have: submission of additional evidence before the
NLRC is not prohibited by its new rules of
1. when the document is not procedure, after all rules of evidence prevailing
reflective of the true agreement of in courts of law or equity are not controlling in
the parties; labor cases. The NLRC and labor arbiters are
directed to use every and reasonable means to
2. as to matters of validity; ascertain the facts, the submission of additional
evidenc on appeal does not prejudice the other
3. mistake of fact; party for the latter could submit counter-
4. intrinsic ambiguity;
You know class that is the difficulty later on, if
5. imperfection. you will note in the NLRC. You could present
just anything. You photocopy, you fold it your
Now,let us look at this case of Chua-Gao vs. pocket, then you attach it to the pleading it is
Chua a 2008 case that explains to us whether or ok because technical rules of evidence do not
not you need to present an original, in a case. apply. As they say, even if you present it there,
there is an opportunity to present counter-
EXIST OR THE CIRCUMSTANCES RELEVANT TO The next question presented in that case is this
evidence rule DOES NOT APPLY. Are we clear? bakit naman photocopy lang presenta mo, hindi
The best evidence rule will not apply when it is naman original, considering the best evidence
a question of execution, its existence or the rule, correct?! the court said, even assuming
circumstances surrounding its existence, you do that petitioners were given mere photocopies

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again we stress that proceedings before the the same paragraph as a hostile witness.
NLRC are not vovered with technical rules of Tingnan natin to class. What does it say?
procedure, as observed by regular courts. Do
you follow? That is why if you recall your WHO IS AN ADVERSE PARTY WITNESS? The
administrative law. What does the Supreme adverse party witness is the other party who
Court usually do in adapting decisions of quasi- you want to call on the witness stand, that is an
judicial agencies, they have special skills, adverse party witness. When you say ADVERSE
knowledge and expertise therefore the PARTY’S WITNESSES those are the witnesses of
Supreme Court sees no reason to disturb the the other party but when you say ADVERSE
findings of facts by quasi-judicial agency. PARTY WITNESS I am the plaintiff he is the
defendant, he is the adverse party witness.
Now, let us try to answer this question – CAN
DECISION AND NOT FORMALLY OFFERED? Ok! Yes! But I should have served written
Basic rule this has been asked repeatedly in bar interrogatories consistent with RULE 25.
exams, no formal offer. The answer is NO and
that is the GENERAL RULE. However class, let WHO IS A HOSTILE WITNESS? May nagkonsulta
me call your attention to another case involving sa akin hirap na hirap akong magdiscuss, kasi
the same matter. The case of Rafael Dizon vs. sabi niya o…sabi niya sa akin eh papaano yang
Court of Appeals citing the long standing rule of hostile na yan eh gusto niya ganito raw yung
Vda. De Oñate. What is this case of Vda. De ano ginawa ng kalaban niya, his opponent even
Oñate? This particular case only declare before presenting his witness said, your honor I
together with some other cases, that EVEN IF IT will be presenting a hostile witness…(the class
IS NOT FORMALLY OFFERED BUT IT IS MADE chuckles) Oh! Marunong kayo, marunong kayo!
what? According to the case of Rafael Dizon BE A HOSTILE WITNESS because he has misled
MERELY EXCEPTIONS TO THE GENERAL RULE. you, his position is adverse. Do you follow?! All
of these things makes him a hostile witness but
WHAT IS THE GENERAL RULE? No evidence will the mere fact that you feel that he may be
be considered by the court UNLESS FORMALLY hostile will not make him as a hostile witness.
OFFERED the Vda. De Oñate case is just an What did the court say on Chua-Gao vs. Chua?
exception. Unlike an ordinary witness, the calling party
may impeach an adverse witness in all respects
Now, let us look at POSITIVE IDENTIFICATION as if he had been called by the adverse party,
vis-à-vis ALIBI, People vs. Bayot. Settled except by evidence of his bad character. Are we
jurisprudence is that, CATEGORICAL AND clear?! So if I call on an adverse party witness,
CONSISTENT POSITIVE IDENTIFICATION ABSENT meaning my opponent I could impeach him, I
ANY SHOWING OF ILL-MOTIVE ON THE PART OF could destroy his testimony but I cannot
THE EYE WITNESS PREVAILS OVER DEFENSES OF present his bad character. Are we clear?! He is
DENIAL AND ALIBI. as if on cross-examination because obviously his
interest is adverse to my interest. So again,
Let us look at ADVERSE PARTY WITNESS. Ok! I unlike an ordinary witness, the calling party may
have mentioned that a while ago. Adverse party impeach an adverse witness in all respects as if
witness that is found in RULE 132 §13. It is in he had been called by the adverse party, except
by evidence of his bad character.

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need to perform the functions under the

Ok! Now, let us look at the case involving constitution.
Committee on Accountability. Let us look at class the 2 TYPES OF POSITIVE
IDENTIFICATION. What are the 2 types of
WHAT IS A GOVERNMENT PRIVILEGE? A positive idenfication?
government privilege is invoked against public
disclosure of state secrets covering military, 1. as DIRECT EVIDENCE, meaning you
diplomatic and other national security matters. were there and you were able to
In the Reynolds case it was held that there must see how it was committed;
be a formal claim, THERE SHOULD BE A FORMAL
privilege lodge by the head of the department.
WHO SHOULD LODGE THE CLAIM? The head of a rule extra-judicial confession can only be used
the department. Ok! For the government against the person making it, that is the rule.
privilege and has control over the matter after
actual consideration by that officer, the court WHAT ARE THE EXCEPTIONS?
must thereafter determine whether the
circumstances are appropriate for the claim of 1. where there are EXTRA-JUDICIAL
SEVERAL PERSON charged with an
Again, a governmental privilege is a privilege to offense and THERE COULD HAVE
prevent disclosure of state secrets covering BEEN NO COLLUSION with
military, diplomatic or other national security reference to said several
matters and based on the old Reynolds case, confession;
the requirement is to lodge a formal claim by
the head of the department to be able to 2. this is also admissible as
invoke. circumstantial evidence against the
person implicated to show the
HOW ABOUT AN EXECUTIVE PRIVILEGE? WHO probability of the latter’s actual
the president or the executive secretary can
invoke the executive privilege according to this 3. may also serve as corroborative
case. evidence, if it is clear from other
facts and circumstances that other
CAN PRESIDENTIAL COMMUNICATIONS UNDER person had participated in the
PIERCED? The presidential communication
privilege can be pirced by showing of specific These are known as INTERLOCKING
need of the party seeking presidential CONFESSIONS.
information in order to perform its functions
mandated by the constitution. So you would Let us now look at WHEN JUDICIAL ADMISSION
note that what could pierce the executive or TO BE MADE? Cuenco vs. Talisay.
the presidential privilege communication is the 1. it could be made in the pleadings,
according to this case;

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perpetrator of the offense? YES! But you have

2. during the trial whether verbal or to FILE something – what do you need to file? A
3. in other stages of the proceedings. Take note of that hindi pa lumalabas yan! Baka
biglang i-multiple choice kayo dyan. What else?
Under RULE 130 §27. In CIVIL CASES at ANY MATTERS OF FILIATION? That rule said that if it
STAGE of the proceedings you could offer is:
compromise. Right?! However, in a CRIMINAL
CASE an offer of compromise of an accused is 1. 99.9% and above it is
case of People vs. Ergueza is informative. Ok!
Why? An offer of COMPROMISE FROM AN 2. Below 99.9% it is a DISPUTABLE
times the party has a representative, if the WHAT FIGURES AM I TELLING YOU? After your
person in unauthorized it cannot amount to the examination, your relationship to the child is
admission of the party himself. THE ACCUSED established to be 99.9% that is corroborative
SHOULD HAVE BEEN PRESENT OR AT LEAST evidence, below 99.9% that is only disputable
what you find here is some sort of agency. The
accused was not there, someone else offers a Let us look at VIDEO RECORDING as evidence.
compromise so called for him but if he is Torralba vs. People. CAN YOU USE VIDEO
unauthorized the compromise or the offer of RECORDING? a while ago we discuss this in the
compromise cannot be taken against the light of the recent decision of the court in the
accused. Mangundadatu case.

Let us now proceed on a few more items, video WHAT ARE THE REQUIREMENTS FOR YOU TO
recoding of evidence. Before I go to the video PRESENT A VIDEO RECORDING?
recording let us take note of the DNA RULE
which was passed by the Supreme Court in 1. a showing that the recording device
2008. Do you still remember that? Sir, meron ba is capable of taking the testimony;
nun? OO! Meron yun(chuckles). I will highlight
the points that I feel necessary for your study. 2. that the operator of the device was
Under that rule there is what you call POST competent, not only the device
CONVICTION DNA EXAMINATION. Sir, ano yun must be capable but also the
post conviction DNA examination? You have operator;
already been CONVICTED, you are rendered
GUILTY, you are ALREADY SERVING SENTENCE, 3. establishment of the aunthenticity
COULD YOU ASK FOR DNA EXAMINATION? YES! or correctness of the recording – is
COOULD SOMEONE ELSE ASK THE it authentic or correct;
4. showing of changes, additions or
CAN YOU BE RELEASED if after the DNA deletions or either splicing;
Examination it is found that you are not the

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5. showing of the manner of you are able to perceive and perceiving you
preservation of the recording or in could make known your perception to another,
the manner as we call, chain of the rest are what? Disqualifications. Do you
custody; follow?! Yun ang rule, qualification. The
succeeding provisions are disqualifications.
6. identification of the speakers;
7. showing the testimony was
voluntarily made without any kind 1. mental immaturity and mental
of inducement. sanity – dyan papasok yung child
witness examination rule. When
Is PARAFFIN TEST, still a reliable test today? you talk of mental maturity class,
NOT ANYMORE. Ok! Because there are ways again the provision of the law did
that you could acquire nitrate burns not not provide for an age, if you would
necessarily by firing a gun. There are also ways note that is why it used maturity
today of removing it so the nitrates can no and that leads me to CHILD
longer be detected. WITNESS EXAMINATION RULE –
Let us look at the child witness examination EVEN ADMINISTRATIVE cases.
rule. Remember that?! Before we discuss the
child witness examination rule let me set the CAN YOU ASK LEADING QUESTIONS
rule that you have to take note when it comes ON A CHILD WITNESS UNDER THE
to testimony of witnesses. OK! Parang mga CHILD WITNESS EXAMINATION
antok na antok na kayo ah! What time is it?! RULE? YES but you have to inform
6…Ayan 5:40 na bumilis ah! Ok! Gusto nang the other party that you will be
umuwi… asking leading questions.

not go to the bar exams na hindi niyo kabisado EXAMINATION RULE? YES
ang RULE 130 at RULE 132. Yung 131, kapag depositions can be taken.
minalas ka at tinanong talagang malas ka
because that was asked in the bar exams of SHOULD THE COURT DETERMINE
2003, the presumptions. Ok! So RULE 130 and THE ABILITY OF THE CHILD TO
132, you have to know that by heart. Ok! I am TESTIFY AND TO KNOW WHAT IS
not saying that you do not read the rest, you RIGHT AND WHAT IS WRONG? YES
also study the rest but you have to know by that has to be determined under
heart RULE 130 and 132. the child witness examination rule.

TESTIMONIAL EVIDENCE? the rule is this, that OBJECTS! Ano yung mga comfort
the witness is ABLE TO PERCEIVE AND objects? Dapat alam niyo yan baka
PERCEIVING COULD MAKE KNOW HIS i-multiplt choice kayo dyan. Those
PERCEPTION TO ANOTHER. The rule does not objects where the child witness is
require you to be a college degree holder, to be comfortable, that she could hold on
a higschool graduate all that it requires is that to in the course of the proceedings.

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WHO ARE COMFORT PERSONS? claim on the estate of a deceased
Comfort persons could be a nanny, person, any party or assignors of
a yaya or ANY PERSON TO WHOM parties are disqualified to testify
SHE FEELS THE TRUST AS SHE because he has an interest on the
TESTIFIES. estate of a deceased person or a
person of unsound mind. Are we
SHOULD THE EXAMINATION OF A clear? So person who have
CHILD WITNESS BE FACE-TO-FACE interests, like parties or assignors of
IN COURT OR COULD IT BE ON A TV parties cannot testify, they are
LIVE LINK PROCEEDINGS? YES. Take disqualified to be a witness.
note, the proceedings here could However, witnesses in documents
also be treated confidential. they have executed, witnesses can
testify based on the Sanzo case,
CAN A PERSON BE IDENTIFIED BY HIS PHYSICAL they could also present documents
BUILT, VOICE AND PECULIAR SMELL? In this that were executed by the
particular case…kayo naman oh! Para kayong deceased during his lifetime.
niloloko! Hindi ko kayo niloloko!(chuckles). Can
an accused be identified by reason of his WHO ARE PROHIBITED? WHO ARE
physical built, voice and peculiar smell? People DISQUALIFIED?Only parties or
vs. Cañete, while it may be true that it was dark assignors of parties. Involving take
when the appellant ravished the private note, this is a very narrow provision
complainant or raped her in his house, the meaning the application is limited,
physical built of the appellant but also with his you could only invoke
voice and peculiar smell, the victim was able to disqualification if it involves a claim
identify. Alam niyo naman siguro yun, yung against the estate of the deceased
smell! Meron nga ibang tao yun at yun ang or a person of unsound mind. Are
amoy eh!(chuckles) we clear?!

2. by REASON OF MARRIAGE – this not 4. another set of disqualification is

a privilege, this is a disqualification PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATION –
by reason of marriage and class ngayon may time ako to highlight
please take note that the important paragraphs because I still
INFORMATION HERE IS NOT have 15 minutes. Ok!
CONFIDENTIAL, it is the marriage
that disqualifies you to testify. BUT A. Class bear this in mind
TESTIFY? YES, unlike privileged TO OR IN THE COURSE OF one’s
communication by reason of professional engagement. The
marriage, even after the privilege extends not only
termination of the marriage are you during the life of the attorney-
still bound by the privilege? YES. client relationship but also in
view to, meaning in anticipation
3. The provision in §23 in the last 8 of a professional engagement is
years has been asked once, the likewise covered. Do you
DEAD MAN’S STATUTE. WHAT IS follow?! That involves

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confidential information that information, that is covered by

you have received and please the privilege. Pero kung ilaw eh.
take note of the privileged Feel mo lang magpa-eksamin.
communications under §24 this Di ba may ganun! Pa-eksamin
is the only privileged nga ako. Kung feel mo lang, ay
communication that the wala! Eh wala ka naming doctor
privilege extends to an agent, a papaano magkakaroon ng
secretary, a clerk, this is the privilege. Do you follow? But if
only privileged communication it was necessary for the doctor
where it extends to the to act and to give treatment
secretary, clerk or stenographer and advice then it is covered by
and it could only be waived, the the privilege and always
privilege, upon consent of the remember THAT ONLY
lawyer and the client. DOCTORS WHO ARE DOCTORS
That you do not have agency in - MEDICINE;
doctor-patient. Ok! It only says
that for a doctor-patient - SURGEONS;
privilege to attach, that the
information that he received - OBSTETRICS are covered by
should be necessary for him to the privilege. Ok! Non-
give treatment or advice. traditional doctors are not
Remember that paragraph, that covered by this privilege,
the information given to him is midwives are not covered
necessary for him to give by this privilege, nurses are
treatment and advice. not covered by this
privilege. Ok ba?!
Let me ask you this
question,he received a C. Now the next one is PENITENT
laboratory examination. and PRIEST. Ok! Take note class
As per instruction of the doctor that this privilege will only
there is a need for me to go apply if what IF IT IS ENJOINED
LABOARTORY EXAMINATION meaning confession is required
COVERED BY THE DOCTOR- by the religious institution to
PATIENT PRIVILEGE? For you to which he belongs, if it is not
be able to answer that you will then this privilege will not
answer this question, WHO apply. Therefore, generally it
REQUIRED YOU TO TAKE THAT applies to the Catholic Church
EXAMINATION? If you are the others would not require you to
doctor who required to take the confess before a priest. Yes you
examination and it is necessary go to the pastor but he is not
for him to give you advuce and covered by the privilege. Yes
treatment by reason of that you publicly proclaim that you

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committed a sin that is not commission can be presented in that case but
covered by the privilege. It the facts surrounding the commission cannot be
should be enjoined by the presented in the case involving the Allied Bank
religious institution to which he robbery in Ayala. Do you follow? Because it is
belongs. Last point on this totally unrelated however, the facts in both
privilege, WHAT IF YOU cases could be used to establish a scheme, an
CONFESSED BEFORE A NUN? intent, a pattern. Ok! among others. For
Natawa na naman kayo…para example – ang klase ng pagnanakaw mo
kayong niloloko! That is not nirerentahan mo yung kabilang building tapos
covered by the privilege that is binubutas mo lagi, malamang ikaw yun. Do you
not covered. follow? Pattern, intent – what is an example of
intent? Unang asawa mo namatay naka-claim
D. There is also what you call a ka ng insurance. Pangalawang asawa mo,
FILIAL PRIIVILEGE. YOU CANNOT namatay na naman naka-claim ka ng insurance.
TESTIFY AGAINST AN Yung pangatlo, muntikan lang mamatay. That is
ASCENDANT OR A DESCENDANT intent ok! Bakit lahat ng asawa mo namamatay
UNLESS HE WAIVES IT. Ok! That at kumikita ka?! Do you follow?! There you will
is subject to waiver. see the intent, when it comes to the insurance.
You will see that they are what? They are
Let me end…Ayan, end na! Oh may 5 minutes insured. Do you follow?!
pa. I would like to end in discussing admission,
ay hindi pa pala yan! Tatlo pa! Eh, paano baka The next which I think I should discuss with you
mamaya may lumabas hindi ako is ADMISSION OF A THIRD PARTY. Do you
nakokonsensya. Kasi ganun ako eh, I want to follow? Admission of a third party, as a rule
give it to you para…By my conscience I have ONLY YOUR ADMISSION CAN BE TAKEN
given what I have to teach you. AGAINST YOU, A THIRD PARTY ADMISSION
The first of the three that I would like to discuss ARE A: joint owner, co-owner, co-debtor: there
would be SIMILAR CONDUCT. Ok! You know is what you call common interest for as long as
that?! Class that is fairly simple, just remember you are partners in a partnership or there is
this. THE FACT THAT YOU DID OR DID NOT DO agency, principal-agent relationship.
TIME. Do you follow? Ganun lang yun, sir anong
ibig sabihin nun? Parang magulo…maganda lang 1. there is common interest;
pakinggan sir! In simple words class, the fact let
us say that I committed robbery on a bank here 2. that the act or the relationship has
in Recto, let us say if there is an Allied Bank been established by the fact other
here in Recto, does it mean that I am the same than the admission – meaning there
person who committed the robbery of an Allied are documents to show the
Bank in Ayala Avenue. Do you follow?! It does partnership, there are document to
not mean that way, you cannot attribute to acts show the principal-agent
which appears to be similar. Do you follow?! relationship;
However, if you can establish, it cannot be 3. the act would have been committed
presented, again my act of robbing the Allied during the existence of the
Bank in Recto, the facts surrounding that partnership or the relationship.

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REVIEW ON CERTIORARI that is not a pre-

Now, that likewise applies to CONSPIRACY and requisite.
the following are the requisites:
In case of denial of a petition for certiorari,
1. the conspiracy would have been what will be your remedy? Ay kulang ang
established by a fact other than the question mo! Ang tanong dyan ganito,
admission of a co-conspirator; remember RTC, CA and SC have concurrent
jurisdiction. Do you follow? Kapag sa Supreme
2. there is a commn design; Court, eh wala ka nang remedy MAG-MR ka
kung gusto mo! For example class, let us look at
3. it was made during the existence of this, RTC there was a petition for
the conspiracy. certiorari…correct?! there was a petition for
certiorari in RTC on an interlocutory order, the
But please take note of this, a declaration of a court disposes of the case, where do you go
co-conspirator is excluded only, if made extra- from the RTC – resolution of your petition for
judicially. But if the co-conspirator is in court. certiorari? In the CA, what will you file?
Imagine I am the judge and he sits here and Remember the petition for certiorari is an
points at you, at you, at you, can that be taken original action filed before the RTC, you file
against you? YES because that is subject to what? A notice that is an ordinary appeal. If let
cross-exaination. us say, if the CA, it is a petition for certiorari in
the CA, it finally disposes of the case because
As a final point class I would like you to take when the court decides a petition for certiorari
note of AUTHENTICATION OF DOCUMENTS. I it finally disposes the case, where do you go?
will not discuss that anymore, that is §18-33 of SUPREME COURT on a PETITION FOR REVIEW
RULE 132, that is a good source of question. You ON CERTIORARI. Ok!
have to know the difference between
private…how to authenticate a private The last question, mahaba ito ah! In an
document fro a public document. You should ejectment case a final judgment was rendered
know what is an ancient document, an ancient after almost 10 years by mere motion
document is in existence for more than 30 years judgment-obligee obtained a writ of execution
and it should have been in the custody of the and a notice to vacate was served to a third
person whou should have been in custody of party in possession of the subject property by
the same and it appears to be unblemished. Ok! virtue of a concession agreement, what is the
That is an ancient document. best remedy of the third party? It will depend
on the nature of his possession. Ano ba yung
So with that IT IS 6 O’CLOCK! It is already 6 nature ng possession ng third party? Has he
o’clock so thank you for your patience!(Class purchased the property? Iba yun, in that case
APPLAUDING!) GOODLUCK!!! Naku! Meron he will have to recover possession. Do you
akong hindi nasagot, you want me to answer follow? The regular action for recovery of
this pa?! YES! Hindi huwag na sige, those who possession. if let us say he is not authorized or
will ask questions just approach me…ANSWER not entitled to stay on the property, he has no
sir! Answer!!!(Class) remedy but to recover from the person who has
Ok! Sige… is a MOTION FOR CONSIDERATION tolerated or has allow him to use the property if
MANDATORY before filing a PETITION FOR there was once a consideration.
you fall in the exceptions, but in a PETITION FOR So…Yun lang!!! SALAMAT! Thank you!

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